Showing posts with label country song. Show all posts
Showing posts with label country song. Show all posts

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Craig Morgan's Incredible Song, The Father, My Son and The Holy Ghost

A gorgeous and moving song about losing someone you love
It's been about three years since singer-songwriter Craig Morgan released new music. Unfortunately, this incredibly emotional song was written to help others who have also experienced gut-wrenching loss. It honors the passing of his 19-year-old son.

These Truthful Lyrics are Extremely Personal, They'll Grab Your Soul - Tissues Needed

I'm listening to "The Father, My Son, and The Holy Ghost" as I'm typing this review, and my eyes are pouring tears. Like any mother, trying to fathom this kind of loss is more than I can wrap my head around.

The lyrics are excruciatingly painful, truthful, and still - filled with healing hope.

"I cried, and cried, and cried until I passed out on the floor
Then I prayed, and prayed, and prayed til I thought I couldn't pray anymore,
And minute by minute, day by day, my God, he gave me hope,
I know my boy ain't here but he ain't gone"

The lyrics tell a personal story of heartache that not one of us wants to feel, yet many have. Man, it breaks me in half even trying to understand how parents can survive the loss of a child.

I've been tested in multiple ways in this life, and I often mention to the good Lord that he no longer needs to keep testing, because I'll pass every exam. However, please dear Lord, this is a test that I'm sure I couldn't pass. 

As Craig Morgan sings this song, I want to reach through the computer screen and give him a compassionate hug, and honestly wish I could erase this horrendous pain. I'm blessed with four sons and beautiful stepchildren and I can't, I just can't imagine this kind of pain. 

"I Won't Completely Heal Til I Go Home"

This part of the song describes the absolute truth about this kind of loss; We won't completely heal until we go home. We learn to live with our new version of life after a soul-crushing loss and know the previous way we lived will never, or never can be experienced again.

I'm almost feeling guilty even thinking about the pain of losing my father because Craig Morgan's loss of his son is pain beyond my comprehension.

Text, Call or Email the Ones You Love Right Now

That's what this song did for me. I just sent a quick "I love you" text to each of my children. I did it for me, for them, and to honor Craig Morgan's beautiful son.

I imagine by now you're wanting to listen to this song? Get out the tissues, because yes, you're going to need them.

Blessings to you, Craig Morgan, and to your family. Thank you for writing this moving song and helping others through their own pain.

You can listen to Craig Morgan speak directly about his loss here on The Kelly Clarkson Show.

This live performance by Craig Morgan at the Opry is spectacular. Listen with high-quality headphones if you're able.

I've been a Craig Morgan fan for a while now and reviewed a few of his other songs that feature story-telling lyrics and inspirational messages. You can find them here.

Virtual hugs.

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Sunday, March 17, 2019

Life is Short, Make it Sweet

The Heart of Country Music - More Songs
With all that's going on in this world, it's important to focus on the simple things that make life beautiful.

As the song says, 'life is short, make it sweet'. The lyrics of this tune by Old Dominion remind us to spend time with those we love. Sunsets, fun and sharing time with each other, it doesn't get any simpler than that.

"I never gotta wonder where my honey be
I ain't savin' all my sugar for a Saturday Night
Seven days a week I got an appetite
The sunsets like a tangerine
Let's find a road we've never seen
Don't waste another mile or a minute not kissin' me
Life is short, make it sweet"

Make it Sweet is a Cheerful Song 

When you need a musical boost, blast this one on repeat. With life's twists and turns, it's not easy being 'seen'. Lolz. The good news is, when you take control of your thoughts and your environment, being seen is something you can control from within. I know, it all sounds cliché but I speak from experience and I've personally done the work.

For over four years now I've made a conscious effort and practiced that other old cliché, 'control your thoughts control your life'. Sure I'll slip up from time to time and unwittingly let someone rent space in my head, but not very often.

As soon as I feel my mental strength begin to diminish, I work to take back that control. It requires a conscious effort, until it becomes subconscious. The key is practice. It's no different than exercising the body: Takes time, takes repetition.

A quick tool I use to pull my mind away from unproductive tangents is word repetition.

Choose your word. Mine is 'Hope'. When the brain decides it wants to run my life, I take back my control by repeating my word over and over inside my head as many times as it takes until that noggin' of mine has forgotten the tangent it was on.

You'll slip up many times and in the middle of it forget you were using word repetition. No biggie. Just pull yourself back on track and start again. After years of doing this, bad thoughts and energy just begin to avoid you - they'll realize you're like Fort Knox, no getting in.

Music is One Road to Inner Peace

Make it Sweet by Old Dominion is the ideal, bring it back to the basics song. As soon as my husband and I heard it, we both smiled and agreed that the message was calming. The lightness of the tune helped to unweight the heaviness of the day.

Another Relaxation Option - The Zen Channel - Stingray Ambiance

If you have this channel, be sure to use it as a way to control the energy you allow in your home.

We mostly read our news now and our TV sets on the main level have Stingray Ambience on all day. They feature gorgeous scenes from all over the world with light music in the background. In fact we rarely watch regular TV now. We only tune into shows that interest us from time to time. We're not blocking out the world, we keep up-to-date online. We're just actively controlling our home's environment. It makes a big difference. It heals the soul.

Between aromatherapy, the Zen Channel and the song Make it Sweet, we're creating our own peace.

Here's to your happiness :)

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Sunday, September 23, 2018

Song Lists to Help Find the Best Songs for Family Dedications and Special Occasions

Song Lists for Families
Finding songs for special occasions, to fit a mood or to tell a story is a passion of mine.

Searching for the right song can soak up countless hours online, and unless you like listening to the lyrics of mountains of songs, it can cost you several days to find the right one.

