Friday, April 16, 2021

CorningWare 20-ounce Pop-in Mug with Vented Plastic Cover Reviewed

Corningware Microwave Soup Mugs
There is nothing better for lunch than a cup of hot soup, especially on a cold or rainy day! These Corningware Pop-In Mugs make heating soup in the microwave fast, easy, and without any mess.

We received a set of the Pop-in Mugs several years ago as a gift. At the time, I had no idea how much I would end up enjoying these Corningware microwavable mugs.  Not only are they microwavable, but they are dishwasher safe.  Therefore, the entire meal from beginning to end is easier.

If I make a pot of soup or stew, I can fill and store the mugs in the refrigerator or freezer.  When I am ready to reheat the soup, I simply pop the vent on the lid, stick it in the microwave, and heat.  That plastic vented lid is the only cover needed to keep my microwave clean and clear of splatters or overflows. 

At 20 ounces, it is also the perfect size for a can of soup. I enjoy Campbell's Tomato Soup.  The mug would be large enough for the entire can contents as well as water.  However, I don't add water to my tomato soup. I heat the soup in the microwave for 3 minutes and I'm ready to go. Because the mug handle is not hot, I can "drink" my tomato soup while continuing to work at my computer.  I know it is best to take a real lunch break, but that is not always possible.  It is nice to have a good hot lunch that I can easily eat/drink while working.

If I still worked outside of the home, it would be a very easy and practical way to carry soup, stew, chili, etc to work for lunch, ready for the microwave.  The lid is tight enough that liquid will not spill, although I wouldn't test it by turning it upside down for a prolonged period of time. 

 CorningWare Colours Pop-Ins
20-oz Soup Mug with Lid - 2 Pack (Tomato)
Check Price
Features of the Corningware Pop-in Mug

  • Comes with a vented lid for easy microwaving
  • 20 Ounce size 
  • Stoneware - Available in a variety of colors
  • Freezer Safe
  • Oven Safe
  • Dishwasher Safe

The only downside that I have found to these mugs is that my tomato soup has stained the inside of one of our lids.  No big deal for me.  I know it is clean, but I suspect that would bother some people.  I have tried baking soda, vinegar, soaking, and several stain removal suggestions, but none have removed the tomato soup stain on the lid.

 CorningWare Colours Pop-Ins 20-oz Soup Mug with Lid - 2 Pack (French White)Check Price Tomato Red Pop-Ins 20 oz. Mug with Vented Plastic CoverCheck Price CorningWare Microwaveable Soup/Meal/Beverage Mug w/Vented Plastic LidCheck Price Corningware Pop-Ins 20-OzMug w/ Blue Vented Plastic Cover, Blueberry (Pack of 2)Check Price


Old Versus New Corningware Designs
I am a huge fan of CorningWare!

The current day line of products are not always the same as the Corningware of 30 years ago.  However, the items I have replaced with the newer version have been fine. I understand the new Pop-in Mugs have smaller handles than mine.  Also, it seems manufacturing has moved to China.  Mine were made in Thailand.   
If you prefer the older versions, I recommend searching eBay for the older versions of CorningWare.

ebay banner

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House of Sylvestermouse

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Thursday, April 15, 2021

How to Etch Copper - DIY Review


etched copper with bee design

Have you ever found yourself admiring a gorgeous piece of etched copper jewelry?  I know I have.  A few months back I decided I wanted to learn how to create my own custom copper gifts.  As a maker, I crave opportunities to pursue new avenues of artistic expression.  

After exploring various techniques for etching copper, I chose to try a method that appeared to be one of the very best for beginners.  Having just experienced a successful first experiment, I wanted to share the process for the benefit of other aspiring copper artisans.  Here's a list of the supplies you will need:

  1. Small sheet of copper (or copper blank).
  2. Ferric chloride (I used Radio Shack PCB Etchant Solution).
  3. Rubber stamp (a link to the bee stamp featured here).
  4. Ink pad (I prefer the StazOn Solvent Ink Pad).
  5. Black permanent marker.
  6. Clear shipping tape.
  7. Two small plastic containers.
  8. Water.
  9. Baking soda.
  10. Chemical-resistant gloves.
  11. Eye protection.
  12. Brillo pad.
  13. Fine steel wool.
piece of copper and steel wool

Step One
: Prep the copper.  It must be clear of fingerprints, tarnish, etc., to make a good etching.  I used fine steel wool to clean up my copper blank.  You will want to wear gloves during this step (to ensure you don't leave prints on the surface of the metal).

drawn stencil on copper

Step Two
: Select your design and transfer it to the copper (either freehand using a fine permanent marker, or with the use of a rubber stamp).  Allow adequate time for the ink to fully dry.

Step Three: Using a permanent marker, completely ink over the back of the copper blank (and the side edges).  Anything that is not protected with an ink resist will etch.  Once the ink has dried, overlay it with clear packing tape.  Then, tape a piece of styrofoam to the back side of the copper ( to help it float and to provide you with a handle for safely lifting the copper out of the etching acid).

etching solution

Step Four
: In a well ventilated area (outdoors is best), pour an inch or so of the ferric chloride solution into a shallow plastic container (wearing chemical protective gloves and eye protection).  Carefully set your copper (design side down) on the surface of the etching solution.  You want it to float on the surface.

