Showing posts with label Clean & Wholesome Romance Book. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Clean & Wholesome Romance Book. Show all posts

Friday, February 16, 2024

A Perilous Circumstance by Laura Beers - Book Review

A Perilous Circumstance Book Review
A Perilous Circumstance is the 3rd book in the "Gentlemen of London" Regency Romance series by Laura Beers.  Thus far, it is my favorite in the series because of the unique plot, but all of the books have been enjoyable and review worthy.

Regency Romance novels are set during the time period of the British Regency (1811-1820).  They could be categorized as clean and wholesome since they do not contain explicit sex, gory content, or foul language.   

This is the first book series that I have read by Laura Beers, but it won't be the last.  I really enjoy her writing style and the characters she creates.

It would not be absolutely necessary to read this series in order, but the books share a lot of the same characters.  Each character is more thoroughly developed in the specific book written about them, their families and their lives.  Plus, their "occupations" will make more sense.  For instance, do you know the difference in a Bow Street Runner and an agent of the Crown?  That is explained in the first book in the series, "A Treacherous Engagement".  Without that explanation you might be wondering why some of the characters in "A Perilous Circumstance" have more authority, secrets, and connections.  Therefore, I would recommend reading them in order.

A Perilous Circumstance Synopsis

Miss Georgie Holbrooke is an heiress who has not yet reached her majority (the age where she is considered an adult).  She is still under the authority of her older brother, since her parents are deceased.  

 A Perilous Circumstance: A Regency Romance (Gentlemen of London)Check PriceUnlike her father, her brother is a brute who expects her to "perform" exactly as he demands and doesn't hesitate to hit her in order to force her compliance.  He has agreed to an arranged marriage for Georgie with a detestable man.  Georgie knows she must save herself, but she doesn't know how.  It is her loyal family servants who come up with a plan and a way to escape.  Because the cooks brother is a solicitor, he knows of an opening for a headmistress at an orphanage in the rookeries (the slums).  An orphanage would be the perfect hiding place since no one would think an heiress would be working there.

The Earl of Grenton is all alone in the world except for his old friends from his college days at Eton. William is often overwhelmed by his grief, but is determined to continue working and provide for those who depend on him.  He is also determined to see that his deceased mother's dream of providing a safe orphanage is fulfilled.  However, one of her expectations was to have a lady, a woman of means, serve as the headmistress.  Finding a lady who will work in the rookeries has not been an easy task.  Unfortunately, the lady that his solicitor has found seems to be secretive and rather demanding in his opinion.  Not only did she bring her lady's maid, but she also arrived with several other servants.  An orphanage simply does not have "servants" and he refuses to pay them in addition to supporting the entire orphanage.

Thus, there is a standoff between William Cobbett, the Earl of Grenton who needs a headmistress that is a lady of quality and the new headmistress, Miss Georgie Holbrooke known only to him as Miss Lloyd.  Georgie is also in a difficult place since she has no where else to go.

For those who love a romance novel with a touch of suspense, I highly recommend this book.  I must admit, I was truly surprised by who betrayed Georgie.


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Friday, January 19, 2024

A Treacherous Engagement (Gentlemen of London Book 1) Book Review

A Treacherous Engagement
I love it when I find a series where every book offers a great read!  That has definitely been true for the Gentlemen of London book series by Laura Beers.

When I finished reading "A Treacherous Engagement", I immediately downloaded the second book and started reading it.  Each book is a continuation of stories that focus on the lives of 5 college friends.  They all start out wishing to not be caught in the "parson's mousetrap".  Even though the gentlemen need heirs, they aren't interested in getting married.  At least, that is true until they meet women who make them reconsider their stand against matrimony.   

It has been fun to watch these gentlemen do an about face and to hear their comments on marriage before and after.  

Plus, each book contains a suspenseful element.  Several of the gentlemen are agents of the Crown and have secrets, as well as questionable acquaintances or "business" in areas of town that most titled gentlemen would never consider acceptable.

I do recommend reading these books in order as the characters are more fully developed throughout the series. 


A Treacherous Engagement Synopsis

Nathaniel Calvert, Earl of Hawthorne, has a lot of secrets.  Even his family doesn't know why he dresses in old clothes and won't tell them where he is going or what he is doing.  As an agent (aka spy) of the Crown, anonymity is imperative.  If someone let his real identity slip when he is "working", it could endanger his family as well as himself.

When Nathaniel is mistaken as a Bow Street Runner (law enforcement officer), he doesn't correct Miss Dinah Ashmore.  He would prefer to deny any ability to help her, but when he hears her sister, Evie, is missing, he wants to be of assistance.  He lets her continue to think he is just a Bow Street Runner.  

