Showing posts with label Dawn Rae. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dawn Rae. Show all posts

Monday, September 18, 2023

The Law of Moses by Amy Harmon Book Review

A newborn was abandoned in a small town laundry. He was left in a basket and found on the verge of death. His story made the news and he was named Moses. Unlike the biblical babe left in the basket and placed in the river, this Moses was a crack baby. Crack babies, due to being exposed to drugs before their birth, are expected to have many physical and mental difficulties. In some ways, Moses followed a similar trajectory as many children born with drug exposure and with absent parents.  He was passed from home to home, had difficulty in school, and was thought to have seizures and hallucinations. However, he is also very different than those similar children in a way that can either be considered a blessing or a curse - depending on how you look at it. 

The Book of Moses written by Amy Harmon

"People love babies, even sick babies. Even crack babies. But babies grow up to be kids. Nobody really wants messed up kids."

I was lost in Amy Harmon's The Law of Moses. From the prologue that warned of heart-breaking loss to the last few words I was hooked. I fell in love with Georgia and Moses. We join their lives as they are in their senior year of high school. 

Moses eventually comes to live with Kathleen, his great-grandmother. He is turning 18 and will be aging out of the system. He is a very talented mural painter, painting his graffiti where he shouldn't and he sometimes knows people he shouldn't.  Kathleen lives next door to Georgia's family and has made arrangements for Moses to work on their farm. 

Georgia was the youngest child, born years after her own siblings. But she had grown up with many children as her parents were foster parents. As the story begins, her family is running an equine therapy program. While Georgia has seen Moses previously, during his visits with Kathleen when he was younger, this is the first time she's getting to know him. Or trying to get to know him. While most everyone else is suspicious or afraid of Moses, Georgia is drawn to him. But he's one of those "troubled" kids that most people avoid. Even the horses want to remain far from him. But Georgia can't stop herself. 

"Whatever it was, when Moses came to Levan, he was like water-cold, deep, unpredictable, and, like the pond up the canyon, dangerous because you could never see what was beneath the surface. And just like I'd done all my life, I jumped in head first, even though I'd been forbidden. But this time, I drowned."

The story continues over the next several years as Georgia and Moses go through some very difficult times, with and without each other, moving into adulthood. They are faced with adult problems and adult decisions.

My review does not do this story justice. I almost didn't write a review because I cannot describe it adequately without spoilers. Amy Harmon's writing is beautifully descriptive. It is easy to imagine the horses, scenery, and breath-taking murals. The characters are unique. Georgia and Moses are independent, strong, very different from each other, and both are very stubborn. This is described as a young adult and/or a coming of age romance but it is far from being confined to those genres.  It includes the mysterious disappearances of young ladies, beautiful murals being painted on buildings and overpasses of people who are missing or passed away, and a "different" young man who everyone blames for some of the bad things that happen. This story also has a paranormal aspect. I hadn't known that before I chose to add this book to my Kindle. If I had known, I probably would have passed the book by. I feel that most books with a paranormal bend seem contrived and difficult to believe. But Amy Harmon introduces and proves Moses' special abilities in a way that seems possible. Georgia and Moses are flawed characters who might not be easily likable but who won't be easily forgotten. 

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, September 4, 2023

Reviewing Captain Jack's Bt and Controlling Garden Pests Organically

As a new gardener, I was thrilled when I had a group of beautiful and perfectly formed cabbage heads growing and approaching harvest. I was so proud. Then I went away for 3 days. When I returned, the leaves were full of holes and the plants were covered in slimy spots. My cabbage was no longer perfect and I was concerned that it wasn't edible. Honestly, the mysterious damage caused me to lose my appetite.

Cabbage covered in cabbage worms

I immediately  turned to my gardening mentors on the internet and they informed me that I had severe insect damage. Some folks called them cabbage worms and some folks called them cabbage moths. The slimey black dots were the droppings. I did wonder which it was... the worms or the moths. Turns out, it was both. The life cycle of this destructive thing includes moth and worm. 

The moths are white. The type I recall seeing since childhood in pastures and gathered on the edge of mud puddles. The worms are green... almost the color of my cabbage and very difficult to see. Once I knew what to look for I found that I did have a severe (and sudden) infestation.

Some friends stated they use insecticides that most consider to be chemicals. Others stated they use an oil in order to remain organic.  I opted for Captain Jack's Bt spray as it is advertised as organic. And I ordered the chemical powder as a back-up because I didn't trust that something organic, after this much damage, would take care of the problem.

One heavy spray of Captain Jack's Bt took care of the worms and the moths! 

Ultimately, I was disgusted by the amount of droppings I had observed on the cabbage so I didn't end up eating any myself. But the chickens loved the heads of cabbage for snacks.

Captain Jack's Bt Organic Spray

Please do your own research. I am a very new gardener. So I am only passing along what I have been told and what I observed. I do not feel that I can personally confirm that Captain Jack's Bt is fully organic. But it was so strongly recommended as an organic treatment that I feel I must share the information. 

The active ingredient of Captain Jack's Bt is "bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis". This is a naturally occuring bacteria in the soil. When eaten by certain insects, it damages the gut health of the insect and kills the insect. 

When you spray the Captain Jack's Bt on the cabbage, the moths and the worms ingest it.  I found that this works very quickly (a matter of days) and my cabbage moth/worm problem was solved.

It is reported that bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) does not harm beneficial insects as the normal chemcial balances in their guts are not impacted by the Bt. Same with humans.

