Showing posts with label troubles and happiness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label troubles and happiness. Show all posts

Sunday, June 26, 2022

How To Get Through All of It - A Personal Diary Entry

How to Get Through All of It
How to Get Through All of It - A Personal Diary Entry Review

Living over six decades, I've gathered some of the tools needed to overcome life's constant challenges. I thought I'd share a few tidbits for those seeking coping mechanisms.

The Most Important Thing I've Learned in This Life So Far

I can definitively say, the most valuable lesson I've learned is that the peace we seek is entirely inside of us, at our core. It doesn't come from anything or any person. 

When the storm swirls around me, I hold onto that which is entirely mine, my soul. 

Our soul is the one thing that is truly ours. Unseen and always ready to be nurtured, it's not the possession of anyone except ourselves and the higher power we believe in.

Five Techniques to Help You Get Through It All

1. Mindfulness

Mindfulness can be an overused, confusing term.

For me, it's when I choose to practice being wholly present in a moment. When being 'present' doesn't come naturally, I use a repetitive mantra or a prayer to bring my mind into the now and away from that rabbit-thinking-hole that leads nowhere. 

It takes practice to perfect, but like any exercise, it becomes easier each time.

2. Prayer

Prayer isn't just for the religiously committed. 

You can create your own prayer to the universe or the higher power that means something to you. For me, it's usually Psalm 23 on repeat in my mind. The beautiful thing about prayer is that you can do it anywhere, anytime. 

As soon as you feel yourself getting upset or thinking thoughts that lead you to a dark place, STOP and begin repeating that prayer or inspirational phrase you decided upon. Repeat it over and over until you bring yourself back to a healthy center. If it takes all day, so what! Repeat it all day, and don't let anything else in.

When I spend time praying for other people, one by one, with specifics for each of them, I feel so much better. Try it; when you're feeling at the end of your rope, start praying for all your loved ones.

I go on prayer bike rides; I get to exercise physically and spiritually. I spend the entire bike ride praying for my friends, family, country, planet, and the universe. The prayers are unique and specific to each of them.

3. Music

For me, I sing. Put your headphones on and listen or sing your guts out. My family is used to me singing full tilt. I'm grateful for that. Depending on the lyrics and message I need, I choose the song for the moment. One of my favorite spiritual groups is Mercy Me. While typing, I'm listening to their song "Say I Won't" (Live from the 2021 K-Love Fan Awards). 

4. Realize You Can't Change People

This is a tough lesson to learn. If you're one of the lucky ones, you'll discover it quickly in your early years. If you understand this as early as your 20s, you might just have the world by the tail! 

What does it mean to understand that you can't change a person? 

It means that they have to walk their walk; you can't do it for them. That goes for spouses, siblings, friends, and children. We can teach with our words, but most importantly with our actions, and be there for them; we can't do it for them. I learned this first hand, it was brutal, but we got through it.

When there's a situation that hurts, that I have no power over (and the older I get, the more there are), I pray over and over. Some days I spend most of the day mentally praying.

5. Let It Go

Holy crap, that's overly simplified, isn't it?  

When I was younger, I used to get upset with people who told me to 'just let it go!' What in the world does that mean! That's how I used to feel.

What it DOESN'T mean is to not have empathy, compassion, and a good heart. Letting go isn't about not caring.

Today, at this stage of life, I completely understand what it means to let it go; it means,

  • practice mindfulness when you're consumed with an issue
  • pray when you're consumed with an issue
  • exercise when you're consumed with an issue
  • listen to music when you're consumed with an issue
  • trust in a positive outcome; see it
  • have faith in those around you
  • always embrace love no matter the pain; love them anyways
  • and finally, only take action to tackle a problem when it's warranted that you do so
HAVE FAITH. Believe in the greater good, and higher solutions, and believe in your prayers. 

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Sunday, February 20, 2022

The Secret to Happiness, What? Really? - A Personal Diary Entry

Is this really the secret to happiness? A Happiness Review

This quote from the Netflix movie "Full Count" has been on my mind since viewing it five days ago:

"The secret to happiness is to be content, no matter your situation"

 The Movie, Full Count, Caught Me Off Guard

The Netflix description, and preview, seemed to indicate that Full Count is your typical baseball hard life story. However, I was shocked by the direction the film takes.

The movie takes a spiritual turn. 

If you like films where it seems a happy ending is impossible, but with divine intervention, there it is, you'll enjoy this movie.

Could the Above Quote About the Secret to Happiness be Offensive to Some People?

After hearing the above quote narrated in the movie, my first thought was about those who rarely feel happy through no fault of their own or for medical reasons.

Don't get me wrong; the quote personally fits the core of my beliefs; however, my happy state of mind has been tested this past year.

Medical issues aside, I feel happiness will always be a personal choice. No matter the circumstances in this crazy life, I maintain that much-needed center and inner calm. I treat mental and spiritual training as a daily exercise with practice, practice, practice. 