Sure, there are a lot of topic based song lists online, however I've discovered that a lot of these lists repeat the same songs from one search to another.

I've taken it many steps forward and actually listened to every word of every song to determine if it works for a person, event or mood. You will find some of the songs I recommend mentioned on other lists online, but that's only because I've listened to it and determined it belongs there.

Many of the song lists provided by others online, in my opinion, include songs that either shouldn't be on the list and rarely include newly found gems.

That's where I come in.

I've spent countless hours listening to songs and categorizing them as per their message and what event they would be suitable for. Much of that work can be found on my country music website,

However, I wanted to introduce you to another place where I compile song lists: On HubPages.

Below is summary of several of my additional song lists to help you find the right song for your needs. I'm always adding new songs, so be sure to check back there from time to time.

When you visit the page listed below, you'll see a list of suggested songs, a short review of it, and a video to watch it.

If you need a song for a mother-son wedding dance or to celebrate another mother son special occasion, be sure to check out these 14 recommended songs.

Father and Son Songs

Here you'll find 12 suggested songs. The twelve songs are selected based on a variety of different types of relationships that can be had between father and son. Not all relationships are good, and you'll even find a song for that.

Father and Daughter Songs

This list features 10 choice songs. Again, they'll fit multiple types of relationships and occasions. However there's one song you absolutely have to listen to regarding a broken relationship between father and daughter; it's gut wrenching.

Mother and Daughter Songs

We've all heard that a mother and daughter can have a complicated relationship, however in my experience most I know have been good. The songs featured here reflect the positive side, however there's one song about a mother, sung by a famous American Idol contestant, that will make you cry.

Grandparent Songs

These ten songs range from topics of aging, loss, and living life to the fullest. If you need a song to celebrate grandma or grandpa, be sure to check out this list. There's a beautiful song by Ed Sheeran wrote for his grandmother that you'll want to hear.

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Sunday, April 2, 2017

Understanding What a Woman Really Wants

Watching the Academy of Country Music Awards Tonight, the Lyrics of One Song Jumped Out and Stole the Show

This year it was the lyrics from Faith Hill and Tim McGraw's latest hit song, Speak to a Girl.

Comfortably cuddled on one couch, with hubby relaxing on the other, my ears and eyes stood to attention as the beautiful Ms. Faith Hill began to sing the words to this song.

My first thought was writers Shy Carter, Dave Gibson and Joe Spargur, nailed the message, and of course the delivery by Faith and Tim sealed the power behind it.

These lyrics are especially powerful...
She don't give a damn 'bout your pride or the lies that you're hiding behind
She just wanna feel that you're real, that she's near to the man that's inside
She don't need to hear she's a queen on a throne, that she's more than amazing
She just wants you to say what you mean and to mean everything that you're saying
Being a mom of four sons, a wife, a sister to two brothers, and a daughter of an amazing father, the male psyche has been a part of my life from birth.

Surrounded by guys, I'm not going to sugar coat this, I have strong opinions about the plight of men. However, what struck me about the above words was how these four lines concisely sum up what matters most to women.

She don't give a damn 'bout your pride or the lies that you're hiding behind (Lyrics)
Yes. Thank you lyricists. Of course we don't want to be married to a book of secrets, but we understand that in your soul, like in our own, there's a place that belongs only to you and your God.


She just wanna feel that you're real, that she's near to the man that's inside (Lyrics)
This is the message I've been trying, in my girl-way, to drive home to my sons, even my husband. Guys, if you're reading this, it's all about 'connection'. When we connect to you in mind, body and soul, we truly become your soulmate, your lady ... especially mind and soul.

From what I've seen, and what I've learned, unfortunately it is possible to go through life and never fully connect with your man. You can love, but never totally connect, you can admire but never totally connect, you can be friends but never totally connect. Sorta sad, but it happens often.

There's only one way to fully connect...

She just wants you to say what you mean and to mean everything that you're saying (Lyrics)
It's easy to create a block around ourselves, especially to those close to us. We may not mean to, but we all do it. We're holding back, we're not committing completely, we're failing at the one thing that appears to be the secret to our soul's freedom; the gift of oneness.

If you want to understand what your lady really wants, listen to this song and work towards connecting with her in mind and soul ... the body will follow in due time.

By the way, you'll also want to pay extra attention to these lyrics, "You better respect your Mama, respect the hell out of her" - because you've heard it before .... A girl will sum up the kind of man you'll be by how you treat your mother.

Give your lady the only gift she really wants - yourself, all of you.

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Sunday, January 15, 2017

A Moving Country Song About Time Passing By - A Song Review

"Living Like that Year Book Picture Wouldn't Fade" (Lyrics)

Do you remember this time in your own life?

Just starting out .... the entire world in front of you and not a thought on your mind about the 'end' of anything.

All of it new, all of it ongoing, all of it always there. You never doubted that the ones you love were just a room away, a few hours away or a few days away.

To you, at this time, a kiss goodbye was merely, 'a kiss until later'.

Your journey was new and the anticipation of the trip you were about to take consumed your travels: "I want to be this", "I want to go there", "I want to accomplish that". Your path always in your thoughts, and those you loved, well they would always be there wouldn't they.

"Student hire and a fancy job, big old house and a two car garage" (Lyrics)

Chapter two of your life is in full gear. You're achieving, or trying to. You're moving forward, or planning to, and most of all you're enjoying the freedom!

You love your parents, but this time in your life feels like the reward it should be for the countless hours of work you put in to get here.

You still see your family of course, and hug them and enjoy your visits, but if you're being honest with yourself, you're having too much fun building your own life.