Captain Jack's Bt is useful for the following insects:

  • cabbage looper
  • hornworms
  • tent caterpillar
  • gypsy moth
  • bagworm 
  • and many more

In addition to cabbage plants, it is useful for the following:

  • broccoli
  • cauliflower
  • kale
  • mustard greens
  • eggplant
  • pepper
  • melons
  • tomatoes
  • shade trees
  • ornamentals

Whether you are a seasoned gardener or as new as I am, you may find that Captain Jack's Bt is a great choice for you. I know I'll be ready next year and treat my cabbage before I lose all of those beautiful heads to pests.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, August 21, 2023

Reviewing iLIDS - Mason Jar Lids (Not for Canning Use)

I  have used iLIDS for Mason Jars for several years now and have noticed that when I go to the cupboard for a drink container, I am reaching for a glass jar and an iLID the vast majority of the time.  I find that making my drinks in a jar is cost-saving, environmentally friendlier, and visually pleasing.


Colorful iLIDS for Mason Jars on Amazon


iLIDS Mason Jar Drink Lids

Mason jars are a glass jar that are most known for canning. Households over the generations have depended on these jars for food storage. The jars are durable and withstand boiling temperatures in the canner, are dishwasher safe, and store food in the refrigerator after opening. While I have not tried it myself, I am aware that some people use their jars in the freezer. 

Many kitchens, including mine, have a supply of these jars. So it is not a stretch to begin using jars for drinks and the storage of drinks. I began making teas and ice coffee in the jars, then pouring the drinks into a glass. Before too long, I discovered iLIDS drink lids and began drinking right from the jar.  Insulated steel tumblers have many benefits, but I have found that I prefer the versatility of canning jars with iLIDS.

iLIDS drinking lids come in many colors. The underside has a gasket which creates a good seal when screwed on to the jar and helps prevent the lid from becoming hard to unscrew. The drinking lid has a sliding closure to protect your drink from unwanted items. When the slider is opened, you can drink directly from the lid or insert a straw. 

Note: the slider is not sealed and will allow a small spill when the jar is knocked over. It is not leak-proof.

While quart jars are large and bulky, I find that my liquid intake is higher when using a quart jar. I can visually see how much (or how little) I've drank.  Glass jars are not insulated. But I find that I enjoy the visual aspect of infused waters or iced coffee. 

Quart jars and iLIDS are perfect for making sun tea. When finished steeping, the jar and lid can move to the refrigerator and be used for storing and pouring out one glass at a time. Or, once chilled, insert a straw and voila a super-sized ice tea for those hot days.

iLIDS come in wide mouth and regular mouth sizes. I prefer the wide mouth because it's so much easier to drop in ice cubes or fruit. I have also found that these lids fit on many of the spaghetti jars that can be purchased at the grocery. The taller, thinner Classico jars are a great size for drink jars. 

While preparing to write this review, I have learned that in addition to the drink lids with the sliding opening, iLIDS offer storage lids and sports drink lids! 

I began using jars for drinks around the time I began making my own iced coffee to reduce the cost of buying my daily ice coffee at a drive-thru. I also prefer to reduce trash waste by avoiding the use of single-serving items (such as Kcups) when I can.

To recap:

downside of iLIDS and Mason Jars for drinks

  • not insulated
  • bulky; they don't fit in car cup carriers
  • glass is breakable (although I've not broken one yet)

upside of iLIDS and Mason Jars for drinks

  • easy to screw on and off jars
  • wide mouth and regular mouth size
  • visually pleasing; for iced drinks, fruit-infused drinks, and coffees
  • monitor liquid intake; can see how much you've drank (or still need to drink)
  • making sun tea
  • resistant to staining (I'm not sure how but my oldest iLIDS have zero tea, coffee, or berry juice stains)
  • reduces costs of buying drinks outside the home and reducing waste of single serving drinks
  • many colors to choose from
  • different styles of iLIDS to choose from (drink, storage, and sports drink)

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, August 7, 2023

Reviewing the DeWalt 20v Max Cordless Pruner

Some time ago I bought my first cordless DeWalt tools. They have been reliable and durable for all these years. Imagine my delight when my son gifted me with two more Dewalt tools (a cordless chainsaw and pruner) for Mother's Day. The DeWalt Pruner has been far more useful than I had imagined and I highly recommend it.

the powerful DeWALT cordless pruner

DeWalt 20v Max Cordless Pruner

In just a few short months, I have put this pruner to good use in my yard and my woods. The blades are a really good size for trimming woody stems and small branches. I have not noticed any dulling of the blades.

My Pruner was the "tool only" option which did not include the battery or the battery charger. It does include a blade sheath and the wrench/tool that would be useful if I ever need to replace the blades. There are options with the pruner, battery, and battery charger included for folks who would need the set.

Some specifications:

  • non-stick coated blades
  • blade gap of 1.5 inches (Maximum cut diameter 1.5 inches)
  • 60 cut strokes per minute - 1 cut per second
  • powered by the DeWalt 20V battery (may or may not be included)
  • built in LED light 
  • weighs 3 lbs
  • covered by warranty (3 year limited warranty, 1 year free service, 90 day money back guarantee - see website for details)

My Thoughts About the DeWalt 20v Max Cordless Pruner

I already mentioned that I like DeWalt brand tools and have had good luck with their durability and ease of use. I have the perception that many cordless tools are not as powerful as gas-powered or corded electric tools. However, my DeWalt circular saw and drill started to change my mind. Yet I was still very surprised the first time I pulled the trigger on the pruner and the blades literally slammed shut. 

Having issues with weak hands ergonomics related to grips and triggers are important to me. Fortunately, the handle seems just right and the trigger pulls easily. In my opinion, it is a plus that your hand must be fully on the tool and engaging what appears to be a safety switch before the pruner blades will shut. I appreciate those types of safety features. Someone may wonder whether the 3 lb weight is prohibitive for someone with weak hands. Yes, the tool feels hefty but no, it's not a problem. Personally, I have far more difficulty squeezing manual pruners (both small hand-held pruners and larger loppers) together than I do holding this DeWalt Pruner up.

