Friday, July 18, 2014

Romantic Movies for Men, Reviewed by Men

romantic movies for men
It is rare to gain insight on what romantic movies we can get men to watch with us, and enjoy. Sometimes we can get our guys to watch a chick flick with us, but they don't really like the movie. They are watching it just to spend time with the women they love. Of course, we appreciate their willingness to sit through these romantic movies, but it would truly be more fulfilling for a couple if both partners could enjoy the picture. 

I really wanted to find some romantic movies to recommend that the guys would also value as a good movie. I am most grateful to the gentlemen who have reviewed a few romantic movies that appeal to a man. Since I have personally seen all of these movies, I know women will enjoy them too. 

So, without further ado, let's view the romantic movies that appeal to both sexes. 

The African Queen 

 The African Queen
We can always depend on Bogie to deliver!  

He possesses a unique attraction for both men and women and Katherine Hepburn certainly makes a strong female balance as his partner.  Together they seem to have an indivisible bound as they work side by side with a common goal.  

Tony Leather offers an exceptional review of The African Queen.  He wrote such an intriguing review that I had to watch the movie again, even though I have seen it dozens of times in the past.

It Happened One Night 

 It Happened One NightIn another exceptional review, Maugustine shares that this is "the film that made me fall in love with film".  Wow!  What a phenomenal compliment to any movie, but especially a romantic movie.  If only Clark Gable and Claudette Colbert could know the impact that they had with the one picture.

I am not a filmmaker like Maugustine, but I do love a great movie and It Happened One Night is definitely one of my own personal all-time favorites.  Not only is it romantic, but it is also funny.  A romantic comedy is simply the best!

Seven Brides for Seven Brothers 

 Seven Brides For Seven Brothers [DVD]
I am thrilled to know that this movie also appeals to men and I appreciate Rusty1430 for giving us a man's perspective of  Seven Brides for Seven Brothers.

I adore this film, but I had never even considered the impact of the brothers relationships to one another.  

Since I have 4 brothers myself, I truly appreciate this new insight and wholeheartedly agree with Rusty1430.

More Romantic Movies for Men
I know there are more romantic movies that both men and women will enjoy. These were just a few that I found that men have reviewed and recommended for us. 

I would love to invite more men to step up and share your reviews.  Please leave your review links in the guestbook below.

We could all use a little help. After all, we want our men to be happy with the movie selections too.

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Thursday, July 17, 2014

Using Photos to Tell Your Story

I think photos make a story so much more interesting.  Yes you can use your imagination when you read a story, but actually seeing a place or object can really bring it to life.

The photo below shows one of the beautiful butterflies at The Butterfly House in St. Louis.  When I wrote about this butterfly, I used lots of photos to tell my story. Paper Kite Butterfly .
Paper Kite Butterfly photo by mbgphoto

Here are some  more ways that writers use photos to enhance their pages.

  • The photos on this recipe lens written by MissMerFaery really help you to visualize how to make the custard.  It also  makes you hungry!  Homemade Custard
  • Next time you get ready to write a page online be sure to look through your photo files and find the photos that will bring your subject to life.  

butterfly photo by mbgphoto

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Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Building Teams and Growing Friendships

I love squidoo banner
Online communities are everywhere. An overwhelming number of websites offers surfers a place to play, share, write, create, read, and participate any which way they choose. How do you choose the right place to spend your time? Join me on a tour of Squidoo. A great place to learn new things, to write about the things you know, and to make new best friends.

NOTE:  On August 15, 2014, Squidoo announced that it was being acquired by HubPages. I will forever appreciate what I learned during my time at Squidoo. So long, Squidoo. It's been good to know you! 

Thirty something years ago, I became a writer. For the first 25 years, I worked as part of a team. Accomplishing projects with the input of my co-workers and supervisors.

Then came the Internet and a concept called telecommuting.

For the first time in my writing career, I found myself an Independent Writer With No Team Of My Own. No team to brainstorm ideas, no team to keep the project on schedule, and no team cheer leading sessions.

Then I found Squidoo. And my whole world changed.

From the very beginning, Squidoo has offered me the opportunity to join a team. To become a part of something bigger. To contribute to making life better in all kinds of ways. I have enjoyed A Year of Storytelling on Squidoo and I hope to enjoy many, many more.

Squidoo's RocketSquid web writing workshop was my first opportunity to join a Squidoo team. Through RocketSquids, I met a lot of people and, unknowingly, the seeds of friendship were planted. During my first year, I joined more teams, met more people, and grew friendships that make my world a better place.

These friends have become my team members. We check on each other from time to time. We offer ideas when one of us can't nail down a story. We share our joys. And, we share each other's stories.

