Tuesday, July 18, 2023

A Review of Siamese Cats as Pets

beautiful siamese cat with blue eyes

Siamese cats have been around for hundreds of years.   It is believed they were first seen during the Ayutthaya Kingdom, which was between 1351 and 1767.  At that time the country was known as Siam.  In 1939 the leadership of Siam was changed from an absolute monarchy to a constitutional monarchy, and along with this formation, the name of the country was changed from Siam to Thailand, which is what it is known as today.

Legend tells the story of Siamese cats being collected as treasures of war by the king of Burma, who brought them home to live in his palace, believing them to bring luck and power to those that kept them.  At that time, royals were the only ones allowed to keep these cats and they had the run of the palace and grounds.

This is all conjecture, of course, the exact origin of Siamese cats is not known for sure, only that they have been kept by humans for a very long time!

Or do the Siamese keep us?    That is a question for another time....

The first Siamese cat arrived in America in 1879 as a gift to President Rutherford B. Hayes from from the American consul in Bangkok.  The female cat, named Siam, was the first Siamese to live in the White House, but not the last as the daughters of both Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter had these beautiful cats as pets and they roamed the White House as their ancestors did the King's palace.

Why Many People Think Siamese Cats are Mean

Many people think Siamese cats are mean and they would never want one as a pet.  Much of this misconception comes from the 1955  cartoon movie Lady and the Tramp, that almost every youngster watches multiple times during childhood.  The portrayal of Siamese cats in this movie makes them look not only mean and destructive but also cruel to other animals.  

See the movie clip below from Lady and the Tramp.

I am sure it was not a deliberate act on the part of the screenwriters, they probably had no idea at the time that this movie would make many kids (that later grew up into adults) think that Siamese cats were mean and would not make good pets.  Even today, in 2023, when I have repairmen or painters come in my house most of them always say "Your Siamese cats are so friendly, I always thought they were mean!"

Siamese Cats Are Not Mean!

I grew up loving Siamese cats.  I never had one as a kid, but I loved the look of them!  So beautiful and regal.  I knew they were the cat for me!  I got my first Siamese in the mid 90's and I have had 5 others since.  I have three of them now!  Affectionately called "Meezers"  I have adored all my Siamese cats.  They are lovable pets, just ask anyone that has one.  They are pretty much like any other cat, the only major difference being they are very chatty.  They like to talk to you and will hold a conversation with you, if you give them the chance. The bad thing is, only they understand the entire conversation, since they understand human language and we have no clue how to speak cat!  

Don't ever doubt they understand what we say!

Siamese Cats as Pets

I have had both male and female Siamese and found them to be equally loving.  Some are more cuddly lap cats and others want to be around you all the time, but not touching you.  Some are more a one person cat and others are attention hounds to everyone that will pet them.  Each has their own personality, just like all cats.  One great thing about Siamese cats is that they are long lived, and if cared for properly easily live 15 to 20 years!

One Thing I Have Noticed From Experience

The cats we got as small kittens have turned out to be more loving, calm and trusting of us than the ones we have adopted as adults.  I would bet that this is probably true of most cats, but it seems especially true of Siamese.  Two of the Siamese that we have now were adopted as adults.  It took a very long time for them to warm up to us, and I am still not sure that they trust us completely.  Not knowing their history before coming to us, it is impossible to know what happened in their past to make them how they are, but we still love them unconditionally.

Here are the cuties we adopted from a rescue:

yellow siamese cat
Tater Tot - adopted 2020 at 1 year old

siamese cat
Jazzy - adopted 2022 at 5 years old 

Here is the cutie that raised from a kitten:

siamese cat
Bitty - now 13 years old

And last but never least is my two boys that have already passed.

two siamese cats on home carpet
 Tiny - passed at 18 years old and Benjamin - passed at 16 years old 

Tater is a flame point Siamese, with probably an orange tabby mixed somewhere in his ancestry, which is most likely responsible for the stripes in his tail.  Jazzy is a seal point Siamese/ Ragdoll mix, which accounts for her long, beautiful fur.  Bitty and Tiny are full blooded Siamese from a breeder, and Benjamin we got  from a friend who found him as a kitten in an alley in the city.  I have no proof of lineage on him, but the vet said he looked full blooded as well.