I want to also mention that the manual available for download online. The pruner came with a manual but in the event your manual becomes lost or ruined, the online version is easy to find and download. 

This pruner is an excellent tool and would be a perfect investment for yourself or a gift for a landowner.

Related Links:

My review of my DeWalt 20v Max  driver in 2016. That drill is still dependable, problem-free, and is used frequently. 

My video of the day I received my Mother's Day gifts: the DeWalt cordless chainsaw and DeWalt cordless pruner. My first impressions and first cutting.

And a very brief review and update now:

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, July 31, 2023

Book Review - Lethal Range (A Matthew Redd Thriller Book 2)

Matthew Redd is a former elite Marine Raider, a fighting machine with special skills, whose current mission is to locate one specific bad guy. Anton Gage is an obscenely rich biotechnology celebrity whose idea of saving the world's population and of ending world hunger is through reducing the amount of humans who need fed. Gage is not alone in his quest. He has the technology and the support to pull this off. Unless Matthew Redd and small group of men can locate and stop him. 

Lethal Range by Ryan Steck

Note: I received a copy of this book to review. I rarely accept books or products for review because I am not comfortable with the commitment of having to review something I may not like. Fortunately, I really enjoyed this story! So much so that I'm going to read the series.

Lethal Range (A Matthew Redd Thriller Book 2) by Ryan Steck

Fifteen months prior, the FBI counterterrorism division was closing in on a bioweapons scientist who was a primary person in this plot to reduce the world population. The Marine Raiders, inlcuding Matthew Redd, were sent to capture this scientist but they were ambushed and all but Redd were killed. Leaving Redd as the only "good guy" to know what Anton Gage looked and sounded like.

The chase has brought Redd and the US FBI counterterrorism fly team to the Isle of Majorca, Spain. They are surveiling a Villa perched in the island's hills and with all of the modern technology available they are spying on the occupants in an attempt to give Redd a chance to ID Anton Gage. 

While no one is killed during this mission, it again goes terribly wrong. Gavin Kline, sends Redd home to Montana. To his wife and infant son.

While he was away, Emily, Matthew Redd's wife, is harrassed on the highway while trying to take her son to the hospital. Their son has been ill with an unexplained fever so she makes the 90 minute drive to Bozeman hospital. En route, a grotequely huge and terrifying biker began to follow her and taunt her. When he was joined by two handfuls of gang members they surrounded her and beat on her truck.

The Redd family has muliple issues to deal with at the same time. Their son is ill. Matthew has failed the mission, again, which endangers the world. The local bikers are targeting them. Gavin Kline is Matthew's biological father but not the man who raised him. The man who raised him, B.J, has passed away and left the ranch to Matthew. Matthew tries to handle these things alone and Emily is not going to allow that to happen.

I received a copy of this book to review. I rarely accept books or products for review because I am not comfortable with the commitment of having to review something I may not like. Fortunately, I loved this story! So much so that I'm going to read the series.

I'm in love with Matthew Redd. He is an elite marine who is very protective of his country and his family. He's a killing machine and would sacrifice himself for others. However, he is neither perfect nor a superhero. Redd gets his butt kicked. And his relationship with his father, and quite frankly with others, can be fraught with conflict. But it's easy to imagine this handsome Marine cowboy riding his horse on his ranch in Montana in between biker bar brawls. I'm in love with his wife Emily. She's a strong woman, a nurse, who takes care of others and who responds calmly during crisis. She tells Matthew repeatedly that he doesn't have to do these things alone. And she means it.

I believe people who are fans of the Taken movie series will love Matthew Redd and Lethal Range. This is not a carbon copy of that story but the similarities are the spy technology, the men with a special set of skills, and the imperfect men who deeply love their family. 

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, July 17, 2023

Reviewing the Osprey Daylite Plus Backpack

The Osprey brand of backpacks has been a brand I have relied on for over a decade. My first Osprey pack was a large pack with a frame. It was large enough that I could carry nearly everything but the kitchen sink on my outings. As I have aged and my outings are shorter and less frequent, I thought it was time to downsize my pack. I purchased the Osprey Daylite Plus Pack and I couldn't be more pleased. 

Reviewing the Osprey Daylite Plus Backpack

Why I Chose the Daylite Plus Day Pack

I have recently begun to make time to resume day hikes and quickly discovered that my original Osprey pack was far too large for my current needs. Osprey has a huge selection of packs but I eventually narrowed it down to two:  the Daylite and the Daylite Plus.  Both bags are perfect for daily use (school, college, work, carry-on size for travel) as well as camping and hiking. I chose the Daylite Plus for the slightly larger pack.

The Daylite Plus has two compartment in the main portion of the bag.  I prefer having a divider in the bag as it can keep things separated. For example, if I choose to carry a water resevoir it will stay put in it's own section. If I choose to carry a laptop, it will stay in place in that pocket and away from the items in the other section of the bag.  

The Daylite Plus bag also has two side pockets that are the pefect size for carrying water bottles. And two zippered front pockets that can keep smaller items separate in addition to the "pocket" that I use for stuffing my jacket or small beach towel into. 

This bag can cinch up with the straps to make it streamlined when I'm not carrying much.  Those same straps loosen to allow much roomier space.  Not only do I think this bag will be great for my hikes but will also be great to wear to festivals and farmer's markets.  

The material is different than my original bag so I will have to update this later to report whether or not this new material holds up as well to the abuse I doled out as the material on my first bag did. 

Osprey Daylite Plus Backpack Features

The Osprey Brand

I've never been a hardcore hiker. But I used my orginal pack in a variety of circumstances.  I carried it for miles, one way, to reach a favorite fishing hole. I carried it on trails through marshes to get to a sandy beach. My original backpack was on my back while bushwhacking through thorny greenbriar patches in forests. That original pack is sunbleached, pocked with campfire ember holes. And still smells a bit of fishing bait.  But it is still very usable. It has held up while I've become semi-retired from those longer adventures. When I thought about purchasing a new pack, I knew I'd look at the Osprey brand first.

