Saturday, October 3, 2020

Halloween Skeletons Make Great Decor

 How do you like to decorate for Halloween?  I think skeletons are a great choice.

Fun group of Halloween skeletons - how to incorporate skeletons into your Halloween decor
Hear no evil, speak no evil, see no evil - image from

There are a number of different ways to incorporate skeletons in your Halloween decor from basically a few bones in a graveyard style theme to using actual poseable skeletons.

You can even use animal skeletons like a dog or a cat for a little bit of intrigue.   I actually have a friend who's a yoga teacher so when I saw skeletons doing yoga I thought that would be fun for her Halloween display.

A Halloween Skeleton doing yoga - a fun take on Halloween decor
Photo by Lou16, purchase online here

The best image I saw to incorporate a skeleton inside was in a private Halloween group, unfortunately, I can't share that image with you, but it was basically a skeleton in a wedding dress sat in a chair.

I love the idea of getting a posable skeleton and putting an old wedding dress on it and sitting it in a rocking chair in the corner of the room.   It was a very good looking display (although they didn't use a rocking chair) and let's face it many of us keep our wedding dresses without ever using them again so a perfect way to give them a little airing as well.

Outdoor Halloween decorating with skeletons - a bride and groom
Of course if you wanted an outside skeleton bride you could always pop her
on a garden bench with or without a groom - photo from Pixabay

How would you incorporate a skeleton into your Halloween decor?

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, October 2, 2020

Reviewing "MyPillow" Mattress Topper

MyPillow Mattress Topper
I previously reviewed our MyPillow pillows, which we still love. Because the pillows were such a hit in our home, we also opted to buy the MyPillow mattress topper. 

I wanted to wait a while to review the mattress topper. For me, it was as important, if not more important, than the pillows. Plus, it is a lot more expensive than pillows, therefore I wanted to make sure it was worthy of my recommendation. Now that we have been sleeping on the topper for 4 months, I believe I can give you a review based on experience, not just first impressions. 

For me, a mattress topper is not just about making a bed more comfortable.  It is about being able to sleep through the night without experiencing discomfort from being too soft or too hard.  Both can result in pain.  My days of sleeping on floors or on the ground, long ago passed.


Why I Need a Great Mattress Topper

I have mentioned in past articles that I was born with severe scoliosis (curvature of the spine). Because of the multiple curves in my spine, as well as having a pronounced raised hip on one side, I do experience pain, especially if I do not have good support when sleeping or sitting. My mattress matters a lot to me, as I think it does to everyone, whether they suffer with scoliosis or not.  I'm not quick to embrace any kind of change. However, it was time for a new mattress on our bed. 

cat on a mattress
When You Hear the Price of a New Mattress
My husband and I started shopping for a new mattress, only to discover many of the current mattresses are made of foam. I wasn't quite sure how I felt about that fact and started testing the mattresses with a great deal of apprehension.  In spite of feeling like we were on display in the store, we tried several mattresses. There was only one that would suit my needs. When the salesman, unapologetically, quoted an astronomical price that exceeded $15,000, I walked.   No, perhaps you could say I ran from the store. I was not about to spend that kind of money on a mattress that may or may not feel great for 8 hours each night, for years to come. I thought our mattress was looking a whole lot better and clearly had at least 15 more good years.  In the car, my husband was saying he would do whatever I needed regardless of price.  My mind was saying, $15,000 for a mattress?  I paid less than that for my first automobile! 

When we got home, I promptly went online and ordered a Memory Foam mattress topper.  The Memory Foam Topper price in 2017 was $116.00, clearly significantly less than $15,000.  I had to wait several days after we received it to put it on the bed.  It smelled awful!  It took a while for it to air out enough to be able to sleep on it, but I felt this was a good compromise.

The MyPillow Mattress Topper

After sleeping on our MyPillow pillows for a month, I decided to try the MyPillow Mattress Topper too.  My Memory Foam mattress topper was now 3 years old.  My husband described its condition as having to sleep in craters.  Okay, so it had clear recesses.  I guess it's "memory" of our body impressions was just a little too good, but I was still not in the mood to spend an automobile price on a new mattress and the Memory Foam mattresses were no longer available.  So, we bought the MyPillow mattress topper.

