Friday, November 6, 2020

How to Lose Weight While Playing Video Games on the Kindle Fire

Video Game AppsI have been shocked by how much weight I have lost while playing video games when exercising.  Previously, I found exercising to be boring and I simply couldn't force myself to stick with it.  That was before I discovered video games on my Kindle Fire!

How It All Began for Me ........

Several years ago, one of our fellow contributors, Susan Deppner, helped me select a new Kindle Fire.  Susan had lots of experience with the various electronic readers and I trusted her to know exactly what I needed.

I loved my Kindle Paperwhite, but I wanted a Kindle with color pictures for cookbooks and children's books.  We all know images are the first impression of either of those kinds of books and are often the determining factor in which ones we purchase.  After all, I'm not likely to even try a recipe without seeing a photo that looks delicious.

I remember laughing when Susan said a Kindle Fire with 32 GB would be more than enough, unless I played a lot of video games.  I laughed because, at the time, I didn't play video games.  The only video games I had ever encountered required a specific console & controllers connected to the television.  

Fast forward 4 years and you will find me playing video games on my Kindle Fire every day.   

Video Game on Kindle Fire

How Video Games Helped Me Lose Weight

Video Game Apps on Kindle Fire
It has been said many times that video game players pack on the pounds while playing video games.  That is simply not true for me!  I play my video games on my Kindle Fire while I exercise. 

I've never liked exercising.  Frankly, in the past, I considered it boring and most often a waste of time since I couldn't force myself to stick with something so mind-numbing.  When my daughter shared how someone she knew had lost a lot of weight on an exercise bike, I thought that very impressive, but lamented that I could not exercise an hour per day.  

Time and experience has proven me wrong on that opinion too.

Fast forward 32 weeks and I am happy to say that I have worked up to exercising an hour per day, 5 days a week, on my recumbent exercise bike.  I don't find that exercise boring because I play my video games while pedaling.  I have lost 30 lbs. in 32 weeks without giving up my favorite food!


Favorite Video Games I Play on My Kindle Fire  

My first encounter with a video game on my Kindle Fire, was a hidden object game.  I quickly advanced to Candy Crush.  From there, I discovered lots of games I love to play!  Perhaps an hour a day is not enough.

These are some of my favorite free game apps that I have downloaded to my Kindle Fire.  If you are already an experienced gamer, I recommend starting at the bottom of the list to discover new games you might enjoy.

Simply talking to my husband or son, you would find out quickly that everyone has a different taste or preference in game choice.  That is totally okay!  There is something for everyone in the Amazon Game Apps that can be downloaded to the Kindle Fire. 

For me, I have always chosen the free game apps.  They all have options to purchase specialty items, tokens, gems or whatever the game requires to continue playing or advance faster.  That is not necessary.  Most of the time, I simply switch to a different game and play until my "lives" are restored on my current favored game.

Start Your Exercise With Video Games Routine Today!

 ProForm 235 CSX Recumbent BikeCheck Price Fire HD 10 Tablet (10.1Check Price Mystery Manor: hidden objectsCheck Price Cooking Diary®: Best Tasty Restaurant & Cafe GameCheck Price


Disclaimer: I am not a doctor. You should consult your physician before starting this or any exercise program to determine what is best for your needs.

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Health Reviews


House of Sylvestermouse

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Thursday, November 5, 2020

Hiking Naked - Book Review


hiking naked book cover
Kindle Unlimited Link

Are you taking a leave of absence
She whispered her question as if I were planning a prison escape.

No.  What Iris had in mind did involve absence, but truly, it was more about arriving back at presence.  In Hiking Naked, Iris Graville takes us along on her journey of stripping life down to what is most essential.  This is a book about reclaiming your joys.

If ever there was a time to plan a prison escape, surely it would be now.  Just as Iris felt imprisoned by the burnout of years in the public health field, who among us is not wishing for an escape from the weariness of daily crisis... from the pandemic stress in which we are engulfed?

For me, being immersed in the author's sojourn to a place far removed from constant bombardment was not only a much-needed respite, but also a knowing, as Graville put it, of "the riches of attending to what's truly important."

Anyone who has ever fantasized about moving to a remote haven far from the madding crowd will relish this account of Graville's time spent in Stehekin (a Native word meaning a way through), Washington.  As Iris ferries us via her writing to this uplake North Cascades paradise, we discover ourselves in a place any lover of Northern Exposure would find intriguing and refreshing.  