On lonely days you pick up the phone to call mom; she makes you feel better and you're grateful knowing that if you want, you can call her again tomorrow.

"Teenage girl and her granddad, he takes her fishing he feels bad, cause she can't take her eyes off that 'ole Facebook page, someday soon, who knows how long, she'll look up from that phone and he'll be gone" (Lyrics)

Chapter three is here and you've been fortunate to have your grandchildren in your life.

However, you're now in that special club of people who understand what it's like to view life from the road looking back. You reflect back to your own grandpa, and with a knowing grin, you get what he felt.

The view from your chair in life can't be seen by young people starting out. You recognize your younger self in them, and part of you wishes they could see it all from where you sit to spare them life's costly lessons. But they can't, and you can't.

"The Trouble is You Think You Have Time" (Lyrics)

You want to explain time to your grandchildren, but how can you. They have to travel their path and with God's good grace get to be where you're sitting now so they too can pass along treasured words of wisdom that were spoken to you yesterday .... after-all, wasn't it just yesterday?

When you look back at the choices you've made, you forgive yourself for not harnessing those unrepeatable moments with those you love; for not hugging your brother one more time; for shrugging mom off when all she wanted was another kiss from her baby; for moving far away and for any other selfish act that robbed a little love from someone you cared about.

But you're grateful to have learned so much about this trip through life. If nothing else, you see clearly now.

You realize, the trouble was you thought you had time.

Enjoy 'Time' by Award Winning Canadian Country Music Artist, Dean Brody: - More on the song here

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Sunday, July 31, 2016

We'll Build This Love From the Ground Up - The Perfect Wedding Song by Dan + Shay

Find 'From The Ground Up' Plus Over 40 Additional
First Dance Wedding Songs Here
You're Getting Married Congratulations!

Your love is long standing, almost nostalgic, and trying to find a song that fits the two of you isn't easy. I'll bet you've long since figured this out.

Have you spent hours on end listening to every single word of too many wedding love songs already? Don't worry, we've all done it. Every relationship is unique, and the words we dance to represent part of the promise we're making to each other ___ which is why we're all so picky.

From the Ground Up by Dan + Shay - Is This You?

The song is sung from a man's point of view, and all that he'll be and do for his bride.

Grandma and Grandpa set the example of a life that held strong through decades of change, chance and choice. They've set the stage, and showed you what happens when love is built from the ground up.

It's not just a memory, it's not just 'I Do'. It's a commitment, a promise that the wedding day is one piece of the foundation you're building together. You're making this promise for a lifetime.

You'll build your own family and you'll stand beside each other through all of life's trials and smiles.

When you look at grandma and grandpa, you both understand that life goes by in a blink and today's wedding is the celebration of what you know will last til death do you part.

You'll be each others shelter during hard times, and as two old souls you know first hand that love is about being there for better or worse.  Your very clear about one thing; the path of grace is found on the road of love.

When your own decades have passed and it's your turn to sit in grandma and grandpa's chairs, you'll hold each others hands, watching your grandchildren make that same promise you're making today - a love built from the ground up.
"Just take my hand and I'll be the man your dad hoped I'd be" (lyrics)

The only way through life is to live it with love, compassion, promise and kindness. You both know this already, that's why you're perfect for each other. The depth of this song says it well.

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Sunday, May 31, 2015

A Encouraging Country Song About Finding Strength - You've Had Enough, Today is the Day You Stand

A Encouraging Country Song About Finding Strength - You've Had Enough, Today is the Day You Stand

Have you been through difficult times but still found yourself willing to 'Stand'?

Without realizing it, you've made it through another day of turmoil. Your exhaustion has unwittingly become the driving force necessary to get over what seems like an unclimbable mountain ... so without anything but sheer will, YOU STAND.
Review of Stand, by Rascal Flatts: 'Stand' is a country song that expresses your newly discovered tenacity with lyrics that inspire a 'take action' mentality; 'on your knees, you look up, decide you've had enough, you get mad, you get strong' (lyrics).
As this inspiring song articulates, the getting up, not the falling down that matters. When we stand against great odds, it's as though we're giving ourselves permission to learn from our struggle and, better yet, to move forward in pursuit of the happy life we deserve.

If there were a way to get to the rainbow without having to experience the rain, would we grow and learn? As 'Stand' by Rascal Flatts articulates, our struggles are only as big as we allow them to be. Once we decide that enough is enough, that's when we find out what we're truly made of....Sugar and Spice, sure, why not...mixed with a little Hot Pepper Sauce for bravery.

Have You Learned to Be a Stronger Person? 

Have you mastered inner strength over the years? It's difficult to understand why things must be so incredibly challenging, but not so much when we understand that we are ultimately responsible for our choices.

Wrapping our minds around taking responsibility for our choices (as adults), especially when those choices haven't been the wisest, takes guts. Our pride can take a hit when we self-admit our own failings: From choosing the wrong life partner, the wrong job, the wrong friends, addiction, being nasty, and more!

Our choices are giving us the results we currently see. Changing our choices will change our results. When we 'Stand' we're accepting the change that has to happen - whether someone else initiated that change, or whether we were the ones who elected to change - it doesn't matter, it's the acceptance that moves us forward into a new and exciting chapter.

