Friday, July 22, 2016

Lyle, Lyle Crocodile ~ Review of the Book & Musical Video for Kids

Lyle is Like a Family Member

I would highly recommend Lyle, Lyle Crocodile to anyone!  You can read my review of the book and video here
When my children were preschool age and learning to read, I was always searching for good books for them.  Lyle, Lyle Crocodile was a favorite with both of my children.  We also purchased the video, Lyle, Lyle Crocodile: The House on East 88th Street, which quickly became a family favorite.  Even now when my children visit they will drag out Lyle and watch it again.  Sometimes they even sing along, which really entertains me.

It is also interesting to note that our entire family uses the name "Hector P. Valenti" as an expletive.   Hector is Lyle's original owner who returns to reclaim Lyle once he realizes he could make money by exploiting Lyle's talents.   Around our house it is not unusual to hear "Oh, Hector P. Valenti! "

When I was a young adult watching a musical like the Sound of Music, I used to say "That's so stupid!  People don't just break into song like that!"  Well, I am here to tell you, I have had to eat those words many times because we frequently break into song if someone is leaving with one of the songs from the video.  "Don't leave me now, I'll just die if you do. I'm trying to smile, but darn you Lyle, I would never leave you."

Because Lyles appeal has lasted over 20 years in our household, I would highly recommend the book and the video to anyone with or without a child.

Lyle, Lyle Crocodile ~ The Book

Written by Sylvestermouse

lyle lyle crocodile in the bathtub
Lyle, Lyle Crocodile
When the Primms move into their new home on East 88th Street in New York City, they are shocked to discover a crocodile living in their bathtub.  At first, they are not too thrilled to have this interloper, but it certainly doesn't take Lyle the Crocodile long to find his place in their hearts, their home and in their lives.

Lyle becomes young Joshua's best friend and even helps Joshua with is homework.  During the day, while Joshua is in school, Lyle browses through antique shops with Mrs. Primm.  This fun loving crocodile even dons an apron to help with the cooking and the house cleaning!

This book easily charms young readers with simple, comical illustrations.  After all, who wouldn't love a pet crocodile who cooks, sings and dances?

(Ages 4 to 8)

Lyle, Lyle Crocodile:  The House on East 88th Street Video

Written by Sylvestermouse

lyle lyle crocodile
In the video, we see a beautifully animated, musical version of Lyle come to life on the screen.  He sings, dances, cooks, and jumps rope with the neighborhood children.  All of his playful antics are true entertainment.

The children laugh and sing along with Lyle and the Primm's when they regale them with fun songs, crazy crocodile antics and a very heart warming story of love, friendship and true happiness.

Sadly, the video is much harder to find these days since it was released on VHS.  This is a scanned photo of our video cover so you know what to look for.

Lyle, Lyle Crocodile Musical Video is a fantastic & fun children's video!
Lyle, Lyle Crocodile Musical Video Photo

However, if you can find a copy, you really should get it immediately.  Lyle really comes to life on the screen!  The animated characters and the music is truly outstanding.  This is probably the best children's video I have ever seen. 

Occasionally, you may find a copy of the video on  You can click here to see if one is available now


Lyle Photos Used in this Review: Scanned from Book and Video Box Covers

Lyle, Lyle Crocodile Book & Musical Video Reviewed by:
House of Sylvestermouse

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Are Rope Tug Toys Good For a Dog's Teeth?

Will your dogs have healthier teeth if they play with rope tug toys? Evidence in our family says the answer is "yes."
Jacey shows off her healthy teeth
and beautiful smile.
Reviewing Rope Tug Toys for Dogs

It's sad when a young family member has problems with their teeth, even when that family member happens to be a beloved family pet. Case in point, as our gorgeous grandpup Adrian has aged (she's nine now) she's developed major problems with her teeth. Despite consuming treats meant to clean teeth, she's had an abscessed tooth and even had to have a few teeth pulled. These days she's scheduled for frequent doggy-dental checkups and cleanings to monitor her dental health.

Enter Jacey. She's our youngest grandpup, a gentle giant at 11 months, 120-plus pounds and still growing. Jacey has perfect teeth, beautiful and white with a pretty smile that matches her easy-going, happy disposition. And while Jacey is much younger than Adrian, our grandpups' mommy (daughter-in-law Mandy) insists that what has kept Jacey's teeth so white and healthy, and what she expects to keep those teeth healthy throughout Jacey's life, is her knotted-rope tug toys. These toys have always been her favorite, toys that she carries around with her and chews on frequently. Mandy believes that it's the flossing action of the rope as it's chewed that has kept Jacey's teeth so white, clean, and healthy.

Adrian never played with rope tug toys. Jacey always has. Guess which dog has healthy teeth.
Adrian, with her summer haircut, and Jacey,
hanging out on the deck.

