Showing posts with label Happy New Year. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Happy New Year. Show all posts

Sunday, December 31, 2023

Embracing the New Year 2024: A Journey of Kindness, Tolerance, and Authenticity

Embracing the New Year: A Journey of Kindness, Tolerance, and Authenticity

As we bid farewell to the old and welcome the new, the upcoming year, 2024, holds the promise of a fresh start—a canvas waiting for us to paint our stories of growth, joy, and, hopefully, positive change. 

In the spirit of moving forward and embracing the opportunities that lie ahead, let's explore some simple yet powerful ways we can make 2024 a year of kindness, tolerance, and authenticity.

Guidance for a Better Year Ahead

1. Spread Love Like Confetti

Imagine a world where love is the language we all speak. In the new year, let's make a conscious effort to spread love wherever we go. Whether it's a smile to a stranger, a kind word to a friend, or a small act of generosity, the ripple effect of love can create a chain reaction of positivity.

2. Practice Random Acts of Kindness

Kindness doesn't always require grand gestures; sometimes, the little things make the most significant impact. Consider doing random acts of kindness, like paying for someone's coffee, leaving an uplifting note, or offering a helping hand to those in need. These small acts can create a brighter, more compassionate world.

3. Cultivate Tolerance and Understanding

Tolerance is a cornerstone of harmonious living in a diverse and interconnected world. Let's make a commitment to embrace and celebrate our differences. Engage in conversations that promote understanding, listen actively, and seek common ground. By fostering tolerance, we build bridges that connect us rather than walls that divide.

4. Nurture Authentic Connections

In the age of social media, authenticity can sometimes take a backseat. This year, let's prioritize genuine connections. Be true to yourself, share your stories, and listen to others without judgment. Authenticity fosters a sense of trust and understanding, paving the way for meaningful relationships. 

5. Celebrate Diversity

Our world is a tapestry of cultures, beliefs, and perspectives. Instead of focusing on our differences, let's celebrate the rich tapestry of diversity that makes life vibrant and interesting. Engage with people from various backgrounds, learn about their traditions, and find common ground that unites us all.

6. Practice Gratitude Daily

Gratitude has the power to transform our outlook on life. Take a moment each day to reflect on the things you're grateful for. It could be the warmth of the sun, the company of loved ones, or the simple joys of everyday life. Cultivating gratitude can bring a sense of contentment and positivity.

7. Set Authentic Goals

As you embark on the journey of a new year, set goals that align with your true self. Choose goals that resonate with your values, whether personal development, career aspirations, or health and well-being. Authentic goals are more likely to inspire and motivate you throughout the year.

As we enter 2024, let's carry the spirit of kindness, tolerance, and authenticity into a world trying to pull people apart. 

By making conscious choices to spread love, celebrate diversity, and cultivate genuine connections, we can create a world that reflects the best in all of us. Here's to a new year filled with positivity, growth, and the beauty of authentic living.

Have a Happy New Year,  Where Love Wins <3

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Sunday, January 8, 2023

A Review of 20 Ways to Improve Your Life in the New Year

A Review of 20 Ways to Improve Your Life in the New Year

The start of a new year is a time for reflection and resolution. It's a chance to take stock of your life and think about how you'd like to improve. Whether you're looking to get in shape, advance your career, or simply be a better person, there are many good reasons to focus on bettering yourself in the new year. 

In this article, we'll explore 20 ways you can self-improve. 

So if you're ready to make the most of the new year and take your personal development to the next level, read on!

20 Different Ways to Improve Your Life:

  1. Set specific, achievable goals for yourself. This will give you something concrete to work towards, and the sense of accomplishment you'll feel when you reach your goals can be very motivating.

  2. Make time for self-care. This could mean setting aside time for relaxation and hobbies, exercising regularly, or getting enough sleep. Taking care of yourself will help you feel better physically and mentally and give you more energy to tackle your goals.

  3. Seek out new experiences and opportunities. Trying new things can help you learn and grow and can be a lot of fun.

  4. Focus on developing healthy habits. This could include eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, or practicing good hygiene.

  5. Work on building solid relationships. This could mean spending quality time with loved ones, volunteering, or simply being there for others when they need support.

  6. Find ways to reduce stress and manage your time more effectively. This could involve simplifying your schedule, setting boundaries, or learning stress management techniques like meditation or deep breathing.

