Sunday, January 1, 2017
Happy New Year!
Thursday, December 31, 2015
New Year's Resolutions and How to Keep Them
Reviewing New Year Resolutions
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Time to make your New Year's resolutions! |
When it comes to keeping resolutions, the secret lies in turning the resolution into a goal, making a plan, and keeping yourself motivated enough to stick with that plan. Let's talk about how to do all three.
1. Turn your resolution into a goal. Instead of "I resolve to lose weight this year," get more specific: "I will lose 10 pounds in the next three months." When you're specific, it's much easier to make a plan in order to reach the goal. And when the goal sounds reasonable, you're far less likely to become overwhelmed and quit before you ever get started. You may really want to lose 40 pounds this year, but that sounds so difficult! Losing 10 pounds sounds so much more doable, doesn't it? And when you reach that 10-pound weight loss goal at the end of three months, then repeat it in the next three months, then again and then one more time during the year, the 40 pounds you originally wanted to shed will be gone!
Is "exercise regularly" one of your resolutions? Get more specific than that. What kind of exercise? Have you thought about it? I'd suggest walking, the simplest exercise of all. Set a goal to work yourself up to 10,000 steps a day as quickly as possible and maintain that pace for the rest of the year. All you'll need is a pedometer, a calendar on which to record your progress, and a plan, which brings us to step two.
2. Make a plan to meet your goal. For the weight loss goal, you'll have to decide what you're going to do in order to lose those 10 pounds. My plan would be to simply eat less at each meal. That works best for me and probably will for you, too (seriously, you'll be amazed at what eating smaller portions can do for you). Plan, too, on eliminating all sugary drinks by substituting good, old-fashioned water. (Please avoid diet drinks with artificial sweeteners which actually stimulate your appetite.) Making just those two changes in your diet is a great plan, easy to stick with, and really will help you lose weight.
Plan: Add steps by taking your dog for regular walks. |
As you change the date each morning, read that day's entry purposefully, with the intent of learning something that will reinforce your positive mindset. Memorize, read aloud, and/or meditate on each day's message. Tape the calendar page to your mirror or put it on your refrigerator door where you'll see it often.
Apply the positivity you find each day to your own life and let that positivity motivate you towards your goals. And remember that with each page you pull off the calendar, you're that much closer to accomplishing what you've set out to do this year!
So tell me, have you made a resolution for 2017? What motivates you? Care to share? I'd love to read your comments below.
~ Susan
Read more of my reviews
"Almost Midnight" and "Dad and Dog" photos property Susan Deppner, all rights reserved
Posted by Susan Deppner

About the Author
Susan Deppner is a baby boomer, a cancer survivor, and a Southerner who believes in the Golden Rule. She enjoys writing about food, faith, and fitness; health, home, and holidays; people, places, pets, and patriotism, and more. Follow Susan on Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest.
Monday, December 28, 2015
New Year's Countdown!
It's Official! We are now on the Countdown to New Year's Eve!
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By Viscious-Speed [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons |
Traditionally it's a time to reflect on the year that has passed and look to the future and what 2016 will bring our way.
Now without a crystal ball, it will be difficult to figure out exactly what will happen in the year ahead, but with some foresight, we can make sure that certain possibilities do happen.
What do I mean? Well, let's just say that instead of trying to project what we hope will happen, how about we make sure by our actions, that changes we want see, actually do happen.
I'm talking about making changes in our lives that will actually result in some of our expectations coming to fruition.
For a good many writers, that will mean something like: making sure that you have your blogs in place for publishing when they are expected, especially if you belong to a group of writers! If you are running your own website, it means learning the skills to make that website successful. It will mean taking the time to learn and then put into practice those lessons that have been imparted to you.
It will also mean that you need to focus! Focus on what you wish to accomplish with your blog and/or your website. There are people out there who are doing what you wish to be doing and to that end, they are sharing their expertise, so that you can do this as well.
From personal experience I can also tell you that there are two ladies out there who have had years of experience and are sharing their knowledge with many bloggers and website builders. They have even shared how they earn make money, blogging and building their websites, from home. They offer courses in how to blog for money, build a website in a day, and how to learn to place affiliate links that will earn you an income, and all for reasonable investment. They are the real thing, and I can tell you from personal experience, there are many more out there who just want to hook you in and then let you sink! Not so with Pajama Affiliates!
Just as Review This is a site to find out all kinds of information, your website can be the place that people go to, when they are on the look out for the information, that you are sharing.
Learning how to rank your website and then properly doing the work to make sure that your website is optimized properly, will draw those people that are out there "searching" through the different search engines, like "google" or "yahoo", "ask" or "search".
Are you confused yet? If so, the best place to start is with someone who can help you make your site the best and be totally committed to helping you learn the "right" way to make this possible.
I joined and I have not regretted this for one moment. Lesley and Robin are there for you. Once you join, if you need help, they are there to help you along. Do you need more coaxing?
When you join the Pajama Affiliates group, not only do Lesley and Robin help you with any problems you might have, but the whole community of bloggers will help you with their knowledge as well. That is just one of the many perks of belonging to this group.
Your New Year's hopes and aspirations are waiting for you to make the first move. Get blogging and learn how to turn that into some extra income for you and your family.
Now I would like to wish you and your family a very Happy, Health and Prosperous New Year!
Let's meet back here and see how 2016 turned out!
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