It doesn't seem to matter if they are full blooded Siamese or not, if they have Siamese in them, they are characters that love to talk.  If you don't like cats that meow a lot, these cats are not for you.  However, if you want a fun companion to keep you company, Siamese are perfect!

If you want to know more about Siamese cats, this is the book for you!  It has all the information you need to decide if you would like a Siamese companion.

book cover of the complete guide to siamese cats

I could be prejudiced, but I believe you could not make a finer choice for a pet than a Siamese cat.  They are sweet and loving and lots of fun.  If you don't believe me, ask any Siamese, they will be happy to tell you!  Meow!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, July 17, 2023

Reviewing the Osprey Daylite Plus Backpack

The Osprey brand of backpacks has been a brand I have relied on for over a decade. My first Osprey pack was a large pack with a frame. It was large enough that I could carry nearly everything but the kitchen sink on my outings. As I have aged and my outings are shorter and less frequent, I thought it was time to downsize my pack. I purchased the Osprey Daylite Plus Pack and I couldn't be more pleased. 

Reviewing the Osprey Daylite Plus Backpack

Why I Chose the Daylite Plus Day Pack

I have recently begun to make time to resume day hikes and quickly discovered that my original Osprey pack was far too large for my current needs. Osprey has a huge selection of packs but I eventually narrowed it down to two:  the Daylite and the Daylite Plus.  Both bags are perfect for daily use (school, college, work, carry-on size for travel) as well as camping and hiking. I chose the Daylite Plus for the slightly larger pack.

The Daylite Plus has two compartment in the main portion of the bag.  I prefer having a divider in the bag as it can keep things separated. For example, if I choose to carry a water resevoir it will stay put in it's own section. If I choose to carry a laptop, it will stay in place in that pocket and away from the items in the other section of the bag.  

The Daylite Plus bag also has two side pockets that are the pefect size for carrying water bottles. And two zippered front pockets that can keep smaller items separate in addition to the "pocket" that I use for stuffing my jacket or small beach towel into. 

This bag can cinch up with the straps to make it streamlined when I'm not carrying much.  Those same straps loosen to allow much roomier space.  Not only do I think this bag will be great for my hikes but will also be great to wear to festivals and farmer's markets.  

The material is different than my original bag so I will have to update this later to report whether or not this new material holds up as well to the abuse I doled out as the material on my first bag did. 

Osprey Daylite Plus Backpack Features

The Osprey Brand

I've never been a hardcore hiker. But I used my orginal pack in a variety of circumstances.  I carried it for miles, one way, to reach a favorite fishing hole. I carried it on trails through marshes to get to a sandy beach. My original backpack was on my back while bushwhacking through thorny greenbriar patches in forests. That original pack is sunbleached, pocked with campfire ember holes. And still smells a bit of fishing bait.  But it is still very usable. It has held up while I've become semi-retired from those longer adventures. When I thought about purchasing a new pack, I knew I'd look at the Osprey brand first.

I have discovered that they offer "remnant" bags. Those are bags that are made from some of their remnants that result from the manufacturing of their bags.  I have also discovered that they are now using recycled materials but are still able to produce bags that are "durable and can take years of everyday wear and tear."  

Osprey currently offers a line of Daylite packs: 

  • Daylite Cinch
  • Daylite Kids
  • Daylite
  • Daylite Plus
  • Daylite Tote
  • Daylite Waist
  • Daylite Duffel 
  • Daylite Sling

The Osprey Daylite backpack line

On their website, you can find the entire Daylite line in the Lifestyle Day Packs category.

Finally, I do want to mention that if you like to save a few dollars it is helpful to comparison shop on both Amazon and the Osprey website. If you click each color offered, as I did, you may find a pack at a substantial savings. Personally, there's no way I'm paying full price for a backpack so I was pleased to find different colors of the same bag on deep discount.

Related Links:

The official Osprey Website Osprey.com 

The Osprey Store on Amazon 

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, July 16, 2023

The Power of Journaling - The Pathway to a Positive Mindset

The Power of Journaling

In a world filled with constant distractions and stressors, journaling is a timeless practice that nurtures our mental well-being and fosters a positive mindset. 