  7. Reflect on your values and priorities, and make sure that your actions align with them. This can help you feel more fulfilled and purposeful.

  8. Consider seeking out opportunities for personal and professional growth. This could include taking classes, getting a certification, or seeking a new job or career path.

  9. Learn a new skill or hobby. This could be something practical, like cooking or coding, or something creative, like painting or writing.

  10. Practice gratitude. Take a few minutes each day to reflect on the things you are grateful for. This can help you focus on the positive aspects of your life and cultivate a more positive outlook.

  11. Take care of your physical health. This could involve getting regular check-ups, exercising regularly, and eating a healthy diet.

  12. Practice forgiveness. Let go of grudges and try to see things from the perspective of others. This can help you move on from negative experiences and build stronger relationships.

  13. Seek out opportunities for personal growth and self-discovery. This could involve therapy, journaling, or simply reflecting on your thoughts and feelings.

  14. Volunteer your time or resources to help others. This can be a rewarding way to give back and positively impact your community.

  15. Get organized. Take the time to declutter your space and create systems for managing your time and tasks. This can help you feel more in control and reduce stress.

  16. Practice mindfulness. This could involve meditation, yoga, or simply taking a few minutes each day to focus on your breath and the present moment.

  17. Find ways to reduce your environmental impact. This could involve reducing your energy consumption, using reusable bags and containers, or reducing your use of single-use plastics.

  18. Learn a new language or take a course to improve your language skills. This can be a fun and rewarding way to challenge yourself and expand your horizons.

  19. Make an effort to be more present and attentive in your relationships. This could involve putting away your phone when you're with others, actively listening when someone is speaking, and showing appreciation for the people in your life.

  20. Set aside time for relaxation and enjoyment. This could involve hobbies, reading, or simply taking a few minutes each day to do something you enjoy. Taking breaks and relaxing can help you recharge and be more productive in the long run.

In conclusion, focusing on self-improvement in the new year can bring many benefits. It can help you achieve your goals, feel more fulfilled and purposeful, and build stronger relationships. It can also help you reduce stress, improve your physical and mental health, and feel more confident and capable. 

Consider setting specific, achievable goals, seeking new experiences and opportunities, and developing healthy habits. 

With a little effort and commitment, you can make the new year a time of growth and progress.

Happy New Year!

P.S. I've decided to be saucy about this year's resolution. 

My resolution: "Learn how to fold a fitted sheet." That's it. That's all. It's brief and achievable. :)

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Sunday, January 1, 2023

Happy New Year from The Contributors of ReviewThisReviews

Happy New Year 2023
Happy New Year - 2023!

Happy New Year to You and Yours

On behalf of ReviewThisReviews, we send you positive energy and all the ingredients needed for a balanced life in 2023. Body, mind, and spirit!

The year 2022 is officially in the books. Historians have compiled their notes for future generations; some hearts have been fulfilled, while others have been broken.

Whatever your story, we're sending you a bright light of hope for a peace-filled 2023.

A Quote for the New Year:

"For last year's words belong to last year's language, and next year's words await another voice" - T.S. Eliot, Four Quartets

 May You Tackle Life with Hope and Bravery - Here's a little musical inspiration:

"Say what you wanna say, and let the words fall out, honestly, I wanna see you be brave with what you want to say and let the words fall out..." A Song by Sara Bareilles


With kindness, hope, and love as your guide, let this year be a year of bravery, strength, faith, and grace ... for all of us.

Happy 2023!

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Sunday, December 29, 2019

2020 is Body, Mind, and Spirit - Complete Life Balance, A Personal Commitment

2020 - Body, Mind, Spirit

Have you decided upon a new year's resolution for 2020? Do you prefer to avoid making one? When you review 2019 for you or your family, how does it rate?

2019 has been a challenging year for our family, and I know for many others. I'm looking forward to putting this year behind me.

I've made a resolution that I'd like to share here. It's about balance, but it's not about work-play balance. The balance I'm seeking is to nurse all three of these aspects in my life carefully.

Body, Mind, Spirit
Sounds corny right?

Not to me, not at this stage in my life. I've neglected my spirit. Even though it seems like I'm in a state of constant prayer, I still feel I haven't been feeding my soul properly.

