Showing posts with label Holidays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Holidays. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Reviewing The Romantic Story Of Valentines Day Cards

White, pink and red roses

I love Valentines day and enjoy the romance and fun of it. My husband and I still celebrate it 
and while we do not generally do anything very expensive, often we go for a lovely walk and a coffee somewhere in the countryside or at the beach. Perhaps a picnic if the weather is good enough, occasionally a dinner out or we cook a delicious meal and we often watch a good film in the evening. 

Each year we buy or make each other a Valentines Day Card. We have kept all our cards to each other and over the years it has made a lovely nostalgic collection of our life together.

The history and traditions of valentine cards is interesting, though maybe the early history a little imprecise and seems to have started in ancient Rome.  There is some debate about who was St. Valentine with several  men competing for that title. However, according to some sources, the first Valentine card was sent by St. Valentine of Terni. He was a  Christian martyred in the 3rd Century, imprisoned for performing marriages, especially those of Roman Soldiers at a time when Emperor Claudius banned his soldiers from marrying so as to keep them battle ready and free from family obligations. 

He apparently wrote a farewell letter to the daughter of his jailer who he had befriended and healed. When he wrote the letter he signed it "your Valentine". Of course other versions of the Valentine story may well exist!

White and pink roses in soft focus

Valentine cards became more usual in the Middle Ages. This was a time when people began to celebrate  romantic love and courtship. Of the earliest valentine cards some were poems or songs written by famous poets, such as Geoffrey Chaucer and Charles d’OrlĂ©ans.

In the 18th and 19th centuries, valentine cards became more popular and people started to make them by hand, using paper adorned with lace, flowers and ribbons. Being handmade individually many of these cards were very expensive to produce and time consuming to make, often being very intricate and people must have had wonderful crafting skills.

Many declared messages of love as we would expect, but others were humorous or even surprisingly insulting!

I enjoy making Valentines cards from photographs of flowers and animals and nature in our garden and surrounding areas, some of which I have posted here. Most are messages of care and love. I have not made any insulting ones!

Here is one from made from a photograph of a gorgeous Labradoodle playfully and lovingly gazing up at us.

However, It wasn't until the late 18th century that the first printed valentine cards appeared in England but once they did they soon spread to other countries, especially the United States.

By the mid 19th century the penny post made it easier and cheaper to send Valentines cards. Gradually over time valentines cards became more accessible and less expensive to buy and send. 

Today it is again becoming more expensive to use the post to send cards and with the growth of digital communication we can now increasingly send messages and cards electronically via our technical devices. On most of my cards there is the option to have it as a printed card or downloadable to a device. 

This one is made from a gorgeous bouquet of very soft pink roses and delicate ferns.

I recall at school and University many Valentines cards were sent anonymously causing great intrigue and excitement as to who your secret admirer could be!

I think these days Valentines cards can be sent to someone you love or who you admire. However, depending on their content and picture they do not always have to be sent to a love interest, but rather to anyone who you care about and want to brighten their day.

I doubt St. Valentine of Terni could have imagined the development of Valentine cards as they are today!

Here is one made when we visited the beach and saw this "I Love U" inscribed on a rock! 

I wonder where Valentines day traditions will go in the future and whether young people will carry on the tradition or change and modify it. 

Today Valentine cards are still a kind and lovely way of expressing care, love and affection for special people in your life.

I thought these pale pink waterlilies were so beautiful sitting next to each other, so took a photo and made them into a Valentine day card. 

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Friday, February 2, 2024

Groundhogs aka Woodchucks and Groundhog Day, February 2 Reviewed

Punxsutawney Phil
Attribution: Anthony Quintano on
WikiMedia Commons CC By-SA 4.0 Deed
One of the most popular and recognized animals on earth is the famous groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil.  He is the little creature we all turn to on Groundhog Day each year to get our weather forecast.  

No one can deny this little fellow is adorable, especially when he declares spring is coming soon!  Of course, we still love him when he sees his shadow and predicts 6 more weeks of winter, but he just seems so much sweeter when he doesn't see his shadow and promises an early spring.