Standing Up and Surviving Change Is the Biggest Gift You Can Give Yourself

It's cliche, but it's true: everything happens for a reason. Even if that reason isn't what we want to face or deal with, the fact that we're in a situation requiring change is a sole indicator in itself that we either made mistakes, ignored clues, had a hunch what was right and didn't listen to that inner voice, are victims or our own bad choices or simply remained inactive on a matter for years that ultimately ended up escalating.
Whatever scenario we face, one thing is for sure: we deserve a happy life. Happiness comes first and foremost with belief. It's supposed to be a place we live in most of the time, not an elusive emotion that only shows up for a split second or never shows!
When we believe we are worthy of happiness, happiness has a chance to find us. It takes a massive amount of bravery to initiate change in our lives. As the song says, 'You get mad, you get strong, wipe your hands off and stand.'
Rascal Flatts reminds us that 'when push comes to shove, you find out what you're made of.' The first step is brutally difficult. It's the reason we get stuck...we can't take that one first step.
Sometimes, life chooses for us, and we're forced into taking that first step. Either way, we 'Stand'.

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Sunday, May 10, 2015

Meanwhile Back at Mama's - Perfect Mother's Day Music

Meanwhile Back at Mama's - Perfect Mother's Day Music

Mother's Day is the perfect day to spend back Mama's. If you're one of the fortunate who still gets to spend this special day with Mom, then you know only too well what it means to walk through Mom's front door, hug her, and share the simple joys that matter.

Tim McGraw's beautiful song brings the listener back to the sounds and smells of being home with Mama:
(Lyrics) Meanwhile back at Mama's
The porch light's on, come on in if you wanna
Supper's on the stove and beer's in the fridge
Red sun sinkin' out low on the ridge
Games on the tube and Daddy smokes cigarettes
Whiskey keeps his whistle wet
Funny the things you thought you'd never miss
In a world gone crazy as this

'Funny the things you thought you'd never miss' 

Isn't that the truth? Change takes a toll on us, but we know it's a guaranteed part of life. Except for those who possess a time machine, there's no return trip to our youth ... you know, those simpler days 'back at Mama's.

Reflecting on our yesterday is a precious gift, but so is living in the moment and appreciating the now. Whether Dad has passed or Mama is frail, if we're still lucky enough to get to go home, we're fortunate.

It's what I'm doing this Mother's Day weekend

Dad passed away a few years ago, and it's forever strange to be living while he isn't, but because we have no choice, we're learning to accept life's new face with grace and gratitude.

In a recent interview Melissa Rivers gave to Dr. Oz about the passing of her famous Mom, Joan Rivers, Melissa explained her terrible loss this way; 'when you lose one parent, it's a comma, but when you lose both, it's a period.

This Mother's Day, I pray that you are neither dealing with a comma nor a period, but if your life sentence includes one or both, then perhaps the hidden gift is knowing that your mom gets to watch over you from the best seat in the house.

Happy Mother's Day - find the time to smile.

Available on Amazon

Here's a small gift of music for your day - Tim McGraw, featuring Faith Hill

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Sunday, March 15, 2015

A Gorgeous Gritty Song about Being Made for Each Other

A Gorgeous Gritty Song about Being Made for Each Other

A Song Review - The Story by Brandi Carlile is a perfect choice for the couple, who, from the moment they laid eyes on each other and throughout their entire life, have understood the other in a way that no other soul on earth understands them. They're almost one, and yes, this is the ideal song about being made for others.
(Lyrics) All of these lines across my face
Tell you the story of where I've been
And how I got to where I am
But these stories don't mean anything
When you've got no one to tell them to
It's true...I was made for you
Does this Sound Like the Love You Have?

Saying 'I love you' is putting it mildly; you know each other to the core of your being, and where others have failed you in life, this love never has. You feel as though very few people around you share the kind of love you both share. It's not explainable, and you're often surprised you've been this blessed. You gasp at knowing you're one of the lucky ones to have found your soul mate. You know this because, as you look around, you see many relationships falling apart. You wish you could give those who have lost in love the blessings you've been most fortunate to find. If only everyone could love and be loved the way you do and have?

A Special Song for A Wedding or Anniversary

If you're looking for a gritty love song that lyrically describes the support you've given to each other, then your first choice may very well be The Story by Brandi Carlile ... read this lyric as proof:
You see the smile that's on my mouth
It's hiding the words that don't come out
And all of my friends who think that I'm blessed
They don't know my head is a mess
No they don't know who I really am
And they don't know what I've been through like you do
And I was made for you
You've stayed together, laughed together, and even suffered together; the rainbow that is your relationship appears after every storm ... and that pot of gold isn't valuable to anyone else; it's as exclusive to each of you as you are to each other. When you hold each other, you welcome that floating feeling of fading into the abyss with the only true love you've ever known. How do you explain this love to others? Will others, do others understand what this is? This is why you live, this is why you were born ... to meet this person's soul, and you are so grateful to have lived when they lived.

You Are One of The Lucky Few

For the lucky few who have loved to this degree, I say congratulations, as you have experienced one of the rarest and truest blessings ever known, something I like to call Won-Love.

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Sunday, November 23, 2014

I Was Here, I Made a Difference, I Mattered

History of Money Fridge Magnet Here
There's an Unexplainable Feeling in Your Soul; You're being Called to Contribute Something well Beyond Serving Self

It's an ache, a light, but mainly Something you're driven to achieve for the contribution it will make to the greater good.

Money isn't the driver.

Money almost annoys you. You've come to terms with the fact that money isn't even the measuring stick you were told it was.

Money turns out to be Something the human condition glorified as necessary paper in a desperate world saturated with mixed-up priorities.

This driver goes well beyond money.

This driver is the Art.

It's the grand vision to bring a smile to someone's face, aid a suffering heart, tell someone they matter, and bring unexpected laughter to a troubled soul ... you know the truth about this driver. This driver is timeless. The immortal spark that endlessly ignites creativity and genius through multiple generations.

You have been gifted a universal secret, and you comprehend the ultimate meaning of purpose:
"When this body has sung it's last glorious song, written it's last sonnet, or penned it's final poem, you know without a doubt that just like love, the artist leaves the body and lives on"
The Art is what's remembered.