Step Five: Depending on how pronounced you want your etched design to be, you will leave the copper in the etchant solution for anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour.  Gently stir the solution every 15 minutes.  I went the full hour for my etching and was really pleased with the result.

acid solution for etching copper

Step Six
: In a clean plastic container, mix warm water with two tablespoons of baking soda (I used about a cup and a half of water).  Wearing protective gear, carefully remove the copper from the acid solution and gently set it into the water bath.  It will start bubbling as the acid is neutralized by the baking soda.  This step takes less than five minutes.

etching copper

Step Seven
: Remove the copper from the soda bath and rinse with clean water.  When dry remove the packing tape from the back side.

remove ink residue from stenciled copper

Step Eight
: Using a Brillo pad, rub off the ink residue on both sides of the copper.  

Step Nine: Use fine steel wool to brighten up the copper and reduce minor scratches.

Step Ten: You may wish to apply an optional patina to the copper and/or a protective seal coat to keep the copper from tarnishing.  Some copper artisans like the darker antique look achieved using liver of sulphur.  

stenciled design on copper

As you can see, with the right supplies and just a few hours of effort, it is fairly easy to produce a very satisfying result.  I am pleased with this copper etching method and will most definitely take it to the next level with a more advanced project.

If this has stirred an urge to create something unique, you may be interested in my article about painting on copper with fire.  No matter what you decide to do, the important thing is to find your own outlet for creative expression.  There is so much beauty just waiting to be released into the universe.  Let the beauty of who you are be what you release into the world.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Deepening Your Faith with "The Chosen" A Movie Series Review

There are very few things on Television that excite me!

The Fact of the matter is that I gave up watching Television for almost 5 years.  I was disappointed in most shows and felt that most of what I was watching was not making my life better, but rather causing me a lot of distress.

So just as we can be masters of our own worlds, television became something that was watched only on limited occasions and most often for a good Hallmark movie (many that our own Sylvestermouse Cynthia has reviewed) or some special that just could not be missed.

My other half would watch sports hockey and basketball and of course the Olympics when they were being televised.  I spent most of my time either reading or writing.  Making and learning how to do things that I never tried before.

I was happier for a long time with this new reality.  People would ask me if I had heard about certain things that were happening in the world and I was totally and blissfully unaware of the many hurtful things going on around me.  I was living with blinders on and I was able to sleep peacefully at night.

Now I have found a reason to put the TV back on.  It's not for "regular" television shows, but rather for an amazing series that really speaks to me!

the chosen

We are a Christian Family and I don't make any apologies for that.  What I will say is that while I feel I know my faith, there is always some way to make it deeper and more meaningful on a daily basis.

Last year, during a time when my husband was busy looking for ways to help our Bible study group delve into Scriptures more fully, we came across an advertisement for a new Series on the Life of Jesus.  It sounded interesting and we made it a point of watching it.

the chosen

Now this is not regular Television in the sense that you can turn on the channel and see this series.  You need an "app" or you can watch it on You Tube as well.  Here is the link for the first two episodes on You Tube! If you would like to watch through the "APP" you can find it right here for Apple and right here for Android.  If you have a "Smart TV, you can watch these episodes through your TV, otherwise you may have to watch on an iPad or Android tablet.

For anyone who is interested in having the Scriptures come alive, this series is one that you will truly enjoy.  The sets, costumes and the characters come alive in a way that reading scriptures cannot quite make happen.  Scriptures, while they are the backbone of the Christian faith, can be very dry and lacking in details.  The Chosen has made much of what we read in the Scriptures come alive. 
the chosen - jesus surrounded by children

The Series must be watched from the beginning, as each subsequent installment builds on the previous one.  The Chosen has just started the Second Series and it promises to be just as wonderful as the First.

the chosen party

Director and Creator of the Series Dallas Jenkins has made this series his very own way to deepen his faith life and shares it with anyone who wants to do likewise.  The "App" is free and watching is free too (see the links above).  

The only downside to this Series, is that because it has been made free for anyone to watch, there are a certain number of "ads" done by the director in order to find the funding for this project.  It's a small downside, because if you feel as I do that this is worth your time to watch, you won't mind listening to a little bit of fundraising to make these episodes available to everyone.  After all sharing our faith belief is what we are called to do. 

I chose to Review this series because I have watched it several times and I am always drawn right into the story again.  I see something new each time I watch and it never gets old.  I love that the series highlights the "women" of the Bible .  Sometimes they are glossed over when you set to only read the words.  

This Series is for all Christians without exception. It is even for those who are not Christian but would like to understand what Christianity is about.   Dallas Jenkins has on his team of writers many Biblical Scholars and Jewish Scholars as well.  The story has to be correct and possible.  It brings the humanity of the times to life and the way life was in those Biblical times.  It really makes the Bible come alive!

If you want to own the series for your family, to watch whenever you want, it is available in a two disc set and then you don't have any Advertisements to deal with!  The Chosen is one movie that will stand the test of time!

Please take the time to check it out for yourselves and let me know if you enjoyed it or not. 

***All the pictures used here are from The Chosen Media page. 

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Hallmark Gifts for Mom


Discover five fun, fabulous and affordable gift ideas for mom on Mother's Day or any day of the year!

No doubt your Mom raised as Hallmark says, "Good, kind kids who are a great gift to the world." Who better then to offer up a special gift idea for your Mom than Hallmark, whether it be for Mother's Day or on any day of the year? 

On this page you will find gathered together six wonderful Hallmark gift ideas including the Blooming Expressions flowers; the Mom and Me Recordable Conversations To Keep book; a shadow box picture frame; the There is No One Like Mom CD; the movie Soldier Love Story; and, a fun Mom-themed coffee mug series.

I am sure that you will find something here that is within your budget and perfect for your Mom.


Hallmark's Blooming Expressions flowers will bloom every year for mom!