In spite of the fact that groundhogs have a lifespan of 6 years, Punxsutawney Phil has been making his weather predictions since 1886.  Yes, it is true (folklore)!  As the story goes, Phil drinks "groundhog punch" aka his "elixir of life" at the picnic each year, therefore he has lived a lot longer than the average groundhog life expectancy. 

The celebrated groundhog makes his appearance on Groundhog Day, February 2 each year, to give his prediction.  He only speaks to the current president of the Groundhog Club.  Then the president translates his "groundhogese" into English for the rest of us.  Personally, I blame the club president for disturbing this old fellow and not Phil when he declares, "you will have 6 more weeks of winter!"

Early Spring Has Been Predicted by Punxsutawney Phil for 2024!
Punxsutawney Phil Groundhog Day 2022 Pennsylvania (51858204001)
Anthony Quintano from Mount Laurel, United States, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons


Facts About Groundhogs

baby groundhog
Baby Groundhog
Attribution: LadyCamera, CC BY-SA 4.0,
via Wikimedia Commons

Groundhogs are members of the rodent family and are considered the largest squirrels in North America.  They have short legs and long, curved claws which allow them to burrow.  They prefer woodland areas, hedges, or open areas with plenty of ground coverage.  They can be found in the eastern parts of North America and southern Canada.

Groundhogs live alone.  Even a mother groundhog will send her babies on the way after a few months and reclaim her burrow for single occupancy. 

Groundhogs, also known as Woodchucks, eat twigs, bark, plant stems and leaves (not the seeds or blooms) and can live up to 6 years.  

An adult woodchuck will grow to approximately 2 feet and will weight somewhere between 5 - 11 lbs.

Groundhogs are one of the few animals that are true hibernators. They sleep all winter long, relying completely on their reserves of fat to stay alive. Their metabolism slows down to a fraction of normal levels to ensure their survival.   Most hibernators wake up to find food or urinate, but groundhogs don't even do that.

When threatened, groundhogs will make a shrill sound which is why they also have the nickname of whistlepigs.


to Read about More Beautiful and Endangered Animals!

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Groundhogs aka Woodchucks and Groundhog Day, February 2 Review Written by:
House of Sylvestermouse

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, December 31, 2023

Embracing the New Year 2024: A Journey of Kindness, Tolerance, and Authenticity

Embracing the New Year: A Journey of Kindness, Tolerance, and Authenticity

As we bid farewell to the old and welcome the new, the upcoming year, 2024, holds the promise of a fresh start—a canvas waiting for us to paint our stories of growth, joy, and, hopefully, positive change. 

In the spirit of moving forward and embracing the opportunities that lie ahead, let's explore some simple yet powerful ways we can make 2024 a year of kindness, tolerance, and authenticity.

Guidance for a Better Year Ahead

1. Spread Love Like Confetti

Imagine a world where love is the language we all speak. In the new year, let's make a conscious effort to spread love wherever we go. Whether it's a smile to a stranger, a kind word to a friend, or a small act of generosity, the ripple effect of love can create a chain reaction of positivity.

2. Practice Random Acts of Kindness

Kindness doesn't always require grand gestures; sometimes, the little things make the most significant impact. Consider doing random acts of kindness, like paying for someone's coffee, leaving an uplifting note, or offering a helping hand to those in need. These small acts can create a brighter, more compassionate world.

3. Cultivate Tolerance and Understanding

Tolerance is a cornerstone of harmonious living in a diverse and interconnected world. Let's make a commitment to embrace and celebrate our differences. Engage in conversations that promote understanding, listen actively, and seek common ground. By fostering tolerance, we build bridges that connect us rather than walls that divide.

4. Nurture Authentic Connections

In the age of social media, authenticity can sometimes take a backseat. This year, let's prioritize genuine connections. Be true to yourself, share your stories, and listen to others without judgment. Authenticity fosters a sense of trust and understanding, paving the way for meaningful relationships. 

5. Celebrate Diversity

Our world is a tapestry of cultures, beliefs, and perspectives. Instead of focusing on our differences, let's celebrate the rich tapestry of diversity that makes life vibrant and interesting. Engage with people from various backgrounds, learn about their traditions, and find common ground that unites us all.