Art is what matters.

The Art, like the artist, lives on.

I Was Here by Lady A:

(Lyrics) "I wanna do something that matters
 Say something different
 Something that sets the whole world on its ear
 I wanna do something better
 With the time I've been given
 And I wanna try To touch a few hearts in this life
 Leave nothing less Than something that says "I was here"
You can find the song I Was Here by Lady Antebellum on the Album 'Act of Valor' - A Compilation Album for 2008 Team USA. 

Learn more about and follow country music sensation 'Lady Antebellum' on Facebook and Twitter.

Article dedication: To George William (Billy) Tremblay, My Uncle - Forever remembered and respected. His Art lives in his family and will forever be his family.

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Sunday, November 16, 2014

How to Create a Positive Environment for Your Thanksgiving Dinner

How to Create a Positive Environment for Your Thanksgiving Dinner

It's the Time of Year we Gather to Give Thanks

In a cynical and often condescending world, it's easier to descend into typical family battles that tend to swallow up the purpose of our assembly: to give thanks and acknowledge and remember those who have been there for us through it all. It's cliche, but 'when push came to shove,' who did we turn to, and who loved us unconditionally?

We live in divided times, and many families who reunite for dinner rest at polar opposites in their beliefs, likes, dislikes, tolerance levels, and education. These differences are fast becoming the virus that devours the most important reason we take the hand of the person next to us at that dinner table: love. Again, call it cliche, call it corny, call 'love' overly simplistic, but John Lennon got it right, 'all you need is love.'

So how do you survive a Thanksgiving Dinner with people who sit at the opposite of your beliefs? Like any assembly, setting ground rules is the best place to start. Here are 10 ways to create a positive environment for your Thanksgiving Dinner:
  1. Let everyone know there will be no discussions about Politics, Religion, or Current News Affairs.
  2. As the dinner host, have the evening planned in advance: Plan to play games before and after dinner. If it's a larger gathering, have teams set up to play against each other for a grand championship.
  3. Do not turn on a TV set. If a sporting event is on that the entire family wants to watch, then go ahead and gather around the 'game' in front of the TV if need be. But don't allow any News shows or channel flipping to take away the fun of the game.
  4. If someone in the family breaks the rule about conversation and starts into a diatribe of their opinions and beliefs about an issue, as the host, politely remind them about the rules and do not engage them in a discussion about their point. Remember that no minds or opinions will change in one night anyway, so keep the evening and dinner on a strict track of fun.
  5. Have music playing in the background in as many rooms as possible. Best of all, if you know the favorite songs of the people attending, plan ahead and have a CD compilation of everyone's favorite song! When the song for that special someone in the house begins to play, turn it up, walk over to them, kiss them on the cheek, and let them know, 'We did this for you.'
  6. If you're hosting a large gathering and certain people are best not sitting beside each other, use name/place tags on each plate to direct people where to sit. 
  7. Toast the Senior members of the family. Often, seniors feel excluded, unwanted, and unappreciated, and no matter how ornery they are or aren't, give them a few minutes of special thanks. You'll make their day.
  8. Go out of your way to be friendly and especially to be kind. Set the tone. Set the pace, and you may be surprised how everyone follows.
  9. Find reasons to smile and laugh. Laughter and smiles are much more infectious than anger and fear.
  10. Lastly, remember a famous quote, 'When given a choice to be right or kind, always choose Kind.'

 Have a joyous Thanksgiving <3

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Sunday, November 9, 2014

Brad Paisley Takes the Cake on this One!

Brad Paisley on iTunes
If you're a fan of Brad Paisley, you already know that his sense of humor gives him the extra edge over everyone else in Country Music!

Much Needed  Laughter from the Master of Light, Fun Country Songs!

So, there I was, driving in my car with country music blasting as usual, when Mr. Brad came out blazing a tune from his 2007 Album '5th Gear', called 'Ticks.'

Having not heard the song in a while, I had forgotten how the main lyric causes a hemorrhage of laughter!

If you're not familiar with that lyric, get ready because no other love song expresses love quite like this one! He continues to sing how 'the only thing allowed to crawl on you is him' lol!

Country music can be emotional and laughter scores as the big emotion in this comical lyric:
'Cause I'd like to see you
Out in the moonlight
I'd like to kiss you
Way back in the sticks
I'd like to walk you
Through a field of wildflowers
And I'd like to check you for ticks

The song was released as the first single for 5th Gear in 2007 and, to no surprise, reached the top of the country charts. The song was also a downloadable tune on the Guitar Hero World Tour.

When asked about the song, Brad said that 'when you're raised on a farm, 'Ticks' are something you need to think about. The song is about a funny pick-up line a guy uses on a girl he meets in a bar .... 'hey there, babe, I wanna check you for ticks' lol. I'd probably bust a gut if that was said to me.

Anyone who's lived in the country (even the city!) knows that Ticks are a real problem! Thank gawd I've never had to be checked for them personally, but I know some who have! Yikes. In fact, when we planted our Birch Tree in the front yard, we spent some time reading about 'Ticks' and Birch Trees! Then, of course, the over 50 cedar trees we planted in the backyard had me thinking as well! So far, so good. Fingers crossed.

Enjoy the song!