Some days are a success at maintaining calm, and others not-so-much ... I just keep plugging away. I won't go through the laundry list of things recently faced, as I'm sure you've had your own life issues to conquer.

Do You Personally Agree With the Above Quote?

Can you relate to this quote? Have you been able to be the captain of your life's ship? 

For me, yes, after a great deal of thought, I do agree with the above quote. 

During the pits of hell, I've been able to keep a hold of the light, sometimes barely. It's never easy. Here's an example of a personal nightmare I faced over a decade ago. I wouldn't wish this on anyone!

Even through this less-than-perfect life, I've been able to maintain inner calm and thus some happiness. 

"Sometimes God calms the storm, and other times God calms the child who is in the storm"

I live by that quote about the storm.

Here's another quote from the movie Full Count. What do you think about it?

"Life isn't going to make you happy, but happiness is going to make your life"

Yes, I believe.

After multiple decades, the biggest life lesson I've so far learned is that our inner self, our soul, cannot be owned by anyone. It's the one thing that is truly ours. 

No matter what happens in this physical existence, in the end, our thoughts are something we can work to control; and for those who believe, guided by a higher power. For me, Free Will means protecting my soul, so I do.

Here's a video about love and light that I created one afternoon while visiting my amazing mother. She passed away three months ago. Knowing she was in her chair while I wrote this brings me unexpected added peace. I hope you enjoy viewing it, as much as I enjoyed writing it.

If you need a little more inspiration, I've authored a personal book of poetry based on fifty years of life experiences. You can find the book "We Will Have Morning Smiles" on Amazon.

May you know happiness, in some form, daily. Blessings.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Most People Are Good by Luke Bryan

Listen on Apple Music
When I first heard "Most People Are Good' on the radio, it reminded me of a poem I wrote nearly 20 years ago based on the same premise called, 'I See Good People'.

If you find yourself frustrated with the negative energy that seems to infect our airways and unfortunately the internet, then you'll want to listen to the bit of hope expressed in the music and lyrics of this Luke Bryan song.

Are Most People Basically Good?

The operative word here is 'most'.

One way to answer that question is through a famous quote in the James Allen (b.1864-d.1912) book, 'As a Man Thinketh':

Mind is the Master power that moulds and makes,
And Man is Mind, and evermore he takes
The tool of thought, and, shaping what he wills,
Brings forth a thousand joys, a thousand ills,
He thinks in secret, and it comes to pass:
Environment is but his looking-glass

James Allen, a British Philosophical Author, is quoted as saying, "A man is literally what he thinks, his character being the complete sum of all his thoughts".

Another famous quote by Buddha says exactly the same thing, "We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world".

We march through history with lists of famous souls who have repeated this same principle from century to century. I think they're trying to tell us something?

Life's Challenges Can Shade Our Hearts

No matter how much sunshine we allow in our life, there's always some darkness to overcome. However, those dark moments don't have to define us.

Luke Bryan expresses it well in this verse:

(Lyrics) I believe them streets of gold are worth the work
But I still wanna go even if they were paved in dirt
I believe that youth is spent well on the young
'Cause wisdom in your teens would be a lot less fun
I believe if you just go by the nightly news
Your faith in all mankind would be the first thing you lose

Every generation has it's struggles, and progress isn't easy, but basic goodness is something we can only control from within, and as James Allen so eloquently states in the above quote, "The tool of thought, shaping what he wills, brings forth a thousand joys, a thousand ills".

According to most of the great minds that came long before us, 'we are what we think'. Simple, yet hard to master.

Luke Bryan's song reminds us that it may be as simple as choosing to believe that most people, are in fact, good.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, March 4, 2018

5 Ways to Bring Happiness and Positive Energy Into a Room - Harness the Good

by Funkthishouse
When the world outside feels darker than usual and you want to create a sanctuary of happiness and positive energy, start with your home and personal space.

Since we can't control gravity or other people, controlling ourselves and the environment we live in can give us a sense of taking back our mind and heart.
"We are shaped by our thoughts, we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves" Buddha
The Emotion Code by Dr. Bradly Nelson talks about how emotions are so powerful they can literally define and determine the experiences we bring into our life. We need to take the power of the energy in our home and enhance it for good.

Lets review 5 Ways to Bring Happiness and Positive Energy into a Room:

1. Open the Window or Clear the Air in the Room

An air exchange can do wonders for a space. Even in the dead of winter go ahead and open the window for a few minutes. Fresh air reinvigorates a space and there's a sense a power in knowing you can change the energy of a room with something you can't see. If opening a window isn't an option, add a Salt Lamp. Just like the goodness of negative ions that fill the air after a thunderstorm, a salt lamp also emits negative ions. However, the radius of negative ions from a salt lamp is quite small, generally surrounding the area immediately around the lamp itself. That's a good reason to have a couple of salt lamps positioned throughout a room - especially a windowless room.