Dinah is desperate to locate her sister and to ensure that she is okay.  She won't just sit at home and wait for news from the Bow Street Runner she has hired.  Therefore, in addition to trying to handle his assigned case, plus find Dinah's sister, Nathaniel has to juggle meeting and dealing with Miss. Dinah Ashmore and her aunt.  It is impossible to be everywhere and protect everyone at all times.  

As it turns out, Dinah's sister is a lot more than just the daughter of a Lord.  She is an intricate part of a tumultuous political case and she may or may not need saving.  Even Nathaniel is shocked by Evie's actions and where he finds her.

Along the way, Nathaniel develops feelings for Dinah, but he must not be distracted while involved in an assigned case.  Otherwise, someone could end up hurt or even dead. 


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Friday, December 29, 2023

A Suitable Arrangement by Martha Keyes - Book Review

Part of: Castles & Courtship Series of 8 books

a suitable arrangement book
I love it when a book makes me laugh!  In "A Suitable Arrangement", Martha Keyes created the characters with wit, sass and just enough spunk to really bring them to life.  They seemed to step right out of the pages of the book to share their thoughts, conversations and actions in my presence.

I really liked Juliana Godfrey.  She held her head high and dared anyone to challenge her simply because she was not born into nobility.  I especially liked the way she handled the head housekeeper who was constantly reminding her that she was not worthy of the title "countess".  I could almost hear the housekeeper's fit of temper when she discovered her sleeping in an "important" place one morning.  

I also liked the way Juliana defended the injured one who she thought was being bullied by his sibling.  She did not hesitate to take action and stand in his stead.

Juliana respected the unique cultures and practices of the brothers of Lochlarren Castle, but after a while, she did suspect they might not be authentic.  I must admit, horse races in the castle would be rather funny, but a bit hard to believe it to be a normal activity. Still, she was willing to rise to the challenge.


Synopsis of A Suitable Arrangement
Castles & Courtship Historical Fiction Series

Juliana Godfrey was very practical.  Her mother had died when she was young and her father worked hard to provide for them.  His hard work paid off!  As a wealthy merchant, he was able to provide Juliana with a hefty dowry which would purchase her a place in society.  The right marriage could open more doors for her father and his business, in addition to giving her a title which would require acceptance into the aristocracy. 

A marriage to a Scottish Earl that needed money was a suitable arrangement for Juliana.  At least she thought it was until she arrived at his castle and was not well received.  Clearly, it would take a get deal of the fortitude she learned as a child to survive the Highland Scots.  She was determined to adjust and embrace their culture.


As his father was dying, Sandy Duncan learned more about the deep debt he was inheriting as the new Earl of Lismore.  He also found out that he was no longer considered an acceptable suitor for the woman he had always thought he would marry.  Even though the family liked him, once her father discovered he could not bring money to the marriage, he was informed that he would not be considered, even if he did bear a title.  

Sandy is also informed that his father has made a marriage arrangement for him that would provide the money Lochlarren Castle, and it's dependents, required.  Sandy's days of freedom ended with his father's death.  He now had to shoulder the full weight of the Earldom.

When his bride-to-be arrived at the castle 2 days late, he was in no mood to greet her with a hardy welcome.  Neither he, nor his brothers or household, stepped outside of the castle to give her a proper welcome.  This lack of courtesy set the tone for the minutes, days and weeks that followed. 


When an earl needs money to pay ancestral debts, restore his castle and care for family & staff, he marries for wealth instead of equality. However, Sandy Duncan, Earl of Lismore, has met his match!

My Recommendation

The humor in this book gave a wonderful balance to the antagonism between the characters.  I highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys historical fiction.


Books by Martha Keyes Previously Reviewed on

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Friday, October 14, 2022

Bradwell Brothers Book Series by Kasey Stockton Reviewed

Bradwell Brothers Series
I recently read the first two books in the "Bradwell Brothers" book series by Kasey Stockton.  The third book will not be released until April, 2023. 

I have really enjoyed this series, thus far, because the author included unusual or funny circumstances, as well as giving her characters an abundance of humorous wit. I can hardly wait for book three to be available.

The books are in the Regency Romance genre, which means they are historical fiction that takes place during the British Regency (1811–1820) time period.  This series is clean and wholesome, therefore it can be recommended for any age.  It almost seems educational as it peeks into the historical British social classes and what is acceptable behavior for ladies and gentlemen, as well as the family hierarchy of the wealthy class. 