I have discovered that they offer "remnant" bags. Those are bags that are made from some of their remnants that result from the manufacturing of their bags.  I have also discovered that they are now using recycled materials but are still able to produce bags that are "durable and can take years of everyday wear and tear."  

Osprey currently offers a line of Daylite packs: 

  • Daylite Cinch
  • Daylite Kids
  • Daylite
  • Daylite Plus
  • Daylite Tote
  • Daylite Waist
  • Daylite Duffel 
  • Daylite Sling

The Osprey Daylite backpack line

On their website, you can find the entire Daylite line in the Lifestyle Day Packs category.

Finally, I do want to mention that if you like to save a few dollars it is helpful to comparison shop on both Amazon and the Osprey website. If you click each color offered, as I did, you may find a pack at a substantial savings. Personally, there's no way I'm paying full price for a backpack so I was pleased to find different colors of the same bag on deep discount.

Related Links:

The official Osprey Website 

The Osprey Store on Amazon 

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, July 3, 2023

Reviewing the Vera Bradley Frannie Crescent Crossbody Bag

I hate carrying purses and dislike crossbody style bags but I'm so excited to share with you the Vera Bradley Frannie Crescent bag and tell you why it is the perfect purse for people who don't care for purses. The versatility and the size are perfect for me. The colors and prints offered make it appealing to a variety of tastes.

The Vera Bradley Frannie Crescent Bag

Vera Bradley makes quality bags with a large variety of colors, prints, and styles. I had carried the tote bags for many years for work - until I've outgrown them due to the amount of stuff I have to carry back and forth. 

Personally, I stopped carry purses many years ago and only carry things in a wallet. That worked well for many years. I didn't have to carry extra items for my small children. And I no longer had to carry ladies' hygiene supplies.  With my wallet in one pocket, cell phone in another, and truck key in yet another I was set. Perfect. No chance of me leaving my purse lay somewhere.

However, as I grow older, I find myself needing to carry a pair of reading glasses. While I don't use them often when out, labels are very hard to read when shopping. Or while dining in a low-light restaurant with small print menus. I recently left my purse and glasses behind when my son treated me to dinner. I had to ask him to read portions of the menu to me!  

But enough about me... let's get on to why this Vera Bradley Frannie Crescent Crossbody Bag is so wonderful.

I do not like Crossbody style bags. I'm short and round that the strap just cuts across my body in an unflattering manner. I love shoulder carry bags but they are typically such large bags.  I only need a small bag. This Frannie Crescent can be used as a crossbody style bag if you choose. But the long strap is removable and the short strap remains. The short strap is just long enough to go over your shoulder and the bag tucks under your arm.

Like all Vera Bradley bags, there are a variety of prints and colors to choose from. I choose "bees". I LOVE this print. Many Vera Bradley colors are very bright which I like but I don't necessarily want to wear every day. Vera Bradley bags are durable. And being they are made from cotton there is no chemical smell that accompanies some faux leather bags. 

The Frannie Crescent bag has a quality zipper (I despite those cheap plastic zippers that pull apart easily). There are two interior pockets - one is zippered and one is not. The lining of the purse is slightly different than the cotton exterior. The interior feels more "wipable" than the exterior. The website boasts that this bag is made of "recyled cotton". Perhaps that is the difference I'm feeling. I like that the interior feels as though it will be easy to clean. And as always, Vera Bradely has made this cotton bag washable. I forgot to mention, the bag has a flat bottom. So it sits up where I place it. 

Beautiful Bee Vera Bradley Print
Vera Bradly Bees Print Bag on Amazon

I am very excited to find a bag with a print I love and the size I need to carry my 4 or 5 necessary items with me.  If you are looking for a smaller purse these might be just what you need also. I know I love mine and I thought I'd never want to carry a purse. While I ultimately chose the bees print, I had a hard time deciding between it, the black, and this adorable turtles print. 

Summery Turtles Print Vera Bradley Bag
Vera Bradley Frannie Crescent Turtles Print Bag on Amazon

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, June 19, 2023

Reviewing Marie Antoinette Season 1 (2022) on PBS

I rarely get interested in a television series so much that I begin looking for the next season's premiere date as soon as the last episode airs. But that is what has happened with me when watching PBS's Marie Antoinette (2022). The settings, costumes, characters, and the dilemmas that occur when a teenage girl is sent from one country to another to create an alliance had me captivated. I was hooked within the first few moments.

PBS Marie Antoinette 2022

I have no idea how realistic and historically accurate this portrayal of Marie Antoinette is. Frankly, while I read some historical novels I know that history is not my strength. However, I find myself wanting to know more after getting this glimpse at not only this family but of how countries chose to support each other. Especially after the episode in which young King Louis XVI makes a controversial decision to support the Americas as a country versus a colony. But I'm jumping ahead.

Beautiful, young (just recently a teenager) Marie Antoinette leaves her home in Austria to join her in-laws in France. She is expected to marry the Dauphin(1) of France (Louis XVI) and to quickly become pregnant with his child. A male child.  Antoinette is moved to Versailles where she is expected to follow the complex, confusing rules and etiquette there. Will she become Queen? Will she produce an heir - not only to continue her family line but for this Royal Family in France? 

Young Louis XVI is being raised by his grandfather. His Grandfather Louis XV and essentially his mistress, Madame du Barry. Louis XVI is far more gentle compared to his brother Provence. Provence eventually marries Josephine and in this series they are portrayed as trying to undermine Louis XVI and Antoinette.