Recognizing the stresses that face us daily, I've designed and created five different styles of prompt journals over the past several years. My research began with the fundamentals of journaling, why it matters, and how it helps to create a positive mindset.

In this article, I delve into why journaling is essential to maintaining a positive mindset and offer five practical tips to ensure a successful and fulfilling journaling practice.

Why Journaling Helps With Attaining Positive Mindset:

By putting pen to paper, we unlock a portal to self-discovery, introspection, and emotional release. 

Journaling provides a safe self-care haven to express our thoughts, emotions, and experiences, allowing us to gain clarity, reduce anxiety, and cultivate gratitude.

Emotional Catharsis: Journaling provides a healthy outlet for processing and releasing emotions, reducing the burden of unresolved feelings and promoting a sense of relief.

Self-Reflection: Regularly writing in a journal allows us to gain insight into our thoughts and behavior patterns, leading to greater self-awareness and personal growth.

Gratitude Cultivation: By jotting down things we are grateful for, we shift our focus from negativity to positivity, fostering an attitude of appreciation and contentment.

Stress Reduction: Journaling can lower stress levels as it helps us organize our thoughts and encourages problem-solving and coping strategies.

Positive Affirmations: Writing positive affirmations and declarations can boost self-confidence and reinforce a positive self-image.

Tips for Successful Journaling:

Set a Regular Schedule: Establish a consistent journaling routine, whether it's daily, weekly, or whenever you feel the need to express yourself. Consistency will make journaling a habit.

Create a Sacred Space: Designate a special corner or use a beautiful journal to make your writing experience more enjoyable and encourage you to return to it regularly.

Embrace Freewriting: Don't worry about grammar or structure; just let your thoughts flow freely onto the page. This technique helps you bypass your inner critic and fosters authentic expression.

Focus on the Positive: While it's important to acknowledge challenges, try to shift your focus toward positive experiences, gratitude, and achievements in your journal entries.

Use Prompts and Themes: When you need inspiration, use journaling prompts or themes to kickstart your writing. Explore topics like personal growth, aspirations, or daily wins.

Journaling is an invaluable companion on the journey to a positive mindset, providing us with a space to process emotions, gain insight, and cultivate gratitude. Putting our innermost thoughts onto paper carries the power to heal, uplift, and transform our perspectives on life. 

Journaling Can Be A Challenging Commitment to Make

It can be tough to write in a journal every single day, but it's important to keep up with it, even if we miss a few days.

That's why I've compiled these easy-to-use prompt journals featured below and available on Amazon.

These journals are designed with specific topics in mind and offer handy prompts that help you keep track of your emotions and thoughts about whatever's going on in your life.

And here's a neat feature in several of these journals - you can score your mood. It's a nifty way to see how you're feeling over time and better understand your overall disposition.

You can check out the journals below; they're available on Amazon:

Gratitude Prompt Journal My Happy Tracker: A Helpful Guide to Track What Makes You Happy and Help You Visualize Triggers and TrendsGratitude Prompt Journal My Happy Tracker: A Helpful Guide to Track What Makes You Happy and Help You Visualize Triggers and TrendsWhy I Feel Good Today: A Fun Colorful Monthly Workbook to Instantly Track Good Feelings - For Teens and AdultsWhy I Feel Good Today: A Fun Colorful Monthly Workbook to Instantly Track Good Feelings - For Teens and AdultsI Need Help Thinking Positive: A Negative Thoughts Workbook For Adults - 31 Days with Four Easy Prompt Questions Repeated Daily to Track Those ... What Common Threads May Be Triggering ThemI Need Help Thinking Positive: A Negative Thoughts Workbook For Adults - 31 Days with Four Easy Prompt Questions Repeated Daily to Track Those ... What Common Threads May Be Triggering ThemWhy I Feel Bad Today: A Casual Full Color Workbook For Teens and AdultsWhy I Feel Bad Today: A Casual Full Color Workbook For Teens and AdultsSelf Awareness Workbook - Comprehensive Introspection: 196 Detailed and Thought Provoking Questions to Ask YourselfSelf Awareness Workbook - Comprehensive Introspection: 196 Detailed and Thought Provoking Questions to Ask Yourself


Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Shattered by James Patterson - Book Review

 A Michael Bennett Thriller

Shattered Glass

Author James Patterson has written over 200 books, some of which have been co-authored by several different people. His genre is varied, including stand-alone thrillers, non-fiction, and romance novels. In addition, he is known for several series, such as the Alex Cross series and the Women's Murder Club series.