Squidoo was my online garden. A place with Plants and Flowers Where Friendship Grows.

Until next time, be happy and be well!


Posted by Coletta Teske
Coletta Teske

About This Contributor

Coletta Teske writes reviews on books, business management, writing, crafting, cooking, and gardening. She is also an avid recycler and shares her tips on recycling. She delights in upcycling an old object, recycling or transforming discarded items into a new treasure.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Banish Summertime Boredom with Greeting Card Craft Projects!

"Hey Mom (or Dad), I'm bored! What can I do?"

 How many times have you heard those words in your lifetime? Summer is usually when those words ring out in even the busiest homes. The best advice I can give you is to have plenty of paper, glue sticks and colorful markers on hand. If you have a good public library, I suggest that you go to the "Arts and Crafts" section and look for books about greeting card making.

I recently found a delightful crafting book at my own public library.  Pop-Up Paper Structures: The Beginner's Guide to Creating 3-D Elements for Books, Cards & More is jammed packed with well-written instructions for making creative pop-up greeting cards for all kinds of occasions. The best part is that you can adapt any of the design concepts so you can use supplies that you might have on hand. Those are MY kinds of projects--the ones that reuse stuff!

pop-up paper structures book

I have a big storage box where I keep all of my hoarded paper supplies. (If you are a regular reader of this blog you might remember my post about re-using greeting cards. ) That big box is the home for the file with all those greetings card pieces. There is also a big zipper bag with my favorite tools and glues in that same big box.

I am sure your older children will be able to find a pop-up greeting in the book shown above, that they could figure out how to make. Just remember, dear parent, try not to be too critical and just go with the flow. So what if some of the cutting is not as straight as you might expect. Let your children be creative. Sometimes their ideas might just be better than yours.

If you are not in the red and green "holiday" spirit yet, you should read "How to make a Watermelon Card Invitation for Summer Parties", make the card then throw one! Not a watermelon--a party! You will still be red and green, but this card will not feature any holly or red noses!

greeting card craft projects
 "Creative Ways To Recycle Holiday Greeting Cards"
Have you saved a ton of cards, you most definitely should read Creative Ways to Recycle Holiday Greeting Cards. This page abounds with many of ideas for recycling those greetings. I particularly like the projects for a "Star Tree" and a "Woven Card" (see them above--Thank you AcornOakForest for allowing me to use your image!). You will be happy to know that there are wonderful photo tutorials to walk you through the steps for making both of these green crafty projects.

If you need a good crafting glue for paper projects, I highly recommend Elmer's Craft Bond Fabric and Paper Glue. I use it myself to repair books and make my own greeting cards.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, July 14, 2014

Mid-Atlantic Beaches

It is July and we are in the height of the summer vacation season. Summer travel on the east coast typically means that folks are heading to the beaches. If you look for information on the “best” beaches in the mid-Atlantic, the lists will vary somewhat. But some of the same beaches pop up on every list.

  • New York – Rockaway Beach, Main Beach, and of course, Coney Island.
  • New Jersey – Cape May, Wildwood Beach, and Stone Harbor
  • Delaware – Rehoboth Beach and Bethany Beach
  • Maryland – Ocean City, Assateague Island, and Sandy Point
  • Virginia –Chincoteague Island
  • North Carolina –  the many beaches on the Outer Banks

Some of these beaches are quiet settings with the main attraction being the sand and waves while other beaches are more festive experiences complete with boardwalks, carnival rides, and food stands every few steps.

Beaches are wonderful places for family vacations.  Katiecolette, on Squidoo, gives us great suggestions for activities with children while visiting the Outer Banks area. In addition to the Wright Brothers National Memorial, she gives us a list of at least 10 other things to do or see with your children as well as things to bring and places to stay.

LensbyLisa takes us with her and her family to the beach in Wildwood, New Jersey.  I have never had a Polish Water Ice while on a boardwalk, but I want one now.

Last but not at all least, Angelatvs enchants us with the tale of horseshoe crab number 270130.  We learn both of his story and of crab life in general. Thank you Angelatvs for sharing this with us.

If you are looking for a beach vacation, turn your eyes east and see what we have to offer in the mid-Atlantic.

Image Credit: Images are mine ©Dawn Rae – All Rights Reserved 

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Theme Parties are the Best!

vegas party theme
Party occasions come in all shapes and sizes but party theme ideas will always out number them. Themes can bring fun, whimsy and an opportunity to embrace a different time or place or can bring a fantasy world to life.

They can also be less dramatic but still there -- bringing cohesion to party organization, decorations and even the food (if you choose to go that far)!

