Friday, December 29, 2023

A Suitable Arrangement by Martha Keyes - Book Review

Part of: Castles & Courtship Series of 8 books

a suitable arrangement book
I love it when a book makes me laugh!  In "A Suitable Arrangement", Martha Keyes created the characters with wit, sass and just enough spunk to really bring them to life.  They seemed to step right out of the pages of the book to share their thoughts, conversations and actions in my presence.

I really liked Juliana Godfrey.  She held her head high and dared anyone to challenge her simply because she was not born into nobility.  I especially liked the way she handled the head housekeeper who was constantly reminding her that she was not worthy of the title "countess".  I could almost hear the housekeeper's fit of temper when she discovered her sleeping in an "important" place one morning.  

I also liked the way Juliana defended the injured one who she thought was being bullied by his sibling.  She did not hesitate to take action and stand in his stead.

Juliana respected the unique cultures and practices of the brothers of Lochlarren Castle, but after a while, she did suspect they might not be authentic.  I must admit, horse races in the castle would be rather funny, but a bit hard to believe it to be a normal activity. Still, she was willing to rise to the challenge.


Synopsis of A Suitable Arrangement
Castles & Courtship Historical Fiction Series

Juliana Godfrey was very practical.  Her mother had died when she was young and her father worked hard to provide for them.  His hard work paid off!  As a wealthy merchant, he was able to provide Juliana with a hefty dowry which would purchase her a place in society.  The right marriage could open more doors for her father and his business, in addition to giving her a title which would require acceptance into the aristocracy. 

A marriage to a Scottish Earl that needed money was a suitable arrangement for Juliana.  At least she thought it was until she arrived at his castle and was not well received.  Clearly, it would take a get deal of the fortitude she learned as a child to survive the Highland Scots.  She was determined to adjust and embrace their culture.


As his father was dying, Sandy Duncan learned more about the deep debt he was inheriting as the new Earl of Lismore.  He also found out that he was no longer considered an acceptable suitor for the woman he had always thought he would marry.  Even though the family liked him, once her father discovered he could not bring money to the marriage, he was informed that he would not be considered, even if he did bear a title.  

Sandy is also informed that his father has made a marriage arrangement for him that would provide the money Lochlarren Castle, and it's dependents, required.  Sandy's days of freedom ended with his father's death.  He now had to shoulder the full weight of the Earldom.

When his bride-to-be arrived at the castle 2 days late, he was in no mood to greet her with a hardy welcome.  Neither he, nor his brothers or household, stepped outside of the castle to give her a proper welcome.  This lack of courtesy set the tone for the minutes, days and weeks that followed. 


When an earl needs money to pay ancestral debts, restore his castle and care for family & staff, he marries for wealth instead of equality. However, Sandy Duncan, Earl of Lismore, has met his match!

My Recommendation

The humor in this book gave a wonderful balance to the antagonism between the characters.  I highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys historical fiction.


Books by Martha Keyes Previously Reviewed on

Read More Book Reviews at

House of Sylvestermouse

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Thursday, December 28, 2023

Reviewing my 2023 Photography Journey


Split Rock Lighthouse surrounded by fall foliage

I consider every year to be part of my photography journey, where I learn some new techniques, enjoy new photographic opportunities, and hopefully increase my knowledge and skills.  2023 was no exception.  During the past year, I got out of my comfort zone and photographed four big events, I attended a photoshop summit where I learned a lot of new techniques and I even went back and reedited some old photos using what I have learned in the past 17 years since I started this journey.  The photo above is one of my past photos taken in 2010 and reedited this year.