 MyPillow Three-inch Mattress Bed Topper (King)Check Price

The first week was a real adjustment for me.  It was harder than the Memory Foam, but I was definitely sleeping through the night and waking up pain-free.  After a month, all was still well and I no longer thought it was too firm.  After 4 months, I can say, with certainty, that this mattress topper is the right choice.

Benefits of the MyPillow Mattress Topper 

  • Available in 7 sizes
  • 3" Thick (requires deep pocket sheets to cover existing mattress & topper together)
  • Includes a Removable Zippered Cover made of Phase Change Material (body temperature regulated) which is Machine Wash & Dry
  • 4 Corner Straps that Holds Topper in Place
  • 10 Year Warranty
  • Made in the U.S.A.

Upon receipt, it is necessary to let the mattress topper lay out for a day to regain it's full shape after being wrapped for shipping.  The faint odor will also disappear quickly.

 Three-inch Mattress Bed Topper - by MyPillow (King)Check Price Three-inch Mattress Bed Topper - by MyPillow (Full)Check Price Three-inch Mattress Bed Topper - by MyPillow (Twin)Check Price


If you would like to read my review of the MyPillow pillows which I mentioned earlier, you can find it by clicking here.

Read More Product Reviews On


House of Sylvestermouse

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Plants That Need to Be Brought Indoors Need Special Care

Plants that need to be brought indoors need special care- A Garden Review

hanging plant

Summer is the time when we gardeners are itching to get our indoor plants outdoors for all the growth opportunity that summer sun and warmer temperatures brings.  But come the end of September, gardeners are counting the days until they need to bring all those tender plants back indoors!

I know I am scoping out all the window areas of my apartment for possible "growing spots", for all the plants I took out to my balcony in the spring.  

One of the most important parts of bringing our favorites back to the indoors, is making sure there are no hidden "bugs" hitchhiking their way indoors.

During the summer months outdoors your plants have been visited by many flying, crawling and maybe even jumping insects.  Believe it or not I had a grasshopper on one of my plants and we are on the 18th floor of our building.  So anything is possible.

When I am bringing my plants indoors, I like to un-pot them!  Yes you heard me right.  I take my plants out of their pots, set aside the soil they were growing in and move the plants into by bathroom.  

Then I shower them well with warm water, on both the top sides of the leaves and the bottom sides as well.  I check their roots and if there are roots that look decayed I will snip them back.  

I also check their stems to see if there are any scale insects that may have made their home on my plants.  One of my Ivies is infested with scale, so I will take cuttings from it and treat the cuttings with Safer's Soap spray.  Then I will root these cuttings and start with fresh soil in a few weeks.  They will be potted up only when I am sure they are free of the scale insects and have set new roots.

I do get the pots and clean them out with a good hot soapy water solution, and then let them air dry.  I will use fresh soil in these pots to give the plants and cuttings a good start in their indoor home.

With my plants, especially the orchids, I let them stay outdoors until the temperatures drop to about 10 degrees Celsiusor 50 degrees Farenheit.  Most orchids like a real drop in temperature for a few nights as it signals the plant to set flower bearing stems.  Do NOT let these delicate plants freeze!  If there is a chance of the temperatures going down close to freezing, bring them indoors for the night.  

By January you should be seeing lots of stems on your orchids that will surely lead to some gorgeous flowers.  One of my orchids starts blooming in January and doesn't stop till June or July.  They are truly one of my many joys.

white orchids

Having said that, orchids do need special care.  Their leaves are tightly figured and can harbor scale or other bugs.  I make sure they are drenched with Safer's Soap Spray before they come in for the winter!  You can spray them once a week on both sides of their leaves.  Better to be safe than sorry.  If one plant comes in with a scale infestation, it can ruin all your plants in very short order.

Bringing our plants indoors is a time consuming endeavor if you are a crazy gardener like me.  If you only have a few plants(3 or 4) outdoors, you should be able to do this in a weekend.  If you are more like me, and have 8-10 plants to bring indoors, you might need a couple of weekends to finish the task.  

You don't need to be in a hurry yet, but don't leave this task till late October or November.  Then you will be scrambling to get it done.  Bringing in the plants without checking them well for pests, could be your downfall.  Take the time while the weather is still relatively nice and do it now.  Check them all closely and if you don't want to start with fresh pots and soil, you can also drench the plants and soil with the Safer's Soap.  It is better to do that then to just bring them indoors without any preventative measures at all.