While history disagrees with the cause, it is true that Louis XVI and Antoinette take a very long time to consummate their marriage and then take years to have a child. It is true that pornographic and disparaging pamphlets and rumors are spread about Antoinette in the French Court. Becoming Queen in a new country is not an easy thing.

People who review this series seem to love it or hate it. I love it. I love the setting, the costumes, and the portrayal of children who are expected to become leaders of countries. I fell in love with the children Louis XVI and Antoinette... temper tantrums and all. I love the family drama and the relationships that rise and fall when power is involved. People who dislike the series seem to dislike it due to the factual problems that come when a historical setting is portrayed by modern actors/actresses from a modern script. I don't believe it helped that this Marie Antoinette is advertised as feminist.  I approach movies and television series as entertainment with a dash of educational benefit (an example of that educational benefit is realizing the Louis XVI was a mere 20 years old when he became King of France. I don't recall that from High School history class). I assume that things on my screen are going to be factually inaccurate. It is with that bias that I found myself LOVING this version of Marie Antoinette and look forward to the 2nd season. I loved these characters so much that I have more factual (reportedly) portrayals lined up to read and watch.

While I have watched Marie Antoinette (2022) on PBS I have also viewed episodes on Amazon Prime Video.  The Season 1 DVD is available on the PBS site

Content advisory: nudity, violence, frightening scenes, alcohol use, foul language, sexual content

(1) Dauphin - the title of the eldest son of the King of France, the heir apparent to the crown, from 1350 to 1830

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, May 29, 2023

Observing Memorial Day 2023 - Movie Review - The Outpost

Memorial Day in the United States is a holiday to honor and mourn U.S Armed Forces personnel who lost their lives during military service. For many, this day represents a three-day weekend, travel, and barbecues. As a young adult I thought of the weekend only as the unofficial beginning of summer. I didn't fully appreciate the somber meaning of this day until my own children were active duty and deployed overseas. Now I spend part of Memorial Day weekend each year learning the names of a few of those for whom this holiday was created. 

Memorial Day Remembering with The Outpost Movie

I read a book or watch a movie that highlights those who lost their lives while serving our country. I have a deep respect for those who choose to serve our country to begin with. Personally, it is important to me to learn the names of at least one persona KIA (killed in action) and to keep their memory alive.

The Outpost

Today I watched The Outpost. It is a war film released in 2020 and directed by Rod Lurie. It is based on the book, The Outpost: An Untold Story of American Valor by Jake Tapper.

The story is about an American military base in Afghanistan in 2009. The base is set in a valley fully surround by mountains. Not distant mountains but mountains towering over the base. Even a civilian like me knows that this isn't a safe position to be in when dealing with the Taliban during that time of conflict. But American troops are sent there because of the proximity to Pakistan and some of the supply routes coming out of that country and into Afghanistan. 

It is heart-breaking when this vulnerable outpost is attacked and the Battle of Kamdesh results in many deaths. This battle is historic for many reasons. I am not sure of any way that I can tell more about the storyline without giving spoilers. So I won't. I will say that, as an army mom, it gave me an idea of what our deployed family members went through with limited contact with home, deciding what to say and what not to say when that contact is made, and their "austere" living conditions. We know that our Armed Forces members are sent into harm's way. But sometimes it appears that some of the risk is preventable. 

This is a difficult story. But I believe it is an important one. When searching for recommended "Memorial Day movies" I found it listed on a military site. For that reason, I thought that the movie must be viewed as important or realistic - or both. I hadn't heard of this movie or seen advertising for it otherwise. 

This will be one of the movies I watch more than once. A movie I will probably add to my annual Memorial Day tradition.

Additional Links:

In 2019 I read Dog Company You: A True Story of American Soldiers Abandoned by Their High Command. You can see the original post here.

In 2018 I learned about the Bataan Death March in the 1940s and about a special reconnaissance mission was occurring in Afghanistan in 2005 (Lone Survivor). You can see my original post for that year here

In 2017 I read World Changer: A Mother's Story: The Unbreakable Spirit of US Navy SEAL Aaron Vaughn by Karen Vaughn. You can see the original post here.

I don't believe I have ever reviewed the movie Saving Private Ryan. I do not have the words to adequately describe that powerful movie. I do watch it every year during Memorial Weekend. If you have never seen it, I highly recommend it. 

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Monday, May 15, 2023

Book Review: You Let Me Go by Eliza Graham

I recently finished reading You Let Me Go by Eliza Graham and am still thinking about the characters and setting. Beloved grandmother Rozenn passes away quietly and while knowing that she is leaving a will that she could not explain to her two precious granddaughters. Rozenn leaves her beautiful home on the Helord estuary in Cornwall to Gwen and it appears nothing is left to Morane. Why would their grandmother, who clearly adored them both, drive this wedge between them?

You Let Me Go by Eliza Graham

"It's not the first time Rozenn has torn her family apart. Something heavy and round presses into her palm. The silver compass. Her guide through the next leg of her voyage? A mist lowers over her eyes. For the last time she looks out of the window at the water - green, grey and blue all at once, glittering in the sunlight."

The story begins with Rozenn quietly passing in her home Vue Claire. Then the story line alternates between Morane's life in the present and Rozenn's life in the 1940s. Both voices are strong and take us into their world.

Morane struggles mightily with her current situation - a broken relationship, starting over, and trying to salvage her business. Her career. Then adding to that the heartbreak of her grandmother's passing with all the second-guessing that might come from being left out of a will. Morane tries her best to be strong and to accept her grandmother's wishes. But it weighs on her and she wants to understand what caused her grandmother to make this decision.

Rozenn's story starts in Paris with her parents, brother, and eventually her twin sister joins the family. Her father is a doctor and they live in financial comfort and privilege. 

"Maman was in the salon with a magazine, distracting herself with photographs of clothes, one of many Parisiennes trying to persuade themselves that early June in Paris was just as it had always been."

