Showing posts with label Memorial Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Memorial Day. Show all posts

Monday, May 29, 2023

Observing Memorial Day 2023 - Movie Review - The Outpost

Memorial Day in the United States is a holiday to honor and mourn U.S Armed Forces personnel who lost their lives during military service. For many, this day represents a three-day weekend, travel, and barbecues. As a young adult I thought of the weekend only as the unofficial beginning of summer. I didn't fully appreciate the somber meaning of this day until my own children were active duty and deployed overseas. Now I spend part of Memorial Day weekend each year learning the names of a few of those for whom this holiday was created. 

Memorial Day Remembering with The Outpost Movie

I read a book or watch a movie that highlights those who lost their lives while serving our country. I have a deep respect for those who choose to serve our country to begin with. Personally, it is important to me to learn the names of at least one persona KIA (killed in action) and to keep their memory alive.

The Outpost

Today I watched The Outpost. It is a war film released in 2020 and directed by Rod Lurie. It is based on the book, The Outpost: An Untold Story of American Valor by Jake Tapper.

The story is about an American military base in Afghanistan in 2009. The base is set in a valley fully surround by mountains. Not distant mountains but mountains towering over the base. Even a civilian like me knows that this isn't a safe position to be in when dealing with the Taliban during that time of conflict. But American troops are sent there because of the proximity to Pakistan and some of the supply routes coming out of that country and into Afghanistan. 

It is heart-breaking when this vulnerable outpost is attacked and the Battle of Kamdesh results in many deaths. This battle is historic for many reasons. I am not sure of any way that I can tell more about the storyline without giving spoilers. So I won't. I will say that, as an army mom, it gave me an idea of what our deployed family members went through with limited contact with home, deciding what to say and what not to say when that contact is made, and their "austere" living conditions. We know that our Armed Forces members are sent into harm's way. But sometimes it appears that some of the risk is preventable. 

This is a difficult story. But I believe it is an important one. When searching for recommended "Memorial Day movies" I found it listed on a military site. For that reason, I thought that the movie must be viewed as important or realistic - or both. I hadn't heard of this movie or seen advertising for it otherwise. 

This will be one of the movies I watch more than once. A movie I will probably add to my annual Memorial Day tradition.

Additional Links:

In 2019 I read Dog Company You: A True Story of American Soldiers Abandoned by Their High Command. You can see the original post here.

In 2018 I learned about the Bataan Death March in the 1940s and about a special reconnaissance mission was occurring in Afghanistan in 2005 (Lone Survivor). You can see my original post for that year here

In 2017 I read World Changer: A Mother's Story: The Unbreakable Spirit of US Navy SEAL Aaron Vaughn by Karen Vaughn. You can see the original post here.

I don't believe I have ever reviewed the movie Saving Private Ryan. I do not have the words to adequately describe that powerful movie. I do watch it every year during Memorial Weekend. If you have never seen it, I highly recommend it. 

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, June 3, 2019

Dog Company: A True Story of American Soldiers Abandoned by Their High Command Book Review

Troops at FOB Airborne preparing for a mission.
Each year over Memorial Weekend, I deliberately spend some time learning about and remembering our American military individuals who have given their lives in service to their country. This year I read Dog Company: A True Story of American Soldiers Abandoned by Their High Command and I am still reeling from what I read - knowing this is a story our government would prefer it's civilians not know. 

I already had some understanding that our troops who were deployed to Afghanistan often lived in very dangerous and "austere" conditions. I also had some awareness that rules of engagement made it difficult for our troops to stay alive. But authors Lynn Vincent and Roger Hill paint a detailed picture of how completely impossible the situations over there really were - and some reasons why so many families back home lost their loved ones.