Growing up, Adrian never really played with a rope tug toy (or a "tug flosser," as Mandy calls it). If Adrian had played with a tug flosser, would she be having the dental problems that she has now? Mandy believes that she would not and wishes after every expensive vet visit (doggy dental care isn't cheap) that Adrian had been raised playing with a rope tug toy, too, like her sister Jacey.

I've read articles that back up the theory that rope tug toys are very effective for cleaning a dog's teeth. Many manufacturers of rope toys for dogs make that claim as well.

dental knot for dogs

The makers of this Nylabone DuraToy Dental Knot rope tug toy recommend their toy specifically for your dog's dental health. While it's the design of the Nylabone that is made to clean a dog's teeth, the rope also serves as a flosser. It's even flavored with mint! Brush and floss daily. Good advice even for our pets.

kong bones for dogs
Have a puppy or a tiny breed? This little Kong Goodie Bone with rope would be an excellent product to try with your little dog. It's a great introduction to tugging as a game and a very good way to get your dog started with its own tug flosser in order to keep its teeth nice and clean. (Note that many people prefer the Kong brand because their products are made in the United States.)

There are many other rope tug toys or chew toys to choose from. Check out ValuePet's selection of dog rope toys. If you prefer just a rope tug toy that doesn't include a rubber or nylon chew toy with it, you might be able to find one for your dog at your local Walmart store. Or choose from Walmart's online selection of dog rope toys. Be sure to choose a toy in the size that best fits the dog. If she's a puppy, replace her small rope toy with a bigger one as she grows.

Are Rope Toys Safe for Dogs?

That's a good question, one that's important to address. The answer involves parental discretion and knowing your dog and its habits. While most of the time dogs do just fine with rope tug toys, I have read cases of dogs pulling out the thin strings that make up a rope, swallowing those strings, and facing serious issues within their digestive tracts as a result. Some have needed surgery; others have suffered even worse consequences. That's why, in our household, we don't use rope toys for our dog, Daisy. She loves to use her teeth to pull toys apart (especially if there's a squeaker involved) and is more likely than not to swallow the pieces. So we use extreme discretion when it comes to her toys. However, that's just Daisy and none of the dogs we've had in the past have had the issue of eating their toys.

I definitely plan on trying a rope tug toy for any dog that comes into our lives in the future, but I would only allow the dog, especially if it's a puppy, to chew on any new toy under strict supervision. That's advice I would recommend to any pet owner. Learn your dog's habits and choose toys accordingly.

Will your dogs have healthier teeth if they regularly play with rope tug toys? Probably. No one can guarantee it, but Mandy assures us that this method has worked for them and I believe it. It definitely could work for your dog, too.

~ Susan
Read more of my reviews here.

(Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article.)

Personal photos ©A. Deppner, all rights reserved

Jacey says, "Give your dogs rope tug toys to help maintain their healthy smiles."
Jacey says, "Give your dogs rope tug toys to help maintain their healthy smiles!"

Posted by Susan Deppner

Susan Deppner

About the Author

Susan Deppner is a baby boomer, a cancer survivor, and a Southerner who believes in the Golden Rule. She enjoys writing about food, faith, and fitness; health, home, and holidays; people, places, pets, and patriotism, and more. Follow Susan on Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

July 20, 1969 The Moon Landing a Review.

July 20, 1969, Where were you?

The 1960's were a history lesson for many, but for a lot of us, we lived it and remember it well. The early 1960's saw many changes that today are like a blip on the radar. Technology has advanced in leaps and bounds over the last 50 years. Many of us are still reeling at how fast our world has changed and is continuing to change.

moon landing - astronaut with us flag

In the early 1960's when John Kennedy was President of the USA, he declared that man would walk on the moon! The people reacted in one of two ways, either they were awed at the prospect or many thought he was crazy. Still on that day in July 1969, 600 million people world wide watched and listened as the first person set foot on the surface of the Moon.


What has happened since?

One thing that has not changed, even though it doesn't hold the mystery that it once did,and that is, that the Moon still shines at night and lightens the darkness. The phases haven't changed and the face that the moon shows us is still the same one that was there centuries before. Love poems are still written and lovers still gaze upwards. Walking hand in hand in the moonlight is still seen as romantic and lovely. Writings and quotes like, "I love you, to the moon and back" are still being whispered in loved one's ears.

What about us has changed since then?

Scientists and naturalists are still fascinated with the Moon, it's cycles and the effects that it has on our world. That we are still intrigued,  has never been denied and will probably never change. Why? Well because the moon does have an effect on our world that can be measured and seen. It has an effect on our climate, growing schedules, and even our animals are affected.  The changing tides still fascinate people all over the world.  We are all part of the great Cosmos.

So what's happening now?