This book, Shattered, is one of the latest in one of my favorite series by Patterson – The Michael Bennett Series.

Michael Bennett

The main character in the Michael Bennett series, is a New York City police detective who is the father of ten adopted multicultural children. His wife died young and a young Irish girl named Mary Catherine became the family nanny. Michael also gets help with his large family from his grandfather, Seamus, who raised him. Seamus, after raising his own family and becoming widowed, decides late in life to follow a calling and becomes a Catholic Priest. Mary Catherine, Seamus, and all the children play a big part in each Michael Bennett story. Thus, with each book in the series, you have a thriller that is a murder mystery coupled with equal parts of Michael's family life. 

Plot of Shattered

shattered book cover
As Shattered begins, Michael, who earlier in the series fell in love with Mary Catherine, is on his honeymoon in Ireland. As their trip nears its end, Michael finds a missed phone call from Emily Parker, an FBI colleague he had worked with on past cases. 

Emily, an FBI abduction specialist, had worked many cases with Michael and they had become good friends. When Michael cannot reach Emily, he discovers that she failed to show at FBI headquarters in Washington, DC. 

After returning to New York and settling in with the family, Michael admits to his new bride that he feels he must look into Emily's disappearance, even though DC is far outside his jurisdiction. As he delves into this most personal of investigations, he discovers that Emily has been keeping secrets. She had forged powerful connections in the political world and consequently made enemies who have motives to silence her – and her protectors. That just may include Michael. 


Shattered is Book #14 of 15 in the Michael Bennett Series. As always the case with a James Patterson book, the plot is a good one and the interspersing of family life keeps this thriller more warmhearted and fun to read. 

Shattered is co-authored by James O. Born. Patterson has often said that collaborating with others brings new and interesting ideas to his stories. He admits that he is simply more proficient at dreaming up plots than crafting sentence after sentence.

*Book Review of Shattered written by Wednesday Elf

Shattered by James Patterson, a Michael Bennett Thriller, is available on Amazon.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, July 14, 2023

Accidentally Engaged (2016) Movie Review

Accidentally Engaged
You might wonder, as I did, how does one become "accidentally" engaged.  

I first thought of the popular movie "While You Were Sleeping" when Peter Callaghan wakes from a coma to find out he is engaged to a stranger.  We have also seen movies where people do crazy things when intoxicated that they don't remember when sober.  I'll start by telling you that the characters in "Accidentally Engaged" were neither comatose nor intoxicated.

I do love a good romantic comedy, so, needless to say, I was intrigued by the title of this movie.  I recognized Lexi Giovagnoli from previous movies, but I was not previously familiar with Brant Daugherty.  Turns out, both are adorable and fun to watch.

Since both the name of the movie and the actors shown on the cover compelled me to watch it, I recorded it to watch when I had time. 

Weeks later, that opportunity presented itself and I settled back to see the show.

Accidentally Engaged

 Accidentally EngagedCheck PriceClarissa Byers is a struggling actress working as a waitress to pay the bills.  She has a small bit part in a movie starring Chas Hunter, a successful "heartthrob" actor.  

Playing the part of a waitress, which should be a comfortable role for Clarissa, she accidentally spills coffee on Chas when the lid comes off of the coffee pot.  She is fired from the movie for not properly checking the props.

When Clarissa returns home for her best friend's wedding, she is immediately hit with questions about Hollywood, her love life, working with Chas Hunter and what he is really like.  She is too embarrassed to tell them she was fired from the movie.  When one of the girls comes across a picture on social media that looks like Clarissa kissing Chas, the conversation gets completely out of control and Clarissa tells them she is dating Chas.  Of course, her friends start sharing the dating information on social media.

Since Chas is actually dating a married woman in the middle of a divorce, he seizes the opportunity to claim the woman in the photo is Clarissa.  They make a plan to cover for each other, but when the paparazzi snaps a photo that looks like Chas is proposing, they opt to make the best of it.  Clarissa could use the press to help further her career and Chas needs a stand-in girlfriend.  But, he does need a public breakup too, so Chas decides to join Clarissa at her best friend's wedding to stage the breakup.  However, it's not that easy!