Paris was occupied by Germany at that time and things were changing for everyone. Resources were becoming scarce. Young men were forced into labor and Jewish families were taken away. Rozenn's family relocates to Brittany, trying to hide her brother Yann from the Germans. 

I LOVED this story. The stress of the occupation, the sadness of a grandmother's passing, and the difficulties caused by family secrets were present but somehow lightened by the descriptions of the settings and the love family members had for one another. Sometimes dual storylines can become confusing. But in this case Ms. Graham pulled me in to each setting so completely that I swore I could smell the water and hear the waves crashing in that coastal village. And feel the peaceful setting of Vu Claire - designed by an adult Rozenn. 

FYI for Book Lovers - Readers Coffeehouse on Facebook

I had won this book during one of the Great Big Giveaways at Readers Coffeehouse. Readers Coffeehouse is a Facebook group page for people who love reading. The page organizers enforce a "positive" atmosphere where readers are encourage to share what they currently are reading or recommend. Negative reviews are highly discouraged (frankly, I don't see that they are allowed at all).

Some authors choose to give copies of their books away on this page. However, once a year there is an enormous book giveaway. For the day, authors make a post about their book and members leave a comment. The winner for each book is chosen from the comments. Hundreds of books are given away in this manner.  It is in this way that I won a copy of You Let Me Go by Eliza Graham.

If you use Facebook and would enjoy an upbeat place to see what others are reading, I encourage you to check out Readers Coffeehouse.

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Monday, May 1, 2023

JobSmart and DieHard: Reviewing Two Extremely Durable Adjustable Beam Flashlights

I am tough on flashlights. I frequently drop them and have lost them outside for months. I rely on them at least twice daily. I depend on flashlights both for regular chores and for checking on things outdoors in the middle of the night when my dogs indicate that there is something outside that shouldn't be. The two flashlight brands I depend on are Jobsmart and DieHard. 

JobSmart and DieHard: Reviewing Two Extremely Durable Adjustable Beam Flashlights

I have a small homestead and am fairly new to many homesteading activities; such as raising chickens. This past year and a half has been a learning experience. One thing I have noticed is that dependable lighting is a MUST and I was fortunate to choose two flashlights that have been more dependable and durable than I would have ever imagined. 

JobSmart 350 Tactical

The JobSmart line of flashlights are available at Tractor Supply Stores. I purchased mine very soon after I moved to the homestead when I realized that my camping lanterns, lights, and headlights weren't quite bright enough. I'm not embarrassed to admit that I'm slightly afraid of the dark when walking around on my mountain ridge land after dark and want a very bright light. However, my budget doesn't allow for the highest lumens and big-name brands. 

I chose the flashlight that was in the middle of the price range offered at Tractor Supply at the time. It happened to be the JobSmart 350 Tactical. It turned out to be a fantastic choice for me. It uses 3 AAA batteries and the batteries seem to have a long life. I only had to replace the batteries after losing it outside for months when it was turned on.

The JobSmart 350 Tactical is thinner in size than my DieHard and lighter weight. It has a twisting adjustable beam that focuses in a wide swath or a thin beam that is very bright and reaches the chicken coop from my house so I can check on things in the middle of the night without going outside. 

Product Details from the website:

Light your way with the JobSmart 350 Lumen LED Aluminum Flashlight.

  • Up to 350 lumen output
  • High/low mode
  • Twist to adjust focus lens
  • Requires 3 AAA batteries (not included)
  • Working time: 1.5 hr. in high mode; 4 hr. in low mode with alkaline battery
  • CREE XPG LED bulb
  • Aluminum and Rubber construction

DieHard 1700 Flashlight

When I dropped my original flashlight over the edge of the deck and couldn't find it, I bought a replacement. That happened to be the DieHard 1700 Flashlight. This flashlight clearly has more lumens than my JobSmart which is great because the smaller, focused beam could reach to the top of my yard when the shed sits - about twice as far away as my chicken coop. The DieHard is thicker and weighs more so it does seem clumsier to carry for daily chores. This flashlight sits on a shelf next to my front door so it is easily and quickly accessible for scanning my yard at night. 

It has been an excellent flashlight; durable and bright. 

Product details from the website:

  • Ultra Bright 1,700 Lumen LED Flashlight
  • Pro grade anodized aluminum construction & heavy-duty true grip design
  • Precision flood-to-spot beam through twist focusing
  • 3 power modes—high/medium/low
  • Includes 6 AA DieHard batteries
There are many reasons to have dependable lighting; emergencies (roadside and household), power outages, hiking, camping, and homestead chores. I need dependable lighting since my homestead chores occur before dawn in the mornings and often after sunset in the evenings. My chores have to be done during inclement weather. While these flashlights do not claim to be waterproof I have used them during all weather and have dropped them onto wet ground. I can't afford to buy tools that will easily break or wear out. That is why I am glad to recommend the JobSmart 350 Tactical and the DieHard 1700 flashlights. 

Perhaps you prefer to shop Amazon due to remote locations or delivery preferences. Or perhaps you prefer USB rechargeable flashlights or flashlights with different specs. There are plenty of flashlight brands and varieties to choose from HERE.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, April 17, 2023

Reviewing Single-Tube Wind Chimes Known as Windbells

 I love wind chimes. All types of wind chimes; metal, wood, agate, polished glass, shell, tuned, and every type you can imagine. Having moved to an area that experiences high winds on a frequent basis, I'm concerned about putting my traditional, multi-tube, chimes outdoors out of fear that they will tangle. I miss hearing my wind chimes. Especially, my tuned wind chimes. But I've learned there is a wonderful compromise. They are called Windbells. Windbells are a single-tube wind chime. A single-tube eliminates the risk of tangling while creating the sound I love. 