Since 1969 and the success of the Moon Missions, scientist, physicists, and more from the world of academia, are now looking at the whole of Space with new and renewed vigor. Outer space has always been an area of mystery and speculation. But with all the technology we have at our fingertips today, we can make calculations and predictions, we can see into outer space with orbiting telescopes and find what is "out there".

 Our eyes have seen things we never imagined to be "out there" thanks to all of the emerging technologies that all started with the space program of the 1960's. Over the last 15 to 20 years we have made strides in understanding our solar system, we have sent probes and robots to Mars and seen the landscape up close and personal through the "eyes" of the Mars Rover. We have been able to picture the rings of Saturn and fly by the moons of Jupiter. All of these milestones don't make near the impact or impression today, as the landing on the Moon did in 1969. That is where everything started!

As Mr. Mark Sirangelo, Corporate Vice President for Space Systems, Sierra Nevada Corporation, speaking to the Senate Committee, re-iterated: "Space is multi-generational. One must respect and embrace the past as a key to the future. As my generation seeks to honor those who came before us by taking their achievements to the next level we must, at the same time, create the path forward for the next generation who, I am certain, will do amazing things that I can only imagine." (Status Report From: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation Posted: Wednesday, July 13, 2016)

"It's fairly well-known that technology developed by NASA scientists routinely makes its way into products developed in the robotics, computer hardware and software, nanotechnology, aeronautics, transportation and health care industries." (taken from Computerworld by Sharon Gaudin July, 2009)

Today we are using the technologies that have been developed for use in outer space, to make things better here on earth. Just the use of our lap tops, cell phones, and the ability to swipe our credit cards are all based on technology that was formulated for space exploration. We are able to help people with movement disorders, robotics to help people with mobility issues. Micro technology to help those with heart disease, nerve disorders, and a host of other discoveries. We look outside our solar system, but we also need to keep looking within and right here on earth, so that everyone can benefit from what we have learnt.

Where will all of this end? That's a good question and one that I'm not even going to try to figure out. One thing is certain, we need to keep learning about our world, and the space we inhabit, for everyone's benefit.

Picture from Pixaby, Astronaut Cernan, Apollo 17, Lunar Landing.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Reviewing A Denture Bath

A Must Have: Denture Case

Over the course of the last couple of months I have been going through the process of getting a denture to replace my upper teeth. As I did my research for the supplies that I would need once I had my denture it became apparent that a denture bath or case was an important item to possess. I looked at the different options both in the local stores and online. My selection was a Denture Bath with a basket.

The denture case had features that I felt were important and after having received a case from my dentist, I am so glad that I purchased the one that I did. I noticed that the denture bath is referred to as the European style which at first did not mean much to me. As I looked at the options, I decided that I liked that it was deeper than the other styles and that it is curved in on two sides with leaves plenty of room for the denture and water.

 I also liked that it has a removable basket! That may seem silly but now that I am using it, I am so very glad that I have it. The other styles of cases or baths would require either sticking your fingers into the cleaning solution to remove your denture or pouring the solution over your hand as you turn it upside down to get the denture out. That just seems kind of gross to me! After having soaked your denture in a cleaning bath that solution has all of the icky stuff from your mouth in it. I know, it came from my own mouth but it just seems yucky. With the denture bath that I purchased, I can just lift the basket out and rinse my denture and then place it into my mouth. I really like that!

The lid to this bath or case is not hinged and I believe that is a better design. The reviews that I read on the other styles of cases all complained about the hinges breaking after a couple of days. My husband said that he thought it would be better for travel to have the hinges. I disagreed with him. About the only reason that you would need the lid to stay on during travel is if you were going to carry liquid inside of it. I don't plan to travel with my denture in its case, it will be in my mouth. So, a hinged case is not necessary.

I am really happy with my choice of a denture bath. As I am adjusting to having a denture, I am finding that I use the bath several times a day. At night, after brushing my denture I place it in the bath with an effervescent tablet that kills bacteria that may have started to grow during the day. Once the tablet has worked for 5 minutes, I rinse off my denture and place it back into the bath in clear water to sit over night. During the day I brush my denture after meals and place the denture in the bath as I brush my real teeth on the lower part of my mouth. It is important to keep the denture wet and not let it dry out when it is not in your mouth.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, July 18, 2016

Arm & Hammer Ultra Max Antiperspirant Deodorant Review

Arm & Hammer
Why would I consider writing a review of a little thing like an antiperspirant? Because I found one that works great and I hadn't realized just how great until today.  Arm & Hammer Ultra Max solid antiperspirant deodorant does everything I want it to. And doesn't cause the problems I don't want happening under my arms.