There are 3 Bradwell brothers.  At the beginning of the series, their mother still reigns over the Bradwell home and all 3 bachelor brothers reside there at Chelton most of the time.  Henry, the middle brother, was bequeathed the "hunting box", a separate family home, that is his private getaway when needed.  As with all siblings, the brothers have similarities and shared memories, but each has their own individual personality.  They are so well described that I can easily envision James' concerned & watchful eyes, Benedict's looks of confusion or misunderstanding, and Henry's quiet reserve. I feel like I know these boys.


Synopsis of Sensibly Wed - Bradwell Brothers Book 1
London, 1817  

 Sensibly Wed (Bradwell Brothers Book 1)Check PriceJames Bradwell chose to attend his godmother's ball in hopes of finding a suitable wife.  As the oldest brother, and heir to his father's estate, James is mindful of his family duties. However, he resents the girls in attendance who merely seek his company because of his wealth.  Desiring a brief escape from the marriage mart, he slips into the library, but quickly finds he is not alone.

Felicity Thurston would much rather be reading than attending a ball.  Not only does she suffer with anxiety attacks, but she is certain she will never find someone who loves her "as her father loves her mother" at a superficial social event.  In an attempt to avoid a particularly unappealing man, Felicity slipped into a dark room and closed the door behind her.  To her delight, she realized she was alone in the library. She lite a candle and began pursuing the book shelves.  When she hears the unmistakable creak of the opening door, she blew out her candle, hoping to not be discovered. Unfortunately, hot candle wax dripped on her hand and she yelped.

And, that is how Felicity and James met, and how they were discovered:  alone together in the library during the ball.  How scandalous!  Before they even exited the room, the gossip was spreading quickly throughout the ballroom. 

Felicity and her parents quickly left the ball, but James already knew what was going to be required of him.  He was at their home early the following morning proposing marriage.  Soon after Felicity and her parents accepted his proposal, she found out his last name.  Of all the people in the world, how could she possibly be engaged to the brother of the only man she had ever hoped to marry.

And, that is just the beginning!  You will need to read the book to find out what happens next.


Synopsis of Pleasantly Pursued - Bradwell Brother Book 2  

 Pleasantly Pursued (Bradwell Brothers Book 2)Check PriceDorothea Northcott has escaped her impending doom.  She simply could not be "deposited" at her lecherous chaperone's home, but she couldn't tell her guardian, Lady Edith Bradwell, about her cousin, Lord Claverley, and his despicable desires either.  She felt her only salvation would be to run away and seek employment. While she greatly appreciated her godmother's efforts to see her sponsored and properly introduced to society, Thea would forgo that for a simpler, safe life.  She had found a position working in a kitchen and would be content marrying a humble man.  

Benedict Bradwell had been searching for Thea for months.  He followed her trail of jobs until he finally found her working as a kitchen maid. However, she was not happy to see him and she did not want to be returned to his mother and her home.  When Benedict explained that is mother was worried sick over her disappearance, Thea acquiesced and agreed to return with him, but only if he agreed to her one condition: she would not be forced to go to Lord Claverley's house or forced to remain at Chelton.

Benedict's plan to sneak Thea back to Chelton, was just the beginning of "interesting" situations they faced.  Without a proper chaperone, Thea had to dress as a male servant for the duration of a journey that would take four days, including nights in various inns.  Their verbal sparring made the trip, as well as the entire season, a fun journey for readers.    

Perhaps you have figured out what happens in terms of romance, but the book is worth reading, regardless.

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Friday, September 9, 2022

A Daring Proposal: Memorable Proposals Series - Book 3 Reviewed

A Daring Proposal
I rarely read a series where I would say the author saved the best book for last, especially when I enjoyed all of the books in the series. However, in the case of "A Daring Proposal", I do think Jennie Goutet saved the best 'til last.

Perhaps this book was my favorite because the main character has been a part of the previous two books and I already liked her. Maybe, it was because I just liked the true historical story line so much. Most likely, it was both.

Each of the books in the series could be read independently, but I do think, in this case, Phoebe Tunstall's character was developed over the entire series. Therefore, even though it is my favorite, I think the series should be read in order. Otherwise, you might miss just how unusually "daring" Phoebe becomes in "A Daring Proposal".

A Daring Proposal Synopsis
1815 - London, England & Brussels, Belgium

Phoebe Tunstall has already enjoyed four London seasons. There is a concern that she may well end up being considered "on the shelf" by potential suitors. At 22, she is far from an old maid, but society tends to focus on the newest, brightest stars that appear on the scene. Phoebe was not looking forward to another season, especially since her sister, brother, and best friend were all now married. She would feel alone in the crowd.