There are an assortment of Hallmark Blooming Expressions flowers available, including pink and red rose versions. Each vase features a variety of expressions like, "I Love You" and "You Are the Heart of Our Family." I like the idea that this item is an everlasting gift that mom can use to decorate her table, dresser or desk. They will bloom for mom forever!  Find your Blooming Expressions flower on Amazon by clicking right here.

Hallmark Mom and Me Conversations to Keep Recordable Storybook records Mom and her little one talking.


Some of the most beloved gifts given to Moms are those that are personal in one way or another. A Hallmark Mom and Me recordable book fits that bill very nicely. With a Mom and Me recordable storybook, a young Mom records the voices of herself and her children having an informal and fun chat.

The book provides fun, open-ended questions like, "If you and your mom had a super power, what would it be?" and "What do you want to be when you grow up?" With this special memory book, mom records their thoughts NOW so that she will have them as a treasured keepsake when they are grown up. I sure wish that I had done something similar when my boys were young.

A Hallmark's Mom and Me Recordable Storybook is the perfect gift idea for any mother with young children. You can find the Hallmark Mom and Me Recordable storybooks on eBay by clicking right here


This Hallmark Shadow Box is filled with treasures from Treasures By Brenda on eBay but your mom can of course personalize it with her own momentos!

With Hallmark's personalized shadow boxes, you can frame pictures of your family along with small mementoes and quotes. Whether you choose to do the decorating or you leave it up to mom, there are a variety of frames available. See the Hallmark Shadow Box frames on eBay by clicking right here.


Hallmark's lovely music CD for mom features music by assorted artists.

Hallmark's There Is No One Like Mom CD features music by various artists including Sheryl Crow, Elvis Costello, Elton John, Diana Ross and Sting and is an appropriate and affordable gift for moms everywhere. Find it on eBay by clicking here.


Faith and Family's Soldier Love Story launched the 2009 Countdown to Mother's Day on the Hallmark Channel, thus feeding the confusion as to whether or not it is a Hallmark movie.

In Soldier Love Story, a ten-year old boy named Jared's life fell apart when his parents divorced. His Dad seems to put his job ahead of him and his mother makes him move in with his Grandma in California so that his mom can take a job there. When the boy's classroom writes letters to U.S. troops who are posted in Afghanistan, a sergeant named Vince who himself had no father takes a shine to the boy and corresponds with him in a fatherly manner. When Vince returns from Afghanistan, he is warmly welcomed and becomes a boyfriend to the boy's mother, with the understanding that there can be no commitment because he will likely be sent back to Afghanistan.

Soldier Love Story was originally called Meet My Mom. It is a lovely story and would make a wonderful Mother's Day gift for any Mom who loves Hallmark movies and in particular for any Mom with a connection to the Armed Forces. It is a hugely popular Hallmark movie with viewers praising it because it combines a bit of romance and family with a lot of respect for soldiers.

Please note that this is not actually a Hallmark movie. Rather, it is a made-for-tv movie that first aired as the lead movie for the Hallmark Channel's Countdown to Mother's Day in 2009. That's good enough for me. It is still a great movie choice for mom. Find  Soldier Love Story on Amazon by clicking right here.


This is one of a series of Hallmark mugs featuring Ken Sheldon and a mom theme.

Of course, there's nothing quite like a mug for Mom, especially if she loves her cup of tea or coffee. If she does, she will appreciate using a mug every single day that you chose with her in mind. I enjoy the sentiments on these Ken Sheldon mugs, of which there is a series that includes various pieces, not just coffee mugs, and pieces for dad, too. Find all of Hallmark's Ken Sheldon items on eBay by clicking right here.

What will you be giving your mom for Mother’s Day this year?

See you 
next time!
Treasures By Brenda

More Gift Ideas for Moms:

Vintage Taylor and Ng Coffee Mugs

A Clowder of Black Cat Coffee Mugs

Note from Author: This page previously published in part elsewhere.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, April 12, 2021

Aootek 182 Solar Light Reviewed - A Favorite!

The Aootek 182 Solar Light is by far my favorite solar light that delivers as promised. Bright, easy to install, easy to use and an environmentally friendly solar solution.

Aootek 182 Solar Light Review banner

Old housing stock can be a challenge! Are the electrical sockets ever conveniently located? Ever located in a place you actually could use a socket? Unless your home or condo or apartment has been updated at quite the expense with new wiring - outdoor lighting can be a challenge.


It is very, very easy to install the Aootek Solar light. The hardware comes with the light, but I found a reviewer had a valuable suggestion for those who do not want to wield a screwdriver. The two holes which could be used for the screws can be used with cable ties to attach the light. As we were in the middle of a polar vortex the logistics of cold, snow, ice and installation was not practical.

I simply used two cable ties and attached the light to a fence in the same area of the hard wired light which did not make it through the winter. Perfect!

Three Convenient Brightness Settings

The light has three settings:

1. Security Option: Light turns on with motion automatically and then turns off automatically.

2. All Night Option: Light turns on at night automatically and stays on until sunrise.

3. Combination Motion and Dimmer: Bright light triggered with motion and when motion ceases the light stays on but will be dimmer until sunrise.

As two lights were included with the purchase I use Option 1 for the garage area and Option 3 for the deck. Option 3 works wonderfully if you have a dog as the light will be bright when the dog is being let out and then is dim for the porch area.

The light is very bright. This is not garden decorative lighting; if bright and secure is your desire then this light is a great option.

Aootek 182 Solar Light Review banner

Setting the Options

There is a toggle button on the back of the light to access the three settings. My one consideration with the light is the design of the button. The button is covered with a plastic plug which can be a challenge to remove then place back after the setting is chosen. I suggest tweezers or a comparable tool to help with this feature.


