Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Book Review of Stealing the Preacher by Karen Witemeyer

The Journey to the End of Stealing the Preacher Is as Rewarding as Seeing the Ending

I read Stealing the Preacher because it was a free promotional download from Amazon for my Kindle. I didn't know what to expect, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. I saw characters who were human and believable, even if the plot was unrealistic. The book is a light historical Christian romance, but I didn’t find it as predictable as most of them are. Yes, you know almost from the beginning how it will end, but the fun in the book is getting to the end, not knowing what the end will be.

The Kidnapping

Pioneer Church
The main character, Crockett Archer, is hoping to land his first job as a real preacher  in Brenham, Texas. We meet him on the train as he travels for his interview with the church elders. He and one other preacher are competing for the job he wants, but he’s sure he’ll get it. He has been an apprentice preacher in his own small town in Texas for three years.

The train suddenly lurches, and he discovers that it is being attacked by bandits. The big surprise for him, though, is that all the bandits want to steal is him. They don’t hurt anyone or take anything else. He is kidnapped and taken to a ranch about ten miles from Deanville, where he discovers he is to be a birthday gift for the rancher’s daughter, Joanna Robbins. She had told her widowed daddy, Silas, that she wanted a preacher for her birthday. He took her quite literally.

Crockett and Joanna

It turns out that Silas is not the least bit interested in church or preaching, but is simply humoring his daughter, who did not approve of his method of obtaining her present. Crockett explains his situation and Joanna frees him to try to keep his appointment. It turns out she had wanted a preacher because the small church for the ranch no longer had a pastor and the church had fallen into disrepair. The pastor had moved to a larger church in Deanville and it was too far for the ranch community to travel every Sunday.

Joanna wanted a preacher in the church because she  was still praying for her daddy’s salvation. She had promised her mother before her death, that she would continue the daily prayers for her father after her mother passed away. Johanna thought having a preacher in the church again would give her the support she needed. Daddy and his ranch hands had formerly been a gang of bandits, but when he married, his wife had made him give it up and they had all been honest men for over sixteen years. They had never hurt or killed anyone.

Crockett Becomes Ranch Hand and Pastor

As it turns out, quite predictably, Crockett doesn’t get the job he was after because he didn’t make his appointment on the right day at the right time.  As you might expect, he takes the job of pastoring the small church for Johanna. She talks her father into hiring him as a hand so he can support himself. He was well-qualified since he was raised on and helped run his fathers ranch with his brothers after his father died young.

That’s all I’m going to tell you. There’s plenty of action between the time Archer arrives at the ranch and the end of the book.  The action reveals much about character of the people who are interacting.  One situation which I expected led to another one which I did not anticipate, and it left me on the edge of my chair holding my breath.  If you like Christian historical fiction, I recommend this book for an entertaining and relaxing read. I will definitely read more by this author if I get the chance. Amazon carries it in every possible format. Just click the picture to purchase and see other reviews. Unfortunately, it is no longer free, since I got my book during a special promotional offer, and it has ended.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, May 18, 2015

Movie Review - Still Alice

Still Alice
The movie, Still Alice is based on the book written by Lisa Genova. The book is a New York Times Bestseller and the movie has won more awards than I care to list. Despite these accolades, I'd never heard of the movie. I am so glad that I purchased a copy and enjoyed it so much that I have already viewed it twice this past weekend.  If you have not seen Still Alice, you may want to. 

Still Alice

Alice is a professional, highly educated, and highly respected woman who has successfully raised three children and maintained a marriage. She is healthy, active, and appears to have everything the American dream consists of.  Until she begins to lose the part of her that she feels most defines her - her cognitive functioning.

According to Mayo Clinic, dementia ...

..."describes a group of symptoms affecting memory, thinking and social abilities severely enough to interfere with daily functioning."