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Sunday, November 2, 2014

Your Best Days Are Ahead of You

A Song About the Better Days Ahead of You

In a world of constant change, sometimes it takes a dose of musical medicine to help us move forward with the times

Well, take 2 teaspoons of My Best Days are Ahead of Me by Danny Gokey every four hours as needed! The lyrics remind us that 'age ain't nothing but a number'...'I can be whatever I wanna be'. So you think that's cliche do ya!...well you'll enjoy this list of people who didn't 'make it' in life until after 50!
  1. Ray Kroc founded the McDonald's Corporation when he was 52 
  2. Laura Ingalls Wilder published her Little House on the Prairie Books in her 60s 
  3. Raymond Chandler didn't publish his first novel 'The Big Sleep' until he was 51 years old
  4. Charles Darwin published his Theory of Evolution at 50
  5. The Inventor of the Thesaurus, Peter Roget, was 73!
  6. KFC's Secret Recipe didn't happen until Colonel Sanders was 50
  7. Grandma Moses (Anna Mary Robinson, born in 1860) gave up embroidery at 76 years old because of painful arthritis and thus began her painting career. She lived and painted for 25 years (you do the math), and in 2006, her 1943 painting called 'Sugaring Off' sold for a record $1.2 Million.
So, if you're thinking you're on your way out in terms of dreams, think again! These seven examples clearly
show us that the only cliche in life is this accurate quote: 'It ain't over til it's over.'

When we're tempted to close the door and call it quits, we should put away those debbie-downer thoughts and open a window instead. Or we could listen to what Morgan Freeman said in Shawshank Redemption, 'Get busy living or get busy dying.' Grandma Moses, sure the heck, decided to get busy 76! 'You went, girl!'.

The Lyrics say it well:

"Age ain't nothing but a number
Sometimes I have to wonder what does it really mean
Hey, I'm still putting it together
I keep getting better, if I keep getting better
I can be whatever I wanna be
My best days are ahead of me"

Here's Danny Gokey's song, enjoy!

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Sunday, October 26, 2014

Ghost in this House, One of the Most Haunting Country Songs

Haunting Feelings From a Country Song

Country Music isn't Always About Parties and Beer Drinking Fun

The eerie music and lyrics to Ghost in This House by Alison Krauss breaks your heart while still sending shivers down your spine.

Listening to this song, I can't help but think of my mom in our family home alone now, without my father. However, the lyrics can apply to a loss from a break-up or death. 

Alison Krauss possesses a voice that pierces through you as she sings this heartbreak with haunted suffering. The story of loss and loneliness infects you, and you're left feeling the anguish that this woman lives with.
(Lyrics) I'm just a ghost in this house
I'm just a shadow upon these walls
As quietly as a mouse I haunt these halls
I'm just a whisper of smoke
I'm all that's left of two hearts on fire
That once burned out of control
You took my body and soul
I'm just a ghost in this house
Since the song has personal meaning, I find it hard to listen to. However, on the brighter side, if you like to sing, which I spend too much time doing, the key Alison Krauss sings this in works perfectly for me, so it gets played often ... just so I can belt it out and annoy the boys. The song combines something extraordinary with something painful and tragic, making it irresistible.

Ghost in This House goes a long way back. It was initially recorded and released by Country Group Shenandoah in September 1990. It was also covered by the Dixie Chicks. Alison Krauss released her cover on her 1999 album Forget About It.

Take a minute to listen below. You won't be disappointed. Free of a grand crescendo, the even-keeled musical approach to this spooky tale keeps you listening mainly for the story it tells ..., and if you like to sing in this key, you're hooked!

The lyrics below haunt me the most; they speak about the ghost in 'your chair' and 'lays his head on your pillow at night.' Mom recently donated my father's lift chair to someone in need, but that chair has been beside Mom's chair for decades (replaced a few times). Nonetheless, that chair haunted me after Dad passed, but I still loved it.

We were torn about letting it go; Mom and I had trouble sleeping the night before the couple came to pick it up. For over a year, when sitting in Mom's chair, I would glance at Dad's chair and imagine him in it again; it's a feeling that combines pain with beauty. In fact, the sense is best described in Dr. Seuss's quote, 'Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.'
 (Lyrics) I don't mind staying in
There's another ghost here
He sits down in your chair
And he shines with your light
And he lays down his head
On your pillow at night
I hope you get to listen to this song without all the associations I've personally attached to it! If you haven't suffered a profound loss and get to hear it for the pure joy of music, then I'll end this with an appropriate Halloween sentiment, BOO!

Update 2023: I'm revisiting articles and updating a few things. One update is that in 2021, my mom passed, too, and I must say, I'm not keen on not being someone's child in this world. For those who have lost their parents, my heart is with you. I love you, Mom, forever and ever until the end of time, and time never ends. So many unforgettable memories. Wow, I was lucky to have the parents I had - my hubby reminds me of that often. 

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Sunday, October 19, 2014

A Powerful Memorial Song that Will Touch Your Heart and Make You Cry

A Powerful Memorial Song that Will Touch Your Heart and Make You Cry

It is my privilege to introduce you to this moving memorial song.

It's such an moving song that if you're feeling too emotional over the passing of someone you love, you may be unable to watch and listen to it right now

Having recently lost my dad, both my husband and I have wept during this song. The song's music, message, and story will deeply touch your soul. I'm sure of it.

The song was written and dedicated to two of the band member's fathers, who passed away much too soon.

You'll notice when you watch it that the two members in the middle only do the backup singing during this song. Without knowing for sure, I suspect the song is in honor of their dads. 

I know for a fact I wouldn't be able to do any singing after the loss of my own dad. As with most families, we could barely speak, much less sing. You can cut this pain with a knife.

My dad passed away on March 5th, 2013, and there isn't a second that goes by that I don't have him in my thoughts. I've written so much about Dad; some may think I've written too much, but when you've loved someone so deeply, and they've loved you unconditionally in return for your entire life, there's a part of you that will belong to them beyond human existence, and 'til the end of time. 