This turned out to be a really good romantic comedy and a nice break from a day's work.  I do recommend it if you are seeking a fun and entertaining romantic movie.

As a side note, you will probably recognize Clarissa's talent agent.  The part of Jeannette is played by Maureen McCormick who many of us know as "Marcia".

Where to Watch "Accidentally Engaged"

I recorded and subsequently watched Accidentally Engaged on Frndly TV.  It is also available on Prime Video on Amazon and is free to Prime members or you can rent it if you are not a member.

Check Out More Movie Reviews at

Accidentally Engaged Movie Review by:
House of Sylvestermouse


Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Visit Missouri-Explore St. Louis - The Muny

Historic Bandstand at St. Louis Muny
Bandstand across from Muny


The St. Louis Municipal Opera, commonly called The Muny has been operating in Forest Park for more than 100 years.  It is America's oldest and largest outdoor musical theatre and is a real treasure for the residents and visitors to the St. Louis area.  

I have enjoyed many a delightful summer's evening watching Broadway style musicals at The Muny.  This year, I had the pleasure of introducing my youngest two granddaughters to The Muny when I took them to see a production of Beauty and the Beast.  They were delighted with the show, and it was wonderful to be able to watch it with them. 

We arrived at The Muny about two hours before the show started and enjoyed a picnic supper at one of the many picnic areas surrounding the Muny.  While enjoying our meal we were entertained by some of the pre-show entertainment.  On this evening there was a storyteller who delighted the children with stories and songs.  On other visits to The Muny I have enjoyed performances by some of the dance troops and singing groups before the show begins.   When it was about 30 minutes before the show we entered the outdoor theatre and made our way to our seats.  With time to spare we decided to get some ice cream from the refreshment stands to enjoy while we waited for the show to begin.  Here are Kate and Emily waiting for the show to start.

Grandkids at the Muny

The production of Beauty and the Beast was wonderful, and the girls were on the edge of their seats the entire time.

History of the Muny

About the time of the 1904 World's Fair in St. Louis the dreams of a permanent outdoor musical theatre were formed.  It was 1916 before this dream was finally realized.  At that time a site was pick on a hillside in Forest Park between two large oak trees.  The first production held their was As You Like It.  It was picked to observe the 300th year anniversary of the death of William Shakespeare.  The production was seen by crowds of over 8000 per night and everyone was delighted.  This was the beginning of the 105 year history of The Muny.

Today the theatre has 10,800 seats.  The last nine rows (1456) are free seats and the rest of the seats are reserve tickets, with prices rising as you get closer to the stage.  The theater is built as an amphitheater and gently slopes downhill towards the stage at the bottom.

It is a true cultural treasure of St. Louis that has been enjoyed by residents and visitors over the decades.

More Reviews on Forest Park in St. Louis

I have written several other reviews on Forest Park venues.  Here are a few of my favorites.
Forest Park and the Jewel Box

Find out more about The Muny


Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

When your iPad Dies, What are your Options? A Product Review

This past month has been one of many ups and downs in my life!  Three weeks ago, I hit the wall when my iPad died!  

Now that my mother has joined our family, I find that I need to keep track of so many things and I did this quite easily on my iPad.  So when it died, I was in a state of panic.

hand on tablet

I don't have the funds to buy a new replacement!  The one I had was a refurbished model and it worked great for many years.  I was not going to shell out lots of money for a new one!

My other half has been using an Amazon Fire tablet for a couple of years now and he was always touting its ease of use and how much time he was able to spend on his tablet without recharging it.

So the next thing I knew is that my better half had gone ahead and bought me a new Fire Tablet 10!

At first I was not convinced that I would like it as much as he loves his, but after this first three weeks I can honestly say that I'm not looking back.  The price point for this Fire Tablet 10 is just so reasonable, it really is affordable for all people.  If you get it today or tomorrow, with Prime Days you will save yourself a nice little bundle.  

It was easy to set up and all my reading apps, games, Facebook and more are all installed and working as well as ever!

My calendar with all my mother's appointments and medication lists and all things regarding her health and care are all in a nice little package on my new tablet!  Nothing is missing and nothing gets missed either.