Imagine living without TV, phones, freeways, or frenzy.  Think what it would be like to mail-order your groceries (and have a stranger named Alice select your food items for you).

Envision a time of reading, writing, hiking, and just being.  Wrap your mind around days filled with art, bread-baking, letter-writing, laundry-hanging, and journaling about the desires of your heart.

In the process of becoming "Stehekinized," Graville found her own way through the tumult of both internal and external fires and floods.  As she sought balance, and let Stehekin live within her, Iris found the path to what was next.

I highly recommend this book to anyone searching for clarity, for renewal, for a clear sense of calling, for a return to the essence of life.  Here's to finding your own Stehekin.  May the way through be a journey to joy.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Lawn Leaf Blowers


Lawn Leaf Blowers
Lawn Leaf Blowers Reviewed
Photo from Getty Free Images

We Live in a small quiet village in Western New York, surrounded by so many big trees. We have a small yard so it's not that difficult to take care of. When the fall season arrives, and the leaves turn those beautiful colors it's a breathtaking sight and so beautiful.

It's not long before the leaves fall to the ground, cover the lawn and clog the gutters. Last year my electric leaf blower burned up, I wasn't too disappointed when this happened as I've had it for many years.

Lawn Leaf Blowers Reviewed

It was time to find a new leaf blower so I began my search. I had to decide between electric, gas-powered, or Cordless. My first thought was, instead of dragging a couple of extension cords around the yard how about a new gas-powered leaf blower.

As luck would have it a friend of mine let me use his gas-powered leaf blower for a couple of days. As far as blowing leaves it worked very well. But, for me, I found it too heavy and hard to start. This was my opinion I'm sure many people love their gas-powered leaf blowers.

There are many cordless leaf blowers on the market. I wasn't thrilled with the reviews that I read on cordless. I think the cordless is great for blowing off sidewalks, patios, and decks. I just wasn't convinced that cordless would be good enough for the big job of the leaves.

I decided on a new electric Weed Eater Leaf Blower. Since my old one was the same brand and it served me well. It's lightweight, with an ergonomic handle for ease of handling, has an airspeed of 130 MPH, with low noise.

I couldn't be happier with my new leaf blower. I use it throughout the year to clean off my deck and to blow the leaves out of my rain gutters. I made my own extension attachment from some leftover downspout and an elbow. Since we live in a one-story home it's easy to clean the gutter from the ground.

I would recommend this leaf blower to anybody. There are other popular brands on the market. I find this one to be inexpensive with a five-star review.

Greenworks 7 Amp 160 MPH/150 CFM Single Speed Electric Blower, 24012Greenworks 7 Amp 160 MPH/150 CFM Single Speed Electric Blower, 24012Greenworks 7 Amp 160 MPH/150 CFM Single Speed Electric Blower, 24012



Find more product reviews on Review This Here:

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Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Reviewing The Joys And Uses Of Autumn/Fall Leaves

autumn trees with yellow and red leaves
Autumn/Fall Leaves

I appreciate all the seasons and I love the time of year when the leaves start to change colour. Although the vibrant colours of the beautiful spring and summer flowers are now a fond memory, Autumn leaves are equally gorgeous. 

I love to see all the different colours and when you look more closely all the diverse shapes and textures of the leaves. Underfoot if it's dry they feel scrunchy and if it's wet they are all slippery.

When the wind blows you can hear the rustle of the dry leaves and some get caught up and fly higher into the sky like wild confetti! 

In the Fall/Autumn season we are treated to the stunning show of reds, golds, bronze and russets to lift our spirits as the days grow colder and shorter. I do have happy memories of Autumn that stay with me always.

There are many beautiful and lasting memories that can be made at this time of year between children and their parents or grandparents and I wanted to highlight some of the uses and joys to appreciate this season's beautiful falling leaves.

There is nothing quite like standing under a large tree when its leaves are changing color to golds and reds gazing up at the sky as the sun is streaming through, it is truly a magical experience.

Autumn/Fall With Children
This time of year always raises memories of my childhood. My parents always encouraged a love of the outdoors and Autumn always evokes memories as a child walking through deep rifts of crunchy leaves holding hands with my Mum and Dad kicking up the leaves, having fun!