This is the product I use on all my plants and I have never been disappointed in the results. It takes care of all the insect/bug problems you could have with moving your plants indoors.  I use this product on my plants all through the winter months(if I see a problem) and will be using it again in spring and summer of 2021.  Pests are always just waiting to get a hold of something they like and your houseplants could be on their menu.  Don't be disappointed, be prepared and have a great time in the winter enjoying your healthy happy houseplants while the snow flies outdoors.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Books I Read (Or Tried To Read) During Spring and Summer 2020: A List

Books I Read (Or Tried To Read) During Spring and Summer 2020: A List

The spring and summer of 2020 unfolded in ways none of us could have foreseen. The virus that plagued the world changed our daily life forcing many of us to stay home for all but the most essential errands. As a home-based eBay seller, I was able to work again after the initial lockdown was over. However, with family, friends and all of my other interests and activities unavailable there was definitely more time for reading.

This page is a look back at the books that I read. Hopefully, it will steer you toward or away from a new book.


I met several generations of a powerful and influential family. I survived industrialized 19th century Britain. I settled on the harsh Canadian prairies. I visited but failed to enjoy St. John’s, Newfoundland. I raised sourdough bread. I solved a murder mystery and finally, I visited short stories.




The best book that I read was actually a seven-volume saga about the adventures and misadventures of a powerful and influential family by Jeffrey Archer known as the Clifton Chronicles. It was so good that I struggled to put each book aside in order to make time to read the latest book for my book club. This series is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED by not only myself but also my husband and my sister-in-law and my friend Alanna and her husband. There is a lot of well-crafted reading here with threads that cross generations. You will find the seven-book boxed set here on Amazon.



I was reunited after a long absence with author Catherine Cookson via her book Riley. I wrote more about the book, which is set in industrialized 19th century Britain, and talked about the prolific writer here. It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED and if you have yet to 'meet' Catherine Cookson and you like historical fiction, you should give her a try. You will find it here on Amazon.



Under This Unbroken Sky by Shandi Mitchell is a Canadian novel set in Alberta in 1938. It was good book, a close look at the extremely tough job of settling the prairies. However, it was dark with tragedy upon tragedy heaped upon the Ukrainian settlers. It is RECOMMENDED by me for those interested in the history of the prairies and immigrants to Canada but NOT RECOMMENDED if you need something a bit more positive, which was something I felt that I needed during this difficult time. You will find it here on Amazon.



The next book that I read was Small Game Hunting at the Local Coward Gun Club by Megan Gail Coles. It is a Scotiabank Giller Prize nominated book set in St. John’s, Newfoundland. A very dark, dreary modern-day story and I only read half of it. Six or so of the members of my book club made it through but not happily and four did not. One determined reader intends to keep trying.

A review on Google Books says that Small Game Hunting "is a difficult book to read because of its brutality -- people are mistreated and not valued because they are women, non-white, or gay. But it's worth it." Quill and Quire says, this book "forces the be made uncomfortable and prompted to think rather than be simply entertained." These might be reasons for you to consider reading this book. However, it is NOT RECOMMENDED by me unless you are looking to challenge yourself about difficult subjects. If you really want to, you can find it here on Amazon.



The next book was Sourdough, a brilliantly funny fictional story about sourdough bread, about the computer world and even about San Francisco. Very funny, it is truly a book you should read if you want a add a bit of levity to your reading and your life. My full review of Sourdough can be read here if you want to know more about this book during this time when people ‘knead’ to stay home more and make bread. Sourdough the book and the bread is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED by me. You will find it here on Amazon.



I have a few series that I am working my way through including Donna Leon's Commissario Guido Brunetti Mysteries. This volume, Quietly in Their Sleep, delivers for an armchair traveler who wants to travel to Venice, Italy from the comfort of home, which of course is the kind of travel that we can do right now. It suits someone who would like to visit as well as someone who has been there who will recognize landmarks in and issues of the city as the story progresses. It is not the first in the series but I do HIGHLY RECOMMEND this book or any that came before it.  You will find it here on Amazon.