The "Home" screen looks much like the iPad and getting used to some new and different ways to do things has just taken me a couple of days to figure out.  I must add that I'm not the brightest when it comes to technology.  

One other thing that the other half did for me was to make sure that I had a screen protector and a good strong case for my new Fire Tablet!  Even though the cost of this tablet isn't near what a new iPad costs, doesn't mean that we don't want to protect this new investment.  Plus I can be a real "klutz" sometimes!  Better to be safe than to be sorry (in my world those are words I live by).

The camera works well too!  As you can see from this picture of my other half, I was able to edit the picture right on my tablet and share it with you!  Handsome guy, right?


So far I am thrilled with the new replacement for my very sick (almost dead) iPad.  The only real difference between the two is a matter of weight.  The Fire Tablet is a little bit heavier than the iPad.  But with the right case and ability to hold it while walking around, this is a minor point.  

I would highly recommend this Fire Tablet to anyone who finds themselves in my sorry position of having to say good bye to an old friend (my iPad) and hello to a new way of doing things (my brand new Fire Tablet)..

Wishing everyone a wonderful summer ahead!  May your days be full of great new technology!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Reviewing Ten Top Tips For Novice Gardeners


Border of daisy flowers

I have been helping a person new to gardening recently. Its been a long time since I was a new gardener as I started as a child when I was around 5 years old. This person is an adult and has no prior knowledge so I had to start from the beginning to help them with a new garden. 

So I thought it would be useful for any brand new gardeners out there to have a basic list of things to bear in mind when you start gardening. 

To my mind a garden is anything from a window box to a small back garden to large acres of land. Each have their own challenges and rewards. In particular never think you cannot be a gardener if you only have a small patch or containers.   

1.Learn About Each Plant As You Buy It Or Are Given It.

Research where it originally grew, what conditions it likes, what care it needs including its watering and soil requirements, pruning, ideal situation and winter care.

Select plants that are well-suited to your growing conditions, such as your climate and soil type. Right plant, right place will save you time, money and heartache. 

This is better especially in the early days of gardening than trying to cope with plants that will need a lot of care and input from you because your conditions do not suit it. 

If you do this with each plant it is not as daunting and you will quickly learn about a lot of plants. Once you are experienced in your gardening you will be more confident to try more difficult plants.

Hebe shrub with purple flowers

2.Buy A Few Good Quality Tools.

 Every gardener has their tried and trusted favourite tools and that will vary between gardeners and gardens. The ones below are what I use most in my garden so I would suggest a basic kit to include:-

  • Secateurs like these Wolf By Pass Secateurs
  • Shears like these Wolf Garten Shears 
  • Adjustable Loppers
  • Watering can and/or a hosepipe with adjustable head
  • Garden fork
  • Garden spade
  • Weeding hoe
  • Hand fork and hand trowel 

You can always add more as you go and you may need specific tools depending on your garden and the trees, shrubs and plants in it, but get the basics first.

Wolf Gardening Shears

3. Learn About Your Garden Plot 

Get to know your soil type whether it is clay or sandy, loam or stony. To check if it is acidic, neutral or alkaline you can purchase soil testing kits such as the one below, that will give you this information. 

If you garden in containers you will be able to choose the soil type depending on which compost you buy. Ericaceous compost is for acid liking plants, for others a good quality general purpose compost will be fine. 

Get to know which parts of your garden faces south, north, east or west. 

Check which areas of your garden are sunny or shady. It is useful to map out areas that are in full sun, total shade and partial shade.

All this influences the type of plants that will be happy in your garden and enables you to get to know your plot.  


4. Have Materials For Propagation And Seed Sowing

Make sure you have materials for taking cuttings and propagating and growing seeds. This will save you money in the longer term being able to grow your own seeds and take cuttings to make more plants. 

So buy a few seed trays, small pots and larger pots, good quality compost suited to young plants, perlite and grit, vermiculite and seed or young plant compost.

Buy labels as well as you think you will remember which pot has which seeds in it but in my personal experience you won't!! 

Climbing clematis with purple flowers

5. Cold Frame And Greenhouse.

Perhaps not immediately necessary but if you can invest in a cold frame to harden off young plants and a basic greenhouse to keep tender cuttings and young plants, you will find it valuable. 