We collected leaves of all shapes, colours and sizes to press, make into a picture and learn about. To succeed in this process on a basic level all you need is tissue paper and a very heavy book. Simply lay the leaf between 2 layers of tissue paper then place in the middle of a heavy book, close and leave. Before very long you will have beautifully preserved leaves. If you wish to learn more about leaf and flower pressing this book is a great starting point to learn how to create really lovely personalised art from simple leaves and flowers.

The Art of Pressed Flowers and Leaves

For younger children dried leaves can be laid down on white paper, the outline drawn and then coloured or painted in whatever authentic or imagined colours they like!

Autumn leaves are so beautiful to paint and also to take photographs of. They have amazing colours and shapes and are always interesting for the artist. Such gorgeous rich colours and moods to capture. 

When older children are involved in looking at and experiencing nature in this way it is then very educational to teach children about the different leaves and which trees they come from. 

This gorgeous book is a wonderful resource, beautiful, visual and well organised to teach children about leaves, trees, seeds, flowers and so much more to encourage an interest in and appreciation of nature.

Trees, Leaves, Flowers and Seeds: A Visual Encyclopedia of the Plant Kingdom

Children and adults can enjoy making a collage of beautiful shapes and colours together from collected Autumn leaves.

As a child, I did this activity throughout Autumn with my parents and it was an enjoyable craft in the long dark evenings.

 All we need is a large sheet of paper, a safe means of adhering them to the paper and dried pressed leaves. The only limits are our imagination!

Making Leaf Mould For The Garden

I heard a neighbour say the other day how he would like this time of year if it wasn't for the leaves falling. I was surprised to hear this as I always see this time of year as a bounty! Fallen Leaves are a great harvest for me. Each year I eagerly wait in anticipation for the leaves to change colour and then fall. My task is then to gather them all up to make gorgeous leaf mold.

I make it by first raking up all the leaves on a dry day, then I set the mower blades on the highest setting and give a gentle mow over to break them down into smaller pieces. This helps to speed up the process. Next, I either place the leaves into black bags or a simple chicken wire crate.

If they are in black bags I make holes with a fork for drainage.  If it is not raining I water them and place them out of sight around the back of the garage. This is so easy to do and I simply wait a year and then I have lovely crumbly free leaf mold to mix in with potting compost and use freely on our beds and borders!

Autumn/Fall Leaves And Wildlife

We can all enjoy the fall leaves but we should not forget about our wildlife. I always leave piles of leaves around in the borders of the garden in sheltered places so as not to be destroyed by strong winds. If we add large or medium-sized logs or piles of sticks that assist wildlife even more by providing protective cover.

Over the years I have seen blackbirds kicking these piles of leaves around to find dinner beneath, hedgehogs taking the leaves to another place getting ready for their winter hibernation, or even deciding that the pile itself will make a cosy home!

There are also all the unseen bugs, creatures and minibeasts who will inhabit the leaf pile to make it their home and find some winter comfort there. 

So just a few examples of how we and our garden creatures can enjoy and use this bountiful resource that is the fallen Autumn/Fall leaves. How do you enjoy Autumn/Fall leaves?   

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, November 2, 2020

Reviewing Beginning Soap Making Molds

My soap-making adventures began recently. Two weeks ago I wrote a Beginning Soap Making Supplies review recommending melt and pour soap bases for people like me who have wanted to make soaps but are intimidated by the hot and cold processes that use lye. It is true that soaps made with those processes can more easily be textured or their colors swirled. That made me feel as though I would be missing out on making pretty soaps. I was wrong. I cannot do color swirls as easily with melt and pour soaps but I can make beautiful soaps using these silicone molds.

If I am making soaps for myself, the simple rectangular molds (as pictured in my previous post) are perfect. But when thinking about making soaps for gifts or for sale, I quickly wanted more interesting molds. 
I made the decision to purchase more silicone molds since the rectangular bar soap silicone mold made such nice soaps. 

The reasons I purchased these most recent molds:

  • Silicone molds produce smooth soaps 
  • silicone molds come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and designs
  • the withstand the heat of the hot soap bases
  • they do not crack or break
  • soaps are easy to pop the finished bar out of the flexible mold
  • I have not yet learned how to measure the soap mix to fit into a "loaf" pan - I do not feel as concerned about having the right amount of "batter" for these single-bar molds
  • the silicone is super easy to clean. I pick off any larger bits of soap remaining on the tops of the mold (the "overflow" or drops of soap I left behind) then I run the mold under hot water. Voila, the mold is clean and ready for the next use.