Because the light is solar, the light does need to be charged with sunlight before installation. I admit I was a bit skeptical with the lack of sunshine in the upper midwest in the winter. I have been disappointed before with solar lights as they just could not stay charged in the winter months or even become charged if installed in the "shade".

This light is a champ. On a rare(!) sunny day, I charged the light inside at a sunny window. The light was then installed in an area which receives very little sunshine anytime of the year. No problem! 

I highly recommend the Aootek Solar Lights. There is a reason this light has over 20,000 reviews and this light delivers as promised at an economical purchase price and then uses the sun to power the light flawlesly.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Owl Wall Decals Review for a Baby's Room

Baby crib and owl themed wall decal
Fantastic, Affordable Owl Wall Decals for the Nursery

The mommy-to-be recently added these Owl Wall Decals to her baby registry.

With wall decals, it can be a crap-shoot whether the quality of the stickers will be decent.

My main concern when I ordered them was that they weren't expensive. I should have been cheering on the fact that they weren't expensive. However, I was more worried that they wouldn't stay on the walls or look cheap.

These Owl Wall Decals Are Fantastic

The brand name of these wall decals is "Decalmile." I'm so pleased with them; I'll look for this company again if we order more.

Mommy-to-be had never put up a wall decal in her life, and neither had I. I watched her put these up, and it was easier and quicker than it took me to peel off the safety stickers on the crib!

The decals come in small sheets. They were on 8.5 by 11-inch sheets. At any rate, they are shipped compactly in a small, durable envelope of about the same size. 

Owl themed wall decals
Owl Wall Decals - Looks as Good or Better Than This Photo
We Purchased This 'Decalmile' Decal Via Amazon Here

How Mommy Put Up These Decals
  1. She laid out the sheets in the proper order for the design she wanted
  2. These owl decals show you a couple of different options for laying out the designs
  3. She decided where to place them on the wall
  4. Mommy wanted them to come out for the corner to make it seem like a branch from a tree.
  5. After laying each sheet on the floor, she cut out the pieces individually to place them on the wall.
  6. She chose to go high enough so the baby can't reach them in the crib
  7. She kept them to one side versus directly over the crib for safety purposes
  8. We pulled the crib out of the way so she could safely work on the decal
  9. Using a safe step ladder, she placed each piece on the wall
  10. Once complete, back went the crib, and it was done
  11. The job took maybe 30 to 45 minutes

How Well Do These Owl Decals Stick to the Wall

These decals stick perfectly. They're removable and repositionable, although we have yet to try either of those options. They are vinyl, so they'll come down easily when it's time to remove them.

The wall surface needs to be a standard, clean, drywall. It may stick on other surfaces, but if you plan to put them on stucco or cement, I wonder if that would work.

The walls in this baby's room have been freshly painted, so the owl decals went on beautifully.

They're colorful, cheerful, and gorgeous.

The Baby's Room Isn't Finished Yet

The baby's room is currently being set up, so the photos included are the decor's early stages. Look for a review on the crib featured in the room in the coming weeks. Great-grandma gifted that one to future mommy and daddy, and I give it five stars.

Baby crib and owl themed wall decal
Owl Wall Decal in Proportion to the Crib
Look for a Future Review on This Lovely Crib

When the room is completed, with all the accessories, look for a full review of the nursery.

Here's the Product on Amazon - (We also purchased it via Amazon)

Owl themed wall decal

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Saturday, April 10, 2021

I Love This Yarn - A Review

I Love This Yarn store display

I Love This Yarn! is the Hobby Lobby store brand by Yarn Bee. It is a very soft and smooth yarn that is perfect for all sorts of projects.  It's well recommended for hats, scarves and shawls. But it's softness makes it lovely for baby blankets (afghans) and especially for plush toys and animals (my favorite to crochet). 

I Love This Yarn

I Love This Yarn on a yarn store shelf
Source: Pixabay

I Love This Yarn (ILTY) is a size 4 medium worsted weight yarn that is 100% acrylic. This makes it machine washable and dryable. It is recommended for 5mm (size 8) knitting needles or 5.5mm (size 9) crochet hook. Since I primarily crochet stuffed animals and toys, my favorite hook sizes are E and F and this yarn works up just fine in these smaller hook sizes. In other words, ILTY yarn works well with whatever size knitting needles or crochet hooks you prefer.

Yarn Specs

  • Based on the recommended sizes of knitting needles and crochet hooks, the gauges are: 
    • Crochet Gauge: 12 Single Crochet x 15 Rows – 4”
    • Knit Gauge:  18 Stitches x 23 Rows – 4”
  • Skein Weight: 5 ounces
  • Skein Yardage: 252 Yards

Metallic Yarn

I Love This Metallic Yarn
I Love This Metallic Yarn (c) Elf

I Love This Yarn also comes in a metallic version, which is 97% Acrylic and 3% Metallic Polyester. This yarn gives a nice 'sparkle' to all kinds of projects.

Crocheted dolphins created in I Love This Metallic Yarn
Image by (c) Elf

A few years ago I was given a custom order for five crocheted dolphins, specifically requested in the metallic version of the I Love This yarn. I created them in the five different colors shown, using a metallic white for the belly of each. They turned out darling, as you can see in the photo. 

Crochet Plush Dolphin in Sparkly Metallic Yarn

These dolphins are now living in new homes, but I can recreate any of the others shown in the photo, or in a color of your choice, upon request by contacting me at Coastal Crochet Crafts.

Red & White handmade octopus Christmas decoration
Crochet Octopus in Metallic Yarn (c) Elf

Keychain charms handmade yarn octopus
Crochet Octopus Keychain Charm Collection

I also have a group of crocheted octopi created in this metallic yarn. They each have a (removable) chain attached to use as a keychain charm or to hook onto a purse or backpack. By removing the chain, each octopus makes a cute little toy. 