I always try to take a class each year either in person or online.  There are so many available, along with many You- tube instructional videos.  This year I listened to many free videos I found online and this fall I attended a Photoshop Summit online that had five days full of speakers all instructing us on various aspects of Photoshop.  They were very interesting and informative.  One of the subjects I found most interesting was about the new "generative fill" feature in Photoshop.  By just circling an area in a photo, you can remove an item or add something new.  Here is an example of a Halloween photo where I used this feature.  The first photo is my original photo.
Yard full of Halloween Decorations

In the next photo you will see that I first used generative fill to remove the mailbox and then added several additional items to the photo.  See if you can find all the additions.
Busy Yard with Halloween decor

I also used what I learned in the seminars to redo some older photos.  In this one the original photo had lots of people on the sidewalk leading to the lighthouse.  I used generative fill to remove them.
White lighthouse with leading path

Special Events

Sometimes I find I learn more when I take myself out of my comfort zone.  This year I was asked to photograph four major events.  Two of them were weddings of family members and two were events at church.

Both of the weddings were casual.  The first was held completely outdoors at my brother's home and the second was held at a small historic chapel with the reception being an outdoor event.  I was a little apprehensive at first, but the casual settings helped to put me at ease.  I carried two different cameras each with a different type of lens and settings and I was pretty pleased with the results.  Here is a photo from each of the weddings.
Outdoor wedding ceremony

Little White Chapel

The church events included the ordination of our newest pastor and a 20 year celebration of our senior pastor.  For these occasions I sat in the balcony and was able to photograph the ceremonies from above.  I used my camera that is a Sony mirrorless one that does great with lower light and inside photos without using a flash.  Here are two photos from those events.
Chapel of the Cross Lutheran

Chapel of the Cross Lutheran Church


Group Support

I find photography groups to be a great way to meet people with similar interests and share ideas.  I belong to two different groups; one Create 52 is an online Facebook group and the second is an in-person photography club in our town.  

    Create 52

This online group challenges us to be creative in both our photography and in our post processing.  We are given a topic each week and then we create a photograph to match the topic.  An example of this is during the week before Christmas our topic was Christmas card.  For this topic, I took a photo of our Christmas tree and then took it into Photoshop.  In Photoshop, I added an artist filter and placed it on a textured background.  I then added lettering and finally used generative fill to add stars around the lettering.  Here is my result.
Card with Christmas Tree and Stars

    O'Fallon Photo Club

Our in-person photography club meets once a month.  In this group we share ideas with other photographers, and we also bring photo files to get constructive criticism.  We share ideas for places to go for photography and we take a few field trips each year.  At the end of each meeting, we are given a topic for the month, and we post photos of that topic in the clubs Facebook page.  This fall several of the club members met at our local botanical gardens on an evening photographer's night, where we were able to bring in our tripods and capture some low light photography. There was a Chihuly exhibit going on at the gardens so there were lots of great opportunities for nighttime photography.  Here are a couple of photos I took.

Nighttime shot of Chihuly work

Framed Chihuly Art


I volunteer with a group called Willows Way that provides support for challenged adults.  This group has a photography club and I serve as one of the mentors for the group.  Each month we take several of the participants and their aids to a different locale to photograph.  We have gone to local parks, museums, and farmers markets.  I love to work with these wonderful people and find I get as much from them as I give.  It is a wonderful opportunity.  This summer we went to a farmers market that also had a sunflower field.  We talked about unique ways to capture the sunflowers.  Here are two of my photos.
Back of Sunflowers

Closeup on Middle of Sunflower

As I close, I Wish You and Yours a Very Happy New Year.  May your year be filled with joy and peace and lots of new things to learn.

Here are a couple of my favorite photos this past year.
Bluebird on Heated Water Bowl

Changing Sky

Sunflower with Blurred Background

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Wednesday, December 27, 2023

The Taverner's Son by Leslie Park Lynn ~ A Book Review

 The Taverner's Son is a well written deeply moving novel that has a beautiful story line that everyone can really sink their teeth into.  Family secrets, tragedy and a small village help to make this book a real page turner.  I love the characters and each one of their with own "quirks".  