Alice (played by Julianne Moore) begins to change, and declines fairly rapidly with her diagnosis of rare early onset Alzheimer's. While the movie is limited by time, we get a snapshot of how the world of a confident woman is turned upside, her family core shaken, and how family roles change. Incidents of seemingly normal forgetfulness turns to forgetting how to do mundane tasks, not recognizing places, forgetting family members.  As she struggles, her husband and children struggle and roles change. 

As in any real situation in which a family member becomes chronically or terminally ill, there are people who fade away and there are people who step up and take care of the ailing person. We watch these dynamics unfold in this love story. 

This movie brought me to tears. During some of the hard-to-watch scenes as Alice deteriorates as well as during some of the scenes that we witness how she is loved during this very difficult time. We learn very few of the facts of Early Onset Dementia. Instead, this is a very intimate look at one woman, one family, and the many feelings that dementia brings.  I wish I could describe my thoughts about the movie in-depth but I don't want to risk a spoiler. Instead, I want the seasons of her life to unfold in front of you as they did in front of me.

Just don't forget to bring the tissues when you sit down to watch Still Alice.

For more personal stories of living with a loved one who has Alzheimer's:

Chicken Soup for the Soul

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, May 15, 2015

How to Create Collections on Zazzle and Add Them to Your Sites

Creating a Collection on Zazzle is really easy!   Plus, adding your curated Zazzle collection is even easier, but you may wonder why you would want to feature the collection link instead of featuring the items themselves in a post.  There are actually several reasons why the collection would be a better option than individual links, but first let's cover how to create the Zazzle collection.


create a zazzle collectionHow to Create a Zazzle Collection

  1. Select Your Subject ~ Example:  Postcards from Rome
  2. Hover you mouse over the item you will be adding to the board.  You will see the "add to collection" button in the upper right hand corner.
  3. Click the down arrow to see the list of your collections.  
  4. Since we are adding a new collection, type the title of your new collection in the bottom square and click create.  
  5. Add a description of your new collection by editing the board.
  6. Add 5 tags
  7. Check the "visible in stores" square if you wish the collection to show on your store's home page.   It must also be marked "public" do show to anyone other than you.
add a title, tags and description to a zazzle collection
How to Edit, Title, Add Tags and Add a Description to Your Zazzle Collection

Alternate Way to Create a Collection on Zazzle

You can also start a new collection by simply clicking the "+ New Collection" on your Collections page and continue with steps 4-7 above.

create a collection on zazzle
How to Create a Collection on Zazzle


How to Find Your Collections on Zazzle

In order to edit, change the cover photo, or rearrange the items in the collection, you can simply go to your collections page and select the collection you wish to edit.  You will find that option in the drop down tabs under your profile image at the top.

find your collections on zazzle
How to Find Your Collections on Zazzle


How to Add a Photo to the Top of Your Zazzle Collection Page

At the top of each collection page, you have the option to add a photo or banner image.  This gives the collection page a really nice overall finished look, while also giving an instant example of what can be found in that collection.

Add a photo to the top of your Zazzle collection by simply clicking the "camera" in the big, blue square and selecting the image from your own uploaded photos or images. 

add a top photo to your collection
How to Add a Top Photo to a Zazzle Collection

How to Reorganize Your Items in a Zazzle Collection

Reorganizing the items in your collection is very easy.  Simply click the "organize" button at the top of the collection, then drag and drop your items where you wish.

organize a zazzle collection
How to Reorganize Your Items in a Zazzle Collection

How to Add a Zazzle Collection to Your Wordpress or Blogger Site

Adding a Zazzle collection to Wordpress or Blogger is very easy.

  1. Simply click the "share" button at the top of the collection page on Zazzle. 
  2. Select the "link" option
  3. Select Your Display Preference
  4. Copy the html code
  5. Paste the html code in your article under the html (blogger) or text (wordpress) option ~  not under compose or visual

share your zazzle collection on social media

How the Collection Appears

Note:  To get a larger display on your site like I have above, go to the "html" of your article and change the 325.jpg standard size to 525.jpg.  That size should not distort your image and will give you a larger display of your collection photo.