I Love This Cotton Yarn

I Love This Cotton Yarn
I Love This Cotton Yarn on Amazon

Since I first discovered I Love This Yarn, Hobby Lobby has come out with a cotton version which is also very soft.   

The yarn specs are similar, except for the size. I Love This Cotton comes in a 3.5 ounce skein with a skein yardage of 180 yards.


As a crochet crafter, I Love This Yarn! has become one of my favorite yarns to work with. I am delighted that a custom order request resulted in introducing me to this yarn. I definitely recommend it for any or all yarn enthusiasts. 

I Love This Cotton Yarn store display
Source: Pixabay

Related Yarn Reviews:

(c) I  Love This Yarn review written by Wednesday Elf

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, April 9, 2021

Bush Trimming Cleanup is Easier with Disposable Drop Cloths Reviewed

bush trimming cleanup
Trimming my Juniper bushes is the first thing I do in my backyard in early spring and it is the last thing I do before winter.  Thanks to my small, yet sharp, Black & Decker Hedge Trimmer, the trimming part is easy.  However, the cleanup used to be back-breaking and take hours.  I dreaded the job as the work days approached.  So many times I had to tell myself just get out there and get it done! Then one year I had an epiphany that made that job so much easier and faster. 

I started laying out disposable drop clothes under the bushes.  That way, as I trim, all of the debris and clippings fall directly on the drop cloth.  When I am finished, I simply roll up the drop cloths and throw them away.

Now, instead of taking 2 or 3 days, wearing myself out and having to take Advil for my back pain, I can finish the entire job in about 4 hours.   

Over the last few years, I have found that the lighter weight drop cloths are not a good choice. They tear, which defeats the purpose of using them.  

The plastic drop cloths I prefer are heavy duty, 1 MIL, 9" x 12".   Since I only use them one time and throw them away, this size and thickness are very easy to handle without being too thin to handle the weight of bush trimming. 

I buy them in packages of 2 or 3.  I use 3 drop cloths to surround the large bushes I have to trim and I lay them all out before I start trimming.  That way, I don't end up trimming in an area of the bush that doesn't have the plastic underneath it to catch the clippings. 

When I have finished trimming the entire bush, I fold the length side of each plastic drop cloth over the middle, covering all of the trimmings.  Then, starting at one end, roll it up, put it in a big durable Contractor's trash bag, and throw it away.

trimmed bush

Buying plastic drop cloths is a very inexpensive way to make a hard job much easier.  Plus, I can enjoy my freshly trimmed bushes a lot sooner and call it a job well done.

 Frost King P115R/3 Clear Polyethylene Drop Cloths (3 Pack), 9' x 12' x 1MilCheck Price Contractor's Choice 50-Count 42-Gallon Outdoor Construction Trash BagsCheck Price BLACK+DECKER Electric Hedge Trimmer, 17-Inch (BEHT150)Check Price SLARMOR Long-Gardening-Gloves Women/Men-Thorn Proof Rose Pruning Heavy Duty Gauntlet-SCheck Price


Read More Gardening Reviews On

House of Sylvestermouse

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Book Review: A Splendid Ruin by Megan Chance


splendid ruin book cover
A Splendid Ruin

I just finished a wonderful historical novel by Megan Chance and I couldn't wait to start this post and review it for you.  The novel takes place in San Francisco before and after the historic earthquake of 1906.

Plot Synopsis

The story unfolds as May Kimble, whose mother has died, leaves New York and travels to San Francisco to live with relatives she didn't even know existed. When she arrives she finds her relatives living in luxury and she is introduced to a life she only dreamed existed.  Her cousin Goldie takes her under her wing and introduces her to society and everything about San Francisco.  Goldie helps her shop for a new wardrobe, introduces her to all her friends, and takes her to see the sights of the city.  For the first time May wears beautiful gowns and attends balls.

As the plot continues to unfold May sees that everything is not what it seems and she may be in real danger.  She wonders who she can really trust and must use her wits to survive a possible terrible future.  How will she escape?  This is a compelling novel that shows just what a human being must endure in order to survive.

Main Characters

This book is full of interesting characters.  Of course there is May who is a talented undiscovered artist. 

May's relatives the Sullivans are certainly interesting.  Goldie the cousin who is all about being in societies limelight.  Uncle Jonny  is so generous to May, but is there an ulterior motive?    Aunt Florence  is May's mothers sister.  Why is she so ill she cannot visit with May?  There are so many questions May wants to ask her about her Mother and Father.  In the Sullivan household are several servants and one in particular, Shinn, is a big help to May.

Other characters of interest include Ellis Farge, an architect who admires May's artwork and Stephen Oelrichs, an attorney and Goldie's former fiance. Then there is Alphonse Bandersnitch, a writer for the society pages of the newspaper.  Don't you just love that name?  Bandersnitch is not his real name and everyone is trying to guess his identity.  He does a great job of remaining anonymous even while attending all of the society happenings around town.


I could go on and on talking about the book, but I don't want to spoil it for you.  Let me just say it is full of mystery and intrique with lots of twists and turns.  I recommend this as a must read!

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Wednesday, April 7, 2021

The Good Chocolate 100% Organic No Sugar Dark Chocolate Review

The Good Chocolate bars - Bean-to-Bar, Zero Sugar, 100% Delicious

The Good Chocolate: Great-Tasting, Healthy Chocolate Bars With No Sugar

I love chocolate! When I was younger, milk chocolate was my favorite. As the health benefits of dark chocolate became more widely known, however, I gradually retrained my taste buds to appreciate bars with a higher cacao or cocoa content. Now, my preference for dark chocolate has been reinforced by my keto diet lifestyle, since milk contains 2–8% lactose (a sugar naturally present in dairy milk).

