Showing posts with label self-esteem. Show all posts
Showing posts with label self-esteem. Show all posts

Sunday, July 16, 2023

The Power of Journaling - The Pathway to a Positive Mindset

The Power of Journaling

In a world filled with constant distractions and stressors, journaling is a timeless practice that nurtures our mental well-being and fosters a positive mindset. 

Recognizing the stresses that face us daily, I've designed and created five different styles of prompt journals over the past several years. My research began with the fundamentals of journaling, why it matters, and how it helps to create a positive mindset.

In this article, I delve into why journaling is essential to maintaining a positive mindset and offer five practical tips to ensure a successful and fulfilling journaling practice.

Why Journaling Helps With Attaining Positive Mindset:

By putting pen to paper, we unlock a portal to self-discovery, introspection, and emotional release. 

Journaling provides a safe self-care haven to express our thoughts, emotions, and experiences, allowing us to gain clarity, reduce anxiety, and cultivate gratitude.

Emotional Catharsis: Journaling provides a healthy outlet for processing and releasing emotions, reducing the burden of unresolved feelings and promoting a sense of relief.

Self-Reflection: Regularly writing in a journal allows us to gain insight into our thoughts and behavior patterns, leading to greater self-awareness and personal growth.

Gratitude Cultivation: By jotting down things we are grateful for, we shift our focus from negativity to positivity, fostering an attitude of appreciation and contentment.

Stress Reduction: Journaling can lower stress levels as it helps us organize our thoughts and encourages problem-solving and coping strategies.

Positive Affirmations: Writing positive affirmations and declarations can boost self-confidence and reinforce a positive self-image.

Tips for Successful Journaling:

Set a Regular Schedule: Establish a consistent journaling routine, whether it's daily, weekly, or whenever you feel the need to express yourself. Consistency will make journaling a habit.

Create a Sacred Space: Designate a special corner or use a beautiful journal to make your writing experience more enjoyable and encourage you to return to it regularly.

Embrace Freewriting: Don't worry about grammar or structure; just let your thoughts flow freely onto the page. This technique helps you bypass your inner critic and fosters authentic expression.

Focus on the Positive: While it's important to acknowledge challenges, try to shift your focus toward positive experiences, gratitude, and achievements in your journal entries.

Use Prompts and Themes: When you need inspiration, use journaling prompts or themes to kickstart your writing. Explore topics like personal growth, aspirations, or daily wins.

Journaling is an invaluable companion on the journey to a positive mindset, providing us with a space to process emotions, gain insight, and cultivate gratitude. Putting our innermost thoughts onto paper carries the power to heal, uplift, and transform our perspectives on life. 

Journaling Can Be A Challenging Commitment to Make

It can be tough to write in a journal every single day, but it's important to keep up with it, even if we miss a few days.

That's why I've compiled these easy-to-use prompt journals featured below and available on Amazon.

These journals are designed with specific topics in mind and offer handy prompts that help you keep track of your emotions and thoughts about whatever's going on in your life.

And here's a neat feature in several of these journals - you can score your mood. It's a nifty way to see how you're feeling over time and better understand your overall disposition.

You can check out the journals below; they're available on Amazon:

Gratitude Prompt Journal My Happy Tracker: A Helpful Guide to Track What Makes You Happy and Help You Visualize Triggers and TrendsGratitude Prompt Journal My Happy Tracker: A Helpful Guide to Track What Makes You Happy and Help You Visualize Triggers and TrendsWhy I Feel Good Today: A Fun Colorful Monthly Workbook to Instantly Track Good Feelings - For Teens and AdultsWhy I Feel Good Today: A Fun Colorful Monthly Workbook to Instantly Track Good Feelings - For Teens and AdultsI Need Help Thinking Positive: A Negative Thoughts Workbook For Adults - 31 Days with Four Easy Prompt Questions Repeated Daily to Track Those ... What Common Threads May Be Triggering ThemI Need Help Thinking Positive: A Negative Thoughts Workbook For Adults - 31 Days with Four Easy Prompt Questions Repeated Daily to Track Those ... What Common Threads May Be Triggering ThemWhy I Feel Bad Today: A Casual Full Color Workbook For Teens and AdultsWhy I Feel Bad Today: A Casual Full Color Workbook For Teens and AdultsSelf Awareness Workbook - Comprehensive Introspection: 196 Detailed and Thought Provoking Questions to Ask YourselfSelf Awareness Workbook - Comprehensive Introspection: 196 Detailed and Thought Provoking Questions to Ask Yourself


Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, February 19, 2023

Discovering Your True Self: Reviewing A Workbook for Adults

Self Awareness Workbook Journal Available on Amazon

Introducing the Latest Addition to the StumpedBook Collection: A Self-Awareness Workbook Featuring 196 Detailed Self-Evaluating Questions

Have you felt uncertain, confused, lost, or in need of clarity lately? 