During my years in the event industry, I was constantly asked if a theme was "necessary" for parties and events from birthdays and showers to reunions and weddings. The short answer is -- no, they are not necessary. The longer answer is -- a theme can actually help a host/hostess when planning a party.

What the heck do I mean by that? Let me explain...

Do I have to have a Theme for my Party/Event?

Certainly not. However, a theme can actually help with the planning and pulling off of a party. Parties are usually planned in advance and include some or all of the following elements:

  • Invitations
  • Set up and Decorations
  • Food or Meal
  • Cake or Desserts
  • Favors or Guest Gifts

The occasion of your event or party can give you some help or direction when planning but a theme can really bring it all together.

With a central theme, it narrows the vast choices out there for the above mentioned elements. It gives you a starting point and a finish line. And, it can help rein-in ideas and keep you focused on the big picture you are trying to create.

What is a Theme?

what is a party theme
Kids birthday parties are definitely theme occasions but adult parties and events can benefit from a theme as well. A theme can be whole hog or subtle, your choice. But, most parties have some sort of a theme.

Even when you simply choose a color scheme and coordinate the above elements with that scheme -- that's a theme too. It's a subtle theme, but a theme nonetheless.

Theme Ideas Abound

Luckily for us and everyone searching for party/event ideas, here are some articles that share a plethora of information that can help. Do you like Tea Parties?  Christine shared her ideas for a child's birthday with a tea party theme in her lens, "Planning an Alice in Wonderland Tea Party".

Got someone that loves guitars and music? PartyBuzz helped plan and execute that theme for her grandson's birthday.  "Teen Party Ideas: Guitars and Music Notes".

How about a Las Vegas theme? That one can be loads of fun, especially for adult events like birthdays, reunions, fundraisers and more!

Have you hosted a great theme party? I invite you to write about it. Use lots of photos too! As the Party Planning Contributor, I would love to help you promote your lens when it's finished.

What are you waiting for? Start writing!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, July 11, 2014

Romantic Picnics

romantic picnicMy husband and I frequently share a romantic picnic, often in our own backyard simply because it is convenient, peaceful and our own personal temporary hideaway haven. 

I am blessed with a friend and partner in this life that doesn't mind slapping together sandwiches, grabbing a bag of chips, glasses of lemonade and heading outside. 

We spend hours laughing, talking about our co-workers, sharing our thoughts, hopes, wishes, dreams and ideas. We have had so many fun picnics in our backyard over the last few months, that he feels he personally knows all of the Contributors on Review This Reviews! 

You see, it is very easy for me to break from my computer work and head out for a picnic in the backyard with my sweetheart at lunchtime and then return to work. Therefore, my co-workers are often fresh on my mind. 

I won't share their personal life experiences publicly, but I will tell all of my readers that my husband hears about every success, every trial, every new home, every flat tire, every death and every life of my fellow writers. He laughs, gets appropriately angry when my friends don't get the needed help, and grieves right alongside me when tears are shed. 

This may not sound exactly romantic to some, but the bond created between my husband and myself as we share about our days, our friends, our experiences, is a bond that romantic writers only wish they would capture with words.   Having someone to share those everyday moments and feel what you feel is the true meaning of "romantic" and is what every forever hopeless romantic seeks in their own life.  

Now, lets plan your picnic!

Romantic Picnic Ideas

If you are interested in a good old fashioned picnic, complete with a picnic basket and blanket for sitting, you are going to love Mcgilwriter's suggestions and Romantic Picnic Ideas.  

Just reading the list brings back fond memories of planning for a lakeside picnic or park picnic ahead of time.
romantic picnic ideas
The list above is a screenshot of a portion of
Mcgilwriter's original published article.  Unfortunately, the full article is no longer available since the writing platform has shutdown.  

I love his suggestion for a starry nights picnic!  Yes, I do see that in our future.

Picnic Backpacks – Get Your Hike On and Take A Gourmet Lunch With You 

My husband and I love to hike!  We usually take our furbabies with us, but on my photo shoots or really long trails, we leave the pups home.  Those hikes would be the perfect time for a Picnic Backpacks!

Yes, I need one of these!  I have added it to my birthday wish list.  I bet I know one thing I will be getting for my next birthday now. 

How to Pack a Beach Picnic 

A picnic on the beach sounds divine!  I love the beach, the ocean, watching the sea life and even building sand castles.