Several months ago, I discovered The Good Chocolate, a brand of top quality, bean-to-bar chocolate made with 100% organic, ethically sourced ingredients and no sugar. It has since become one of my favorite brands of sugar free chocolate.

I'm pleased to be sharing my in-depth product review to introduce you to this terrific, principled company and its wonderful chocolate bars and mini-bars.

Can a Premium Quality, Bean-to-Bar Chocolate Be Delicious and Also Healthy?

The Good Chocolate is the brainchild of two lifelong friends and partners in a branding and design agency, who in 2014 began to cut out all forms of sugar (including honey and agave) from their diets and replace them with organic, low- or no-calorie sweeteners with a low glycemic index. Six months later, they were thrilled with the results. They had each lost 10 pounds, were feeling great, had more energy, and were able to maintain their focus throughout the work day, without the mid-day crashes that frequently result from consuming sugar (in beverages, desserts, or snacks) in the late morning or early afternoon. (I experienced the same benefits (with a much bigger weight loss) a few months after I switched to a ketogenic weight loss diet, which included eliminating sugar in any form.)

During this process, they learned about how most food companies are well aware that adding sugar (or salt) to their products makes us eat, crave, and buy more of them—a cycle that is very profitable for the manufacturers...and very unhealthy, and expensive, for consumers.

The partners were inspired to help others break free from their sugar addiction and experience the improved health, wellbeing, energy and productivity they themselves were enjoying. So, they challenged themselves to create a bean-to-bar chocolate that would live up to their own high standards.

Within a few months, they had come up with a "sweet-blend" of three organic, low-glycemic-index sweeteners that met their exacting requirements for taste, health, and sustainability. They also immersed themselves in all things chocolate making, developing the required expertise in every step from sourcing organic cacao beans in Central and South America to perfectly tempering the roasted, winnowed, and ground chocolate.

They describe the result as "an exquisite, 100% organic bean-to-bar chocolate that’s as delicious as it is healthy." Source

It also has up to 45% fewer calories than similar dark chocolate!

What Is "Bean-to-Bar" Chocolate Making?

"Bean to Bar" production means that chocolate maker controls every step of the process, from sourcing the cacao beans to roasting, winnowing, and grinding them, and then tempering the chocolate before it is molded and packaged for sale.

The bean-to-bar method gives artisan or craft chocolate makers better quality control and produces a healthier product (since craft chocolate makers, unlike many big brands, do not try to accelerate the manufacturing process with chemicals or other additives). Source

It also gives the producers more control over the supply chain, so they can promote ethical and humane business practices. (More about this important topic later.)

The Good Chocolate controls the entire production process for its 100% organic chocolate bars at its factory in San Francisco.

Most Sugar Free Chocolate Isn’t Great “Eating Chocolate”

Since many chocolate bars with a higher cacao content, especially those with no sugar, lack the intense, rich flavor and luscious mouthfeel of bars with a lower cacao content, I have become extremely picky about sugar free chocolate.

In the past two years, I have tried many brands of low sugar and sugar free chocolate. There are plenty of low carb chocolate options. Unfortunately, many are sweetened primarily or exclusively with stevia or erythritol. Like many people, I find that anything sweetened only with stevia has a pronounced aftertaste that I dislike intensely, and that erythritol, when used as the only sweetener in a food, creates a cooling, almost mint-like sensation on the tongue.

Apart from BochaSweet sweetener (made from a pentose-type rare sugar extract from the kabocha squash), blends of two or more keto-friendly sweeteners, such as allulose, monk fruit, erythritol and stevia, taste more like sugar and don’t have the unpleasant aftertaste or cooling effect that stevia or erythritol can have when used alone.

Chocolate sweetened this way can be quite tasty. For example, I often sprinkle ChocZero chocolate chips over sugar free desserts such as my Low Carb Keto Chocolate Yogurt Granola Chip Pudding Recipe, and they're fine for baking keto chocolate chip cookies, for example. ChocZero's dark chocolate keto bark is quite good, and their seasonal dark chocolate peppermint truffles are pretty yummy, for sugar-free chocolate.

On the other hand, their dark chocolate contains only 55% cacao. The ingredients aren't organic. And the taste and mouthfeel are not in the same ballpark as the very high quality, sugar-sweetened dark chocolate I loved and enjoyed for many years, before I decided to cut sugar out of my life.

So, I have been on the lookout for a great "eating chocolate" (i.e., chocolate meant to be enjoyed as is, rather than with a filling, as a garnish, or in baked goods) with a higher cacao content, a more intense flavor, and a superior mouthfeel.

The Good Chocolate Bars Are Worth Savoring!

The Good Chocolate has the decadent taste and smooth, luscious mouthfeel of the artisan dark chocolate I used to indulge in before I chose a very low carb lifestyle. Like those, these bars are made from top quality cacao beans and cacao butter, roasted, winnowed, ground, tempered, and molded with the same care and expertise.

Unlike those, however, they don't contain sugar in any form. This means they won't cause your blood sugar levels to spike. It also means they won't cause you to crave more chocolate than is good for you. One of the biggest benefits of cutting out sugar from my diet is that I can I still enjoy and indulge in sweets without being at the mercy of my former cravings!

Having been a foodie for as long as I can remember, one of the keys to setting myself up for success on a keto diet was finding yummy healthier, keto-friending alternatives to my favorite foods so that I wouldn't feel deprived or be tempted to stray from my new eating plan. I was lucky that, unlike some people, I was able to conquer my sugar addiction without having to give up desserts, beverages, candy, and other foods that were sweetened with healthier alternatives to any form of sugar.