Dog Company: A True Story of American Soldiers Abandoned by Their High Command by Lynn Vincent and Roger Hill

Dog Company is partially a day-in-the-life portrait of soldiers trying to carry out their missions in Wardak Province, Afghanistan and partially a court drama with accusations of war crimes. I'm immediately hooked in the story - getting to know the handful of soldiers at FOB (Forward Operating Base) Airborne.
'Sargeant Raul Lopez, the platoon sergeant at Sayed Abad Base, coming through his cell: "The CLP didn't bring any food and water with them this time, sir" '
Life sustaining supplies weren't getting through to Captain Roger Hill's troops. Not because they were cut off by the bad guys but due to the complacency or ineptitude of the leadership. The book begins with plans to move supplies from FOB Airborne to Sayed Abad.

The descriptions of the dusty dirt roads, narrow cliff-hugging mountainous roads barely wide enough for the vehicles, and how the men jumped into action every time something went wrong made me feel as though I were watching it all. 

All supplies, not just food and water, were in short supply. Vehicles were unreliable. There were not enough men to guard the FOBs. At night, our guys put dummies up to look like there were more overnight guards and a larger presence than there really was.

And if that wasn't bad enough, they learn that there are spies among them, Afghan Nationals approved to work on the FOBs, giving the information to the Taliban to set ambushes. Ambushes like the one that killed Carwile and Conlon.


On that supply run, to deliver the food and water that Battalion (the higher-ups) couldn't seem to supply, two soldiers lost their lives.

Lieutenant Donnie Carwile:

"Formerly enlisted, Carwile, twenty-nine, had put himself through college while working as a policeman in Oxford, Mississippi, then returned to the Army as an officer."

SPC Paul Conlon:

"Back in June, Conlon, twenty-one, of Mashpee, Massachusetts, had taken heavy shrapnel wounds during a vicious firefight. this trip to Sayed Abad was his first chance to bet back into the field with his platoon brothers, and he was pumped."

Throughout the book, many other men were physically wounded. Yet they all wanted to remain to continue the mission and to continue to take care of each other the best they could in these dire circumstances.

Rules of Engagement

Due to the rules of engagement during that period of time, the procedures (or lack thereof) for handling dangerous detainees, and the lack of support on these distant FOBs, caused life and death decisions at every moment. In trying to prevent more of his men being killed in action, CPT Roger Hill made a decision that some view as criminal. He and First Sargeant Scott are carted off to military court due to their decisions and actions.

I found this story to be riveting; both the stories of the missions and the description of the court process. 

As an army mom, I appreciate CPT Roger Hill and his attempts to protect his men, including sacrificing his finances and his career. I don't know that his decision was the right choice - the line between right and wrong is often thick and blurry. But I also don't think he was given any other choice - except to watch more of his men die. I also appreciate First Sargeant Scott and his determination to follow his conscience against the odds.

This book was written via accessing many sources including: interviews of the men of Dog Company and others deployed with them, review of the documents used at the Article 32 hearing, the criminal investigation reports, and more. The authors also submitted the manuscript to be reviewed for issues of national security. As a result, there are portions of the book that are redacted. 

I am extremely grateful to Lynn Vincent and Roger Hill for going through all that they have in order to publish this story and shine a light on what some of our troops have gone through at the direction of our country. 

Photo Credit: public domain photo by Spc. Justin French. Delta Company, 2nd of the 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division - FOB Airborne. Original photo cropped due to space considerations.

Previous Memorial Day readings:

Mindfulness on Memorial Day 2018. In 2018, I learned about the Bataan Death March. Prior to that time, I had not heard a thing about the invasion of the Philippines and the thousands of POWs held from 1942 to 1945. 

Mindfulness on Memorial Day 2017.  In 2017, I read World Changer: A Mother's Story: The Unbreakable Spirit of US Navy SEAL Aaron Vaughn. Karen Vaughn wrote about her son, memorializing him and writing with such honesty that I sobbed. 

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Monday, May 28, 2018

Mindfulness on Memorial Day 2018

Bataan Death March reading.
Today is Memorial Day in the United States. This day is set aside to remember those in our armed services who have given the ultimate sacrifice to defend our nation. The meaning of the day can easily become lost over a three day weekend of travel and barbecues. That is the reason why I've begun to set the day aside to intentionally remember and to learn about someone who has given their life during service to their country. Here I will review some of the books and movies that have helped me to do that.