6. Practice Gratitude Daily

Gratitude has the power to transform our outlook on life. Take a moment each day to reflect on the things you're grateful for. It could be the warmth of the sun, the company of loved ones, or the simple joys of everyday life. Cultivating gratitude can bring a sense of contentment and positivity.

7. Set Authentic Goals

As you embark on the journey of a new year, set goals that align with your true self. Choose goals that resonate with your values, whether personal development, career aspirations, or health and well-being. Authentic goals are more likely to inspire and motivate you throughout the year.

As we enter 2024, let's carry the spirit of kindness, tolerance, and authenticity into a world trying to pull people apart. 

By making conscious choices to spread love, celebrate diversity, and cultivate genuine connections, we can create a world that reflects the best in all of us. Here's to a new year filled with positivity, growth, and the beauty of authentic living.

Have a Happy New Year,  Where Love Wins <3

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Embracing the Magic of the Season with Compassion

Embracing the Magic of the Season with Compassion

As winter's chill wraps the world in a cozy embrace, some hearts are filled with warmth and joy as we gather to celebrate the most magical time of the year. Let's remember all aspects of this time of year: the good, the happy, the sad, and the lost.

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas

The air is filled with the sweet melodies of carols, and the streets are adorned with twinkling lights, creating a festive atmosphere that warms even the coldest of nights. It's a season of love, laughter, and the simple pleasures that can make life truly special.

During this enchanting time, families come together, creating cherished memories that will be fondly remembered for years. 

Whether it's sharing a cup of hot cocoa by the fireplace, decorating the tree with ornaments collected over the years, or simply relishing in the company of loved ones, the holidays remind us of the importance of connection and the joy of togetherness. 

Let's take a moment to appreciate the love surrounding us and express gratitude for the bonds that make life meaningful.

Amidst the hustle and bustle of holiday preparations, let's remember the spirit of giving and generosity. The joy derived from sharing our blessings with others is immeasurable. 

Whether donating to a local charity, volunteering at a community event, or simply extending a helping hand to those in need, the true magic of the season lies in spreading kindness and goodwill.

 May this season inspire us to be more compassionate, and may the ripple effect of our actions create a wave of positivity that extends far beyond the holidays.

The Holiday Season can be a Challenging Time for Some

Yet, amid the merriment, let us pause to acknowledge that the holidays can be challenging for some. While many of us are surrounded by the love of family and friends, some may be grappling with loss, loneliness, or difficult circumstances. 

Let us extend our hearts and minds to those who find this season a poignant reminder of their struggles. 

Amid our celebrations, let's remember to reach out with empathy and kindness to uplift those experiencing a difficult time. This can be done by sharing time, prayers, money, gifts, or a helping hand.

Farewell to Another Trip Around the Sun

As we bid farewell to another year and welcome the promise of new beginnings, let's carry the warmth and goodwill of the holiday season into the days ahead. 

May the coming year be filled with love, laughter, and endless possibilities. 

May the season's spirit linger in our hearts, guiding us to a future filled with joy, prosperity, and the magic that makes life truly extraordinary. 

Cheers to a season of love, laughter, and the joyous celebration of life's beautiful moments, mindful of those needing an extra dose of kindness during this time.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to You đź’—

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Embracing the True Spirit of Christmas through Acts of Kindness

Embracing the True Spirit of Christmas through Acts of Kindness

The holiday season is a time of joy, togetherness, and reflection. However, it's not always a joyous time for some, so anything we can do to help lessen someone's burden is ultimately the truest gift (in my humble opinion).

As we immerse ourselves in the festivities, it's essential to remember the true spirit of Christmas, which extends far beyond glittering decorations and festive feasts. 

At its core, Christmas embodies the values of compassion, generosity, and kindness. Amid the hustle and bustle, let us pause to rediscover the essence of this magical season.

The True Spirit of Christmas

Amidst the exchanging of gifts and the twinkling lights, the true spirit of Christmas is really about our acts of kindness, no matter how small.