Sweat in General

I am not a sweat expert. But after doing some research in an attempt to determine why Arm & Hammer Ultra Max works so well for me, I have found the following information:

  • sweat alone does not smell bad - it is the bacteria that joins it
  • deodorant and antiperspirant are two different things. deodorant is meant to mask or neutralize the odor and antiperspirant is meant to stop the sweat
  • menopause and pre-menopause can cause hot flashes and sweating
  • health issues such as smoking and being overweight are found to increases the severity of heat flashes (and sweating)

My Sweat Experience

I've always been the type that sweats a lot.  I like to sweat when I'm working out or doing physical labor. It makes me feel like I'm accomplishing something. And so refreshing to take a shower afterwards.  But the older I get, the more I sweat.  Even when I'm doing very little.  I imagine that is about my increasing age and weight.

I respond with keeping an antiperspirant or deodorant with me at home and at work.  I typically bought what was on sale. My only thought was to try to avoid many of the over-powering scents. Recently, I noted that I had - for the first time in my life - developed arm pit stains on my clothes! I was mortified and sad. I assumed it was just about my age. I accepted it as the new normal for me. 

The big news is that after switching to Arm & Hammer Ultra Max, the sweat stains are gone! The shirts that I had put aside, expecting to have to treat them again, were not stained. In addition to already having noticed that it seemed to work better at helping me feel drier and fresher, I have less work to do with my laundry.

Antiperspirants and Aluminum

Apparently, antiperspirants are considered to be more along the lines of a "drug" in that they change what your body does. Deodorants are considered to be along the lines of a cosmetic in that they just mask or neutralize the smell. With antiperspirants, aluminum is the active ingredient that helps stop the pores from sweating.  

Active ingredient - Aluminum 

In relation to stains, it is thought that the sweat mixed with aluminum is what causes the stains.  I am not sure if I fully believe that since I am familiar with folks whose sweat stains bed sheets. And I'm quite sure they aren't using antiperspirant on their entire body. But I am aware that whatever brand I grabbed from the shelf last time is what caused noticeable stains.

While Arm & Hammer Ultra Max contains aluminum I have no stains since starting to use this product. I guess I should according to reports on the internet. But I do not.  And all other factors are likely the same: same shirts, the heat of the summer continues, same diet, and etc. In fact, it has been very hot over this past week or two. All that has changed is the antiperspirant brand I am using.

What a great feeling to not have to spend extra time on my laundry today because I've found something that works well for me. That excitement is what caused me to consider sharing my good armpit news with you.

Photo courtesy of Pixabay - Creative Commons

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Use Funny Wine Glasses to Break the Ice

A Little Drinking Humor - Get it Via Amazon

More Funny Wine Glasses Here
Did You Know Your Dinnerware Can Provide Humor?

When you host a party where everyone knows each other, conversation and laughter generally come easy. 

However, where people aren't as familiar with each other, we generally use a variety of tools to break the ice.

Party tools normally include the standards such as games, music videos and dancing. However there's another creative way to generate conversation - hand your guest a drink in a funny wine glass.

There are a vast number of funny sayings that can be found on wine glasses, and some do include 'bad words' *gasp!*. But hey, if your crowd is into nasty humor, be sure to include these.

Here are just a few funny sayings you'll find on wine glasses...enjoy! - Find these Quotes on Wine Glasses Here
  • I do yoga, just kidding, I drink wine in yoga pants
  • 'Novinophobia' - The fear of running out of wine
  • It's not really drinking alone if the dog is home
  • Not every girl is made of sugar and spice and everything nice, I'm made of sarcasm, wine and everything fine
  • Some people just need a high five - in the face, with a chair.
  • Let's get ready to stumble
Get yourself a table filled with an assortment of funny of glasses, and let people pick the glass that best suits their personality.

As your guests begin to chat with each other, the wine glass becomes the ice breaker.

Have fun, now I'm craving wine!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Meet Lou16, Contributor on Review This!

Lou16, Louanne Cox, Review This! contributor
I was christened Louanne, but I've been writing online under the moniker of Lou16 for a number of years now.   I've met the other contributors with Review This! while writing for other sites and am excited to join the team here.

Let me tell you a little bit about myself...... I grew up in the south west of England and had a very happy childhood where I 'devoured' a book a day and yet still had plenty of time to play outside with all of my friends!   

I was a teen during the 80s which means I'm convinced that 80s music is the best!   In fact I think some may say I listen to too much 80s music as I've indoctrinated my teenage daughter.   Now she does complain when I'm playing one of  'mum's songs', but she knows all the words to a range of 80s songs so I feel like my work is complete!

When I was 19 I moved halfway around the world to New Zealand and a couple of years later I met a Kiwi who would become my hubby.   There were quite a few culture shocks in the move, but I did fall in love with the natural beauty that New Zealand has in bounds.   Ten years later, however I was about to emigrate again this time with my husband and not quite so far away.   