The Taverners Son

What family doesn't have some sadness and misunderstandings that get in the way of family connections?  I don't think there is one family out there who can't relate in some way.

So it is with Will Kendrick.  He has lived most of his adult life away from the small town that was his home.  Misunderstandings and pride make it difficult to get through to the part where we still love each other.  And sometimes it's too late to do anything about it!  

Will gets a phone call letting him know that his father has passed away.   Living on the west coast for many years,  Will had not given his father too much thought.  Now he is in shock and trying desperately to make sense of it all, realizing that there is no more time left.

Will makes the plans to return to the little fishing village of Apalachicola.  First he had to make his way from California to Tallahassee and then drive from there to what had been his home.  As he drives the roads back to his "home" memories come flooding back to him. 

Of course there are the people of the town whom he had known growing up and many that had left the small town for bigger and better opportunities.  But there was also one of his oldest and dearest friends from his childhood who remained.  Jess, his long time friend from grade school, who had always been there during his childhood, made her life in the small town of Apalachicola.

Will is making his way around town and sees the tavern where he spent many days helping his father.  Homework was done on one of the small tables in the back.  Penny, the cook and keeper of the kitchen took Will under her wings when Will's mother had died.  Will was only 3 years old when his mother died.   Penny and her husband were the imaginary parents that Will wanted.  His father had become distant and depressed, withdrawn from his son and anything that reminded him of his beloved wife.  Will was the spitting image of his mother.  So that made things even harder for Will's father.  And now Will is standing in the Tavern that now belongs to him.  

Will has a lot to learn about the father he didn't know so well and more about his mother too. When you lose your mom at 3 years of age, you really don't know too much about her.    As you get into the book, the story takes on a life of it's own and you will be hard pressed to put the book down.  So many questions that Will has and so few answers, yet, there is something going on that doesn't make sense.

I don't want to give too much of the story away, but, I would encourage you to pick this book up.  It really is a riveting story of family, family secrets and how they impact the people who are being "saved from the truth".  This book is masterfully written, a love story with twists and turns that you will not see coming.  It is a page turner that you won't want to put down.

I received this book from VoraciousReadersOnly with the promise of sharing a review.  It was my pleasure to read this book and review it for you here.

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Tuesday, December 26, 2023

A Review Of The Holly Tree A Symbol Of Winter and Festivity

 Holly Hedge In Garden with red berries

I hope you all had a wonderful, Peaceful Christmas.

Now feels like the time for me to start the gardening year. At first the feeling is slow, almost imperceptible, but its there and each day the days are getting just that little bit longer and the prospect of getting out there more appealing. 

The shortest day in terms of daylight hours where I live is over and despite the cold weather and seemingly bleak outlook, if you listen and look carefully you can feel nature starting to wake up.

Now is the day if I am home, that I venture out into the garden. During most of December I rarely go into the garden, we have heavy, wet clay soil and when rainy it only gets muddy and then compacted if I tread on it. In freezing weather it really is hard like a stone. I can do a lot more harm than good gardening at this time in our garden.  So generally for most of December the garden and I have a break from each other. 

However today I look and listen and I can feel my soul wanting to reconnect with the garden. There is often not too much to look at now and all the winter jobs are done. However, as I gaze around I look for tiny signs of growth and appreciate the bones of the garden. The evergreens that are always there, are so reliable, so constant and without the distraction of colour and flowers, they come into their own right now. 

Holly red berries

Holly Types And Growing Needs

The best at this time of year is the Holly. Although Holly can be deciduous, we grow only the evergreen type. The Holly tree is a symbol of winter and festivity and many of us cut and bring in Holly branches to decorate our homes in winter. 

The holly tree, common Holly, or to give it is rather pretty Latin name Ilex aquifolium, is an  evergreen shrub or tree that can potentially grow up to around 15 meters plus or about 50 feet tall though you can prune to keep it more manageable.