My first choice of fancy molds were the flower molds. And I couldn't be more pleased. With these soaps I shave a bit of a solid color bar (using Shea or Goat Milk base) I made (using the plain single bar molds). Then pour over those shavings with a clear soap base. 

I think the flower molds are gorgeous! And I've only used the flower that looks like a Dahlia thus far. This mold includes three different flower styles. To me they appear to be a sunflower, a daffodil, and a dahlia. 

I also purchased the ocean waves silicone mold. It produces a larger bar of soap with a "wave" or engraved style top. In this example, I used one of the clear bases and stirred in fragrance, bits of tea leaves, and a mica powder that creates sparkle. 

I do not feel experienced enough to give the instructions for using Melt and Pour soap bases. There are many tutorials online (written and video). I strongly recommend watching a variety of tutorials before diving in. 

Many people enjoy receiving or buying handmade items. Crafts such as soap-making is a great way to spend quality time with kids (note: the melted oils are HOT, please supervise children closely). Whether you have considered making soaps for yourself or for others, these molds add something special to your project. 

Related Links - Make your own with these craft supplies:

My Beginning Soap Making Supplies review. I was happily surprised at how few supplies it takes to make Melt and Pour soaps. However, once you begin, if you are like me, you will soon want many different molds, fragrances, and bases. 

The holidays are approaching. These Easy Christmas Ornaments from beads have been a favorite and a requested activity over the years. Kids (and adults) love using tri-beads and pipe cleaners to make these beautiful ornaments. 

Margaret wrote a wonderful step-by-step tutorial showing us how to make beaded, dangling earrings. Her earrings are a beautiful Romantic, Beaded Heart pair but you can use a variety of bead colors and shapes.                                             

Our own Ms. Sylvestermouse also loves crafts and making things. Her Ebay store, House of Sylvestermouse, is a great place to find "a variety of crafts, craft kits, patterns, books, and supplies...".  I especially like the beaded craft kits and the cross-stitch kits. Oh, if only there were more hours in each day... 

Related Links - Some Handmade Items for sale: 

If you want to give handmade items as gifts but do not have the time or inclination to make them, there are plenty of options from our contributors and friends.

Ms. Elf creates crochet (including amigurumi animals) and needlework gifts and offers them for sale at CoastalCrochetCrafts.  Ms Elf's daughter-in-law also has an Etsy shop names Cute PurseNalities that offers "handmade purses, lanyards, coin purses, and table runners".  The seasonal prints are adorable and I especially like the season print purses/tote bags. 

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Success After 60 - Is It Possible?

Success After 60? Yes, You Can Do It - Many Have

I'll start off apologizing in typical Canadian fashion because, yah, this review about age is a bit self-serving; I turned 60 this year - and - I'm just getting started. 

I personally live by that famous quote we've all heard: "It ain't over, 'til it's over." Actually, older-me believes it's never over; we keep growing and learning even after we transition, but that's for another day.

Are you familiar with some of the famous people who built their dreams after the age of 60? Here are just a few to inspire your aching bones.

Three Outstanding Souls Who Exemplify the Cliche "Age is Just a Number"

  • Grandma Moses: She was born Anna Mary Robertson on September 7, 1860. She began painting at the age of 78. She was known for her rural scenery paintings. In 2006 her painting, "Sugaring Off," sold for 1.6 million dollars. Yep, proof right there, "it ain't over even when it's over!" She also lived to see her paintings sell for substantial amounts for her time (the 1930s) before passing on.

  • Harry Bernstein: He enjoyed fame very late in life as a successful published author. On June 30th, 1910, he was born in Stockport, England, living 'til the ripe young age of 101 when he passed away in Brooklyn, New York, on June 3, 2011. Do you know when he wrote one of his first published successful books, The Invisible Wall: A Love Story That Broke Barriers? The loneliness of losing his wife of sixty-seven years was the catalyst of this book. He started writing it at 93 years old! The book was published in his 96th year in 2007. He wrote and published The Dream in 2008, The Golden Willow in 2009, and What Happened to Rose was published posthumously in 2012

  • Fauja Singh: His absolute tenacity has garnered him the nickname the Sikh Superman. He's the oldest living Marathoner. He was born on April 1, 1911, in British India, and at the age of 109, continues to reside in the United Kingdom. The terrible personal family losses he suffered in the 1990s redirected him back to his first passion, running. In the over 90's bracket, at the age of 93, Singh completed a marathon in six hours and fifty-four minutes.
Hidden Dreams by Barbara Tremblay Cipak
In the Poetry Book - We Will Have Morning Smiles