The latest book that I pulled from our collection of books that has been hanging around our house unread for too long was Roald Dahl's The Great Automatic Grammatizator and Other Stories or The Umbrella Man and Other Stories, as it is called in the United States. It's a book of short stories chosen from Dahl's adult stories picked with the intention of suitability for teenagers. I haven't read all of the stories yet because I prefer to enjoy short stories one by one and truth be told, I don't usually care for them at all. However, I am thoroughly enjoying these stories thus far and am comfortable HIGHLY RECOMMENDING this book of stories to you and you will find it here on Amazon

Well, once again, I hope to have given you inspiration for your book list. I apologize to any books that I forgot to include on this list.

See you
at the bookstore!

Books I Read (Or Tried To Read) During Spring and Summer 2020: A List

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, September 28, 2020

Garage Parking Sensor Aid Review

Loving this new garage gadget! This Adjustable Garage Parking Sensor Aid is just the gadget I needed to help park the car safely in the garage and avoid tangling with a wood shelving unit. This shelving unit came with the garage and while handy is a bit problematic to fit the car in the garage.

garage parking sensor aid

What one does not want to hear when driving the car into a tight sized garage is the sound of crackling wood. While this wood organizer unit can be very handy and it is very utilized, it appeared the prior owners of said organizer may have had a few run ins with the support posts. 

Just guessing, but a little bump of the support post produced .... a cracked post. 

cracked wood post

Going Bump In The Night

On the advice of a handy neighbor he told me about automatic garage sensors to help with judging the distance between the wood shelves and the car bumper. I had been using the tried and true low tech tennis ball as a guide to stopping; however if juggling two differently sized cars, which may or may not park in the same spot, the tennis ball has its' limits.

Handy Gadget

The length between the shelving unit and the garage door is very tight with very little space to maneuver. Enter the Garage Parking Sensor Aid

I love gadgets that are practical, fulfill a need with the bonus of affordable and easy to install. The Garage Parking Sensor fulfills all of the above!

garage parking sensor aid  garage parking sensor aid

Easy To Install

The unit can be installed in less than five minutes! It is that easy. No need to be handy. The unit runs on AA batteries or can be charged with a mini USB connection. 

Decide where the bumper of the car should stop and align the bottom sensor with the bumper. 

The top part shaped like a stoplight can be adhered with the included double stick tape or as many reviewers suggested using a cable tie or velcro. There happen to be a wide ledge I could prop the top part of the unit so no tape was needed.

The top and bottom sensor are connected with a generous length of wire to adapt to all size vehicles.

The Approach

What is very nice is how the distance from entering the garage to the stopping point is measured. The stop sign indicator is large enough to easily view. 

As the car approaches the light of the unit progresses from green to yellow to red. The yellow to red progression is very helpful as a guide point to be prepared to stop.

This quick video shows in real time the Garage Parking Sensor at work.

This really is a 1-2-3 open the package and install in five minutes! I can now send the tennis ball back to the court where it belongs!

garage parking sensor aid

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Furniture Pieces that Come with Built-in USB Charging Stations

Furniture with Built-In USB Charging Station
Furniture with Built-In USB Charging

Did you know there is a wide variety of furniture choices that come with built-in USB charging stations? It's not something we typically think of when we're shopping for recliners and end-tables; however, we should.

For, I'm always on the hunt for creative finds for the home. Yah, I spend too much time scrolling through furniture, rugs, drapes, and bedding ... you name it. It's like hunting for little golden nuggets lol. I sure enjoy it.

Anyway, today's article features pieces of furniture, big and small, that come with built-in USB charging ports.

"Product Page is Here" - You can view all the furniture ideas discussed below on the product page - Be sure to check them out, some are pretty funky :)

Coffee Tables and End-Tables with Built-In USB Charging

Unless you want a full-blown Smart-Table, you can easily find coffee/end-tables that come with built-in USB charging stations. How convenient is that? When you need to charge your device, reach over and plug it into the outlet on your table. If you're wondering what a "Smart-Table" is, here's a brief article.

Couches and Chairs with Built-In USB Charging

Yes, that's right; if you're in the market for a new couch or chair, be sure to check if it comes with a built-in USB charging station. You'll notice you don't have to spend a fortune (you can if you want) for pieces with built-in charging stations. They come in a wide variety of designs and styles.

Lamps with Built-In USB Charging 

If end-tables, chairs, or couches are too much of an expense, the next time you need a lamp, choose one that has a built-in charging station. They're incredibly convenient for desks or work stations. I've included several styles for you to examine on the product page.