That's why I was so delighted when I tasted The Good Chocolate bars. They are luxurious enough to savor slowly and should please even gourmet chocolate aficionados.

A Unique Blend of Organic Healthy Sweeteners

In addition to using the highest quality, organic raw ingredients and a bean-to-bar process that gives the company full control over every aspect of production, another key thing that sets this brand's sugar free dark chocolate bars apart from most others is its organic "sweet-blend" of erythritol, stevia leaf extract, and mesquite powder. 

Erythritol is a very popular zero-calorie sweetener that is naturally found in pears, mushrooms, and other plants and has a 0 glycemic index. It's easy for most people to digest (unlike many other keto-friendly sweeteners), and has the added benefit of preventing tooth decay.

Stevia leaf extract also has a 0 glycemic index. As I mentioned, combining stevia with the right blend of other keto-friendly sweeteners can mask its bitter aftertaste, which is what The Good Chocolate has done.

Mesquite powder is a traditional Native American product made from the ripened and ground seeds from the seed pods of the mesquite tree. Although traditionally used as an alternative to flour in sweet baked goods and breads, it has gained wider popularity as a "super food." In addition to adding a natural, subtle sweetness to foods, mesquite powder (sometimes called mesquite pod meal) also is high in fiber and protein, and has a very low glycemic index (25).

Even a Single Square Is a Deliciously Satisfying Indulgence

Each bar of The Good Chocolate is scored into six generously sized, squarish sections (approximately 1½ inches by 1 11/16 inches). If I wanted to, I could eat an entire bar in one sitting and still stay within my daily net carbs and calories for maintaining my nearly 60-pound weight loss (currently 59 pounds). However, I almost never do, because this brand is so rich and delicious, has such an intense chocolate flavor, and doesn't trigger my former addictive sugar cravings.

Unwrapped bar of The Good Chocolate dark chocolate

So, when I am in the mood for a piece, I break off one of the six sections, then fold over the elegant silver-lined gold foil wrapper and slide the rest of The Good Chocolate bar back into its heavy paper envelope-style pouch, with its distinctive cover art and graphic design. 

I savor the section I broke off, nibbling off small pieces and letting each one rest on my tongue for a few seconds to warm a bit before I consume it. By the time I have slowly worked my way to the last little bite, I'm usually satisfied.

Occasionally, however, I may decide to indulge in a second piece, if I want one. It always feels like a guilty pleasure, even though there is nothing to feel guilty about!

Sophisticated Flavor Choices to Please Any Palate

Most of The Good Chocolate bars are 65% cacao dark chocolate. My favorites include Himalayan Salt, Mint, Ginger, and Salted Caramel, although they also made their plain 65% cacao Signature Dark Chocolate bars.

Currently, there is also a limited-edition  Coconut & Turmeric Detox Bar, a 65% cacao dark chocolate bar with developed in collaboration with model and actress Charlotte McKinney and filled with delicious, nutrition-packed superfoods.

The brand also makes a 54% cacao "Dark Milk Chocolate. At the moment, there is also a limited-edition 58% Double Crunch Vegan Milk Bar (which they also refer to as "mylk" chocolate).

I believe that, other than the "Dark Milk Chocolate" bars, all the other bars are vegan. 

Lower in Calories and Net Carbs Than Similar Dark Chocolate Bars

Here's a high-level nutrition data comparison between The Good Chocolate's 65% Signature Dark Chocolate and two other popular brands of dark chocolate, Lindt 64% Dark Chocolate, and Lily's 70% Dark Chocolate (nutrition data pulled from TGC's website).

The Good Chocolate
65% Cacao
64% Cacao
70% Cacao
Sugar (%) 0 37 1
Sugar (Teaspoons) 0 6 0
Net Carbs
(Total Carbs
minus Fiber & Erythritol)
2 26 6
Calories 227 397 289

Buying Ethically Sourced Chocolate Protects Impoverished Farmers, Children, and Refugees

Against Dangerous Work, Slave Labor, and Human Trafficking

Nearly two-thirds of the world's cocoa beans are produced in West Africa's Côte D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) and Ghana. Indonesia has become another top cocoa producer.

Tragically, cacao production has long been notorious for the worst forms of forced labor, child labor, and hazardous child labor, sometimes a result of human trafficking. Unfortunately, many cacao bean farmers are paid less than $1 a day for this dangerous, backbreaking work, and can't afford to hire additional laborers to help. Instead, of allowing their children to go to school, they use them as unpaid, forced labor so their family can survive.

The customers for most of this production are large, global chocolate corporations, including Mars, Nestlé, The Hershey Company, and Mondelez International (formerly Kraft foods), and others. Although most have policies prohibiting forced labor practices in their supply chain, those policies are hard to enforce because, for the most part, they don't purchase directly from the cacao bean farmers.

Currently, seven of the world's biggest chocolate companies have been named in a landmark class-action lawsuit in which they are accused of "aiding and abetting the illegal enslavement of 'thousands' of children on cocoa farms in their supply chains" by eight children who claim to have been forced to work as slave labor on Côte D'Ivoire cocoa plantations.

The Good Chocolate Is Ethically and Sustainably Sourced and Packaged

The best way to help break this terrible, systemic cycle of inhumane practices is for consumers to buy their chocolate from smaller, bean-to-bar producers who have more control over their supply chain than these huge corporations, so they are better able to promote ethical, humane, and not only socially but also environmentally responsible business practices.