Missing someone this much is almost like bleeding tears. Trying to find a way to explain it to others is hard, actually impossible. Only those who feel this know this.

It's also the strangest pain. Although it's gut-wrenching to miss a person this much, it's a feeling I would never trade. Without it, I would have never known and been loved so perfectly by the most wonderful dad a girl could ask for. So, to have had this Father in my life for 78 years, I'll gladly take this pain now. 

I'm grateful and thankful to have been so loved. Because of his love, I work to spread more goodness wherever and whenever possible. When I'm feeling sad or wronged (which isn't often), I remember all the blessings in my life: my dad, my mom, my brothers, my children, my husband, my friends online and offline, and mostly the love I carry inside of me through all of life's challenges, no matter how big.

That is, for me, the incredible power and gift of love.

Go hug someone you love today; I'll be sure to do it many times.

In memory of my dad, I wish I could hear your voice again. Thank you for always being there for me, for all of us - You are my reason, Dad.

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Sunday, October 12, 2014

There Must Be Something in the Water - Another Incredible Message from a Country Song

A Hopeful Message From a Country Song

How did another Sunday get here so quickly?

Assigned this glorious day to write about country music, it's my pleasure to give you a heads up on another magnificent tune headed straight to number one, about love, life, change, and hope.
 If you haven't heard Carrie Underwood's latest single, released September 29th, 2014, 'Something in the Water,' get those speakers ready and crank this one up!

Although the song has a religious reference to Baptism, the lyrics easily apply to anybody going through a significant metamorphosis.

If you've journeyed down endless rocky roads and, without realizing it, found yourself wasting too much of
your life, then Carrie's gorgeous song of hope and choice was written for you.
(Lyrics) He said, "I've been where you've been before.
Down every hallway's a slamming door."
No way out, no one to come and save me
Wasting a life that the Good Lord gave me"

As we get older, and with a little bit of luck, many of us are invited to sit at the table of reflection

This coveted seat allows us to see the genuine value of living the life we are meant to live. We remember our idealistic spirit, the one we now see in younger souls coming up behind us, the ones now headed to the same table of reflection we've reached.

Looking in the eyes of youthful energy, the table of reflection calls you to pray that these young up-and-comers see their value and tap into their life purpose with as little pain as possible. All of us gathered around this table have come to understand one key point about life; in everything we do, there is a choice, and ultimately, we are responsible for our own decisions.
(Lyrics) "Couldn't fight back the tears so I fell on my knees
Saying, "God, if you're there come and rescue me."
Felt love pouring down from above
Got washed in the water, washed in the blood and now I'm changed
And now I'm stronger"

Take the Wishes Challenge!

If you were granted one wish, what would that wish be? If you're a 20-year-old soul reading this page, I challenge you to write down that wish, then every five years, ask the question again, write down that answer and do that every half decade you live. Keep those wishes safely tucked in a box, and when you're invited to the table of reflection later in life, look back to see how your desires have changed. As Carrie's song expresses, 'I am changed, I am Stronger, I was blind, and now I see.'

May your Sunday be blessed with the joy of love, friends, and family, and if you find yourself void of any of these, then please accept my virtual hug of hope given in the lyrics of 'Something in the Water':

Have a wonderful day!

by Barbara Tremblay Cipak, Country Music Reviewer
Drageda - Don't Ride Alone Get Emotional Daily Assistance

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Sunday, October 5, 2014

Here's to the Sun Shining on the Inside

Danny Gokey Hope in Front of Me Article
Hope in Front of Me -  on Amazon

Another Sunday, the day you'll find me here writing about one of life's experiences found in a country song.

With a tired but always light-filled heart, today's theme in the song takes the challenges of another week and packages them in a pretty box called Hope. 

Hope in Front of Me, by Danny Gokey

 (Lyrics) I've been running through rain
That I thought would never end
Trying to make it on faith
In a struggle against the wind
I've seen the dark and the broken places
But I know in my soul
No matter how bad it gets
I'll be alright

It doesn't matter if we're blessed with a cosmic understanding of life or even if God personally whispered the secret to life in our ea; the fact remains, we still have to 'live this life.' Yep, there is no escaping that part. We're not alone in our tribulations.
We're all joined by one common goal; to get to the finish line as unscathed as possible, with lessons learned. No one gets out alive. As the insightful story-telling lyrics in another Carrie Underwood song beautifully express, this is our Temporary Home.

If you're thinking, 'I'm probably writing this because I must be sitting perched safely at a distance from life's trials or that things must be easy for me since I'm able to write about hope', well let's just say you wouldn't pass go or collect $200 on that thought :) 

Without getting into a long list of my troubles, I've had more than a few people admit they couldn't have survived my path. But, knowing them, I'm sure they could have. Reading other people's stories of hardship, I'm guilty of thinking the same thing...'I couldn't have survived that!' 

So, what's our common denominator?

When we have friends who help us, we have hope
When we pray, we have hope
When we laugh at our difficult circumstances, we have hope
When we've worked on something for years to have it fall apart in a day, and still find the strength to move on and continue, we have hope

When we reach out to hold someone who hurt us, we have hope
When a part of ourselves dies as our loved one passes away, and still wake up the next day to put one foot in front of the other, we have hope
When someone we love with all of our being goes through and then breaks free from addiction, we have hope
When we lose a home, and move on from that, we have hope
When our baby is born still, and we find a way to understand this immeasurable, seemingly pointless pain, we have hope
When our trust has been violated, but have the courage to let it go, we have hope

There isn't anything else that comes before Hope. Healing begins with Hope

If you're struggling and wondering how in the world you're going to get through this storm, may the lyrics of this song remind you, as it does me, that 'this too shall pass' and 'we'll be alright.'