There are also many smaller varieties reaching up to half that size such as Ilex aquifolium 'Silver Mermaid' 6m x 4m (approx 20 x 13 feet) or even smaller sizes suitable for a pot like Ilex aquifolium 'Hascombensis' 2.5m x 1.5m (approx 8 x 5 feet). These are more suitable for a small garden or if you simply want a smaller tree with less maintenance. Some even have lovely variagated leaves such as Ilex x altaclerensis 'Golden King' 6m x 3m (approx 20 x 10 feet), which is a female variety and does produce red berries.

Holly Berries can be colours mostly from red to yellow and orange on different varieties. A Holly Plant is generally either male or female so to get those beautiful berries you will need a female tree with  male tree nearby. However some of the male varieties even though there are no berries, have really gorgeous leaves and habits and are worth growing.

Holly is grown in gardens both domestic and stately, woodland and hedgerows mainly. It can be a specimum plant glorious on its own or grown as part of a pretty inpenetrable spiky hedge which is excellent for security. We grow it alone and as part of our mixed hedge. It is also found in the wild where the common Holly can grow very tall and wide indeed if unchecked. 

Male holly hedge growing through iron fence

Holly is beautiful with often very dark green, glossy, and usually very spiky sometimes variagated leaves. It can have small white flowers in Spring, though most will not be grown for the flowers. The main feature of the female Holly is the beautiful berries that really brighten up the day and look spectacular against the dark green leaves.  

It prefers to grow in a sunny or semi shade position on moist but well drained soil. It is not fussy about soil being happy in loam, chalk, sand or clay and acid, neutral or alkaline soil type. It can cope well in an exposed site or a sheltered position and is content to face any way except north. 

I have only space to mention a few varieties of Holly here. If you want Holly in your own garden there are so many varieties offering different sizes and features it is best to research what is suitable for your garden and needs. 

Uses Of The Holly Tree

The Holly tree is a very valuable tree for its many uses.

As the wood is hard, heavy, and fine-grained, it is good for making furniture, carving, and inlay work. Leaves and berries are wonderful for crafting projects whether it is using real Holly or artificial Holly.

It can be used for Christmas or New year decorations including wreaths, and table centre pieces or a winter display to brighten up a dull corner.

At a time when flowers are rare in the garden and expensive to buy, a display of Holly in a vase is a beautiful alternative through out winter. 

Holly For Nature 

For nature Holly is an extremely valuable tree. The spiky leaves provide safe shelter all year round and nesting sites.

The Winter time berries are food for birds and small mammals and the  flowers in Spring attract bees and pollinators. 

Even its roots help to stabilise the soil and prevent erosion.


Wild yellow berry Holly

Holly In Mythology and Symbolism

The Holly tree has a rich history of mythology and symbolism.

For many of us Holly is a part of the Holiday festivities bringing in boughs of Holly real or artificial for home decor and is a  symbol of joy. When we bring in Holly into our homes it is also supposed to protect from evil spirits and lightning, and to bring prosperity and good luck! 

Holly has associations with the sun god and the winter solstice, and was considered a sacred plant by the Druids, Romans, and Celts. It was believed to have magical powers, such as healing, protection, and fertility. It was also a symbol of peace, joy and goodwill, and was used to make crowns and gifts. 

 The Holly was adopted by Christianity, as a symbol of Christ's birth, death, and resurrection with the crown of thorns representing blood and eternal life. 

We even have songs about Holly such as "The Holly And The Ivy", perfectly performed here by Kings College, Cambridge UK.

So the holly tree is a stunning plant in nature and in our gardens that has history, mythology and many benefits for us and wildlife. 

 To step outside into the garden on a crisp cold day in the midst of winter or wrap up and enjoy a winter walk and see a glorious Holly tree covered in gorgeous berries is a highlight of the season and one I always look forward to.


 Here are some Holly related items you may enjoy.