It's about selflessness and a genuine desire to bring joy to others. Embracing this spirit can transform the holiday season into a meaningful and fulfilling experience. As we navigate the celebrations, let us prioritize the well-being and happiness of those around us.

Acts of Kindness

  • Random Acts of Kindness: Surprise someone with a small, unexpected act of kindness, whether paying for a stranger's coffee or leaving an uplifting note for a neighbor.
  • Volunteer Opportunities: Consider spending some time volunteering at local charities or shelters. Your presence and assistance can make a significant impact on those less fortunate.
  • Donate to a Cause: Donate to a charity or cause that aligns with your values instead of focusing solely on material gifts. This supports important initiatives and instills a sense of purpose in your celebrations. Donating that extra two dollars at the store is also a kind gesture.
  • Helping Hand: Offer assistance to friends or family members who may be struggling during the holiday season. Whether running errands or providing emotional support, your help can be a lifeline. Sometimes, listening to a friend and conversing with family while you spend time together is a helping hand.

Personal Reflection

As we engage in acts of kindness, we reflect on our blessings and privileges. 

Christmas is an opportune time to acknowledge and appreciate what we have while actively working towards making a positive difference in the lives of others. By fostering a culture of kindness, we contribute to a world that reflects the season's true spirit.


Let's maintain sight of the genuine warmth of acts of kindness. This Christmas, let's collectively embrace the season's true spirit by spreading joy, practicing compassion, and fostering a sense of community. 

In doing so, we not only enrich the lives of others but also create lasting memories that truly capture the essence of Christmas.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all. 

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

A Review of The Christmas Tree And Traditions

Christmas Tree

One of the traditions I love is putting up and decorating the Christmas tree which we usually do in the second week or December. We usually play Christmas music and for us it feels like the beginning of Christmas! Closer to Christmas we put the presents under the tree. 

Our local towns and cities usually have a Christmas tree displayed somewhere central which look beautiful.

A Minster local to us holds a Christmas Tree celebration each December where all the local charities put up and decorate a Christmas tree in unique and traditional ways in the Minster. People visit and the money raised goes to the charities. It is a wonderful way of raising awareness for the charities, seeing beautiful decorations and having fun for all the family!

Every year an enormous Norwegian Fir tree is cut down in Norway and shipped to London UK to be proudly displayed as the Christmas tree in Trafalgar Square. This has been a tradition since 1947 when Norway has thanked Britain for its support during the Second World War. 

Whether its a real tree or an artificial one for many of us it is the centrepiece of Christmas decorating in our homes and a really fun part of Christmas for adults and children alike. 

Presents under the Christmas tree

History Of The Christmas Tree

The Christmas tree has become a mainstay of the festive season, but it is not a new decoration. Its origins date back a long time when the tradition of bringing evergreen trees or branches into the home in winter can be traced all the way back to cultures such as the Vikings, Romans and  Egyptians.

These civilizations viewed evergreen trees as symbols of life and rebirth, and brought them indoors to ward off evil spirits during the winter solstice. They also served as a reminder during the depths of winter, of the life of Spring to come. 

However, the modern Christmas tree as we know it today has its origins in Germany.

Decorating a tree with ornaments, garlands and candles became popular in the 16th century and became a tradition in Europe and beyond. 

The Christmas tree was introduced to England in the 19th century. Queen Victoria's German husband, Prince Albert, brought the tradition with him to the royal court. Once people saw the Royal family with a Christmas Tree people aspired to have one for themselves. 

In America, the Christmas tree tradition was popularized by German immigrants in the 19th century.

By the early 20th century, the Christmas tree had become a firm favourite and treasured symbol of the festive season and it remains a beloved tradition for many people.

Decorated Christmas Tree

Christmas Trees In All Shapes, Sizes And Decor.

Some of us choose large trees, some small. Some people like a modern tree which may be made of wood or metal, a pre lit bare branched tree, or a full branched traditional one either green or snowy to name a few.

They can be small, large, real ones chosen from the fields or artificial and pre lit or not. They can be decorated with all manner of items from real pine cones to baubles, family pieces and handmade crafted items and lights which can be bright white, soft gold or colours. 