The section on Spirit isn't meant to be about religion; I'm simply sharing what I do to expand my soul. However, whether you believe in God, a higher power, regardless of faith, or are a non-believer, we can all connect with our inner self, and free our minds with a little spiritual exercise.

I'm not an overtly religious person, but I do feel connected to a world beyond this one. It doesn't matter whether we feel that or not, what matters is that we make an effort to deepen our connection with humanity.

How I Personally Exercise Mind, Body & Spirit

The Mind

This one is pretty easy for most of us.

Chances are if you're reading this, you spend time online and probably have a blog, website, work for a company, or go to school. Just the amount of reading and learning we do to stay up-to-date with the above can give our mind a workout.

Most of my mind exercise comes from online reading. It seems I'm in a constant state of learning. If you're not online enough to be learning that way, then, of course, there are the usual, crosswords,  puzzle books, reading actual books and best of all, stimulating, productive and positive conversations with friends.

The Body

We all know that respecting our bodies can be pretty tough at times.

Eating healthy, exercise, and keeping ourselves free of substances not prescribed by a doctor are the common areas to focus on.

Personally, for health reasons, I made significant changes with my body in 2019. I decided to try the Keto Diet. I hate calling it a diet because, for me, it's not - it's a way of eating. I started May 4, 2019, and to date have lost 50 pounds; another 25, and I'm at my goal.  Anyway, I won't get into all the details of Keto; that isn't my point, taking control of my health is.

Sometimes caring for our body means relaxing more, enjoying ourselves more, and if we're healthy, merely being happy with the body we have.

The Spirit

In 2019 I did focus fairly successfully on Mind and Body, but I neglected spirit.

I started around December 12th, 2019, to do the soul work I should have been doing all year. The work I do is more than prayer. You can use the general concepts I use and convert them to fit your belief system. It's never my intention to push religion on anyone. I'm merely sharing the way I personally enhance inner-peace.

At night, a lot of people listen to meditation tapes, music, and audiobooks to fall asleep. If what you're doing is feeding your soul, keep doing that.

What I Do to Personally Feed My Soul

I was seeking a greater connection.

Six years ago, I came across a YouTube video Channel called Off The Left Eye. I had listened and followed them for several years, then life got in the way, and I drifted.

Off The Left Eye examines life through spirituality and faith, through the writings of Emanuel Swedenborg's (1668-1772 - Theologian, Scientist, Philosopher) personal experience with the afterlife.

Swedenborg was a famous scientist. After his otherworldly experience, he wrote ten thousand pages on his journey through the veil. Consequently, he was shunned by the scientific community of his day.

When I'm tucked in for bed, I listen to the videos featured by Off the Left Eye. Despite all of life's challenges, I do consider myself a peace-filled person. However, watching these videos expands my horizon and brings me to an even deeper level of understanding. Also, when I'm having a bad day, they're a must for rejuvenation.

These videos are erasing that persistent horrible feeling that another shoe is about to drop. I hate that feeling! I'm mastering its eradication with the help of these videos.

I love the metaphors that the Host, Curtis Childs uses; he has such a fun way of getting you to understand a concept that may seem too complex to grasp through Swedenborg's writing alone.

At any rate, for me, understanding the bigger picture is grounding. Letting God in, blocking out dark energy, and constantly praying (lol) makes for a happier me.

Whether you use music, quotes, other religious teachings, yoga, or meditation, it doesn't matter as all of it will feed the inner you.

Here's the very first video, from six years ago I tripped on by Off The Left Eye (It's a short inspirational summary of humanity):

Here's to a happy, healthy, and prosperous 2020. Happy New Year!

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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Happy Birthday Capricorn! Let's Review How Wonderful You Are

Happy Birthday, Capricorn - Dec 22 to January 20
The Goat

For the proud Capricorn, the Goat is not an acronym lol (greatest of all time - sorry!). If your birthday falls between December 22nd and January 20th, you were born under the sign of Capricorn. 

Since I'm a fan of astrology and often on the hunt for funky home decorating ideas, I've added a section on Funkthishouse called 'Astrology Home Decor.' Each astrology sign is featured with suggested home decor items for creating a zodiac-themed bedroom. 

When decorating a bedroom to reflect your astrology sign, don't restrict yourself to just the sign name and symbol. Each sign has several other aspects; lucky numbers, birthstone, your sign's lucky days, your ruling planet, your sign's element, and more. Here are some suggestions for Capricorn's room.