One of the easiest way to find these smaller, craft chocolate makers who are committed to ethical sourcing is to look for brands that are organic, fair trade, direct trade, and/or Rainforest Alliance certified.

  • Whenever possible, The Good Chocolate purchases Fair Trade or Rain Forest Alliance certified cacao beans.
  • The company uses only 100% certified organic cacao beans and cacao butter in its bars.
  • It is also committed to sustainable farming practices and is working with its cacao suppliers to reach 100% sustainability as the company grows.

The company also worked with some forward-thinking companies develop cost-effective, renewable packaging solutions that can be recycled or composted.

The Good Chocolate takes its name and mission to heart, "to create delicious chocolate that is [not only] good for you, but also good for the planet." As the website states, "We may spend a little more time, effort and money on renewable packaging, but we hope that our effort, care and responsibility will inspire others and leave the planet a little better off along our way." Source

More Expensive, But Worth It

The Good Chocolate makes premium, small-batch, chocolate bars made with 100% certified organic cacao beans and cacao butter, as well as the blend of erythritol, stevia leaf extract, and mesquite powder, sweeteners that all cost significantly more than cane sugar. 

The company also is committed to following ethical, humane business practices in an industry known for terrible physical, moral, and financial abuses of vulnerable populations, paying a fair price for the cacao beans and cacao butter it purchases, and practicing social and environmental responsibility to protect our future as well as our present.

As a result, these extremely high quality, no sugar dark chocolate bars cost more than some of the high-quality, 100% organic dark chocolate bars sold in Whole Foods Market and similar stores. When I first read about The Good Chocolate and looked into the company and its products, I thought charging $7.50 for a bar of dark chocolate was outrageous (unless the gold foil wrapper was made of real gold!). So, the only reason I decided to buy a 6-bar assortment was that, at the time, there was a promotion that offered a significant discount on your first order. 

I never thought I would even consider ordering more at full price after I finished the six bars from that introductory offer. However, as soon as I taste this new-to-me brand, it immediately became apparent that this premium, sophisticated candy was head-and-shoulders above any other healthy, sugar-free chocolate I had tried. Also, because it was so rich, dark, and delicious, I found that just one section of a bar of The Good Chocolate was enough to satisfy me. That meant that I could indulge in a generously sized square from time to time for $1.25 per serving which, while still pricy, cost less than the 1/3 to 1/2 bar serving of one of the high quality, organic, fair trade chocolate bars I used to buy before I eliminated sugar from my diet. 

Now Available on Amazon With Prime FREE Delivery!

The Good Chocolate just launched on Amazon. So, in addition to Amazone Prime Free Delivery, if you try The Good Chocolate and love it as much as I do, you can save up to 5% with Subscribe & Save (or 10% on your first Subscribe & Save subscription). You can also choose your auto-delivery frequency, as often as every two weeks to as seldom as every six months. 

I highly recommend ordering The Good Chocolate Bar Variety Pack first, which includes six 2.5-ounce (70g) chocolate bars, including all five flavors of 65% Dark Chocolate (Signature Dark, Himalayan Salt, Mint, Ginger, Salted Almonds) and a 54% Dark Milk Chocolate. It's the perfect way to sample their core flavors and pick your favorites before placing another order.

The Good Chocolate 100% Organic No Sugar Dark Chocolate Review by Margaret Schindel

Posts About My Keto Diet Journey

My First Year on The Keto Diet

Preparing to Succeed on the Keto Diet, Part One

Preparing to Succeed on the Keto Diet, Part Two

Low Carb Muffins & Cupcakes: Treats to Enjoy on a Keto Diet

Low Carb Keto Chocolate Yogurt Granola Chip Pudding Recipe

Good Dee’s Keto Cookie Low Carb Baking Mix Review

Hamama Microgreens Growing Kit Review & Success Tips

My Favorite Hamama Microgreens Seed Quilt Accessories

Keto Cheddar Cheese Biscuits With Chives Recipe

The Ultimate Keto Hot Chocolate Recipe

The Best Low Carb Keto Gift Ideas: Keto Gift Guide

The Best Low Carb Keto Cinnamon Muffins

Wholesome Yum Keto Bread Mix and Yeast Bread Recipe

The Good Chocolate 100% Organic No Sugar Dark Chocolate Review

The Best Advice to Maintain Your Keto Diet Weight Loss

My New Irresistibly Delicious Keto Cheese Crackers Recipe

Luscious Low Carb Keto Triple Peppermint Cheesecake Brownies Recipe

Quick & Easy Livlo Blueberry Scones Keto Baking Mix Review

Snack Better With The Best Healthy Keto Cookie Dough Bites

The Best Quick and Easy Low Carb Keto Pizza Recipe

The Best Quick and Easy Low Carb Keto Shortcake Cupcakes Recipe

Comparing the Best Keto-Friendly Chocolate Hazelnut Spreads - No Added Sugars

The Best Low Carb Keto Sandwich and Burger Buns Mix

Blueberry Biscuit Scones — New, Easy, Low Carb Keto Recipe

The Best Keto Pizza Crust Mix With 0 Net Carbs

An Unusual, Delicious Strawberry Chocolate Tea With 0 Calories

Delicious Sugar-Free Keto Cookies That OREO Fans Will Love

Healthy Pistachio Cherry Chocolate Chip Marshmallow Cereal Treats Recipe

Easy, Decadent, High Protein, Sugar-Free Rocky Road Cottage Cheese Ice Cream

The Best Quick & Easy Low Carb Sausage and Ricotta Calzones

How to Make Refreshing Vanilla Italian Soda (With or Without Cream)

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How I Stayed Committed to the Ketogenic Way of Eating

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