Desks with Built-In USB Charging 

This one is expected. Indeed, with working from home and home-schooling, desks that feature these built-ins add another level of convenience. Get a lamp with a charging station, and you're all set.

Headboards with Built-In USB Charging

Yes, you'll be able to find one of these as well. These headboards come in a broad range of prices, but you can get them in the lower price range as well ... and they're just as lovely. Check out the ones I've featured; they're pretty cool.

Again, here's the product page featuring the above furniture pieces. 

If you can think of any other furniture items with built-in USB ports, let me know. I'm always on the hunt for something different in home decor.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Rabbit Day Review

Rabbit sitting on the grass

International Rabbit Day is held on the 4th Saturday of September every year.  It first began in 1998 as an awareness day to protect and care for both wild rabbits and pet rabbits. 

We call rabbits by various names ~ rabbit, bunny rabbit, bunnies, and hares.  The difference between a hare and a rabbit is size (hares are larger). Also hares live in nests on the ground and rabbits live in burrows.

The word Bunny originally was used as an endearment for a young girl. Over time, it began to mean a young or small animal. Today it usually means a rabbit.  Bunny has become popular as the Easter Bunny or used when referring to a small or baby rabbit. Thus, we have Bunny Rabbit! 

If you want to know all the ins and outs of the rabbit terms, the website Wide Open Pets goes into detail of the various differences. 

How to Observe International Rabbit Day

  • Read a book about rabbits.  My favorite is The Velveteen Rabbit, definitely a classic in children's books. Other sweet rabbit stories include The Tale of Peter Rabbit and Watership Down. 
  • Watch a movie about rabbits.  Popular ones, especially with children, are Roger Rabbit, Watership Down, Bambi, and Bugs Bunny .
  • Treat your pet rabbit to some extra carrots on its special day!

Pet Rabbits

Little girl and her bunny rabbit
Source: Pixabay

Rabbits make good pets.  They are quiet, they are easy to house train, they don't require a lot of space, and they bond well with their owner.

Did you know that rabbits are the third most popular animal to have as a pet, right behind dogs and cats. 

Crafty Rabbits (or Handmade Hares)

If it is not possible to have a real rabbit for a pet, get your child a toy rabbit. Some really cute ones are handmade by crafters.  I found dozens in all forms on Etsy.

Here are a few in handmade crochet.

Roly-Poly Pink Baby Bunny

Roly-Poly plush pink bunny
Roly-Poly Pink Bunny @ Coastal Crochet Crafts 
This is a cute little plush bunny rabbit in a Roly-Poly Amigurumi Design.

Roly-Poly bunny measures a round 4 x 4 inches (including the bunny ears) and is about 9.5 inches around. She is filled with soft new fiberfill.

Plush bunny rabbit is handmade in pink acrylic yarn, and an Ombre variegated acrylic yarn called 'Wedgewood' in pinks, blues and white. Her features include blue craft eyes* and a dark pink embroidered nose. Her ears and feet are pink.

Roly-Poly bunny rabbit is a cute and cuddly soft toy just the right size for little hands to hold. Pink bunny has been sold, but contact: Coastal Crochet Crafts Etsy Store to order a custom bunny made for you.

Bunny Girl Plush Dolls

Handmade plush bunny rabbits

These darling handmade bunny rabbits, one in white and one in gold, are cute as can be.  

White Rabbit in plush crochet

Wonderland White Rabbit
is handmade in white acrylic yarn and filled with new polyester fiberfill.

Plush white bunny rabbit with crocheted carrot, is soft and cuddly. White rabbit measures 10 inches x 6 inches. The carrot, crocheted in orange yarn with green leaves, measures 5 inches long. 

Golden bunny girl doll in handmade crochet
Golden Bunny Girl Plush Doll on Etsy
Golden Bunny Girl is a soft plush doll.  She is hand-crocheted in a wheat-gold shade of acrylic yarn and comes complete with her own wardrobe for your favorite little girl to play 'dress-up' with her Bunny.

Golden Bunny Rabbit measures 9 inches tall (11 inches tall when you count her 'bunny ears') and 6 inches tall in a sitting position. She is about 5 inches across. Bunny Girl has craft eyes for features (eyes and nose) and she is softly stuffed with polyfil.

