Showing posts with label country song. Show all posts
Showing posts with label country song. Show all posts

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Stop for Me, by Carolyn Dawn Johnson - 'I Always Thought This Train Would Stop For Me'

Stop for Me, by Carolyn Dawn Johnson
Upstairs just finishing up some of those much 'loved' household chores with the country music channel playing in the background, I hear these heartbreaking lyrics:
"I had big plans
More powerful than a locomotive
Innocent as a flower growing
In the middle of a barley field
I didn't understand
That you could have pockets overflowing with determination
Give it all you got with no congratulations
And still be at the bottom of the hill
Waiting at the station
With the rails laid out before me
Trying to be patient
Hoping it didn't leave"
I stopped for this song:

Quietly I perched myself on the edge of my bed, and stared at my TV. The
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melancholy words cried their way off the screen and I found myself shedding tears for anyone, myself included, who had moments of  doubt that their work, their dreams, their songs ... all of it..would land in that giant void of 'so what'.

Life is flying by and we have such a short time to leave our mark, no matter what that mark is, our time is limited.

The lyrics continued, and the message of this song, which I further expand upon here, brought about conflicted feelings of  'in the end, we all get to where we're going' to 'it hasn't been easy getting there'
"I had a ticket
That was paid for with my hard earned money
I thought that maybe that would count for something
Wasn't looking for a free ride
But nobody mentioned
ohhh sometimes all the passenger seats are taken
The cars are full and it's a rude awakening
When you're left behind
So disappointed... yeah
I never even got to try
Instead of living in the moment... ohhh

I've been wasting all this time
I always thought this train would stop for me..."
The journey is where we find the joy, but we all know the journey isn't always easy. It isn't about adulation, accolades, fame, or even money (although let's face it, money is a necessary part of life) - It's about 'our contribution while we're here'. If we can do something to improve the human condition, we're making a contribution: A smile, a blessing, seeking hope, laughter, a hand-up to someone who needs it ... anything where we're impacting something or someone for the positive.

During a recent conversation with my 22 year old son, in typical mom fashion, there I was emphasizing the importance to encourage good in this world; he's in a local band 'ColdFront' ...and he's in a position to affect people with words. Being 'Mom', I never hesitate to point that out!

When I talk to my sons, I'm reminded just how young they are, and all they have to learn and go through. My biggest hope is that when they're sitting on the edge of their bed 30 years from now, and lyrics like this song begin to play, they can smile knowing the words don't apply to them.

In the end, I do believe we all get to where we need to be, and that no matter how difficult our path becomes, we'll be O.K.  Everyday we wake up, is another chance at life, another shot at getting it right to fulfill our purpose.

So, although this song is a little bit sad, it's a reminder that nothing is permanent, even sadness. As the famous quote says, 'Without the Rain, there Would be no Rainbow'

Here it is: 'Stop for Me'

To Your Success,
By Barbara Tremblay Cipak, Country Music Reviewer - 'Don't Drive Alone Get Emotional Daily Assistance'

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Sunday, September 7, 2014

Brad Paisley Does it Again with Another Great Love Song

Don't miss 'Perfect Storm' by Brad Paisley  

Brad Paisley hits another home-run with the descriptive emotion he paints as he sings about how much he loves her. It's hard not to think that he was inspired by his relationship with his beautiful wife during the writing!

In true Brad Paisley style, the song is mixed with charm, captivating cuteness and passion. There's something different about the approach to this one. As a woman listening to the song, it really makes you think about what it's like to be appreciated and accepted for both your good and bad qualities by the one you love.

(Lyrics) She Destroys Me in that T-Shirt! 

The lyrics talk about how he loves her so much it hurts! Everything about her is what he adores; her highs are high and her lows are low, and he's o.k. with that. He can make her laugh or make her mad, and he loves her no matter her mood, even if she's angry.

(Lyrics) She's Sunshine Mixed with a Little Hurricane

As I talk about in a more in-depth song review of 'Perfect Storm', I had to laugh when I first heard this lyric because my husband pretty much describes me this way. Sometimes he's too smart when I get angry with him, he knows how to diffuse the situation pretty quickly (when he wants to)! He'll look at me and announce 'that's why I love you!' <---sheesh, gets me smiling even when I wasn't planning on it!

Personally speaking, I find the song incredibly soothing. For some crazy reason, it cheers me up; but Brad Paisley has an effect on the listener in just about everything he writes and sings!

Hope you enjoy the song as well:

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Sunday, August 31, 2014

A Song for the One Who Makes You a Better Person

A Song for the One Who Makes You a Better Person

In your relationship, does your significant other make you a better person? 

Do they bring out the best in you and inspire you to tap into your better self? Country Music Artist Chris Young sings about the power of love and its ability to bring out his better self in his moving hit song 'Who I Am With You.'

(Lyrics) Who I am with you is who I really want to be. You're so good for me, And when I'm holdin' you, it feels like I've got the world in my hands; yeah, a better man is who I am with you.