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Monday, December 25, 2023

Most Popular Hallmark Christmas Movies 2023

All good things must come to an end for Hallmark Christmas movie fans. The beginning of a New Year signals the end of Hallmark Christmas movies 24/7, but Hallmark Christmas In July is just a few months and a few snowflakes away.

Hallmark Christmas movies banner

Hallmark Christmas remains very popular with viewers and the 2023 season was no exception. For the 2023 Christmas movie season Hallmark debuted 31 original movies for the Hallmark Channel and an additional 9 for its' sister channel, Hallmark Movies & Mysteries. Between both channels fans has a huge selection of Christmas movies new and old anytime of the day or night and the ratings reflect the popularity of Hallmark Christmas programming.

Most Popular 2023 Hallmark Christmas Movie

The winner is A Merry Scottish Christmas with Lacey Chabert and Scott Wolfe debuted with 3.3 million viewers beating out 

A Biltmore Christmas, Christmas Island and Haul Out The Holly: Lit Up are next in line for Hallmark Christmas movies ratings. Two of the four star Lacey Chabert part of the Hallmark A team of actors year round.

In October Hallmark was ranked sixth amongst cable network shows. Enter the Christmas line up and Christmas movies 24/7 beginning in late October and viewership substantially increased.  In November Hallmark had the third highest rating for cable shows because of Christmas 24/7.

What's New For 2024 ?

Hallmark's streaming service will debut an unscripted 10 episode series with Lacey Chabert titled Celebrations. The series will follow Chabert as she celebrates real life heroes. Chabert has starred in 38 Hallmark movies including the highly rated Wedding Veil six movie series. 

More Hallmark Christmas Movies Reviewed

Hallmark Christmas Movies 2023 Reviewed by The Savvy Age

Hallmark Christmas Movies 2022 Reviewed by The Savvy Age

Hallmark Christmas Movies 2021 Reviewed by The Savvy Age

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Sunday, December 24, 2023

Embracing the Magic of the Season with Compassion

Embracing the Magic of the Season with Compassion

As winter's chill wraps the world in a cozy embrace, some hearts are filled with warmth and joy as we gather to celebrate the most magical time of the year. Let's remember all aspects of this time of year: the good, the happy, the sad, and the lost.

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas

The air is filled with the sweet melodies of carols, and the streets are adorned with twinkling lights, creating a festive atmosphere that warms even the coldest of nights. It's a season of love, laughter, and the simple pleasures that can make life truly special.

During this enchanting time, families come together, creating cherished memories that will be fondly remembered for years. 

Whether it's sharing a cup of hot cocoa by the fireplace, decorating the tree with ornaments collected over the years, or simply relishing in the company of loved ones, the holidays remind us of the importance of connection and the joy of togetherness. 

Let's take a moment to appreciate the love surrounding us and express gratitude for the bonds that make life meaningful.

Amidst the hustle and bustle of holiday preparations, let's remember the spirit of giving and generosity. The joy derived from sharing our blessings with others is immeasurable. 

Whether donating to a local charity, volunteering at a community event, or simply extending a helping hand to those in need, the true magic of the season lies in spreading kindness and goodwill.

 May this season inspire us to be more compassionate, and may the ripple effect of our actions create a wave of positivity that extends far beyond the holidays.

The Holiday Season can be a Challenging Time for Some

Yet, amid the merriment, let us pause to acknowledge that the holidays can be challenging for some. While many of us are surrounded by the love of family and friends, some may be grappling with loss, loneliness, or difficult circumstances. 

Let us extend our hearts and minds to those who find this season a poignant reminder of their struggles. 

Amid our celebrations, let's remember to reach out with empathy and kindness to uplift those experiencing a difficult time. This can be done by sharing time, prayers, money, gifts, or a helping hand.

Farewell to Another Trip Around the Sun

As we bid farewell to another year and welcome the promise of new beginnings, let's carry the warmth and goodwill of the holiday season into the days ahead. 