Some ornaments are handed down through generations, or new ones bought each year. 

We still have Christmas baubles and tinsel handed down to me from my parents which we display every year and we occasionally add to our collection. 

Close up of decorations on the Christmas tree

People site their Christmas trees in different places. For many it will have pride of place in the main living room, others may have it in the entrance hallway or in the dining room and some may have a couple of trees, maybe a main large one then a smaller table top one. 

A Christmas tree can be decorated in traditional red and green, or golds, bronze, pinks, silver and white or really anything you choose! 

Some people like it decorated in a restrained way while for others no amount of decoration is too much. 

Some people let their children decorate it in any way they wish, while others have a strict theme.

Its really anything you and your family desire and makes you happy! We love ours especially in the cold, dark winter evenings when the golden lights twinkle and it is just a really pretty, cosy look to our main living room. 


So in this way the Christmas tree whether real or artificial has evolved over time from a symbol of life and rebirth, to a cherished holiday tradition for Christmas celebrations. It is certainly a key part of our Christmas traditions and we love it ! 

Love to hear which Christmas Tree you choose for your home and how you decorate it!  

Wishing You Happy Christmas!!

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Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, December 10, 2023

10 Ways to Decorate for Christmas That Won't Cost a Fortune

10 Ways to Decorate for Christmas that Won't Cost a Fortune

Tis the season to turn our homes into a festive haven, and below are ten suggestions on how to do it without burning a hole in your wallet. You don't need a fat bank account to make your space feel like a winter wonderland.

Ten Affordable Ways to Decorate for Christmas:

1. Use Mother Nature:

Grab some pinecones, twigs, and evergreen branches from your backyard or a local park. Arrange them in vases or create a rustic centerpiece for your dining table. It's like bringing some of the outdoors inside, and it won't cost you a dime.

2. Paper Snowflake Throwback:

I remember making paper snowflakes as a kid. Well, it's time to revive that tradition. All you need is some plain white paper and a bit of folding and cutting. Hang these delicate creations around your place for an instant touch of winter charm. All you have to do is google "how to make a paper snowflake," and you'll see instructional videos come up - or go straight to YouTube with that search.

3. Crafty Ornaments:

Get your DIY on by making your own Christmas ornaments. Raid your stash for old fabric, buttons, or whatever you've got. Personalized and budget-friendly – that's the way to go. Again, a YouTube search for "how to make crafty Christmas ornaments" will return some creative ideas.

4. Twinkle Lights Galore:

Who can resist the cozy glow of string lights? Drape them around your windows, toss them in glass jars or vases (I do this), or get artsy and wrap them around lamps. You'll find many choices on Amazon when you search for "string lights." Notice that many are battery operated - you can always use small LED Christmas lights if where you place them is near a plug outlet. I have a collection of both battery and plug-in lights to put anywhere. 

5. Upcycled Decor Delight:

Give your existing decor a festive facelift by getting creative. Add ribbons, bows, or small ornaments to everyday items like candles or vases. It's amazing what a little repurposing can do. Easy peasy!

6. DIY Wreath Extravaganza:

Greet your guests with a homemade wreath on the front door. Collect branches and pinecones, or even repurpose some old fabric to create a wreath without breaking the bank. I've never been into making a wreath, but I know many who love to do this. Collect what you can from outside and use extra bows and ribbons to deck it out further - you can even add small holiday decorations to the wreath.

7. Candlelit Magic:

Candles are your budget-friendly besties. Group them on a tray, add a touch of greenery, and boom – you've got a centerpiece for your table or mantle. The flickering flames set the perfect festive mood. Look at these real wax flameless candles that my friend Margaret uses and highly recommends.

8. Edible Elegance:

Why not combine decor with treats? Fill glass jars with colorful candies, hang candy canes on the tree, or create a gingerbread house centerpiece. It's a feast for the eyes and a treat for the taste buds. If you can find budget Christmas candy, this is a lovely way to bring the season into a room.