What I've Personally Done For This Older Body, Mind, and Soul:

Last year, for whatever reason, at the age of 59, I felt "time." What I mean by that is I felt a powerful urge to do the things I've wanted to do in life but hadn't gotten off my butt to complete. So from last year, and now into 2020, I jumped in with both feet and committed to self:
  • I self-published a 50-year collection of a book of my personal poetry work.
  • I published a series of personally written riddle books and created the website I'm currently writing book six in the series.
  • Keto saved my health. I lost over 60 pounds from 2019 to 2020. I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis at the age of 56 - and I was sick. Almost immobile. Today at 60, I feel ten years younger than I did at 56. Proper food and mild exercise are a part of my life every single day. It has taken a great deal of discipline, but feeling healthy is more important to me than eating the wrong foods and being sick.
  • I work very hard on body, mind, and spirit. Spirit (soul work) is just as important to my day as eating and exercise.
I'm not trying to be self-righteous - like I've had a perfect life or something. I haven't. Life has been filled with almost endless challenges. The difference for me at this age is accepting what has happened and moving forward. Always, always moving forward. After all, our time is limited.

The last page of my poetry book features a closing message to my kids. This message includes a quote that I feel perfectly describes life when times get difficult:
"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete" by Buckminister Fuller (1895-1983) American Architect, Systems Theorist, Author, Designer, Inventor and Futurist


15 Personal Life Lessons I've Learned During These 60 Years of Living:

1. Don't give up.
2. When we're tired, rest. 
3. When we need support, seek it from the safe arms of friends and family. 
4. Love with all our hearts. Tell those who matter that we love them.
5. Find the good in others. 
6. Live a life of service to others, big or small, it doesn't matter. Even the smallest contributions to another can brighten a day - something as simple as a smile or a kind word. 
7. Guard our souls. There's a saying, "don't become that which you rail against." 
8. Watch our thoughts and choose our words wisely.
9. Forgive. Forget about grudges and vengeance; they're a complete waste of energy and ultimately damaging to our soul. Accept that people will make mistakes, just like we'll make mistakes.
10. Find a way to reach our kids. Stay connected. This can be the toughest task. Do it anyway.
11. Read and advance our learning. Never stop.
12. Tolerance, compassion, kindness, and empathy are essential to the human condition. Live by those principles most or all of the time.
13. Fight temptation. Fight it hard. Dark/negative energy (whatever you decide to call it) is hunting us down every second of every day. It doesn't let up. We mustn't let it have our thoughts or our actions. We need to train our minds daily to recognize when we're slipping and put ourselves back on track as quickly as possible. We need to be proactive and kick that useless darkness out of our life-field.
14. When we need to cry, cry. Get those issues out; put them on paper, talk to someone, music, lyrics, art - whatever helps us release the pain.
15. Accept responsibility for our lives and for where we are in our life. Be honest with ourselves.

I'm currently advancing my soul by reading the best selling book gifted to me by a friend, "Your Second Life Begins When You Realize You Only Have One" by Raphaelle Giordano

I'll end this article with this moving song, inspired by the famous Paradoxical Commandments, "Anyway, by Martina McBride." If viewing this article via mobile, you can listen to the song on YouTube here.

"You can chase a dream that seems so out of reach, and you know it might not ever come your way, dream it anyway" - lyrics.

"This world's gone crazy, and it's hard to believe that tomorrow will be better than today, believe it anyway" - lyrics.

"You can pour your soul out singing a song you believe in, that tomorrow they'll forget you ever sang, sing it anyway" - lyrics.

All the best to you, do it anyway.

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Saturday, October 31, 2020

Reviewing Right Behind You by Rachel Abbott

 The idea behind this book is just horrifying for any parent, let me paint you a picture .....

Reviewing a suspense filled novel by Rachel Abbott - Right Behind You
Purchase Right Behind You by Rachel Abbott on Amazon - photo by Lou16

Imagine you have a young child and one day the police come to your door to arrest your partner for child endangerment, at the same time a social worker and another police officer inform you that your daughter has to go with them and you can't accompany her because you may influence what she says.

Wouldn't you go out of your mind with worry about your child as well as wondering if you knew your partner as well as you thought and going over every little detail that you could think of?