For all of the families (children, parents, wives, and husbands) who have lost a loved one in service to our nation, you are in my thoughts today and every day. 

Bataan Death March

During my history classes in high school I remember learning about the bombing of Pearl Harbor by Japan. I never heard about Japan also invading the Philippines and the war atrocities that took place there. It was only last year, while channel surfing, that I caught part of a documentary about the Bataan Death March in the Philippines. How was it that I had never heard of this! 

Also last year, I was seeing clips of a 75th anniversary Memorial Bataan Death March. This memorial march occurs annually at White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico. And I saw video of a Bataan Death March survivor walking the memorial march in Mexico.  

As a result of seeing bits of videos, I made it a point to teach myself more about what occurred in the Philippines to both Americans and Filipinos. And to remember the thousands who were held as POWs from 1942 to 1945 and the thousands who lost their lives during that time. 

Operation Redwings and the Lone Survivor

In 2005, a special reconnaissance mission was occurring in Afghanistan. Four Navy Seals were sent to the mountains on this mission and only one returned. Lone Survivor is ultimately the story of Marcus Luttrell and how he survived. He was saved by an Afghan village and a man in that village who hid Luttrell from the Taliban. Even though that story is about Luttrell's survival, it is also about how others gave their lives. Murphy, Dietz, and Axelson you are remembered.  As are those 16 people on the Chinook who lost their lives when it was shot down during a rescue attempt. 

I prefer the book over the movie because the movie is so condensed. You do not get the feel for the amount of time that passed as Luttrell was fighting for his life in the mountains. But both the movie and the book are a good way to remember those lost during that mission in Afghanistan. 

Practicing Mindfulness on Memorial Day 2017

Last year, I read World Changer: A Mother's Story: The Unbreakable Spirit of US Navy Seal Aaron Vaughn. You can see what I wrote about that story and about Memorial Day here

When someone makes the ultimate sacrifice, they leave families, friends, and battle buddies behind. I am always amazed when those left behind find a way to turn that loss into strength and good things. Karen Vaughn works tirelessly to honor her son's memory and is a dedicated spokeswoman for the current defenders of our nation.

photo courtesy via creative commons CC0

I hope that you are able to take a moment today, no matter your thoughts on politics and military, to think of those who have died in the service of our country.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Blessings on Your Memorial Day Weekend

From the Writers of ReviewThis we would like to send our United States readers best wishes for a lovely Memorial Day Weekend. 

In remembrance, we celebrate by honoring those who have paid the ultimate price to defend our freedoms.

For those outside of the USA, here's a quick summary of what Memorial Day is about: It's origins are from Decoration Day, a day of honor following the US Civil War. By 1971 Memorial Day became an official federal holiday to honor all those who lost their lives serving in the US armed forces.

Honor, Grace and Love - To All Who Lost Their Lives in Defense of Country
Photo: Via Pixabay 
This hauntingly gorgeous song, "When the Angels Came Down" by Kevin Costner (yes that Kevin Costner) and Modern West, remembers history and the Fallen - It's very moving.

If you want to read more about this song, the story behind it's writing and it's meaning, you'll find it explained here at The Heart of Country Music.

For those who have suffered loss and who are remembering their loved ones, we're thinking of you and we thank you and your family. We remember.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, May 29, 2017

Practicing Mindfulness on Memorial Day

Memorial Day is a day set aside each year to remember those who have lost their lives while serving their country in the armed forces. The meaning of the day can easily become lost in the long weekend filled with barbecues and beer. Or become confused with Veteran's Day, with which we greet our living armed forces folks with a "Happy Veteran's Day". Political disagreements can threaten to erode the meaning of Memorial Day altogether. As a result of all of these things, and with utmost respect to those willing to sacrifice so much for my protection and freedom, I choose to spend Memorial Day in mindful remembrance.