Golden Bunny Girl comes with her own wardrobe of 2 dresses which easily slip on by having her 'step into' the dress and pull up to tie around the neck in a bow. Each dress measures 4 inches long with 8 inch long crocheted 'ties'. Her dresses are crocheted in a pinafore style with a ruffle around the hem. The 2-piece crocheted wardrobe includes:

  1. Pale green dress with two dark green buttons sewn on as trim
  2. Colorful dress created with an ombre variegated yarn called "Artist Print" with shades of purple, lavender, rose, burgundy, gold, blue and green.

Both bunny girl dolls, plus more bunny-related items, are available on Etsy at Coastal Crochet Crafts.

International Rabbit Day

So, celebrate this special day by hopping down the bunny trail your favorite way – reading, watching movies, or playing with your pet rabbit or toy rabbit.

Don't forget the carrots! 

A pair of rabbits being fed a carrot
Source: Pixabay

Related Reviews:

Rabbit-related reviews number more than one dozen here on ReviewThisReviews.  Check out this 'search' for 'rabbits' link for articles by our contributors which include books about rabbits, movies about rabbits, and stories of the Easter Bunny. A fun way to fill your Rabbit Day!

Rabbit Day Review written by:

Wednesday Elf 

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, September 25, 2020

CleanGreen Microfiber Cleaning Gloves (Dusting Gloves) Reviewed

Microfiber Dusting Gloves
Recently, I discovered the CleanGreen Microfiber Cleaning Gloves. I planned to wear them while I was dusting my home so I could easily pick up & dust picture frames, trinket boxes and knick-knacks. However, the first time I put them on, I discovered they can do so much more!

As I was dusting my dining room, I found it was a lot faster and easier to dust the dining room table legs and chair legs with the gloves.  Moving on to the buffet, I discovered just how easy it was to dust the doors, drawers & sides of the buffet.  In my den, I ended up using just the gloves to dust the book shelves. 

The gloves allow me to hold picture frames without getting finger prints on them while also dusting them completely.  Since the gloves are not thick, I can still feel the surfaces.  They are also very soft, similar to the way a plush animal feels.  I may never use a dusting cloth again!

Benefits of the CleanGreen Microfiber Cleaning Gloves

 Master Manufacturing CleanGreen Microfiber Cleaning Gloves, One Size
Check Price
There are several features about these gloves that I really like.  First and foremost, they do a great job of dusting anything your hands can touch or reach.  Here are a few more reasons to love them.

  • Attracts & Holds Dust, Dirt, or Pet Hair
  • Safe for Computers & Electronics
  • Safe for Dusting Leather
  • No Chemical Cleaning
  • Set of two gloves - one for each hand for dual action
  • Thin & soft - unlikely to scratch anything
  • Machine Wash & Dry


One note of caution:  Don't dry them with a fabric softener dryer sheet.

These dusting gloves made me wish I was a lot taller so I could dust the ceiling lights, fans, window casings and wall cornices.  Well, I guess I could do that with the help of a ladder, but I best stay on the ground with my long handled feather duster for those areas.

I was so impressed with these dandy dusting gloves that I immediately purchased 7 additional pairs.  I have already given my mom a pair and I plan to give them as Christmas gifts to the home "cleaners" in our family.   They are most definitely "gift worthy".

 Master Manufacturing CleanGreen Microfiber Dusting Floves, 1 Pair (Pack of 1), BeigeCheck Price


I am a firm believer in cleaning without harmful chemicals whenever there is an option! I have sought out cleaning products that do not have strong smells, yet actually work.

If you also avoid strong smells or harmful chemicals, you may also be interested in the reviews featured below.

Recommended Cleaning Tips & Products Reviewed by Several of Our Contributors

Clean Your Bathtub Without Harmful Chemicals or FumesClean Your Bathtub Without Harmful Chemicals or Fumes

Clean a porcelain bathtub without any fumes or harmful chemicals! The Mr. Clean Magic Eraser does a better job of cleaning the tub too.

White Vinegar For Cleaning ReviewWhite Vinegar For Cleaning Review

White vinegar is an inexpensive and effective product to use for cleaning in your home. Many uses in the kitchen, bathroom and throughout the house.

How to Sweep Your Floors Without Lifting a FingerHow to Sweep Your Floors Without Lifting a Finger

How to sweep your floors without lifting a finger! Clean while you walk? What?