2.  Remove Items that Have Bad Memories

If there are people or items in your life that have negative energy or thoughts attached to them, be brave, and remove photos or items relating to them from your space. You're not erasing what has happened, you're simply taking back the things you CAN control; your space and your mood. If there are linens, pillows or furnishings that have bad memories attached to them, replace them. Add a little humor to the situation and have a small cleansing ceremony with Sage as you box the items up. Pass them onto the Good Will. If getting rid of your furniture isn't in the cards, try slip-covers for couches and taking on a DIY re-do project for the dressers and tables.

3.  Add Plants and Flowers

Plants freshen and clean the air in a room. For more detail on which plants do what, take a look at this list of room cleaning plants. Think in terms of volume. Add several plants in a room; floor plants, plants in plant wall holders, plants on end or corner tables, or multiple plants displayed in plant stands.

4.  Add Music to the Room

Even if you have a TV in the room to play music from the Music Channel, there's something special about listening to music the old fashioned way; from a stereo or radio. Leave the TV off - for less magnetic energy being emitted. The benefits to music are abundant; it promotes good health, helps you sleep, reduces depression and more. Keep a radio running in the kitchen with music playing all the time. We do this in our house. In fact, I can hear the music softly playing while typing this. It's incredibly uplifting to walk into a quiet kitchen that has the life of music filling the background. It brings in positive energy especially when it's a bit lonesome.  Best of all, song lyrics tell a story, and provide a lovely calming, creative visual while preparing meals or tidying up.

5.  Use the Power of Color to Enhance the Emotions You Want to Bring into a Space

Every color has a group of traits and emotions attributed to them. Understanding these traits can help you harness the mood you want your room to evoke. Here's a summary of a few of the traits associated with some of the most basic colors.
  • Orange: Boosts your energy, is fun, and adds excitement
  • Blue: Calming, relaxing, trusting, professional
  • Yellow: Moderate amounts - joy, happiness, encourages thinking/learning
  • Purple: Luxury, spirituality, creativity, royalty
  • Red: Energetic, Love - but peace and tranquility in a bedroom
  • Green: Nature, well being, refreshing, clean, simple, calming and growth
You don't have to go wild wondering how the heck you add color to your room. If you're not into painting, just add your colors via small accessories such as wall art, throw blankets, lamps, rugs, pillows and table décor.

Go ahead, take control of your home's energy and create a space that reflects happiness and positive energy.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Sometimes it is really hard to find the right Gift!

stream running through mountains
Picture by Earthfeeler 
I'm sure we have all been in that position, where someone we care for and we've known for a long time, has a birthday or special occasion and we are looking for that perfect gift!

No, I'm not talking about a gift that is going to put you in the poor house, or something extravagant that shows everyone how magnanimous you are,  I'm talking about that gift that both the giver and the receiver are going to look at each other, and without words, say, "This is the most perfect gift, ever!"

I have one of these gifts in my possession.  Every time I get down or the whimsy fairy comes out, when the melancholy and uncertainy seems to take over my life, I will gather my arms around my middle, find my "safe" spot and after some time in thought, will pull out the words that will undoubtedly bring me back out of my "funk" and set me on the road to right, again.

What makes this book so special?

I first came across this book when I was a teenager, full of angst and not really sure of my place in the world.  I can remember feeling like the world was a quagmire and I was sinking..........One of my teachers understood where I was and rescued me with the help of some of the most profound words ever spoken or written.  It has become my lifeline!  Especially when things are in control and sometimes when they are out of control, I know I can find the words to help me through.  One thing is certain, the words contained in this book will help many people, through many periods of their lives, just having the words available there and opened, to read,  in a moment of uncertainty.

That is what I call a gift!  It will last for a long, long time without gathering too much dust.  It will never be too big or too small, it won't wear out and it will be meaningful all through life.  It is one of my favorite gifts to give, especially when I love the person who is the receiver.  It will not only give when given, but will come back to give again and again.

Please let me introduce you to The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran

This copy of my book, is the one that I like to give as a gift.  It is a beautiful book and the pages feel wonderful under your fingers.  The ecru paper is thick and can stand being handled.  I love the fact that when I am done pondering the words,  the book slips into it's cover and is safe again, until I need it's words to soothe my troubled spirit.  

pasture land
The other gift that goes hand in hand with this one is the Desiderata !

I love this beautifully done written in calligraphy poster.  Framed it will become a lovely gift that makes everyone who reads it feel special.   If this one doesn't fit your style, there are many others available.  The words are the same and will resonate with the reader regardless of the style of poster.
For anyone who is needing a little reaffirmation, these two choices for gifts, will  give more than anyone ever expected.  And hopefully, these will be the gifts that becomes a favorite with that person for a long, long time, delivering a smile over and over again through life.

You are a child of the Universe, pass it on to someone you love too!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

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