The Northern Territory of Australia was calling and so we started our Aussie adventure.   After 18 months we moved to Queensland, Australia and our daughter completed our family unit of 2 adults, 2 dogs and 1 baby.   We still live happily in Queensland and can't imagine moving, but never say never!

Despite living in Australia we still keep New Zealand in our hearts and I even have my very own Kiwiana Shop on Zazzle!

I discovered the internet and the potential to write online when my daughter was young and over a decade later I'm still loving the opportunities the internet has given us.

What will you see me writing about?   

So many things to review - Lou16 reviews
Louanne in thought c/o Lou's Designs
Now that is a hard question to answer as I have so many things I love to write about.  On my site I write about gift ideas, making money online, zombies and dolls.  I also have blogs on the 80s, cocktails, halloween and more.

I have a couple of sites on Christmas, my favorite being Christmas Tree Ideas and as I love Christmas I'm sure I'll be adding some Christmas articles on here.  I also enjoy fancy dress which is evident on my Everything Halloween site which has far more costume articles than anything else.

In the past I've written about Zazzle, photography, genealogy, my love of tea & chocolate and lots more.   In other words, you just never know what to expect!

I hope you enjoy my articles on Review This Reviews and that you find them helpful when you're trying to decide whether or not to get something.

My Top Articles on Review This

Just having a quick look at my top articles (at the time of writing) and you can see that they are all on totally different things!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, July 15, 2016

Review of the Book "Journey's End" - A Riveting Story

Gilded Promises Book Series
Journey's End book cover
Journey's End by Renee Ryan is one of those books that once you start reading it, you simply can't put it down until you have finished the entire book.  

I started this book after a very long and tiring day.  I was immediately drawn into the story and hated the idea of putting my Kindle down.  I kept drifting off to sleep and forcing myself to wake back up because I wanted to see what was going to happen next.  Needless to say, I finally gave in to sleep, but as soon as the morning light filtered through the window, I grabbed my Kindle and started reading again.  

Few books can keep me from my morning work, but I simply had to get back into the "pages" and join Caroline on her journey once again.

Brief Synopsis of Journey's End by Renee Ryan

                              Journey's End (Gilded Promises)                             The story begins with Caroline St. James disembarking from a ship that has just docked at Ellis Island.  At 22 years old, she set out from London, her home for her entire life, to avenge her mother's long-suffering and eventual death.  She plans to seek out the wealthy  grandfather who abandoned her mother and herself when they were in desperate need of help.  The one man who could have prevented an entire childhood of begging, stealing, and lying just to care for her sick mother.

With both of her parents dead, Caroline had no home or family, so there was absolutely nothing that could stand in the way of her planned vengeance.   She no longer had any loved ones who could be hurt by her actions.  She was determined that the old man would suffer for his callous disregard for the lives of his daughter and granddaughter.

Caroline changes her last name and ingratiates herself to her innocent cousin as a means to gain access to her grandfather.  She is thrilled when her cousin, Elizabeth, invites her to dine in her home.  She is so close to meeting the man who ruined her life and ensured the early death of her beloved mother by ignoring her repeated pleas for help.  

When she arrives in the doorway, all eyes fall on her and there is complete silence except for the shattering of glass.  She finds herself facing her aunt & uncle who clearly recognize her.  Actually, it is not her they recognize, but who she looks like.  For a moment, they believe she is her mother.  After all, they haven't seen her mother, Libby, since she herself was 19 yrs. old.  When her grandfather enters the room, he is shocked, yet clearly elated to see her.   When she tells him that her mother is dead, the man is devastated.  

Caroline soon realizes that her grandfather had not abandoned his daughter.  He knew nothing of her father's death and he had no idea he had a granddaughter.   He has not seen, nor had any word from his daughter since she disappeared in London while they were on a vacation.  That could only mean that someone in the household intercepted her mother's many letters and returned them unopened. 


That's as much as I am going to tell you!  If you wish to unravel the mystery and find out who was the villain, you will have to read Journey's End for yourself.

This Christian fiction book is more than just a mystery.  There is also a love story intertwined throughout the pages of this novel, but it is also more than just a love story.  The love, the loyalty, the deception, the betrayal are all a part of what makes this a wonderful book to read.

Journey's End Reviewed by:
House of Sylvestermouse

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Review of a Visit to Madison County Iowa

Cedar Bridge at Madison County Iowa photo by mbgphoto
Cedar Bridge
On a recent road trip to a wedding in Minneapolis, my husband and I decided to make a side trip to photograph the covered bridges in Madison County Iowa.  We decided to stay the night in the small town of Winterset and were pleasantly surprised with all it had to offer.  Not only were we able to visit six covered bridges, but we discovered a wonderful  museum in memory of John Wayne, a great little city park, several wineries in the area, and a delightful small town square.