May the coming year be filled with love, laughter, and endless possibilities. 

May the season's spirit linger in our hearts, guiding us to a future filled with joy, prosperity, and the magic that makes life truly extraordinary. 

Cheers to a season of love, laughter, and the joyous celebration of life's beautiful moments, mindful of those needing an extra dose of kindness during this time.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to You 💗

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Saturday, December 23, 2023

Mega Bloks Barbie Building Sets Reviewed

Mega Bloks and Mega has been building Barbie-themed sets since 2012. Discover a few of the originals here as well as the replica of the Barbie DreamHouse as seen in the 2023 movie!

Barbie fans who enjoy building sets will enjoy constructing Barbie-themed Mega Bloks sets. They were released long before the 2023 Barbie movie on March 29, 2012. At that time, Mattel announced that it would work with Mega Bloks on the creation of a series of building toys themed around Barbie. Fans would now be able to build their own Barbie worlds.

Mega Bloks said, "We are thrilled to join forces with Mega Bloks to create the first Mega Bloks building sets based on Barbie" and I am sure they were. Who wouldn't want to work with Barbie, one of Mattel's most recognized brands? 

Mega Bloks is also a very well-known manufacturer, known for a line of building toys that are thought to be "innovative, well-designed, affordable and high-quality products." As a team, these two companies created some wonderful building sets that are reviewed here on this page.


Watch this three-minute video to see how you can build, design and decorate with Mega Bloks Barbie sets. 


Mega Bloks says that the Barbie Sets are appropriate for children aged 4 years old and up. Small parts make them inappropriate for younger children but there is no limit to how old you can be to play with them. Adult fans will have fun building, designing and decorating with Barbie Mega Bloks, too! Some more recent sets have an older recommended age of 10 and are even designed for adult collectors.


Mega Bloks Barbie Build 'N Style Luxury Mansion or House, Set 80229BUILD 'N STYLE LUXURY MANSION, SET 80229
Your builder will love this fantastic house, a mansion with eight different rooms that can be organized as she likes. There's no doubt that this set will make a little girl's eyes light up. It includes two of the Mega Blocks Barbie dolls or micro-dolls as they are called, Fab Girl Barbie and Teresa. 


Mega Bloks Barbie Build 'N Style Beach House, Set 80226

Yes, Barbie also has her very own beach house. This set includes two micro-dolls, Beach Fun Barbie and Beach Fun Nikki and the that is comprised of two rooms and a patio that can be arranged however the builder likes.


Mega Bloks Barbie Build 'N Style Pool Party, Set 80228
The Build 'n Style Pool Party is cool or at least Barbie and Ken will be when they take plunge! It comes with two micro-dolls called Pool Party Barbie and Pool Party Ken and a multi-level pool that actually holds water. The pool area is built and decorated by the builder using the umbrellas, trees, flowers and other accessories that are provided.


Mega Bloks Barbie Build 'N Style Convertible Car, Set 80223
Where would a beach-themed Barbie set be without a car? The Build 'N Style Convertible Car allows Barbie to get around with the top down! We love it. Although it is nothing like the Barbie convertible from the 1970s, it still seems very like Barbie to me. The pink car features wheels that turn, a working trunk and a doll called Go Barbie.


A few more of the very early releases:

The Pet Shop
The Fashion Boutique
The Fashion Stand
The Ice Cream Cart
Party Time 
Movie Star 
Puppy Pals


Mega Barbie the Movie DreamHouse Replica building toy for adults.

The sets discussed above were the original releases but Mega Bloks has released more Barbie sets since 2012.  The most exciting set released in 2023 must surely be the Barbie DreamHouse, which is shown above. It is a replica of Barbie's home in the hit movie of the same name and is intended for adult collectors and rated for players aged 10 and up. With 1795 pieces, it comes with micro-dolls representing Margot Robbie's Barbie and Ryan Gosling's Ken.  