Now let's say you wait and you don't hear anything so finally you decide you're going to call the police station because, seriously, your daughter must be worried not being with her mum for so long.   The next thing you discover is the police have no record of your partner's arrest and certainly don't have your daughter.   It was an elaborate ruse to kidnap your child and now you have to work out why - will there be a ransom, was your partner involved?

This book was a real page-turner and if you enjoy suspenseful fiction then you will absolutely love this.   I did work out who was behind it before the book revealed which I found very frustrating, but that's something I'm known for with both movies and books!

This book gets a big thumbs up from me, although I am very glad my daughter is an adult now, the author's idea is truly terrifying to any parent and I'm not sure I would've wanted to read it had my own daughter been a pre-schooler.   That's how good it was.

I have never come across Rachel Abbott before but I will certainly be looking out for some of her books in the future.   I actually got the kindle version of this book for free as I have an Amazon Prime account.   I love having a Prime membership because I can try different authors and even different genres of books for free before purchasing more books.

Rachel Abbott has several other books available in book form, in Kindle form as well as audiobooks, in fact, a couple of them are available for free if you decide to trial audible (I don't have this yet, but a number of people have been telling me to try it).

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, October 30, 2020

Fall Leaves Placemats & Tablerunners Reviewed

Fall Placemats
Like many of our Contributors, I love the fall and the beautiful colors of nature.  The yellow, gold, orange, and red leaves falling all around are simply stunning.

With the fall, we welcome cooler weather which tends to keep us indoors more and looking out the windows at the beautiful landscape.  That makes me want to bring some of the beautiful leaves inside, which I have certainly done in the past.

Several years ago, I was doing a bit of early Christmas shopping when I spotted the gorgeous fall leaves cutwork placemats.  There were only two left, but that was fine for my kitchen table, which only seats two.  

We removed our large kitchen table decades ago and replaced it with a couch & chair.  Not only does that provide comfortable seating in the kitchen, but it forces us to use the dining room, which was previously only used for holidays.

The fall leaves cutwork placemats are perfect for my husband and myself at our smaller kitchen table.  Plus, they provide really beautiful fall decor in the center of our kitchen.

fall placemats

Fall Leaves Placemats

Forest Blanket with Poly-Suede Cutwork Round Doily - 16 inch placmats (Set of 4)Forest Blanket with Poly-Suede Cutwork - 16 inch placmats (Set of 4)Check PriceMy fall leaves placemats are made of a faux suede material.  The cutwork design gives them a nostalgic look that appeals to us.  Our table is wood, a gift from my grandmother's home.  The wood table provides the perfect background for the fall leaves placemats.

When our daughter visited last fall, she commented on how pretty these placemats are on the table.  Normally, we all have very different decor preferences.  Apparently, these fall leaves placemats appeal to a variety of decor tastes. 

The current fall leaves placemats that are available are slightly different from mine in colors.  That is common with fabric due to different runs or fabric selection.  It could also be due to a different manufacturer.  Photography lighting can also affect an image.  Regardless, they are still stunning!

If you stop by my article about my grandmother, you will see the table in it's original place in her home.  That photo was taken on Christmas over 30 years ago.

Fall Leaves Tablerunner

Owenie Fall Leaves Table Runners,Thanksgiving Centerpieces for Tables, 13Inch x 34Inch Embroidered Maple Leaf table decor for Harvest, Autumn Farmhouse Decorations for Home Settings, Machine Washable.Owenie Fall Leaves Table Runners,Thanksgiving Centerpieces for Tables, 13Inch x 34Inch Embroidered Maple Leaf table decor for Harvest, Autumn Farmhouse Decorations for Home Settings, Machine Washable.Check PriceOur kitchen opens up to our dining room where we have the large dining room table that seats 8-12 easily.  Recently, I came across a fall leaves tablerunner that compliments my placemats.  That ties the decor in the two rooms together nicely.  

The tablerunner is not an exact match, but that is not really noticeable unless you place them side by side.  That doesn't matter to us since they are used on different tables.  Plus, there is something naturally eclectic about them not matching, just as hundreds of leaves don't match when blanketing the yard.

If you were going to use the table runners and the placemats on the same table, I would recommend buying the exact same pattern all at the same time.  