Heroic Windbell (large) by Woodstock Chimes

I have a friend who fabricated her own single-tube windbells. They are made of very large metal tubes, the height of a small adult, with an inner diameter the approximate size of a fist. They hang from her carport and they sound amazing. I knew I had to figure out how to buy or fabricate my own single-tube chimes.

On a visit to a Hobby Lobby, I found a windbell in the shape of a metal bottle. I had to have it. It emits a metallic sound that reminds me of sitting at the marina and listening to the sounds from the sail boats as they rock on the waves and shift in the wind. I love the sound. But it is not quite the same deep, meditative sound created by larger windbells.

Rustic Metal Bottle Wind Chime from Hobby Lobby

The sound I'm looking for, in addition to my metal bottle windbell, is the sound that is created by the Heroic Windbell (Large) made by Woodstock Chimes. 

The Heroic Windbell by Woodstock Chimes

In looking for a quality, long-lasting, windbell with a pleasing, deep sound I found the Woodstock Chimes company. They have a good reputation that seems to stem from their love for windchimes. 

"In 1979, Grammy award-winning musician and instrument designer Garry Kvistad created the first Woodstock Chime from an aluminum lawn chair he found in a landfill; Garry and his wife Diane founded Woodstock Chimes in 1979 And still develop the chimes today." - Woodstock Chimes

Woodstock chimes offer a huge variety of chimes, bells, crystal light catchers, and gongs. I have a long wish-list of their items but I am trying to stay focused on the windbells here.

The Heroic Windbell comes in medium and large. The large is 40" in length and is offered in "antique copper", "harbor gray", and green colors. They are created to sound like distant harbor bells. The Heroic Windbell is meant to be hung in a breezy spot. It is designed to sound like a bell and has an internal hollow section that "sounds like an organ pipe". The two sounds combine to create a deep and beautiful tone.

What Are Tuned Wind Chimes?

I mentioned tuned wind chimes and being concerned about hanging my tuned wind chime out here and have it tangle in the winds.  Tuned wind chimes are musically tuned to play the familiar notes of songs. Of course, the wind chimes move in a random manner but the notes of the song are easy to recognize. The Amazing Grace tuned wind chime by Woodstock Chimes is a good example of a tuned wind chime.

If you are shopping for wind chimes, I recommend checking the Woodstock Chimes store. They are highly recommended with consistent 5 star ratings on the chimes they offer. 

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Monday, April 3, 2023

Easter Cactus: Enjoy Early Spring Blooms with this Easy Care Houseplant

I have only just learned that there are beautiful houseplants currently in bloom called Easter (Spring) Cactus. The blooms of this plant can range from white, red, orange, peach, purple, and pink. The one I chose to bring home has delicate, light pink petals with dark pink and light yellow stamens. During this time of year, when forsythia are in bloom and not much else, it is wonderful to have a bright splash of color announcing spring.

Easter Cactus

Easter (Spring) Cactus

The Rhipsalidopsis is a red-flowered native to southeastern forests of Brazil in altitudes of 1,100 - 4,300 feet. It seems that at some point, the Rhipsalidopsis was crossed with the R.rosea which resulted in the popular Rhipsaldopsis gaertneri which created the variety of flower colors. These colors include pink, orange, purple, white, and orange.

Plant Care

The Easter (Spring) Cactus does well in temperatures of around 77 degrees fahrenheit in the summer and around 45 - 55 degrees fahrenheit in the winter (November to January) to help with bud formation.

From their origin in Brazilian forests, they are plants that do not prefer strong sunlight. They prefer partial sunlight. 

Easter (Spring) Cactus does not like over-watering. It is best to allow the soil to dry between waterings then water so that it drains out of the bottom of the planter. It needs loose, nutrient-rich potting mix soil. Soil mixes with coco coir, peat moss, perlite, or orchid bark are preferred.

Easter (Spring) Cactus propagation can be done by removing stem segments in the late spring, allowing the cut surface to dry a bit, and placing the stem in moist soil. Another method of propagation is removing a single leaf from the plant, place the end of the leaf into moist soil, place bags over the plant in order to hold moisture in until the roots begin to sprout.

What I Wanted was a Christmas Cactus but I'm Thrilled with this Easter Cactus

I had the most beautiful, prolifically blooming Christmas Cactus at my previous office.  For the past year, including over the holidays, I watched for a Christmas Cactus to replace the one I left behind when I moved. I did not see any at the usual stores where I usually find a large selection of seasonal plants.

This past week I was at a nursery to look for Crape Myrtle trees and there I spotted a large selection of what appeared to be Christmas Cactus. But they were labeled Spring Cactus. I loved them and brought one home without knowing quite what they were. 

It seems that the Christmas Cactus, a different species than the Easter Cactus, is called Schlumbergera and is also native to Brazil. There are two cultivar groups called Truncata and Buckleyi. And that is about the extent of my new knowledge of the taxonomy of these plants.

I still hope to find a Christmas Cactus to add to my household plants. Blooms during the dreary, cold winter months add something wonderful to a northern indoor space. In the meantime, I will enjoy the gorgeous pink blossoms of my Easter Cactus while I wait for Mother Nature to allow other plants to show off their flowers.

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Monday, March 20, 2023

Reviewing Miracle LED Grow Lites for Small Space Indoor Growing Areas

I am not an experienced gardener. Especially when it comes to starting seedlings and growing plants indoors. I often kill more plants than I grow successfully. But I recently purchased the Miracle LED Grow Lite bulbs for my setup and I'm having excellent results with growing starts and plants indoors. I have a very small space to use for plants so I wanted to share what I've learned so far and encourage anyone - even people limited in space - to try growing indoors.

