Sunday, March 3, 2019

An Essential Oil Diffuser Lives Up to All the Hype - Don't Hesitate to Get One

An Essential Oil Diffuser Lives Up to all the Hype
I've been waiting to review this Christmas gift. It's March now and since the holidays I've used it daily.

I'm ready to blurt out an all caps YES to this product.

Here on ReviewThis the essential oil queen is Lou16, so today's review of the HoMedics Diffuser is strictly from the non-expert, user only, perspective.


Lou16 has written quite a bit about essential oils and I've paid attention.

Thanks to my kind Step Daughter's Christmas gift, I've not only tried it, but feel the need to use it every day! The operative words here are 'feel the need', because it's the first thing I do when I enter the family room now.

What I Love About It

The general consensus of essential oils is that they help with stress. In fact, you can read further detail about the benefits in Lou16's article, 'How Aromatherapy Can Enhance Your Life'.

I'm sure I'm using too much oil. I believe the box says to put 5 or 10 drops into the water. Honestly, I forget what it says. The aromas are so relaxing that I put as many drops as needed to fill the room with the gorgeous relaxing chosen scent.

Essential Oils DO NOT Smell Like Chemicals or Sprays

This was the main reason I avoided buying a diffuser - thinking the scent would be similar to an air freshener.

Was I wrong.

The essential oil drops go in a water compartment inside the diffuser. There's absolutely nothing chemical smelling about it. The aroma is magnificent.

My Favorite Essential Oils
My HoMedics Diffuser Beside the TV

Peppermint, Lemon, Orange and Eucalyptus. More than likely I won't try anything with a flowery aroma .. that's not up my alley.

AND yikes, I've used five bottles since Christmas. Yah I'm over doing it. Whatever, can't help it, love it.

The Most Aromatic Essential Oil Winner

Is …. drumroll ...Peppermint.

I use quite a few drops, maybe 15 or more. When people come into our house I usually hear "wow, what smells so amazing". Yep, it's the peppermint oil in the diffuser.

Get this, I hate peppermint, to eat it that is.

Apparently I was a colicky baby and mom used to put peppermint on my soother to calm me. Well thanks to that little solution, I grew up hating the taste of peppermint. Spearmint and wintergreen are fine, love to eat those, but still can't stand peppermint.

The subconscious mind is truly powerful, because strangely enough, the one thing peppermint I now love is it's aroma from essential oil. I don't even like peppermint tea (although I drink it from time to time), or to smell peppermint candies. However, in essential oil, I find it soothing, calming and I swear it makes my head feel clearer.

Guess what, I'm out of peppermint essential oil and am currently using 'orange'. It's really nice too, but for me, peppermint is king. I love lemon everything, and had anticipated loving lemon the best, but nope, it's my second fave.

What Kind of Diffuser Do I Have

The brand given to me was HoMedics. It's easy to use. The rotating colored lights gives the room a lovely ambience as well. The picture above shows it positioned next to our TV. That way, I not only smell it, I see the lovely lights when watching the tube.

Featured below are a few HoMedics Diffusers & Essential Oils

Scroll to see them all. The first diffuser featured is closest to the one I own.

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  1. Yay! I've found a convert! I'm glad you're enjoying your diffuser, now you can understand why I don't shut up about essential oils LOL!
    I love peppermint oil too and it's invaluable come allergy season as it really clears the head. I have been looking at the diffusers with lights as I think they look so relaxing (I have a couple of old ceramic style ones)so I will check out the HoMedics one.

    1. lol, you sure do have a convert! LOVE it. Between the zen tv scenery I have on all day, the aromatherapy, my thriving plants, the fireplace and the warm colors in my family room, I'm so relaxed that I mustn't have a blood pressure reading. Oh, and without any proof, just observation, I swear my plants like it as well.

  2. I can see this as a really nice alternative to sprays. I don't like them too much myself. Sprays seem to overpower everything and then they just die. I can see where a diffuser would make that problem a non-issue. If it is working all the time, you would get a fresh burst of scent all day long. That's a winner for me.

    1. I really think you'd like it. For those who are hypersensitive to smells, maybe they wouldn't (I have a friend like that). My oldest son liked it so much he went and bought one for his room lol

  3. I truly dislike air freshener sprays, so having an essential oil diffuser sounds like a perfect choice. Sounds like you more than 'love it', Barbara. You will have to put peppermint essential oil on your gift list for any gift-giving (to you) occasion so you will always have a supply handy. :) Delightful review!

    1. Thank you Pat, yes for sure peppermint essential oil please people :) - I have my diffuser running right now with the zen channel and the fireplace going and it's so relaxing while I work

  4. Louanne's essential oil reviews have tempted me several times to try the oils. I have so much trouble with scents causing headaches, I have continued to put it off. Like you, I don't like air fresheners or even potpourri. I'm sure I would love the peppermint too!

    1. Cynthia, I'm not sure about the headache thing if you could handle it. For me I'm sensitive to smells that I don't like (lol like most people) - and was I surprised just how nice it is - was so worried about a chemical smell. The brand of oil I use is good, but I haven't switched brands yet. I'm off the opinion that paying a little more for a higher quality oil is worth it, but honestly have nothing to base that on except my own feelings lol

  5. I am a fan of essentials oils - I can't wait to try them with a diffuser!

  6. You all may make a convert of me. I don't like to eat peppermint, either, but I do enjoy peppermint tea. I've often thought of trying lavender oil to relieve stress, but I just haven't gotten around to trying essential oils yet. I will be giving this some serious thought.

    1. Lol, you'll be trying it before you know it :)

  7. Well, now, you have convinced me to give this a try.


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