Capricorn: Practical, Realistic, Persistent, Disciplined, Intelligent, Caring, Analytical, and Organized.

Traits: Capricorns tend to be rule-followers and prefer systems and boundaries that are clearly defined. If you're looking for a fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants type, it's likely you won't find that trait in a Capricorn. 

Work: Preferring structure makes them ideal candidates to climb the corporate ladder. Whether they climb that ladder or not, they approach their profession seriously and with dedication.

Home: Capricorns are a bit fussy about their home and how it's presented. Hey, there's nothing wrong with that is there? 

Responsibilty: If your significant other is a Capricorn, they might be the banker of the family. Since they can be counted on to abide by structure and are detailed, the family finances are probably in good hands with a Capricorn. 

Love: In relationships, they're committed and will focus on doing what it takes with a partner they can count on. Since they prefer structure, a stable relationship that offers that has value to them.

Capricorn 2020

As one year ends and another begins, I visit my favorite Astrologer on YouTube, Kelly Rosano. She offers up fun and interesting videos for each sign. Her presentations are broken down in an easy to follow format. 

She's completed an annual 2020 summary for all twelve signs and also features a monthly summary for each. I'm a Leo, and I found her projections for 2020 to match almost everything I had been planning and thinking. Interesting!

Capricorn, if you're wondering how 2020 may look for you, check out Kelly Rosano's video below:

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Sunday, December 8, 2019

5 Inspirational Theme Songs for 2020

What is your life theme for 2020? 5 Life Theme Songs 

Last week I reviewed five inspirational quotes to carry you through 2020. This week's review is about musical inspiration.

Which one of these five areas in life do you feel you need to or want to focus on in 2020?


For me, strangely enough, for 2020, it's courage. It's strange because I've always been a doer, a person who steps-out, steps-up, and gets things accomplished. I've always had the courage to fight for others, and help them with their tasks and build their goals. However, if I'm honest with myself, my weakness is in fighting for my own goals. It's scary when you're only doing for yourself! To keep myself on track and accountable, I've created a specific plan and told most of my family what it is.

More than ever before, I'm feeling a sense of independence. I can't explain it, except to say that to complete my 2020 career-related goals, I need courage and the discipline to follow the plan I've laid out for myself.

Celine Dion's new song 'Courage' is about her new life without the love of her life, her husband, Rene, and the courage needed to step out of her own comfort zones. However, there are lyrics within the song that speaks to exactly how I feel:

"Courage, don't you dare fail me now,
I need you to keep away the doubts
I'm staring in the face of something new
You're all I got to hold on to
So, courage, don't you dare fail me now"


Whether you're trying to achieve a dream, accomplish a goal, or want to believe in the power of good, Rascal Flatt's Olympic Version of Unstoppable is your song. A few New Years ago, I wrote about this being a choice song to start fresh.

Belief gets us to where we're going. It's hard to hold onto, especially when things come crashing down around us. That's when we have to dig deeper, and believe that there's sun on the other side. Mastering self is the hardest battle we'll fight.

Belief for me begins with realizing that the only person I can control is myself. We can't change other people, we all know that, yet we spend so much mental energy trying to. Letting go, in my opinion, that's the road to self-belief.


Is 2020 all about holding onto hope? If so, you'll want to add Natasha Bedingfield's song 'Hope' to your new year's playlist.

Holding onto a positive outlook isn't always doable, that's why we have music. The right song, with the right message, can wake us up and help us see things from a different perspective.

My word is Hope. What's a personal word? It's the word that you choose to govern your life by. My children have even selected their own life words. I'm wearing a necklace with the word Hope written on it; it was a gift from one of my closest friends. I never take it off.


Is kindness your major theme for 2020? Are you planning to seek out more of it? Or are you going to lead by example and be the best person you can be? I imagine most of us think of ourselves as mostly kind anyway. Maybe resisting those moments we want to be unkind is a way to stretch that kindness goal a little further. Most of those tests are within families, and sometimes online.

If you're looking for a song for 2020 that can help stay within the margins of kindness, add Tim McGraw's gorgeous song, 'Humble and Kind' to your playlist.


Are you choosing 'Grateful' as your theme for 2020? Get the tissues out and listen to Josh Groban's song 'Thankful.' The lyrics remind us that each of us must find our truth and that it's so long overdue.

