Have you been through difficult times but still found yourself willing to 'Stand'?
Without realizing it, you've made it through another day of turmoil. Your exhaustion has unwittingly become the driving force necessary to get over what seems like an unclimbable mountain ... so without anything but sheer will, YOU STAND.
Review of Stand, by Rascal Flatts: 'Stand' is a country song that expresses your newly discovered tenacity with lyrics that inspire a 'take action' mentality; 'on your knees, you look up, decide you've had enough, you get mad, you get strong' (lyrics).
As this inspiring song articulates, the getting up, not the falling down that matters. When we stand against great odds, it's as though we're giving ourselves permission to learn from our struggle and, better yet, to move forward in pursuit of the happy life we deserve.
If there were a way to get to the rainbow without having to experience the rain, would we grow and learn? As 'Stand' by Rascal Flatts articulates, our struggles are only as big as we allow them to be. Once we decide that enough is enough, that's when we find out what we're truly made of....Sugar and Spice, sure, why not...mixed with a little Hot Pepper Sauce for bravery.
Have You Learned to Be a Stronger Person?
Have you mastered inner strength over the years? It's difficult to understand why things must be so incredibly challenging, but not so much when we understand that we are ultimately responsible for our choices.
Wrapping our minds around taking responsibility for our choices (as adults), especially when those choices haven't been the wisest, takes guts. Our pride can take a hit when we self-admit our own failings: From choosing the wrong life partner, the wrong job, the wrong friends, addiction, being nasty, and more!
Our choices are giving us the results we currently see. Changing our choices will change our results. When we 'Stand' we're accepting the change that has to happen - whether someone else initiated that change, or whether we were the ones who elected to change - it doesn't matter, it's the acceptance that moves us forward into a new and exciting chapter.
Standing Up and Surviving Change Is the Biggest Gift You Can Give Yourself
It's cliche, but it's true: everything happens for a reason. Even if that reason isn't what we want to face or deal with, the fact that we're in a situation requiring change is a sole indicator in itself that we either made mistakes, ignored clues, had a hunch what was right and didn't listen to that inner voice, are victims or our own bad choices or simply remained inactive on a matter for years that ultimately ended up escalating.
Whatever scenario we face, one thing is for sure: we deserve a happy life. Happiness comes first and foremost with belief. It's supposed to be a place we live in most of the time, not an elusive emotion that only shows up for a split second or never shows!
When we believe we are worthy of happiness, happiness has a chance to find us. It takes a massive amount of bravery to initiate change in our lives. As the song says, 'You get mad, you get strong, wipe your hands off and stand.'
Rascal Flatts reminds us that 'when push comes to shove, you find out what you're made of.' The first step is brutally difficult. It's the reason we get stuck...we can't take that one first step.
Sometimes, life chooses for us, and we're forced into taking that first step. Either way, we 'Stand'.
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