John Wayne Birthplace and Museum


John Waynes Birthplace at Madison County Iowa photo by mbgphoto

The small little white home above was the birthplace of John Wayne. John Wayne began his life in Winterset in 1907.  His family lived in this small four room house just a few block off the town square.  The house is a square house with the entrance and front  porch built on one of the corners, which I think gives it a very interesting look.  We were able to take a tour of the house and a docent inside the house shared some stories about John Wayne.  John Wayne was named Marion Robert Morrison and only took on the name John Wayne when he went in to acting.  When Marion was a young boy his parents moved to California.  When he was about 10 years old he would walk with his dog Duke and some fireman at a local station knew the name of the dog was Duke but didn't know the boys name.  When he would walk by they would say here comes big Duke and little Duke.  Marion liked the name and convinced his parents to let him go by the name Duke in school.  The name stuck through the years.

John Wayne Museum at Madison County Iowa photo by mbgphoto

Here is a photo of my husband, a big John Wayne fan, sitting in front of the John Wayne museum.  We enjoyed our visit to the museum.  The museum is 6100 square feet and opened in Winterset in 2015.  It features a gift shop, a theater (where we watched a 10 minutes feature on the films of John Wayne) and a large room full of memorabilia from the movies and career of John Wayne.  It was interesting seeing things like the surrey that was in "A Quiet Man" and various shirts and uniforms that Wayne wore in different movies.

City Park Winterset


The city park in Winterset is 76 acres full of recreation opportunities.  It has picnic areas, a sand volleyball pit, a campground, a hedge maze and a place for recreational vehicles to park and hook up.  Inside the park is the Cutler-Donahoe covered bridge which is 79 feet long.  It was built in 1870.
Cutler-Donahoe covered bridge photo by mbgphoto

The Clark tower is also in the park. It is a castle like structure that you can climb for a view of the surrounding area.  A plaque on the tower says it is in memory of the Clark's, a pioneer couple in Madison county in the 1800's.  We drove up a winding road through the woods to reach the tower and I enjoyed climbing and photographing the tower.

Clark Tower in Madison County Iowa photo by mbgphoto

Another interesting feature in the park is this old stone bridge.  I photographed it from several angle's.  I later found out that it was used in a scene from the movie "The Bridges of Madison County"

Bridge in Madison County photo by mbgphoto

Bridges of Madison County


The winters can be rough in Iowa and hard on the bridges, so several of the bridges were covered to preserve the large flooring timbers.  It was more expensive to replace the floors than to build the sides and the tops of the bridges.  There are six covered bridges in Madison County that we visited.  I found them all to be rather similar, with a bit a variation in the length.

The bridge at the beginning of this article is Cedar Bridge. It can be seen on the cover of the novel "The Bridges of Madison County".  This bridge was originally built in 1883, but was destroyed by arson.  The photo I took is of the replica which was dedicated in 2004.

Hogback bridge photo by mbgphoto

The bridge above is the Hogback bridge.  It is located just north of Winterset and was first built in 1884.  It was renovated in 1992.  This bridge is 97 feet long.

Hogback bridge photo by mbgphoto

The Holliwell bridge above is the longest of the bridges at 122 feet.  It is featured in the movie "The Bridges of Madison County".

Imes Covered Bridge photo by mbgphoto

The Imes Covered Bridge was built in 1870.  It is just 81 feet in length and sits over a ravine near St. Charles, Iowa.  

The Roseman bridge photo by mbgphoto

The Roseman bridge was built in 1883 and renovated in 1992.  This bridge was featured in both the book and movie versions of "Bridges of Madison County".  I have read the book and seen the movie several years ago but now that I have visited the bridges I think I will check out the movie again.  The movie stars Clint Eastwood as a photographer who has gone to Madison County to photograph the bridges.  While there he falls for a local housewife who gives him directions to one of the bridges.

Visiting Winterset


My husband and I both enjoyed our visit to Winterset.  We stayed two nights in the local Super 8 motel.  The innkeeper at the hotel, Bill, was so friendly and helpful that he added to the enjoyment of our visit.  He was always ready with helpful hints and directions.  Winterset is located just 14 miles south of Des Moines Iowa off of Hwy 35.

Zazzle Products from my Photographs

Cedar Bridge Travel Mug
Cedar Bridge Travel Mug by mbgphoto
Design your own personal coffee mugs online at Zazzle.
Scenes from Madison County Iowa Calendar
Scenes from Madison County Iowa Calendar by mbgphoto
View other Covered bridges Calendars at

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Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Touching the Clouds by Bonnie Leon: A Book Review

The Wedding that Wasn't

We meet Kate Evans, protagonist of Touching the Clouds, on the day that was supposed to be her wedding day. A week before, she had told Richard, the man she was to marry, that she feels a need to move to Alaska to become a bush pilot. Richard is hurt and not ready to give up on marrying her. Her parents don't completely understand, either, and it's hard for Kate to explain. She likes Richard a lot. She doesn't enjoy hurting him. She just doesn't think she loves him enough to marry him.