 A Daring Proposal (Memorable Proposals Book 3)Check PriceBecause she often stayed in her vivacious sister's shadow, Phoebe was viewed by society as shy, perhaps disinterested or unavailable, as she attended to her elderly aunt. Something Phoebe shared with no one, including her twin sister, is that her heart was unavailable. For as long as she could remember, she had loved someone who viewed her "like a little sister". Still, she realized she needed to marry, even if it wasn't a love match, and a fifth season might be her last chance.

When her friend, Lydia, suggested she accompany her and her husband to Brussels instead of staying in London, Phoebe surprised herself by considering it. As she mentally recounted Frederick Ingram's suggestion that she do "something daring", she decided she would do just that and accept his sister, Lydia's, invitation to go to Brussels. She would cast off this despair, all expectations and embrace the opportunity to travel somewhere new.

That turned out to be the best decision she could make because "somewhere new" offered her the opportunity to be someone new. Well, at least, someone new to Brussels society, where she was immediately received as a desirable partner at every ball & social gathering.  Little did she expect to catch the eye of someone she had known all of her life or to be caught in the middle of a war.



We may not immediately think of Brussels as the setting of a war, but it was in fact, the location of the Battle of Waterloo, which ended with the final defeat of Napoleon, and as in all wars, with many deaths.

Jennie Goutet did a masterful job of threading the story of "A Daring Proposal" into the fabric of real historical events and real people. 

This entire "Memorable Proposals" series is truly wonderful. I highly recommend all three books to anyone who enjoys historical romantic fiction, but especially "A Daring Proposal" because of it's historical accuracy.

I previously reviewed the first book in this series and you can read that review here: A Regrettable Proposal

Currently, all of these books are available for free with a Kindle Unlimited membership

 A Regrettable Proposal: A Regency Romance (Memorable Proposals Book 1)Check Price A Faithful Proposal: A Regency Romance (Memorable Proposals Book 2) [Paperback] Jennie GoutetCheck Price A Daring Proposal (Memorable Proposals Book 3)Check Price Memorable Proposals Boxed Set: A Complete Regency CollectionCheck Price


House of Sylvestermouse

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Friday, August 26, 2022

A Regrettable Proposal: Memorable Proposals Series - Book 1 Reviewed

A Regrettable Proposal

A Regency Romance

This is the first book written by Jennie Goutet that I have read, but it won't be the last! 

I have stayed up late, into the wee hours of the morning, for the last two nights reading "A Regrettable Proposal" because I was so absorbed in the story. I simply could not put the book down, even though my eyelids keep closing out of sheer exhaustion. I would wake with a start and begin reading again.  While I desperately needed sleep, I hated it when I got to the ending of the book. Fortunately, there are two more books in the series.  I will start reading book 2 tonight and I can hardly wait. 

Like all Regency Romance novels, this historical story takes place in 19th century England. "A Regrettable Proposal" follows the traditional style of writing by being clean & wholesome to read. It beckons us back to a time of elegance, balls, elaborate ballgowns, horse drawn carriages, and high society. 

In my personal opinion, it is the mark of an extraordinary writer to be able to captivate a reader with a romantic story absent explicit sex, foul language, or extreme violence. 


A Regrettable Proposal Synopsis
1812 - London, England

 A Regrettable Proposal: A Regency Romance (Memorable Proposals Book 1)Check PriceStratford Tunstall never expected to be the fifth Earl of Worthing, but when both of his male cousins were killed in war and his uncle died, he fell heir to the Worthing estate, title, and responsibilities. "Family members who had not cared to know him before now would descend upon him at Worthing."  Also, his uncle had taken a ward under his protective wing many years ago and she was also being summoned to the reading of the will.

Eleanor Daventry had no idea what was about to happen to her, but she knew she would survive somehow.  She had been fortunate that her father's long time friend, the fourth Earl of Worthing, had provided for her since her father's death. Under his guardianship, she had received an excellent education and he had already provided for her upcoming "first season" to be presented to society.  While the expectations would be for her to secure a titled suitor, she would prefer to secure a job and marry for love. Regardless, she would try to enjoy her season in London with her best friend, Lydia Ingram, from school.    

The reading of the will surprised everyone, especially Eleanor. Now, what must she do?  

The reading of the will also made Stratford wonder what he must do.  



While the Regency time period paints the picture of elegance, beauty, gentility & tranquility, people have always been human. Therefore, there has always been pride, arrogance, envy, & harsh realities. 

This Regency Romance novel is one I can highly recommend to anyone who enjoys historical romantic fiction.

At publishing time of this review, "A Regrettable Proposal" is available for free with a Kindle Unlimited Subscription. Or, you can purchase it with the link below.