You can listen to this moving song below:

Dad recently passed away, and I often think of my mom sitting in her chair, with Dad's empty chair beside her, and how she no longer gets the joy of those little things, and it breaks my heart. 

One of the many things I've learned with my dad passing away is to treasure our loved ones even more. I'll never ever get over the death of my father; it has left the largest void in my soul, and because of this deep understanding that nothing lasts forever, both my husband and I appreciate each other a little bit more these days.

Added Bonus Country Song: Be sure to catch the amazing song, 'Dirt' by Florida Georgia Line! The song speaks to the value of Love and Life and its true meaning - You can read about it and listen to it here. The song is rising up the country charts and is currently my favorite. The video is extremely moving.

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Saturday, August 23, 2014

Today I'm Gonna Try and Change the World

Do you believe you can change the world?

When you listen to the lyrics of Canadian Country Artist Johnny Reid's song 'Today I'm Gonna Try and Change the World,' you'll hear how the most minor actions by one person to another can make the most significant difference. It's in the giving that we receive.
(Lyrics) "I'm gonna say hello to my neighbor, Greet him with a smile, Shake the hand of a stranger, Sit and talk for a while, Tell someone I love them from the bottom of my heart"
Most of us understand that it's the little things we do in a day that make the most significant impact, 
Today I'm going to change the world

especially for those we love.

The lyrics to this country song speak about how today he's going to greet his neighbor with a smile, and thinking about it, sometimes our face is void of a smile without our even being aware of it. We're not intentionally being unkind; it's often because we're preoccupied or stressed.

If we look at smiling the way we look at taking a vitamin, brushing our teeth, or any other essential daily activity, we might change the world.

We need a viral social campaign called 'Giving out Smiles to Change the World' 

Can you imagine millions or even billions of people doing this! Picture this: no matter our struggles or stresses, we look up at one or more than one person every single day, then kindly acknowledge them with a big toothy grin or a compassionate smile that connects our eyes to theirs! The sheer collective energy this would generate from people worldwide could fuel a country similar to the concept presented in the popular kid's movie, 'Monsters Inc.'

Even the most cynical among us feel a sense of possibility with a simple smile or hug. The power of good outweighs the power of bad so much that I'll go out on a limb and say it's immeasurable. Yes, we've all been through terrible things in our lives, some more than others, but none of us get out alive without a lesson to learn, a contribution to make, or a hand to hold. No one is perfect; we're all students of the human condition.

Johnny Reid's uncomplicated lyrics get straight to the message...Today, he's going to try and change the world. You can find more about Johnny's terrific award-winning music on his website; this song is for download here.

Go forth and smile ... changing the world requires a paradigm shift of monumental proportions started by just one person. Thank you, Mr. Johnny Reid.

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Sunday, August 10, 2014

A Relaxing Country Song About the Beauty of Unwinding on a Sunday

A Relaxing Country Song About Unwinding on a Sunday

That's What I Love About Sunday, by Craig Morgan

Relax and listen to Craig's video featured below while you read! 

Does your own life allow you to have a do-nothing day on Sundays? I hope so.

Your rest time may land on another day of the week. Again, I hope you get that weekly break you deserve. After all, what's it all for if we can't stop and enjoy the company of those we love.

There's something powerfully productive about doing nothing at all, and let's face it, many of us need to master the art of  'stopping'  ... especially with 24-7 access to the internet. So, what in the world are you doing here on this page! Go rest!! Oh yeah, I forgot; you're looking for a country song about Sundays - one you can play while you take that much-needed sunny day stroll.

(Lyrics) 'That's what I love about Sunday, cat-napping on the porch swing, you curled up next to me, the smell of jasmine wakes us up, take a walk down a back road.'

There's clear evidence that life is getting more challenging for our kids ... not as easy as it's supposed to be. Neil Howe, Contributor for Forbes Magazine, provides an exciting and detailed explanation in his article "Generations in Pursuit of the American Dream" of how every generation, up until now, has had it better than their parents. You may be wondering what this has to do with relaxing on a Sunday to a soothing country tune ... well, as per the principle of Ockham's razor, 'the simplest explanation is usually the better one,' and the simplest explanation is this:

With the constant worries of life, like work, family, and money, our ability to decompress becomes an integral part of 'getting through it all.' To successfully tackle our life challenges, we must find balance  ... more so today than any other time.

That's where the art of telling stories, primarily found in country music, can play a role: The lyrics help our mind paint a picture of what an emotion really means. The story helps us feel the song; those feelings govern thought, and our thoughts control our beliefs, and in turn, our beliefs then govern our actions. So go ahead and unwind! Not only will your mind thank you, but so will your body.

Storytelling in country music, whether it's new country or that old-time sound, has remained part of the genre for generations. Craig Morgan's song offers a more unique sound, but the story told in his relaxing tune could have easily been one from any previous decade.

You deserve a break. Here's a toast to you for taking it ... I hope you enjoy Craig Morgan's wonderful Sunday song. You can find more about Craig Morgan on his website.

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