9. Personalized Stocking Fun:

Forget expensive stockings – make your own! Grab some old fabric or felt, or repurpose those worn-out sweaters. Add a personal touch with some embroidery, and you have stockings that tell your family's unique story.

10. Printable Cheer:

Spruce up your walls with downloadable festive art. Print and frame holiday quotes or whimsical illustrations. It's an affordable way to bring the holiday spirit to every corner of your home. You'll find many places to print free art for personal use online. Simply do a Google search for it, and many options will pop up.

In a nutshell, transforming your home into a holiday haven doesn't have to break the bank. With a dash of imagination and a sprinkle of holiday magic, you can create a warm and inviting atmosphere that captures the true spirit of Christmas. 

Merry Christmas!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Genuine Wax Flameless Candles — An Elegant Gift Everyone Will Love

One of my favorite gifts to give or receive is genuine wax flameless candles with a lovely, flickering "flame," a timer, and a remote control that lets me "light" them or "blow them out" from across the room at the touch of a button.

When flameless wax candles first came out, the quality of the "flame" from most manufacturers was pretty poor. Fortunately, the technology has improved and prices have come down a bit over the years. Now you can buy nice ones that are suitable for both gift-giving and home decor at moderate as well as premium prices.

Whether you buy a single flameless pillar candle, a pair of tapers, or a set of votives, they're sure to add beauty and timeless elegance to your home and be a gift that keeps on giving.

Gift and Decorate with Flameless Real Wax Candles
Flameless wax candles are elegant and safe to leave unattended.
My favorites also include a timer and remote control that let you "light" and "blow them out" from across the room.

Why Choose Flameless Candles?

Here are some of the qualities that make flameless candles appealing for both gifts and home decor, during the holidays and year-round.

Long-Lasting Beauty

These flameless candles let you enjoy the timeless beauty of genuine wax candles that never burn down. We have used ours frequently for many years with no end to our enjoyment in sight (unless we run out of batteries).

Flickering LED "Flame"

The flame on these LED flameless candles moves randomly to simulate the flicker of an open flame on a traditional wax candle. Close-up, of course, no one will mistake it for a real flame. However, from farther away, the "dancing flame" effect can be quite realistic.

No Drips

Unlike traditional candles with wicks, the wax body of these flameless candles remains at room temperature and won't melt or drip (unless you subject them to excessive heat). A grouping of pillars or some tapers make a lovely centerpiece that can't set your tablecloth on fire if they're accidentally knocked over while passing a serving dish. You could even use them on a finely finished antique wood table without fear of marring the surface.

No Smoke

Another advantage is that flameless candles are smoke-free. You can "burn" as many of these beautiful candles as your heart desires without worrying about setting off the smoke alarm! I love the look of candles everywhere, especially during the holidays.

Candlelight That's Safe for the Whole Family

Since there isn't an open flame, these flameless candles can be left unattended, unlike traditional wax candles. They're safe to leave on in your windows during the holidays. They provide a romantic glow in the bedroom, with no worries if you happen to fall asleep before turning them off.

They're also safe to use around children and pets.

Perfect for the Dark Winter Months

Here in New England, the winter months can be brutally cold and the sun sets quite early. We have flameless LED candles in nearly every room of our house, and during the winter we set them to turn on at dusk, so we never have to walk into a completely dark room. The LEDs draw very little power, so a set of batteries usually lasts us the whole winter and beyond.

Melted edge wax flameless pillar candles
Two of our Luminara flameless pillar candles with our set of three color-changing flameless pillars

Luminara Flameless Candles: Perfect for Gifting

There are many brands of flameless candles, and the quality can vary significantly. We've tried a few inexpensive brands and have mostly been disappointed. The brand we count on for consistently high quality is Luminara.

Luminara makes top-of-the-line flameless candles made of hand-poured paraffin wax. Most styles have a timer and a remote, and all are boxed for easy gift-giving.

The company offers a wide range of styles, from everyday essentials to specialty items like real birch flameless candles filled with paraffin wax (gorgeous for country or rustic home decor) and Christmas-themed styles.

Here are some of my favorites.