Memorial Day - Remembering Individuals

As a grateful Army mom, whose sons both returned from deployments, I have decided this year to intentionally know about someone (or multiple people) who have given the ultimate sacrifice.  I wanted to put real names on this holiday in order to honor them and their families by keeping their memories alive.

I chose to read World Changer: A Mother's Story: The Unbreakable Spirit of US Navy SEAL Aaron Vaughn by Karen Vaughn.  

Overnight, I've read 75% of the book. Karen tells us of her son as a child, an adolescent, a young man, and finally a Navy SEAL. She tells of her perspective of parenthood as a Christian and of her faith in God. She describes her mother-son bond and how that bond is broken when the helicopter is shot down, killing all on board - including members of Navy SEAL VI - including her son. She writes with such honesty of the moment that my chest hurt as I sobbed. 

Despite the great loss she and her family have endured with the loss of her son, there is somehow peace in her writing. There is no asking for pity, only a quiet strength. I'd imagine she attributes that to God. She is a good witness to those of us who are not as convinced of such an active force in our lives. 

In this book, Karen Vaughn memorializes her son in a beautiful way. She describes his childhood antics, his school-aged years, and his move into being a husband/father a such a loving way - without being overly syrupy. I definitely feel as though I know who Aaron Vaughn was in life. 

Memorial Day - General Remembering

On this day there are many ways to remember those who have passed before us, in the service of their country.  A few ways to remember in general are:

  • attend or participate in a Memorial Day parade
  • fly a flag
  • watch movies (such as Act of Valor, Saving Private Ryan, Band of Brothers, Pearl Harbor, and so many more)
  • watch documentaries 
  • visit a military cemetery 
  • visit a war memorial or museum
  • choose a time period and educate yourself about that war

Even if you don't agree with the politics of a particular President or the reasons a specific war has occurred, the United States of America is what it is in large part because it has been participating in battles for over 200 years. I guarantee there has been someone, in some conflict, who has supported or protected your interests. 

On this Memorial Day, I am focused in my thanks to those individuals who were willing and able to do what I am not. Today, I am mindful of those families who have lost a loved one in the defense of our country. 

Updated:  I have become aware that immediately following the launch of World Changer, Amazon's link to purchase hardcovers went down.  I am not aware of the reason why but want to make sure that I provide my readers with an alternate link for the purchase of World Changer in hardcover.  In the event the Amazon link goes down again, please refer to Karen Vaughn's official website to make that purchase - Official Karen Vaughn World Changer site .

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Memorial Day Music - Duty, Grace, Thanks and Faith

Memorial Day Photo by Sylvestermouse
Photo by Sylvestermouse

Every year on the last Monday in May, now known as Memorial Day, the United States honors those who have served.

Across the land, citizens bow their heads to thank those who put their lives on the line and shed tears of pride and pain for those who paid the ultimate price.

This celebration weekend will be filled with food, family gatherings, reflection, and music.

If your gathering needs the right song with just the right words, you'll want to add these message-driven country songs to your playlist.

Country Songs for Your Memorial Day Weekend and Beyond
These Song Choices Speak to Duty, Grace, Thanks, and ultimately, the Soul's Peace, Faith

American Soldier by Toby Keith

Those who serve do so with a sense of duty to family, country, and a better world. They don't do it for the glory, they don't do it for the money, they just do it, and although they give a piece of their soul, they don't want to die, but if that happens, they do it for us. That's what a sense of duty is.

They are out there, on the front lines, seeing, feeling, living things we'll never fully understand ... things they never want their kids to have to live through. Their sense of duty goes beyond one lifetime. That's what this first song is about.

Listen to this song, and you'll feel the heartbeat of an American Soldier:

The Angels Came Down by Kevin Costner & Modern West

(Yes, that Kevin Costner)Modern West performed this song in April 2014 at a ceremony where a memorial was dedicated to five men who died in  Afghanistan.

The song was written with the Civil War in mind. The lyrics provide grace through the visual of angels coming to rescue souls from blood-stained battlefields.