Baking Soda Hacks ReviewedBaking Soda Hacks Reviewed

Hack through cleaning projects with baking soda. It is economical, toxic free and eco-friendly. Great for the kitchen, as well as some unexpected places.

Read More Product Reviews On


House of Sylvestermouse

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Book Review of Honeysuckle Season

st louis greenhouse

In this book we are introduced to Libby a young women who has many recent struggles and an unknown future.

Summary of Book

Libby is a young woman who has just gone through several miscarriages, a painful divorce and the death of her father.  Since she is at a true crossroads in her life she decides to return to her roots in Bluestone, Virginia.  Here she moves into her father's home and begins a career as a wedding photographer.

She is asked to photograph a wedding at the historic Woodmont estates.  This is a place she remembers going to as a child with her mother.  The place brings back memories and after the wedding the owner Elaine Grant asks her help in getting the place ready for special events.  Elaine has also asked a young widower, Colton Reese to help in the restoration of a greenhouse on the estate.

The greenhouse was once the scene of many community gatherings.  It was built as a wedding gift for Elaine's grandmother and was at one time a beautiful and magical place.  The years have not been kind to the place and it is overgrown with honeysuckle vines and lots of weeds.  The greenhouse is said to be haunted and it hides secrets from years gone by.

It has been months since her father's death and Libby is now ready to start going through some of his things.  When she does, a letter she finds in his desk will bring to light long buried secrets with ties to the Woodmont estate.  

The author, Mary Ellen Taylor, weaves a wonderful story of love and loss, secrets and forgiveness, and a wonderful hope for the future.  Along the way you meet interesting characters and become caught up in their lives.

My Thoughts on the Book

I liked this book from the very beginning and was delighted with the way the author introduced the characters.  There was a hint of the secret throughout the book but I really didn't catch on till near the end.  This made it a real page turner.  The characters were lifelike and I took a real interest in their lives.  This would be a great book for book club discussions.

Other Books by This Author

Mary Ellen Taylor is an award winning author of Winters Cottage and Spring House and several other women's literature books.  She also writes under the name Mary Burton as a New York Times best selling suspense novelist.

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Wednesday, September 23, 2020

RYOBI Laser Level Review

RYOBI Laser Level Review

There are always projects to do around the house. Some are big projects, and some are small projects.

Whatever the project is in my house I like to tackle it myself. I'm not the best handyman but I can hold my own when comes to work around the house.

I've learned some tricks over the years to help me get by with most of my own projects.

One day I was in our local hardware store and noticed this laser level. My first thought was why would I ever need one of these. 

Then I thought, wait a minute, one of my problems was hanging pictures or adding a shelf on the walls and keeping them straight.

I can tell you that I've patched up many holes in the walls fixing my mistakes while hanging pictures and shelves. Well, not anymore because this little laser level makes it so easy even I can do it.

 I now have pictures and shelves that are perfectly level. Although, I do miss those words from Fran, "that's not straight". This handy little tool helped me fix all of my mistakes.

wooden wall shelf

This shelf is now perfectly level, but that wasn't always the case with this shelf. This shelf requires it to be hung from two points on the backside. There are two notches that screws fit into on the back of the shelf. Trying to get the second screw level with the first screw was a nightmare for me.

The laser level made this easy, just set the first screw, then mount the laser level on the wall. Line it up to the centerline of the first screw, using the level on the tool to make sure it's level. Now, measure and mark the wall on the laser line for the second screw. Wow!! Perfect every time.

Some other projects that my laser level made easy, hanging wallpaper, and borders, pictures, and curtain rods. I had to add some new posts for our deck, I used the laser level to determine the correct height of each post. I even lined up the photo eyes on my garage door with it. So, it turns out that I really did need one of these.

RYOBI Laser Level Features:

  • Vacuum suction will seal to smooth walls
  • The laser beam will shoot around corners which makes hanging shelves or wallpaper around the room easy.
  • Tacks will hold the level in place on textured walls.
  • The laser beam will shoot a distance of 30 feet.
  • Easily mounts to a tripod. (tripod is not included)

Ryobi ELL1002 Air Grip Compact Laser Level with Tripod Mounting and Corner Rounding Capability (AAA Batteries Included)Ryobi ELL1002 Air Grip Compact Laser Level with Tripod Mounting and Corner Rounding Capability (AAA Batteries Included)


See more Product Reviews Here:

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