I previously used two high lumen, daylight CFL light bulbs to help keep plants alive in my apartment. I thought they worked well. Since then, I've moved to a home with a wonderful south-facing window. But during the winter and early spring months, my plants still need additional lighting. A friend suggested that I purchase grow light bulbs with red and blue spectrum. I didn't even know what red and blue spectrum was so I did some research. While I am still using the CFL bulbs I believe that the addition of the Miracle LED Grow Lite bulbs have made a significant improvements in my ability to grow indoors.

Miracle LED Grow Lite Bulbs

I started to do some research when my friend suggested that I purchase grow lights with blue and red spectrum. I was familiar with "daylight" bulbs with high lumens. But I had no clue what blue and red spectrum meant.  I learned that there are MANY options to choose from. There are grow lights on stands, hanging grow lights in one large fixture, and shelves with built-in grow lights.  I already have a shelf and a small area so I chose Miracle LED Grow Lite bulbs.

I purchased 3 separate bulbs: The ultra daylight white, the Absolute Daylight (TM) max flowering with red, and the Absolute Daylight (TM) max grow with red and blue LEDs. 

The online description of the Ultra Grow white bulb states:

"Miracle LED Commercial Hydroponic Ultra Grow Lite - Replaces up to 150W - Daylight White Full Spectrum LED Indoor Plant Growing Light Bulb for DIY Horticulture & Indoor Gardening"

Advertising for all of the bulbs states:

  • Nearly zero heat output
  • up to 10x longer life than standard bulbs
  • contains no mercury and emits no UV
  • replacing 150W flood
  • based on NASA Color Spectrum Technology
  • UL listed
  • runs for $1.44 per year

The description on the box for the Absolute Daylight Max Flower with Red states that the bulb is "ideal for plants and vegetables. Promotes flowering and fruiting"

The description on the box for the Absolute Daylight Max Grow with Red and Blue LEDs states that "red, blue, and daylight spectrum light for intense plant growth."

Previously, I had no idea that different spectrums of light are helpful for different plants or plants in different stages of their life (growth versus flowering). I had no clue that red spectrum light promotes flowering.  Now I know the very basics and my plants have clearly benefited already.

My Small Space Growing Shelves

As I mentioned above, I now live in a home with a wonderful south-facing window (southern exposures provide the most light). However, with the shorter days, I need to provide supplemental lighting. The pendant light cords and Miracle LED Grow Lite bulbs allow hours of additional light. 

My home is small so I have to keep my growing area small. I had an old shelf given to me that I repurposed and use for my indoor garden space. I am able to wrap the pendant light cords around the frame of the shelf and add the grow bulbs. The pendant light cords allow the height and placement of the bulbs to be adjusted as the plants grow. 

The growing zone for my area is 6a. However, I live on a ridge and that higher elevation seems to put me in 5b at times. I am learning how to garden here on the ridge and hope to start most of my own seedlings in the future. Because I live an a colder climate, starting seeds early helps to lengthen my growing season. I am also experimenting with growing vegetables to harvest indoors. I've recently started squash plants indoors and I've successfully gotten them to the stage of blooming. If I can successfully grow indoors, I'll have fresh vegetables year 'round.

I am currently having excellent success with this set-up and am very excited about learning to grow indoors. This is a short video of my indoor garden update thus far. 

I am quite sure that the Miracle LED Grow Lite bulbs are major part of the reason I currently have green, healthy plants growing in my little window garden. 


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Monday, March 6, 2023

Reviewing Liquid IV for Hydration

I have had some health issues for a very long time that result in pain, lethargy, and dehydration. I recently received advice to use Liquid IV for rehydration. I reluctantly agreed despite my reservations about trying yet one more chemical concoction that doesn't work. However, I have found that this drink powder added to 16 ounces of water makes me feel significantly better. 

What am I talking about?  What is a hydration drink? I was very skeptical when my new doctor suggested that I give this over-the-counter powder a try. I almost didn't make the purchase. After all, drinks such as Pedialyte and Gatorade never seemed to make a difference in how I felt. And things that previous doctors have suggested have had side effects; more problem than cure. But this new doctor seemed to take a new holistic approach and I decided to give it a try.

I am NOT a doctor. And I am not passing on my experience as medical advice. If you aren't feeling well please consult your doctor. This is not a medical review as Liquid IV is a drink powder - not a medical intervention. This is not a pharmaceutical.

Liquid IV Hydration Multiplier

Liquid IV Hydration Multiplier is a flavored powder that is non-GMO, great tasting, drink mix that when added to water delivers "hydration to the bloodstream faster and more efficiently than water alone". 

  • contains 3x the electrolytes of traditional sports drinks
  • 5 essential vitamins (B3, B5, B6, B12, and Vitamin C)
  • uses Cellular Transport Technology (CTT) to hydrate faster than water alone
  • no artificial flavors
  • great taste
Reviews are positive and people who recommend Liquid IV are athletes, people who work outdoors in the heat, and people like me. At the time of this writing, there are over 31,000 reviews and 4.7 out of 5 stars on Amazon for the strawberry flavor (there are several flavors to choose from - I prefer the strawberry).

One bit of information of interest about the company itself is that they report their mission is to "Change the World by helping people everywhere live better lives." They report working with a variety of organizations and individuals to get Liquid IV "into the hands of millions of people".  I have not researched and am unable to confirm that this occurs. But if it does, that is a wonderful thing. 

My Personal Hydration

No matter how much water I drink, and I drink quite a bit every day, I struggle with dehydration. And we know that hydration is important for the human body.

"Your body needs to be hydrated to function at its best. If there isn't enough liquid in your body, essential functions like circulation don't perform as smoothly and your organs won't get necessary nutrients, resulting in less efficient performance" - Texas Health and Human Services


Liquid IV is helping me to feel better and to function better. I keep some handy for daily use, travel, and days that I'm working here on the homestead and exerting myself more than usual. 

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