 A Regrettable Proposal: A Regency Romance (Memorable Proposals Book 1)Check Price A Faithful Proposal: A Regency Romance (Memorable Proposals Book 2) [Paperback] Jennie GoutetCheck Price A Daring Proposal (Memorable Proposals Book 3)Check Price Memorable Proposals Boxed Set: A Complete Regency CollectionCheck Price


House of Sylvestermouse

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Friday, September 18, 2020

Otherwise Engaged by Joanna Barker - Book Reviewed

otherwise engaged book cover
Otherwise Engaged is a fabulous book!  It is a clean and wholesome romance for those of us who do not like explicit content.  It is also a historical fiction which is one of my favorite genres.  

This is the first book I have read by Joanna Barker, but it will not be the last!   She is a phenomenal writer who includes vivid descriptions of people and surroundings.  I was barely into the first chapter of Otherwise Engaged when I noted how much I loved this author’s captivating descriptions. I could easily envision the people and places in my mind’s eye. 

I also enjoy the touches of humor Barker includes throughout the book.  Several times I laughed out loud at the witty repartee between characters. 

All of these exceptional elements made this a thoroughly enjoyable book which I would highly recommend.   

Synopsis of Otherwise Engaged
England - 1822

Rebecca Rowley has just returned home from Brighton.  She has a big announcement to share with her family.  One that she knows her family will not be excited to hear.  Rebecca is engaged to Edward Bainbridge, whom she just met while in Brighton.  
She had heard the Bainbridge name before.  Their fathers had been business partners years before.  The reasons for the dissolution of that partnership had always been a secret that the parents never shared with their children.  Neither Rebecca nor Edward knew why they couldn't be together.  They agreed to find out the secret and, together, try to get their families to leave the past in the past, forgive and forget whatever was necessary, so they could be married with the acceptance and support of both families.  
 Otherwise EngagedCheck PriceRebecca had another secret.  She loved to ride her horse, Stella, but she enjoyed riding bareback.  She knew her family would disapprove of her riding in such an unladylike and dangerous way.  So, she would leave the estate with Stella saddled, then remove the saddle when they reached a secluded meadow.  Together, they would run like the wind, free and unencumbered by restraints. 
After one of their unconventional rides, Stella heard someone crying for help.  She and Stella immediately responded.  A child was drowning.  Rebecca ran into the water and swam to the girl, whose dress was caught on an underwater tree branch.  Once Rebecca freed her, she pulled her to safety on shore where they were joined by the child's very angry adult half-brother, Lieutenant Nicholas Avery.  This was definitely not the best way to meet new neighbors, especially since Rebecca was soaking wet and anyone could see that her nearby horse was not wearing a saddle.  This stranger now knew one of her best-kept secrets.  
Rebecca soon learned that Nicholas Avery was his sister, Olivia's, guardian.  Her mother had recently died and their father had died a few years before.  Nicholas barely knew Olivia since she was a much younger step-sister.  He had been in the navy all of her life and had only seen her a few times.  He wasn't always sure how to handle Olivia.  As a navy lieutenant, he knew how to make men obey his orders, but was clueless about how to deal with his little sister.  Rebecca stepped in to try to help.
Over the next few weeks, Rebecca and Nicholas became friends.  She confided in him and he kept her secrets, plus he enabled her to pursue activities that were otherwise not considered acceptable for a lady in society.   Rebecca's mother thought Nicholas would make the perfect suitor for her, but Nicholas knew Rebecca was otherwise engaged.


I immediately adored the free-spirited Miss Rebecca Rowley.  I applauded her desire to take on difficult tasks and live life on her own terms, not by wealthy society rules that stifled women.  I was tickled by Lieutenant Nicholas Avery’s independent little sister, Olivia, who clearly had a mind of her own.  I loved the witty quips of Rebecca’s family, as well as her conversations with Nicholas, and the jocular repartee they shared with each other.   
There are some authors who leave me wondering how they do it. How they write so well that they capture my attention.  How they describe their characters with such detail that I feel as if I know them, that they are close friends who have shared every confidence. How they weave a story that captivates me to the point of tears, laughter and even anger. 
Joanna Barker has done just that, and more, in “Otherwise Engaged”.  I have no doubt that I will miss Rebecca, Nicholas, and even Olivia in the upcoming weeks.

 Otherwise EngagedCheck Price

I received an advance copy of "Otherwise Engaged" to review from NetGalley. I would like to express my appreciation to Netgalley, the author, Joanna Barker, and the publisher, Covenant Communications, for this opportunity.

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