It does not need to be a big elaborate greenhouse, if you are starting out a very basic temporary greenhouse will be sufficient for a while. 

6. Have A Wildlife Friendly Garden.

A wildlife friendly garden will benefit you and your plants more than may be immediately apparent. As time goes on your garden will find a balance of pests and predators and the plants will thrive better. You will have the added joy of watching bees, moths and butterflies, birds and maybe even hedgehogs and frogs in your garden. 

To achieve this it is best not to use pesticides or slug pellets which are harmful to wildlife. 

Get to know the pests and diseases your plants can suffer from so you can identify any issues. 

Design your garden and grow plants so that it attracts beneficial predators that will eat the pests and do the work for you. 

Do not be too tidy, wildlife need messier, wilder areas to live and material to build nests but you can easily incorporate areas like this into a lovely garden.

Grow shrubs birds like to nest in and/or fix up bird boxes, have a pile of logs in an out of the way area that insects and frogs can live in.

Build or buy an insect house. Great for insects and fun for any children to build and watch. Why Insect Hotels Are Good for Wildlife And Gardeners 

If we give garden friendly predators a place to live and do not interfere too much soon your garden will have a balance. Yes you will still get pests but the beneficial predators will keep them in check so they will not do much damage.  

One of the best books about wildlife friendly gardening I have read is The Wildlife Gardener By Kate Bradbury. It is a beautiful book I very much enjoyed reading and learning from. 

Bird nest boxes in the garden


Keep all broken crockery or broken pots to use as crocks in the bottom of pots so that soil does not block the drainage hole and to increase drainage. 

8.Get To Know Other Gardeners And Their Gardens.

Other gardeners are a wonderful source of information and inspiration. If they are local to you what grows well in their gardens may well grow well in yours. If you get chatting to them they may even share cuttings or dig up and share plants with you ! :) 

Most gardeners are very happy to talk about plants ! If there are any open garden events near you do take the opportunity to go around other gardens, You will learn so much and can continue to improve your skills and knowledge as long as you want to garden!  

Pink Lavataria Flowers

9.Gardening Resources 

  • There are often good gardening programmes on television.
  • Buy a few good gardening books to help get you started. I am a big fan of the late Geoff Hamilton who wrote the book Cottage Gardens and the book listed below among many others. There are also many other good gardeners to learn from. 
  • Check out good gardening magazines
  • In addition you can join online gardening communities. 
  • Read gardening articles by experienced and enthusiastic gardeners like those Gardening Reviews here on Review This Reviews. 
  • If there are any gardening events and gardening shows local to you or that you can travel to they are a wonderful source of inspiration and information and a lovely day out. 

  10.Relax And Enjoy Your Garden!

 Few gardens are perfect.

Cultivate patience and enjoy the seasons, gardening takes time and effort, and not everything will be perfect right away. In fact in my experience a garden is always an ever changing dynamic, work in progress. 

Enjoy the process and learn from your successes, failures, surprises and mistakes. I am still learning and making mistakes and having successes after decades of gardening!  The main thing is to enjoy yourself and have fun. 

More Gardening Articles

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, July 10, 2023

AirTag Reviewed

No muss no fuss tech alert! This little gem falls under the why did I wait so long to purchase. I have definitely heard the positive reviews of air tags for luggage tracking and pretty much any item!

The positive reviews are correct. Affordable, easy to install and so very easy to use! How many tech items live up to that promise! The once caveat is the Air Tag is an Apple product so the technology does require the apple products.

Apple AirTag

One Tap Setup

True! As in the setup takes a few minutes at most. Promises as delivered. The bluetooth and iPhone integrates the air tag seamlessly.

Four Pack

The air tags are also available in a pack of 4 at a reduced price vs purchasing one, two or three separately.


The price of some batteries has skyrocketed! Very economical the air tag is powered by the easily found CR2032 coin cell battery.


The air tag comes as is so air tag accessories may be desired to make the most of the air tag and easily find the air tag. 