Kate wants to get away from all that reminds her of the awful day she "killed" her best friend Alison. Kate was seventeen then. She had talked her friend into flying with her in her father's plane. The weather had been fine, with clear skies, when they started out. But when they got to Rimrock Lake it was foggy. She didn't turn back even though she knew she should. They had crashed into the lake, which sucked the plane down into the icy waters. For seven years Kate has blamed herself for Alison's death and is sure everyone else in town blames her, too. She want to go where  no one knows about the accident.

Touching the Clouds by Bonnie Leon: A Book Review
Image in Public Domain Edited with Text from Touching the Clouds by Bonnie Leon.
Created on

Right after the accident, she was afraid to fly again, but her dad, an excellent pilot who had taught her to fly, helped her to get back in a plane and resume flying once again. Now she is 25 and wants to do something she believes matters -- something more than just getting married and having babies. Her mother warns that she can't let her past rule her present.  She replies,

As long as I stay here, everything is about the past. I need to start over in a place where I can prove myself, a place where I'm free to live without shadows of that horrible day dogging me.
Now, as she's about to get into her Bellanca Pacemaker and head for Alaska, she leans against her father Bill -- the one who taught her to fly and has always understood her. Her feelings are mixed as she prepares to leave her parents and the apple farm in Yakima. The angry roar of Richard's truck as he left moments ago, after one last attempt to keep her home, still sticks in her mind. She wonders if she will regret her decision.

She climbs into the plane. Her father cranked it for her, she pulled on her helmet, and checked the gauges one last time, and took off. The year was 1935.

A New Life in Alaska

Touching the Clouds by Bonnie Leon: A Book Review
Chugach Mountains Near Anchorage from the Air,
Courtesy of Frank Kovalchek, CC 2.0 

When Kate landed in Anchorage, she spent the first night in a hotel she could not really afford. The next day she applied for a job at the local mercantile. She knew she probably wouldn't get a job as a pilot right away and meanwhile she would need to support herself.

When Albert Towns, the owner of the store, interviewed her, she admitted she really wanted to be a bush pilot, but recognized that probably would take some time. Albert and his wife Helen were OK with that, saying that if she found work as a pilot, she could work part-time around her flying hours. The couple also said she could stay in a room at the back of the store. The arrangement worked well for all of them. They became close friends.

One of the first customers Kate helped in the store was Paul Anderson, who lived in Bear Creek in a rather isolated cabin. He came to town a couple of times a year to stock up on supplies. He had come from San Francisco but no one knew much about why he came to Alaska. The reader learns his wife back home, Susan, had died. No one knew how he had earned his living in California. In Bear Creek he was trapping animals for their meat and fur.

The reader can sense that Paul finds Kate fascinating, and Kate admits to herself he is handsome and intriguing. One wonders if this is the beginning of a possible new romance.

When Paul learns that Kate wants to work as a pilot, he suggests she try the new airfield at Lake Spenard. She had already tried Merrill Field with no success. They didn't need any more pilots. Kate applies at Lake Spenard. Although the interview was tough, Sidney Schaefer tests her in the air, and hires her part-time for a mail run. The current pilot filling in for the mail run, Mike Conlin, was to train her the next Monday.

Kate Begins Taking Passengers

This is the terrain of  the Chugach Mountains Kate flew over near Anchorage. 

Kate soon got used to the mail run, and looked forward to giving people their mail, especially Paul and his neighbors -- Patrick and his wife Sassy and their daughter Lily. Paul felt uncomfortable with Lily because he knew Patrick and Sassy wanted him to marry her and he didn't want to. Sassy was always sending Lily over with food, or to help. Paul was polite, but he didn't want to encourage her.

Paul was fighting his attraction to Kate because he didn't want to give his heart away again.  Falling in love would make him vulnerable to hurt again. He knew Kate's work as a pilot was dangerous, and he could lose her, just as he'd lost his wife.

Kate proved herself capable on the mail run, and Sidney began to let her carry passengers. Her first opportunity was a rescue flight to check on hikers at McKinley Park who should have gotten in before the sun went down. She was called in  early morning to go search for them. She found them just before her fuel got low enough to necessitate turning back. That made her more sure than ever that she would not return to Washington and Richard, who was still writing and begging her to come back. She knew she belonged in Alaska, flying as a bush pilot, fulfilling her dreams.

Touching the Clouds by Bonnie Leon: A Book Review
Photo of Mt. McKinley Courtesy of  Pixabay

Kate got to play Santa Claus before Christmas. She flew to Kotzebue,  549 air miles northwest of Anchorage, to bring Christmas packages to that small town. She had made friends with the owner of the airfield Joe Turchick and his native wife Nena on her first visit. She had arrived on Halloween and Nena invited her to go trick or treating with her and her children. Since then she'd stayed overnight with them on her trips there. It was like her home away from home in Kotzebue.