This set of three Luminara melted edge wax pillar candles is one of the company's best sellers. The graduated-height, 3-inch wide pillars are 4.5", 5.5" and 6.5" tall, respectively.

The included remote control operates all three candles. Even if you split them up and place them in three different locations, you can control each one with the same remote, which is very convenient.

These are unscented (although Luminara does make some scented styles), so they're ideal for someone who is sensitive to scents, has allergies, or prefers to use other home fragrance products such as potpourri or sprays.

These also come in a choice of colors. I think the burgundy is very festive for the holidays and would be great as an accent color in a mostly neutral decor palette, while ivory or white are more subtle and very elegant any time of year.

We own this set of three pillars in ivory as well as a tall pillar in a discontinued color (blue sage) that coordinates with our living room color scheme.

Another choice that will grace your or your gift recipient's dining table for years to come is this set of Luminara ivory flameless wax tapers.

Elegant wax tapers are a classic, timeless style for good reason. Classic elegance with the safety and convenience of a flameless "flame" is a win-win!

Measuring 1" wide by 9.75" high, these flameless tapers can be used in any standard taper candle holder. Even reheated leftovers can become a festive meal with these flickering beauties on the dining table.

Although these do not come with a remote control, they do have a timer function that allows them to turn on for 5 hours and then shut off automatically for 19 hours.

These flameless taper candles come in classic ivory as well as a variety of colors for a more contemporary style.

As with all Luminara candles, they come nicely boxed for easy gift-giving.

Another of my favorite flameless candle styles is this hand-poured Luminara wax pillar wrapped in genuine birch bark.

Every time I see one in a store I am tempted to add one to our collection. We bought one as a gift for my mother-in-law this Christmas and she loves it!

This is available in a selection of sizes including 3.5" x 4.5", 3.5" x 6.5", 4" x 5" and 4" x 7".

Just one of these is striking enough to make a statement in any room. Investing in a group of them in different sizes would make a real conversation-piece display!

The on/off switch on the bottom also has a timer setting.

Although this beautiful birch pillar doesn't come with a remote, it is compatible with Luminara's on/off remote, sold separately, which is well worth the extra money, in my opinion. We use our Luminara remotes all the time.

Color-Changing Flameless Candles

One of the best gifts I ever gave my husband was a set of three color-changing wax flameless candles. I prefer white Christmas lights and he prefers colored ones, and it was a big concession for him to go with white icicle lights along our roof and on our Christmas tree. So, one year I decided to give him a form of colored lights we both could enjoy: color-changing flameless candles.

These turned out to be an even bigger hit than I had hoped. I took a video of ours to show the color-changing effect, which was hard to capture on video and is MUCH prettier in person. (If you can't see the YouTube video below, you can access it via this link to my color-changing flameless candles video.)

In real life, the color changes are smooth and seamless, and the unsightly flickering of the image caused by the low-resolution video doesn't exist. I wish I could show just how beautiful these are in person!

The candles have an on/off switch and a remote control that allows you not only to turn the candles on and off but also to choose from a wide range of different colors or rotate through the colors, as shown in the video.

There is also a timer feature, which we use to automatically turn on the candles in our bedroom at dusk and turn off either 4 or 8 hours later, depending on the time of year (and how late dusk arrives).

The brand I purchased a couple of years ago is no longer available. However, I found a similar set with a subtle, elegant, tone-on-tone damask pattern in the wax shell that makes them even prettier, in my opinion.

If you want to splurge, Luminara also makes lovely color-changing pillars.

Don't Forget Batteries!

Whether you're buying these for yourself or as a gift, make sure to also buy the appropriate batteries for your candles and, if applicable, the remote control.

The set of three Luminara pillar candles, the smaller Luminara birch pillars, and the Luminara tapers take AA batteries. The larger Luminara birch pillars take D batteries. The remote takes a CR2025 button battery.

The three candles in the set of color-changing pillars I featured all run on AA batteries.

Beauty, long life, safety, and convenience — just some of the reasons to treat yourself and those on your gift list to some genuine wax flameless candles!

Genuine Wax Flameless Candles — An Elegant Gift Everyone Will Love by Margaret Schindel

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