The haunting lyrics paint a picture of the ultimate sacrifice and ultimate love. They experience the grace of angels carrying their souls to a place of peace. The best lyric is, "They left no one, and they placed no blame" -  what this world has the potential to be, no blame.
(Lyrics) And the Angels came down to the fallen men
and they held their hands as they prayed for them
they carried their souls beyond the moon and the sun
they prayed for them one by one
The Angels worked so hard for so many years
to heaven and back again, they shed so many tears
they left no one and they placed no blame
walking all alone in the southern rain

I Want You to Live, by George Canyon

As a Canadian writing this article, I want to thank all who have served and continue to serve on both sides of our border. No matter our political leanings, we all share a few things in common: The lands of the free and prayers that our men and women return home to us safe and alive.

Our tears are your tears; your tears are our tears. We're neighbors sharing the longest free border in the world. To those of you who have lost someone, no matter which side of the border you live on, know that I include you in my prayers and thank you with every breath we and our children take. We see the gift of our loved ones smiling faces come courtesy of many before us who paid for that freedom with their life. It will never be forgotten.

This song by Canadian Country Artist George Canyon says it well; 'I Want You to Live.'

(Lyrics) "Takes all of her strength to go through his things; it feels like she's holding him again, the letters he wrote, the books he read, and some of the shirts still have his scent."...

While we pray for peace, we thank all who have served and continue to serve, making the ultimate contribution toward mankind's achieving that goal: perfect union.

Believe by Brooks & Dunn 

I'll end this selection of songs for Memorial Day with this message of faith delivered in lyrics that tell the story of a little boy and his close friend, 'Old Man Wrigley.'

Old Man Wrigley, who served in the Navy, positively influenced this young boy's life. This little boy, now a young man away at school, receives a call from his mom to inform him that Old Man Wrigley died. The news hits him hard.

The passing of his old friend causes this young man to reflect on this sweet old man who taught him more about Purpose than he had imagined in the springtime of his life.
(Lyrics) I can't quote the book
The chapter or the verse
You can't tell me it all ends ... In a slow ride in a hearse
You know I'm more and more convinced
The longer that I live
Yeah, this can't be
No, this can't be
No, this can't be all there is
These words by Brooks & Dunn sprinkle light on the pain of loss. Your loved ones, my loved ones, are still with us. When that salty water leaks out of your eyes, there's a hand you can't see wiping away that tear. I believe.

Hold on to love; you'll take it with you.

With Love, Always, Barbara

You Can Find these Four Songs to Add to Your Playlist Here

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Saturday, May 28, 2016

Memorial Day Recipes Reviewed - Part II


Image of the American Flag
Source: Sylvestermouse

Memorial Day - a patriotic remembrance holiday and the one thought of as the beginning of Summertime - is usually filled with activities, celebrations, family get-togethers and, most importantly, food.  Whether you have an indoor, sit-down meal with family or an outdoor picnic in the backyard or at a park or beach with a group, deciding on the perfect menu is fun.

Once you have your main dish Memorial Day meal planned, perhaps from ideas listed on Memorial Day Recipes Reviewed - Part I , here are some suggestions for the dessert part of your day of celebration.

Grill Cupcakes


Grill Cupcakes, image from a recipe for same
Recipe and Photos by Chef Amber of Hot Springs, Arkansas for

If your Memorial Day meal involves food cooked on the grill, these Grill Cupcakes would make the perfect complementary dessert for your backyard barbecue.  Recipe and whimsical design featured by Elizabeth of Canada on her delightful blog Frugal Mom Eh.

Patriotic Red, White & Blue Chocolate Cookies

Patriotic Red, White & Blue chocolate cookies
Source: Two Sisters Crafting

Cookies are a dessert that is perfect for a picnic in the park or at the beach as they are portable, needing no sit-down plate or fork to eat.  These Red, White and Blue cookies would make a patriotic and fun dessert for Memorial Day.  And they are 'chocolate' too. Yum! 

white blue chocolate candyChocolate cookies with Red, White and Blue Holiday M&M Mix are a quick, easy and fun holiday dessert for any of our patriotic holidays, Memorial Day, Flag Day, 4th of July or Veterans Day. 