Splash, water and dust resistant as purchased plus a multitude of affordable accessories exist to help you make the best use of the air tag. Keys, wallet holder, luggage holders, collar holders, bike vaults are just a few! Enjoy the possibilities and I suspect you will quickly find an air tag use specifically for your household and wondered why you waited so long! I know I certainly did!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, July 9, 2023

Do I Need an Underpad for My Area Rug? Things To Consider

5 Things to Consider to Decide If You Need An Underpad for Your Area Rug

Adding an area rug to your home is a wonderful way to enhance the aesthetic appeal of any room. Not only does it provide a cozy and stylish touch, but it also adds a layer of comfort underfoot. 

However, consider using an underpad to maximize the benefits of your area rug. An underpad, also known as a rug pad or rug underlay, is a thin cushioning layer placed underneath the area rug. Its advantages include increased comfort, improved safety, and enhanced rug durability. If you're wondering how to properly choose an underpad for your area rug, here are some key points to consider.

Product Page Featuring Various Area Rug Underpads Here

1. What Size of Underpad Should You Choose for Your Area Rug?

When selecting an underpad, it's crucial to consider its size in relation to your area rug. The underpad should be slightly smaller than your rug, allowing the edges of the rug to lay flat on the floor while the underpad remains hidden beneath

The underpad should be cut approximately 1-2 inches shorter on all sides than your rug. This ensures the underpad doesn't protrude or become visible, creating a neat and polished appearance.

Also, by allowing the edges to lay flat on the floor, you'll avoid added elevation of the rug edges, which can be a tripping hazard. With the underpadding a couple of inches away from the edge and the edges lying flat, you'll have a safer setup.

2. Which is the Better Material and Thickness to Go With?

Underpads are available in various materials, such as rubber, felt, and synthetic blends. Each material offers distinct benefits, so choosing the one that suits your needs is essential. 

Rubber underpads provide excellent grip, preventing your rug from slipping and sliding on the floor. On the other hand, felt underpads offer additional cushioning and can help protect delicate floors from scratches. Synthetic blends often combine the advantages of both rubber and felt.

Thickness is another crucial aspect to consider. Underpads come in different thickness levels, typically ranging from 1/16 inch to 1/2 inch. Thicker underpads offer more cushioning, making your area rug feel softer and more comfortable underfoot. They also provide extra insulation and noise reduction. Thinner underpads, while less cushioned, are suitable for rugs in high-traffic areas where a lower profile is desired.

3. Consider the Benefit of Added Protection for Your Floors

Besides offering comfort and stability, underpads also play a vital role in protecting your floors. Hardwood, laminate, or tile floors can be susceptible to scratches and damage caused by the constant movement of an area rug. A quality underpad acts as a barrier, preventing your rug from rubbing against the floor and minimizing the risk of unsightly marks or scuffs. Moreover, underpads can help extend the lifespan of your flooring, making them a wise investment in the long run.

4. Safety Considerations with a Slip-Resistant Underlay

Safety is a crucial consideration when choosing an underpad. A high-quality underpad should have a slip-resistant surface on one side, which helps keep your area rug securely in place and minimizes the risk of slips or falls. This is especially important if you have children, elderly individuals, or pets in your home. Additionally, underpads with good grip properties ensure your rug stays in position even in high-traffic areas, preventing potential accidents.

5. Consider an Area Rug Underpad to Help with Floor Noise Reduction

An underpad can also contribute to noise reduction in your home. If you have hardwood or tile floors, footsteps, and furniture movement can often create echoes and amplify sound.

The cushioning properties of an underpad help absorb impact and reduce noise transmission, making your space more peaceful and quiet. 

Whether hosting a gathering or enjoying a relaxing evening at home, an underpad can create a more serene environment by minimizing the sound produced when walking or shifting furniture on your area rug. Say goodbye to unwanted noise and hello to a calmer atmosphere with the help of a quality underpad.

In conclusion, while an area rug can undoubtedly enhance the beauty of your space, using an underpad is highly recommended to fully enjoy its benefits. When selecting an underpad, remember to choose a size slightly smaller than your rug to maintain a clean and polished look. Consider the material and thickness that best suits your needs, whether it's the grip of rubber, the cushioning of felt, or the versatility of synthetic blends. Don't forget about floor protection and safety—opt for an underpad that provides a slip-resistant surface and helps safeguard your floors. By choosing the right underpad for your area rug, you'll ensure maximum comfort, increased durability, and a safer living environment for you and your loved ones.

Product Page Featuring Various Area Rug Underpads Here


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