7 Ways to Keep the Energy Level Positive in Your Home |
We're all familiar with the power of negative and positive energy. They're both something we can sense and feel.
Living in the (dis)information world, it's becoming harder and harder to back away from that which doesn't productively serve us. In fact, it's safe to say there are forces working to draw us into the ugly side of life simply for profit.
Below are seven suggestions you can easily implement or work towards to keep the energy in your home positive. We've personally implemented all of them in our home.
1. Guard the Energy in Your Home - Keep Negative TV to a Minimum
Most TV packages come with a Zen or Scenery Channel. They feature glorious scenes from all over the world as well as soft background music. Although TV can be a vehicle for learning, it's also equally capable of sucking the good energy out of our home.
Of course, we all have our favorite shows, but if most of them consist of violence, crime, and hate, that constant connection to negativity isn't wise. In our home, we try to mix up the entertainment choices so it's not all about the dark side of the world.
As far as News channels go, they're rarely on in our home. We watch, catch-up then turn it off. I'm of the opinion that there are forces out there with one objective - to rent space in our head. Sorry, not going to happen.
In our home, during the day, our TV is mostly on the Zen Channel. It's peaceful. There's such a nice vibe in the house when that channel is on.
2. Keep Music Playing in the Background
We keep the radio on in the kitchen pretty much all the time. It's tuned to a pleasant station and no matter who is preparing a meal, they cook by music.
There's an added bonus to music constantly playing: you'll find yourself unexpectedly breaking into song and dance. How nice for the kids to hear their parents singing. They may make sarcastic comments, but deep inside you know it makes a child happy to see their parents happy. If you live alone, there's nothing wrong with having your own private singing cooking prep-party. Be silly.
3. Avoid Social Media Battles
Yep, we've all read comments or posts that make us want to pound the keyboard like a maniac. If you feel a discussion of opposing views can be managed in a calm way, then perhaps enter into those sparingly. However, it's highly unlikely minds will be changed in cyberspace. This famous quote says it best:
"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete."
By Buckminster Fuller - Author/Inventor (1895-1983)
Change the settings on your social media sites so that only certain things are visible. I've done this in spades. On Facebook, go into Settings and list various websites you never want to see posts from. If someone shares an article from one of those websites, it never gets to your timeline.
4. Dive Into a Project or Other Activity You Enjoy
Whether it's writing, cooking, gardening, biking, crafts, decorating or music (pretty much all the topics on ReviewThisReviews), it's worth doing to keep your mind in a productive place.
Nothing can compete with having a passion for an activity or task. It's never too late to learn something new.
For me, biking around the park near our home multiple times a day is absolutely one of my physical forms of meditation. That ten-speed and I are one. On sunny days, with a blue sky, a light breeze and the sounds of summer all around, I see beauty everywhere. So find your thing, and jump into it. Start today.
5. Realize that the Only Thing You Have Absolute Control Over is Yourself
As a mother, that's been hard for me. But at this stage in life, I get it. I'm there for all who need me, but I cannot walk anyone's walk. That's freeing and terrifying when it comes to mothering. Every pain they feel, I feel. It's a connection that never leaves, but at the same time, I remind myself that the kids too will realize that the only thing they truly have power over are themselves.
So when someone says to you, 'you need to let go' (used to annoy me), it's merely a reminder that you can only control yourself, and all the rest is out of your control.
6. Be Diligent About Blocking Negative Energy from Others
Do what you have to do to protect yourself from energy vampires. You don't have to be mean. I simply have a mental exercise where I put an imaginary white light around me with mirrors pointing outwards as a way to block their field from entering mine. I still help and advise, but my shields are up lol. Choose your own visual aid to create that field of protection. You'll find the conscious effort itself is a self-fulfilling prophecy.
7. Feng Shui Your Home
If you're looking for something a bit more tangible to invite good energy into your home, Feng Shui is worth looking at. Unsure what it's all about or where to start? I've put together
this one-page summary covering the basics. Essentially Feng Shui teaches you how to tap into your homes good energy using your home's decor and property as the template to work with. Feng Shui can be quite extensive, simply start with something you can handle. Take a look at
various ideas, and go with the ones you feel fits with your life.
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