This recipe comes from the Two Sisters Crafting blog

Flag Fruit Dessert


Flag fruit dessert image
Source: Family Fresh Meals

For an indoor holiday meal (in case rain spoils an outdoor event this Memorial Day), fruit always makes a wonderful dessert.  Corey of Family Fresh Meals came up with a patriotic way to display a fresh fruit platter with her Easy Flag Fruit Dessert.  Using blueberries, and red fruit such as cherries, strawberries and raspberries, she spread her fruit flag out on a serving tray. A bowl of blueberries represent the field of stars background in the top left corner, then rows of red fruits make the red stripes.  Since there isn't a white fruit, she came up with little pretzels covered in yogurt or white chocolate for the white stripes. Very clever and a light & satisfying tasty dessert.  This dessert could also be served on other patriotic holidays, such as Flag Day and the 4th of July.

Patriotic Pies

American Flag blueberry/cherry pie
Source: Cassie Johnston on eHow

Then there are patriotic cakes and pies. This homemade American flag blueberry/cherry pie decorated with pastry stars and topped with vanilla ice cream would be a sensational finish to your  Memorial Day meal. Recipe is by Cassie Johnston on eHow.

Memorial Day Meals

Hope everyone enjoys a terrific and tasty Memorial Day with these menu ideas and recipes for Patriotic Main Dishes and Desserts. 

To make your Memorial Day celebration complete, add in some Patriotic Music.  Enjoy your weekend!

Happy Memorial Day!


Memorial Day Recipes Reviewed - Part II written & presented by:

Wednesday Elf


Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, May 27, 2016

Memorial Day Recipes Reviewed - Part I

The Main Course


recipes menu for memorial day
Memorial Day is historically the date we set aside each year to honor and remember those who gave their lives for our country while serving in the U.S. military.  It is always observed on the last Monday in May.  The entire weekend before Memorial Day, families & friends all across the US gather together for parties and picnics.  We celebrate our freedom, our nation, the beginning of summer and the end of the school year.   We decorate with red, white & blue, we sing patriotic songs, we laugh, we love, we remember, and we eat

In preparation for the weekend of festivities, the contributors of Review This sought out some great recipes for Memorial Day to share.  Today, we will start with the main course.  

Recipes for the Grill

The days that fall right between spring and summer make the perfect time for an outdoor party.  As a few of the grilling experts gather around the grill, the rest of us mingle, laugh and enjoy tasting the appetizers on the buffet table.

It is an afternoon full of fun and good food!  

Not sure what you are going to grill yet?  Well, here are a few suggestions.  

 Coca Cola BBQ Ribs Slow-Cooked Barbecue Ribs Honey & Beer Glazed BBQ Chicken


Memorial Day Recipes Cooked Inside to Be Served Outside

Picnics with family and friends are always great, but sometimes we want to be able to cook the main course ahead and serve it once the guests arrive.  That means no on has to actually man the grill during the party.

Here are a few Memorial Day recipes that you cook indoors, but can be served inside or out. These recipes are also very child friendly so you may want to include them even if you plan to grill too. 


A Fruit Treat for Our Vegan & Vegetarian Readers

We all have vegan or vegetarian family members or those who are on special health diets.  We certainly do not want them left out of the fun and food.  

You can create this beautiful fruit bowl by simply combining the red, white and blue fruits in a patriotic bowl. 

Blueberries, raspberries, strawberries and watermelon stars are the perfect combination!   They are also delicious added to lemonade, although you may prefer pineapple stars for the drink.  Either the fruit bowls or the patriotic punch served in a beautiful crystal pitcher would be a real crowd pleaser as well as a lovely presentation.

red, white & blue lemonade
Red, White & Blue Lemonade for a Patriotic Punch Drink

 Wilton Stars Nesting Metal Cutter Set

To Make the Pineapple or Watermelon Stars in the Patriotic Fruit Bowl or Lemonade

Simply cut them out with cookie cutters. 