I know several family and friends who are going through challenging times, so I decided to create a healthy tool to help us all navigate this crazy life. 

This latest addition to the StumpedBook collection is hot off the press: A Self-Awareness Workbook is now available on Amazon.

This Workbook Explores the Depths of Our Thinking

This in-depth journal asks 196 intense questions designed to help us review, reflect, and get to know ourselves better. 

Like a diary, this workbook is not meant for prying eyes or to be judged by others; it's simply a tool to help us privately sort out our thoughts and gain a deeper understanding of ourselves.

A Breakdown of the Chapters:

Table of Contents for The Self Awareness Workbook by Barbara Tremblay Cipak

The Benefits of Self-Awareness are Immeasurable

We can potentially boost our self-confidence and resilience, deepen our understanding of our relationships, reduce stress and anxiety, and find greater happiness and fulfillment. 

With this guide by your side, you'll learn how to:

  • Gain insight into your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors
  • Foster self-acceptance and self-love
  • Discover your actual values and beliefs for a clearer sense of purpose
  • Cultivate mindfulness and live in the present moment
  • Enhance your communication and strengthen your relationships
An Interior View of Chapter 1 - Each Chapter Introduces an Inspirational Quote

Chapter 1 in the Self Awareness Workbook by Barbara Tremblay Cipak - Available on Amazon

Gain Greater Clarity and Direction in Life

Designed to help us better understand ourselves and uncover the truth about who we really are, this personal workbook is meant to be a  tool to help us safely explore our values, beliefs, and motivations. 

Sometimes, we think we know ourselves well enough, but when asked in-depth questions about our experiences and beliefs, we often uncover a deeper sense of self-awareness.

A Look At Some Questions:

Questions about Emotional Self Awareness

Each chapter features a list of questions about the chapter's topic. 

Questions about Self Worth and Self Esteem

The book measures 8.5 by 11 inches, so there's plenty of room to write an answer for each.

Self Awareness Questions about Communication

If self-discovery is important to you or someone you love, you can also check out these additional journals in the StumpedBooks collection:

More Books by Barbara Tremblay Cipak StumpedBooks

Books by the Author on Amazon Here

Disclaimer: Neither the book nor its author is a medical professional – The Self-Awareness Workbook is strictly for recreational journaling.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, October 2, 2022

I Need Help Thinking Positive - Review of A New Mood Tracking Book

Are you constantly fighting your feelings to remain positive and centered?

Does life require you to continuously take stock of the good things and push away the bad?

If this sounds like you, you can benefit from the Workbook, "I Need Help Thinking Positive." 
This thirty-one-day Workbook lets you track negative energy and analyze patterns requiring attention, change, or improvement.

Even Mostly Positive Thinking People Will Benefit From This Mood Tracking Book

I consider myself a positive person. In fact, I actively work to be this way! I've been "in training" to control my thoughts since 2013. 

It sounds silly to say, "in training to control my thoughts," but yes, it's real! 

Controlling our thoughts requires mental exercise; just like our body needs physical activity, so does our mind.

Those who know me know that I make a concerted effort not to dwell on problems but rather to seek solutions.

My extensive life experience is what led me to create this Workbook.

My Solution-Oriented Nature is How This Book Came to Be

We've all faced challenging and what seems like insurmountable life issues. However, escaping our troubles and negative thoughts ultimately frees us to live a fresh, new day.

What Does The Workbook "I Need Help Thinking Positive" Provide:

There are 31 days of easy, casual, and light worksheet tracking prompt pages to help you self-analyze your tendency toward negative thinking.

The four worksheets allow you to compile your thoughts and review trends and areas of thought that need improving.
Each day's worksheets give you a chance to break down your thoughts.
Here are the Four Worksheets:

Worksheet Number 1:

Why I Had a Negative Day Worksheet
The Quick Clipboard Chart Page

This fun page features 20 typically standard daily items that can infect our mood. 

Simply check off the items that influenced your negative thoughts for that day, and give each item one point.