Here's to the sun shining on the inside.

If you enjoy Danny Gokey's Music, you can find more about this 3rd place American Idol Finalist from Season 8 on his Website,

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Sunday, September 28, 2014

A Country Song About Angels Quietly Lifting Us During Troubled Times

A Country Song About Angels Quietly Lifting Us During Troubled Times

It's Sunday today. The day I post here on the 'Review It' blog. Since times aren't easy for many who are struggling right now, a country song about the guiding hand of angels seemed like an ideal selection for today. We can't erase all the problems out there, but the healing message of a song can help us find a tiny spark to light our candle with.
"Oh I believe there are, angels among us, Sent down to us, from somewhere up above, They come to you and me, in our darkest hours, To show us how to live, To teach us how to give, To guide us with the light of love" Angels Among Us, by Alabama

Do you believe in Angels? Have you ever had what you believed to be an encounter with an Angel? Perhaps you were saved from a situation that you shouldn't have survived? 

I've had my own odd happenings for sure. One such time was a lady who gently bumped into me in a mall like I knew her...I had been going through a rough patch. While picking something up for my son, I had been quietly praying to myself for guidance and had asked for a sign that my prayers were heard...that's when she brushed by me ever so gently, and the next thing you know, I turned to see her, and she's walking away from me and just fades away into the distance. I have no idea where this mall-visiting angel disappeared, but it was enough for me to call my best friend and tell her the story. The known or unknown gift was delivered; I felt calmer afterward.

A Beautiful Angel Spirit Guide Statue - Via Amazon

Another encounter I had was during a prayer in Church; I asked for a sign to help me know the answer to my question. Then, all of a sudden, out of the blue, right in the middle of the service, this lady comes over and kneels beside me. I glanced at her and smiled; she smiled back. She stayed momentarily, prayed beside me, then got up and left. Again, I have yet to find out where she went, and I've never seen her again. Whatever that moment was, I've never forgotten it. It lives inside me as a gift, a small gift that no matter what, there's always hope.

In a complex, sometimes unfair world, faith keeps us going: faith in ourselves and each other. As cliche as it sounds, we are all part of the same light. Whether your belief is in science or a higher power, it's still energy; it's light. If you're struggling, I hope you find the light today and are gifted with an inner knowingness that you'll get through it. I'll be sure to look for it today as well.

I hope you enjoy Angels Among Us by Alabama - A beautiful song.

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Sunday, September 21, 2014

Dirt, by Florida Georgia Line - The Best Song in Country Music!

Dirt by Florida Georgia Line on Amazon
I may be the biggest fan of this riveting country song by Florida Georgia Line called 'Dirt'. Well,  maybe not the biggest, because as I predicted, the song hit number 1 in both Canada and the US on the Hot Country Billboard Charts. No surprise; right now I'm calling it the best overall country song in the history of country music. Now how's that for being a big fan!

What makes this song unbeatable is the artistic amalgamation of every contributing aspect needed to achieve a winning country song; the video, music, lyrics, and most of all the story. However it's the video that will take you into the depth of it's meaning to show you the message.

I'm such a huge fan of the story and lyrics, that I also penned another personal review here about it, as well as featured it numerous times on the Country Music Fan Review Facebook Page: Can you tell I'm a fan yet?

I'm sure my neighbors hear me blast it on my TV when it's on CMT's Top 20!

The Story of 'Dirt' by Florida Georgia Line

The song begins with an elderly man and his  family about to say their goodbyes to their wife/mother/grandmother at her grave on their property, the same property they all built a beautiful life on. The video floats between their youth and the gut wrenching  goodbye.

The Impact of the Song on Those Who are Older

Both my husband and I have shed tears watching this video. The younger generation may not feel the impact of this song as much as we do, but at our stage in life, the song is very real. The first time I played it for my husband, I turned around to look at him, and he had a tear rolling down his face. Having recently lost my father, the lyric ' know you came from it, and one day you'll return it...' hits hard.

Originally the band didn't want to include the above line in the song as they felt it was cliche, but in my opinion it's the line that ties together the entire story of 'Dirt'

Another head turning lyric is 'Makes you wanna a build a 10 percent down, white picket fence house on this Dirt' - The first time I heard the song I was walking into my bedroom; the TV was tuned to the country music channel, and while sitting at my desk I hear this lyric, turn my head and am completely drawn into the story from beginning to end.

The story of the life of this couple is symbolically delivered through the well written lyrics and music by Rodney Clawson and Chris Tompkins:
"It’s that elm shade, red rust clay you grew up on
That plowed-up ground that your dad damned his luck on
That post-game party field you circle up on
And when it rains you get stuck on
Drift a cloud back behind county roads that you run up
The mud on her jeans that she peeled off and hung up
Her blue-eyed summertime smile looks so good that it hurts
Makes you wanna build a ten percent down white picket fence house on this dirt"
Another reason I find myself drawn to the song is watching the young duo from Florida Georgia Line, Brian Kelley and Tyler Hubbard play their guitars in the video. They remind me of my second son, especially with the Tattoos on the arm, who's also in a band and plays guitar. Watching these young men sing a song that represents the story of an elderly man and his lifetime with his family moves me tremendously; I remember being 21 years old, and just starting out with my husband like it was yesterday, and in a blink our boys are grown young men.

Life colors itself very differently when you're older. Our greatest joy is hugging our boys, no matter how tall they get. And like this elderly man, reflecting upon what's been built, the love of each other and family, is what, in the end, matters most.

Take a Few Minutes and Don't Miss This Song! It's Worth Your Time - Give Special Attention to the  Lyrics and Video; Magnificent:

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