I tend to prefer the metal cookie cutters when cutting fruit or cake simply because they have sharper edges.   With the Wilton metal cookie cutters, I get a nice sharp point at the tips of each of the stars.  Because this set comes with 4 cutters in the various sizes, it is really the perfect choice.  You can choose the actual size of the stars to fit the bowls or serving dishes you are using.  Because they nest, they are much easier to store.

One note:  If you are going to let little hands help you cut your fruit, opt for the plastic set of cookie cutters made by Wilton.  The edges of the cut may not be as precise, but the child's finger will be safe.


We will be continuing our Memorial Day Weekend Celebration

Please join us for our featured Memorial Day Dessert Recipes and for the Patriotic Celebration in Music.

May all of your Parties and Travel over this
Memorial Day Weekend be Safe and Fun!

Memorial Day Recipes Reviewed - Part I written & presented by:
House of Sylvestermouse

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Kick off the Summer with a Party!

waterfall in historic falls park in pendleton indiana
Historic Falls Park, Pendleton, IN
I do love the summer! Here in the Midwest, we might not have a gorgeous ocean and beach but we do have our own great summer sights. The flowers, the creek falls, the kelly green grass, the blue sky, the vitamin D filled sunshine and 3 fun holidays to boot wrap up our summer season!

Memorial Day starts everything in late May, Independence Day is midway and the end of summer is signified by Labor Day every year.

Memorial Day/Weekend Party or Get-Together

Since we are smack in the middle of Memorial Weekend today, I thought I would take you through our celebration last year (this year's is tomorrow.)  Each year, my family gets together for and on Memorial Day. It's our "Kick Off to Summer Party" and one of my favorites.

I know I have mentioned it before but here I go again... I am a military brat -- specifically the U.S. Navy. My dad was career Navy. My parents actually met when both were stationed at the Naval Air Station in Pensacola, Florida. Both my grandfathers were U.S. Navy veterans as is my only brother.

Suffice is to say, we are a patriotic bunch! So, because the Memorial, Independence and Labor Day holidays are patriotic in nature, that's the theme we use for all three. It's a lot of fun and we leave some of the decor up all summer -- red, white and blue is very appropriate for a summer season boasting 3 patriotic holidays.

Stars & Stripes -- Red, White & Blue

The color combination is timeless. The primary color scheme is used by Countries for their flag, sports teams and schools for their colors, in home decorating (especially in the cottage, vintage and nautical decor themes) and so much more.

Last year, I decided to use a "vintage feel" with the patriotic theme and loved the way it turned out. I wrote about it here: My Patriotic Buffet Table for our Summer party. Burlap, baskets, bandanas and mini flags come together to create a festive, fun and whimsical buffet table for our party. What do you think?
buffet table set up outside for a summer party
My Patriotic Summer Buffet Party

Summer Parties

The summer is filled with parties, occasions and get togethers in addition to the holidays mentioned above. Do you have a traditional get-together each summer or a special occasion you'll celebrate this year? Could be anything, like:

  • Graduation Party
  • Neighborhood Block Party
  • Birthday
  • Wedding
  • Baby or Bridal Shower
  • Class Reunion
  • Family Reunion
  • Annual Luau Party 
  • Summer Picnics

Think about sharing your ideas and experiences with others that want to hold a successful event. Do you have a favorite pot luck dish you always make or take? Are you throwing a shindig to celebrate your daughter's graduation or your son's wedding rehearsal dinner? Are you the "Picnic King/Queen"?

Being the Party Planning Contributor on Squidoo, I can point you to a great outlet for sharing your experiences with others here on the world wide web. Best of all -- Squidoo is FREE!!! You might even earn a little you can put towards your next big party!

Let me know (in the comments) if you write an article about a party so I can help you promote it! Most of all, have a wonderful summertime!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

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Review This Reviews is Dedicated to the Memory of Our Beloved Friend and Fellow Contributor

Susan DeppnerSusan Deppner

We may be apart, but
You Are Not Forgotten

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