Find the Mega's Replica Barbie DreamHouse here, on Amazon.

Other recent sets include:

Color Reveal Train 'N Wash Pets
Horse Stables
Horse Jumping
Dream Camper
Malibu Dream Boat
Movie Replica Dream House


Some of these sets can still be found on Amazon. Click here to see all of the Mega Bloks Barbie sets available there today. Amazon has some of the original sets as well as all of the latest sets.

The earliest sets discussed here on this page were sold under the name Mega Bloks, and have been discontinued. If you are looking for a specific one of them you may have to turn to eBay.  Click here to see what Mega Barbie sets are available on eBay today. 

The more recent sets are sold under the shortened name, Mega.

See you at the toy store!

Treasures By Brenda


Barbie in my eBay Store
Discover what's in store! 

My Barbie Doll Memories 
I was a child when Barbie was released. Discover a few of my earliest Barbie memories.

Uncover my pick of the best Barbie movie gift idea.

Discover the movie fashioned after Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds movie!

Wear a Barbie Movie apron 
Find an apron inspired by the movie!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, December 22, 2023

A Brush With Christmas (2022) - Great American Family Movie Review

A Brush With Christmas Movie Review
If you are looking for an easy Christmas movie to sit back and watch, I recommend "A Brush With Christmas".  It doesn't require intense concentration or a great deal of emotional investment, it is simply pure entertainment that provides a welcome distraction from the holiday stresses in your own life.

This is the first movie I have seen starring Jillian Murray or Joseph Cannata, and I found them both adorably endearing.  Murray is the perfect choice to play the part of a sweet, devoted & self-sacrificing daughter and Joseph Cannata makes an excellent concerned friend/boyfriend who tries to be helpful.


I watched "A Brush With Christmas" on  My husband gave me an early Christmas gift this year as soon as we discovered the site.  We signed up to the streaming service and he gave me a 1 year subscription.  It was the perfect gift for me!  Great American Pure Flix is dedicated to offering "the best in quality faith, family, and hometown-values entertainment".  I have already watched several movies on PureFlix and I love it!   

A Brush With Christmas Synopsis

Charlotte (Jillian Murray) is an artist, a painter to be more precise, but she works alongside her mother in the restaurant that was her father's dream.  She loves the family legacy and embraces being head chef, but her heart is really in painting.  

It is not unusual for an artist to work to pay the bills and "create" in their off time.  However, Charlotte's mother requires more of Charlotte in the restaurant than a normal job would demand.  That responsibility is even greater during the holidays when business is booming.

Charlotte is torn between the restaurant and her own desire to paint a Christmas picture to submit for the local art festival.  Time is limited, which makes it impossible for her to do both things well.  Under additional pressure from her mother, Charlotte makes the difficult decision to literally trash her half finished Christmas picture and focus on the extra seasonal demands at the restaurant.


Wyatt Graham (Joseph Cannata) is very successful and well known in the art world, but he is taking a much needed break from his job.  While business offers him a way to use his artistic ability, computer generated art is not as fulfilling for him as holding a pencil and drawing.  He is happy to be visiting his friend, David, who just moved to Bayside and he hopes to spend time back with his "drawing board".  

When David enters him in the city Christmas art festival, Wyatt is pretty excited to gather supplies and start creating, but finding the subject to draw proves to be a little more challenging.  Plus, he finds himself distracted by a lovely local artist.


More Great American Family Movie Reviews

Twas the Text Before Christmas (2023)

A Dash of Christmas (2023)

From Chicago With Love (2023) 

Accidentally Engaged (2016)

Check Out More Movie Reviews at

A Brush With Christmas (2022) - Great American Family Movie Review by:
House of Sylvestermouse

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Review This Reviews is Dedicated to the Memory of Our Beloved Friend and Fellow Contributor

Susan DeppnerSusan Deppner

We may be apart, but
You Are Not Forgotten

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