More Articles on Fall Decor

Check Out More Home Decor Reviews at

House of Sylvestermouse

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Citizens of Campbell - Book Review

two men standing toe to toe
Have you ever loved a book so much you wish you had been written into it?  That is the feeling I came away with after reading Citizens of Campbell.  Ann Reed's debut novel felt, in many ways, like a story I had already inhabited while growing up in small town America.  More than anything, this was a homecoming for me.

The heart of this novel is the bond between two quietly heroic men—Earl Johansen and Nearly "Walking Elk" Kelly.  One is a hero for saving a man's life; the other for simply being who he is—a good and decent man.  

I'm sure Earl and Nearly would be surprised to find themselves between the covers of a book.  I imagine Earl would be a little embarrassed and Nearly secretly delighted.  The dailiness of their lives, to them, wouldn't seem worthy of mention, but they would be wrong.

Citizens of Campbell reveals the soul of what it means to be essential to someone else.

Ann Reed, the author, is an extremely gifted singer/songwriter.  More than writing the story of Campbell, Iowa, and its citizens, she has sung it.  The song is an anthem all kindred spirits will recognize.  You will feel the chords, the true notes that are the music of living simply and beautifully alongside, and in concert with, your chosen family.

Highly recommended.

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Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Show a Little Love: Stuffies That Will Make you Smile

Today is National Stuffed Animal Day!  Guess What?  I love my "Stuffies" and I'm not alone! 
A Gift Review

Is there anything more fun than going out and getting a new stuffed animal for the child (ren) in your life?  I don't think so.  Every kid I know, by the time they are 5 or 6 years old, are the proud owners of at least 5-10 stuffed animals.  Let's try to understand why these are such a great gifts at any time of the year, for kids and grown ups too!

stuffed animals
From newborns to seniors, stuffed animals are always a favorite toy/gift.  Whether it's baby number one or more, each newborn is sure to receive a Teddy Bear!  They are the #1 stuffed toy that people reach for.  I have witnessed the connection kids can have with that first stuffed animal first hand as my granddaughter (12) still has her Teddy Bear right there in the bed beside her every night.  My other granddaughter happens to love her unicorn and my grandson has his favorite bunny and dog snuggled right up to his pillow every night.

Some people love Teddy Bears, others love Sheep, Lady Bugs, or their favorite Cartoon Characters.  All of them are available as Stuffed "animals", although that is really a misnomer.  Not everything that is stuffed is an animal,  there are lots of stuffed "characters" as well.  That's why I prefer to call them "Stuffies", because you just never know!  

For years past, children loved their Raggedy Ann and Andy stuffed toys. It was a great way to engage children with the story books too.   Today, Raggedy Ann and Andy are not quite as popular, but there are many others that have taken their place.  Mickey and Minnie Mouse have been favorites for years as well. Paddington Bear and Winnie the Pooh all have story books to read to the little ones while they are busy hugging  their "Stuffie"!

Whenever a new Family Movie comes out, there are at least six or seven (or more) new stuffed toys that are offered in the marketplace.  Monsters Inc.  was a fantastic movie for kids and afterwards, there were kids that wanted "Mike" or "Sulley" stuffed toys to add to their collection.  Toy Story also had a great run with kids and there were so many stuffed animals and characters out on the marketplace after that movie as well.  Buzz Lightyear and Woody come in a variety of toy styles.  Add the Little Mermaid,  Gremlins, Wookies and a host of other "Other Worldly" characters and you know that the list of Stuffies is almost endless.  

Whether they are a character from a movie or cartoon show, or just your favorite Bear, Bunny, Elephant, Sheep or other animal.  There are so many out there and each one has it's own pull on your heartstrings.  If you need some help figuring it all out, here's my Favorites that you can go through. Olivia's Favorite Stuffies

Kids need to have a toy that is cuddly and soft.  They love to carry them around and even share their treats with their little stuffies.  I know my grandchildren had fun watching movies and snacking with their best buddies tucked comfortably in the crook of their arms. The connection that kids make with their favorite stuffed toys is really heartwarming to see.  My one granddaughter has shared her times in hospital with her favorite bear!  If you want to know more about that you can read about her need for some comfort right here!

Stuffed Animals and Characters really do play an important part in a child's life and so I really do believe that it's great to celebrate these toys with a special whimsical holiday. 

This year especially due to our restrictions, this just might be a great way to celebrate Halloween with the little ones in our lives.  A great movie and some treats along with their favorite stuffie and you have a party to remember!

Happy Halloween everyone, stay safe and healthy! But please find time to have some fun too!

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