Nena was afraid to fly. After the Christmas  trip, though, she asks if Kate will take her to visit her sister in Candle, who is about to have a baby. She overcomes her fear when she sees how beautiful it is to look down at the scenery. She decides she actually likes to fly.

Flying Wasn't All Fun

Most of Kate's trips were uneventful, but some passengers put her and everyone else on the plane at risk. It's hard to handle drunk hunters bigger than you are and fly a plane at the same time, especially when the drunkest one opens the door in the back of the plane . One woman lied about about how far her pregnancy had advanced and actually gave birth in the plane. Kate knew nothing about bringing babies into the world, but she had to find a place to land and deliver the baby.

Kate had many close calls. On one occasion she left on a mercy flight with a nurse to pick up a miner in Hatcher Pass who had fallen, was seriously injured, and needed to get to a hospital.  The weather conditions were so bad that Jack, the other pilot there on call refused to go and called Kate a fool for going.

Touching the Clouds by Bonnie Leon: A Book Review
Hatcher Pass Photo Courtesy of Dootsle20, CC 2.0

Kate wound up agreeing with him when after flying in the fog she discovered she was off course. Her compass was malfunctioning. She had to find a safe place to land and wait for the fog to clear. Meanwhile, everyone at home was worried. Unfortunately, when the fog cleared they found that the miner had died. None of the pilots could afford radios in their planes, so when  pilots had trouble, there was no way to contact anyone to report their locations.

After each close call, Mike, who was getting to be a close friend, comforted Kate. His interest in her was obvious. Paul's reaction to Kate's close calls was to withdraw.  One of Kate's fellow pilots, one of the best, crashed and did not survive. The loss hit Kate and the other pilots hard.

Nena finally made it to Anchorage. She had a wonderful time. As Kate was taking her back home to Kotzebue, they passed Mt. Susitna, also known as the "sleeping lady." Kate veered from the flight plan a little to give Nena a closer look. That's when Nena smelled something, and Kate saw a drop of oil on her windshield. Memories of Rimrock Lake came rushing back. Below is a photo of Mt. Susitna from Cook Inlet, the location Kate was flying over when this happened. You will have to read the book to find out what happens next.

Touching the Clouds by Bonnie Leon: A Book Review
BySanchom - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0aption, CC 3.0

A Decision to Make

The first decision, the one Kate had already made, was to stay in Alaska and fly. She had learned that she did not want to live an ordinary life. She had told Richard she would not be coming back to him. She knew he would not want to live in Alaska.

Kate had been dating Mike, her fellow pilot. He was protective of her and a good friend, but she did not think she was in love with him. She was eager to know Paul better, but although he sometimes seemed attracted to her, he would  keep withdrawing. They had some great experiences together, but then he would avoid her again. She knew she was attracted to him.

She is pretty sure Mike wants to marry her. He has given her plenty of hints, but she just isn't ready.  She knows she needs to decide soon, because she doesn't want to lead him on if she knows it won't work.


I found it hard to put his book down. The characters were well-developed, and   every one of them was necessary to the plot. I appreciated that I had time to get to know them in small batches instead of having too many being introduced at the beginning and having to try to keep them straight. I enjoyed learning more about Alaska and aviation in 1935.

I enjoyed getting to know Kate. She is the sort of person you can imagine having as a friend. She is brave, kind, and stubborn. She is willing to take risks, and sometimes takes foolish risks that land her in trouble. 

The characters are realistic and complex. Kate and Paul individually have guilt and fear to overcome in order to become whole again. Kate trusts in God. Paul has given up on God. Even minor characters, such as the drunk hunters, and the pregnant woman come alive through Bonnie Leon's words. So do the other pilots, Jack and Frank.

One of the mysteries in the book is Paul. No one knows why he came to Alaska. No one knows much about him.  Patrick knows his wife died.  Paul eventually also shares that information with Kate under duress.The author gives the reader enough clues to get close figuring out who he really is.

The author is very good at foreshadowing what will happen without really telling the reader. An alert reader is able to pick up the clues and be on the alert for what will follow. 

I would recommend this Christian novel to anyone who likes adventure stories, aviation, strong women, Alaska, and/or a touch of romance. I am anxious to read the rest of the series. I hope I've been able to interest you in these books, too. I would suggest you get the set so you can just keep reading after you finish Touching the Clouds. I don't  think you will want to stop. Just click below if you want to buy them. 

Here's one last photo that's designed to Pinterest specifications if you'd like to pin it.

Touching the Clouds by Bonnie Leon: A Book Review

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