It's not about keeping score!

It's about discovering negative trends and repeated issues that keep throwing off your mood.

Check off your overall mood for that day.

Worksheet Number 2:

In My Own Words from the Workbook "I Need Help Thinking Positive"
In My Own Words - A Place For Personal Notes

This workbook sheet allows you to expand upon the clipboard chart items you selected above.

Write down the additional things that turned your day upside down.

Worksheet Number 3:

Briefly describe your negative issues using prompt questions.

The prompt questions are based on the basic principle of who, what, when, where, why, and how.

The page is designed to help you dig deeper into your thoughts and really give them a workout!

Worksheet Number 4

positive solutions worksheet
Positive Solution Analysis

What would a workbook be without a place to give serious thought on how to solve your issues and, in turn, improve your attitude?

The four questions on this page are designed to steer you toward analysis and solutions.

Track Your Mood for 31 Days, Then Take Stock of Common Trends

This Workbook is meant to help you examine trends and ultimately make changes to improve your thought process.

After a good month of analysis, look at what issues, people, and things affected you the most.

Knowing our problem is half the battle; however, if one day melts into the next without actively seeking out our conscious and often subconscious negative tendencies, nothing will change.

If you're looking for a change, this Workbook is an easy and fun place to start.

I need help thinking positive workbook
Available on Amazon

Book Tip! You don't have to track 31 days in a row - simply use the book on your negative days. If it takes several months or a year to track those negative thinking days, that's perfectly fine!

The purpose is to seek patterns and trends so you can focus on the areas that need attention or change.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Dog Medicine - How My Dog Saved Me From Myself - Book Review

Dog Medicine - How My Dog Saved Me From Myself - Book Review
Dog Medicine by Julie Barton
Most of us have so much going on in our own lives that we seriously question reading a book that will immerse us in someone else's unrelenting anguish.  Why would we want to do that?  We already know from reading the reviews that Dog Medicine is going to make us cry.  When reviews use words like raw and brutal honesty, we know we are in for a read that will demand something from us.

Perhaps that is the point.  Could it be that the demanding, heart-wrenching accounts most grow our humanity, our compassion, and our capacity to connect with others in the ways that are most authentic and useful?  In a genre overflowing with I-was-saved-by-my-dog books, what does it take to transcend it — the genre and what cynics would say is the same old, same old story?

Well, here's the thing: this story matters because Julie Barton and Bunker matter.  Without Bunker, the author's Golden retriever puppy, Julie would surely not have lived to write this book.  And this book needed to be written just as much as we all need to read it.

When initial therapies failed to lift Barton out of the deep, dark depression unleashed by long-term childhood trauma, it took the powerful medicine of Bunker—his unfailing solace—to bring Julie back from the brink.

It is in how the author captures the first glimmers of healing that this book soars.
Perhaps what began to save me was that I started creating this sacred, safe space where he and I met.  In this space, there was no ridicule.  There was no doubt or loneliness.  There was no sorrow or anger.  It was just pure, beautiful being.  It was looking at the world with wide-eyed, forever hopeful puppy wonder.
Could it be that we share in vicarious healing in reading about the transformation brought about by the kind of love that can only be known in relationship with a dog that has chosen his human?  Ultimately, I chose this book because I cherish my animal relationships and the healing they bring me.  I deeply related to the purpose Barton found in caring for a dog with special medical needs.  When Julie's broken psyche bound up Bunker's broken body, the result was a unified whole that the two of them could not have found by any other means.  We are all broken in ways that call for us to find our healing in offering up the gift of compassion... in being the sacred space needed by another.

Given my recent launch as a therapy dog team member, I found inspiration in knowing that, like Julie, the good medicine in my life, in the form of my dog Finn, will make itself manifest in the lives of those who enter the sacred space he and I share.  For what is the sacred, if it is not that which exists to bless others?

It is my hope that Julie and Bunker's story will bless you in whatever way you most need at this point in time.  I will close here with a reviewer's blurb that I found compelling when deciding whether or not to read Dog Medicine:
Read it for the voice, read it to savor the power of love, read it to enjoy an inspiring, hopeful story, read it to learn about healing, read it if you're depressed and want to get better, read it if you're happy and want to stay there.  Whatever else you do, read it.  ~Peter Gibb
Yes.  Read it and savor the power of love.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

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Susan DeppnerSusan Deppner

We may be apart, but
You Are Not Forgotten

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