"Oh I believe there are, angels among us, Sent down to us, from somewhere up above, They come to you and me, in our darkest hours, To show us how to live, To teach us how to give, To guide us with the light of love" Angels Among Us, by Alabama
Do you believe in Angels? Have you ever had what you believed to be an encounter with an Angel? Perhaps you were saved from a situation that you shouldn't have survived?
I've had my own odd happenings for sure. One such time was a lady who gently bumped into me in a mall like I knew her...I had been going through a rough patch. While picking something up for my son, I had been quietly praying to myself for guidance and had asked for a sign that my prayers were heard...that's when she brushed by me ever so gently, and the next thing you know, I turned to see her, and she's walking away from me and just fades away into the distance. I have no idea where this mall-visiting angel disappeared, but it was enough for me to call my best friend and tell her the story. The known or unknown gift was delivered; I felt calmer afterward.A Beautiful Angel Spirit Guide Statue - Via Amazon
Another encounter I had was during a prayer in Church; I asked for a sign to help me know the answer to my question. Then, all of a sudden, out of the blue, right in the middle of the service, this lady comes over and kneels beside me. I glanced at her and smiled; she smiled back. She stayed momentarily, prayed beside me, then got up and left. Again, I have yet to find out where she went, and I've never seen her again. Whatever that moment was, I've never forgotten it. It lives inside me as a gift, a small gift that no matter what, there's always hope.
In a complex, sometimes unfair world, faith keeps us going: faith in ourselves and each other. As cliche as it sounds, we are all part of the same light. Whether your belief is in science or a higher power, it's still energy; it's light. If you're struggling, I hope you find the light today and are gifted with an inner knowingness that you'll get through it. I'll be sure to look for it today as well.
I hope you enjoy Angels Among Us by Alabama - A beautiful song.
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