As we look into the face of those we love, and smile, we don't always grasp that, that alone is enough. Appreciating all that we have, it's as easy as that isn't it? Would you agree that understanding the concept of being grateful comes more into focus with age?

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Sunday, December 1, 2019

5 Inspirational Quotes to Carry With You Through 2020

5 Motivational Quotes to Carry with You Through 2020

Get ready for 2020 with a positive and productive mindset. We can't change the world, but we can control, change and work on ourselves. 

We can all agree that there will always be problems, heartache, and struggles. However, the cosmic duality of yin and yang dictates that the opposite is also true; life is filled with beauty, promise, joy, and love. 

Here are five inspiring quotes to put on the wall, fridge, or store in the notes section of your mobile phone, and carry with you through 2020.

1. "You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete." - by Buckminster Fuller, 1895-1983, American Architect, Inventor, Author, Designer, Futurist

This is currently my favorite quote. In fact, in my poetry book, "We Will Have Morning Smiles", I reference this quote on the closing page as a message to my own children. These days especially, this quote offers essential advice. When we're having an issue, no matter the nature of it, the best approach is to not focus on solving the issue but to think in terms of building a new path that makes the problem itself obsolete. 

2. "There are two wolves fighting inside all of us; one is evil, the second one is good. Which wolf will win? Answer: The one you feed. - Old Cherokee Saying

This comes from an old Cherokee story of a grandfather teaching his grandson that there is a battle going on within each of us. There's another analysis by the Cherokee grandfather offered and that is feeding them both keeps life balanced and one from overtaking the other. This interpretation says that if you feed them both, you avoid an internal struggle of one or the other working for your attention. You're balanced. I'm not sure how I feel about the second analysis but I do understand the point.  For 2020, feed the wolf seeking the good.

3. "You cannot swim for new horizons until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore" - by William Faulkner, 1897-1962, American Writer and Nobel Prize Laureate.

This is the ideal 'take-action' quote. If you've been holding back and feel a sense that it's time to get things accomplished, carry these words with you. Simply choose to break those chains, and in 2020 go for it. Personally speaking, this is my primary go-to quote for 2020.

4. "It's amazing how a little tomorrow can make up for a whole lot of yesterday." by John Guare, Born 1938, American Playright

When our day or life hasn't proceeded as we thought it could or should have, let's remember what this wise quote says; tomorrow is a new day, and anything is possible. Every day we wake up, is another chance. Let's take advantage of all 365 chances in 2020.

5. "Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom" - by Aristotle

Being honest with ourselves about who we are isn't always easy. Only we know the depths of who we are. One of the messages I've delivered to my kids over the years is that lying to yourself is the biggest lie. When we're not honest with ourselves, we only hurt ourselves.  When we've made mistakes, and we all have, we need to forgive ourselves, seek atonement, never repeat them, and move on. So simple, but many of us spin our wheels over this one. Let's make 2020 the year we stop spinning our wheels. You can read more about this approach in a poem I've written called Times Gift.

Let 2020 be your year.

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Sunday, December 31, 2017

Loading 2018 - Happy New Years Eve from ReviewThis

May you face 2018 with an unstoppable, focussed and determined attitude that brings you peace, success, and a ton of love.

As you celebrate, stay safe .... oh, and don't forget to keep climbing!

For a little motivation, listen to Rascal Flatt's 'Unstoppable' - And Remember it's Winter Olympic Season coming up, so whether you're watching the Olympics or participating, go for your dreams this year!

"You find your faith has been lost and shaken
You take back what's been taken
Get on your knees and dig down deep
You can do what you think is impossible
Keep on believing, don't give in
It'll come and make you whole again
It always will, it always does
Love is unstoppable"

Read More: Unstoppable by Rascal Flatts - And don't let anyone ever stop you from reaching your potential!

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Sunday, January 1, 2017

Happy New Year!

Good Cheer, Good Vibes, Good Health, and Good Fortune
Our Wishes for Your 2017!

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Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year

Christmas trees made of string lights

Happy New Year 
from the Staff of
Review This
May 2015 bring you a year of Peace and Joy!

Lights from Garden Glow

Missouri Botanical Garden

decorated tree

christmas trees

christmas lights

christmas lights

christmas lights

christmas lights

christmas tree

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