Cynthia Davis not only tells us How to Pack a Beach Picnic, but she also shares excellent tips for a beach picnic and recommended beach picnic food.  
  • Picnic Basket with Finger Foods (sandwiches, cut up vegetables & fruit, etc)
  • Cooler with Drinks
  • Sunscreen & Sunvisors/Sunglasses
  • Plastic Utensils
  • Wet Wipes
  • Picnic Blanket or Beach Chairs

So, while we are building our sand castles, we will also be building a stronger bond with each other and lasting memories.

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Thursday, July 10, 2014

Creative Flower Photography

Flowers are everywhere and I have seen many pages online  where people include photos of flowers.  It may be a page about gardening, a product for flowers, or perhaps a vacation where you  enjoyed beautiful flowers.  Whatever the occasion you will want to make sure you have some great photos of flowers to include on your page.

Taking photos of flowers is easy and with a bit of creativity you can capture some great images.
pink flower photo by mbgphoto

This week as I was browsing through some of my own flower images I wrote this page on photographing flowers.

Here are some pages where writers online use flower photos 

  • On this page Sylvestermouse shows us the beauty of her own garden Gardens and Trees
  • Dawn Rae writes about travel in the mid atlantic states.  On this page she shares her flower photos on a trip to Longwood Gardens
flower photo by mbgphoto
I am looking forward to seeing even more great flower photos online.  Happy Shooting !
photographs on this page are my own-mbgphoto

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Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Gardening is Therapeutic

Gardening is a wonderful way to spend time in nature without anyone or anything there to undo your sense of calm and contentedness.   Gardening is Therapeutic in so many ways!  Not only is it therapeutic,  but you get to create and enjoy the labors of your work.  Now that could be sitting by the garden and admiring all the beautiful flowers or it could mean having a nice fresh salad with vegetables that you helped to grow!

I can't think of a better way to have beauty and bounty all in one place at the same time.  Oh how wonderful it is to garden.

a line of ladybugs

In order to get that garden to that state though requires some work, and work requires tools.  Oh of course we have our two hands,  but there are tools that Gardeners just must have and to that end I would like to make some suggestions, gently pointing you to some of the tools that we just can't live without!

Review these tools and if there is something that you really need, read on and put them on your "Gardening Bucket List"  who knows, there just might be a new tool to make your gardening chores easier and more rewarding than it already is......

No home should be without at least one of these. I have a couple, one for me and one for my other half, that way we aren't fighting for the same tool at the same time.......he has his and I have mine and we will battle the weeds together....The Best Chemical Free Method Of Ridding Your Yard Of Weeds

Having a Garden also means that sometimes you will need to dig. Nothing makes that job easier than a good Garden Fork. See for yourself how this tool will make some job easier.....A garden fork does many jobs

Those tools are for some of the harder work,  but there are tools that will help you to enjoy the beauty in the garden too.  Just see what a good pair of garden nippers can do:
Ratchet Secateurs

Then there are the tools that are used in other parts of the world, that have found a home here too!  One of my personal favorites is a Japanese Sickle.  I love this tool!
Nejiri Kama Japanese Sickle

This is a short list of tools that will make gardening a real pleasure.  If you have a favorite tool that you would like to see featured, then write about it and let me know so that after all is said and done, we will have a great list of wonderful tools for every garden everywhere.

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Monday, July 7, 2014

A Few Favorite Things

Review This! is a group blog, written by a double handful of women who are passionate about writing.  Our personalities and topics vary greatly but we are all passionate about a common thing. We all are excited about sharing information about the things we love.

As the someone who loves to wander around the mid-Atlantic region I usually share the places I love to visit during my travels.  Today I’d like to share a few of my favorite things instead of places. Interestingly enough, many of these things have something to do with my adventures in this region.

I love simple and functional things like my Bubba Tumbler. As I write this, I am sipping an iced mixture of Cranberry-Pomegranate and water drink with a sprig of mint that was grown in my vertical garden on the balcony. I am not the most gifted gardener, add this to the logistics of my living in a teeny third floor apartment, and gardening is not always a success in my world.  But I’m not alone in gardening passion in the world of blogs.  There are many gardeners who write and I never grow tired of reading their helpful and creative ideas.  I probably would not have tried to grow mint on my balcony until I read about it from fellow writers. Now, I not only grow it successfully, but I use it daily.

When I’m not writing, I am often reading.  I read everything from children’s books about the places I see, like the magical ‘wild pony Island’ (our family nickname for Assateague Island) and the Scientists who care for the pony population to adult romances, dramas, and memoirs that are situated in the mid-Atlantic region.  My three favorite authors live and write this region.  The very talented story tellers gift me with plenty to do on the days I want to kick back and relax with a good book.

I think today is one of those days. 

Image Credit: ©Dawn Rae – All Rights Reserved 

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We may be apart, but
You Are Not Forgotten

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