Why Use a Zazzle Collection in Your Website Article 

There are actually a couple of very important reasons to us the Collection link provided by Zazzle in your site article.

  1. It is only one affiliate link on your article.  
  2. Links to the entire Collection page which could easily feature dozens of additional related items.
  3. From your Collection page, the reader may well be tempted to explore more of your Zazzle store items.
  4. The Collection image makes a great sidebar ad or a fast addition to a related article for an easy update of the article.

What do you think?  Can you add to that list of why we should use a Zazzle collection in our website articles?

Please leave your thoughts, suggestions and comments below.

Zazzle Collections Can Include Items from Other Zazzle Stores

You are not limited to featuring only your store items in one of your collections.  You can add items for other Zazzle stores to your collections.  This is especially helpful if you don't have enough of a particular item to make a nice size collection presentation.  You will earn 15% in affiliate income when a buyer clicks through your created collection link in your published article!

However, if they access your collection via Zazzle instead of your published article, your referral code is not included in each individual link in the collection.  Therefore, I would not recommend checking the "visible in stores" option when creating collections that include a lot of items from other stores, unless you don't mind not receiving the commission for items sold.   Hopefully, that will be corrected in the future.

Note: I changed the size of these collection displays from 425.jpg to 625.jpg. I also added the words "Collection Curated" to the blanket collection since all of the throw blankets featured in this collection are not items in my store.

See the Collection Images in Action on a Wordpress Article

Here is an example of an article I recently published that uses the collection image links instead of individual product links.  I have featured 3 different Zazzle Collections in this article.

Mugs by Sylvestermouse

I would love to add your articles here too.  If you have used a Zazzle Collection in one of your published articles, please leave the link in the comments section below.

From Our Readers

This Mug Collection was created by Jasmine who, within an hour of reading this article, had used the instructions here to create her first collection and I wanted to share it with everyone. Review This is, and always has been, dedicated to promoting others as well as our own work. Thank you for being one of our loyal followers Jasmine!

Our own Contributor, Bev, also created a collection by using the instructions in this article. Likewise, we are featuring her new Zazzle collection.

mugs by raintree annie on zazzleFlower Mugs by Annie (Raintree Designs)

throw blankets on zazzleThrow Blankets Curated Collection by Sylvestermouse

mugs by bevClematis Mugs by GramsBe

If you use these instructions to create your first Zazzle collection, simply leave me a note in the comments section below. I would love to feature your collection too. (The throws would be happy to move out of the way for your collection to be included here.)

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Reviewing The Dark Towers Series by Stephen King

A Review Of Stephen King's Dark Tower Series

Having just spent the last 4 1/2 months (or so) reading the most incredible series of books by the author Stephen King, I can't seem to stop thinking about the story that spans over 8 books. So, I thought that avid readers like myself might enjoy a review of the books as a recommendation for a reading adventure that will most assuredly be worth the investment of time.

Back in April, I told about my first encounter with Stephen King in my Review of 11/22/63. During our Christmas dinner last year, I was talking to my daughter's boyfriend about him reading that book and made the comment that I wished that Mr. King wrote more books that were not in the horror genre because I really enjoyed his writing style. Daved asked me if I had ever read The Dark Tower series by King and I admitted that I had not. He said that he thought that I would really enjoy it. That is where my reading journey began...with that conversation at the dinner table.

First A Little History Of The Series:

the gunslinger 1st edition book cover
The Gunslinger 1st edition cover
I think that I should explain that this is not a new series. In fact, it really didn't start out to be a series at all. King had started working on this story when he was 19 years old long before his first book was ever published. It sat tucked away for several years (8 years, I think) before he submitted parts of it to the magazine The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction. Five short stories were published in the magazine from 1978 through 1981. In 1982, it was published by Donald M. Grant Publishers Inc as a limited edition book and the first novel of the series was born: The Gunslinger.

King had already made a name for himself in the horror genre by this time with 8 books to his credit. It began with Carrie in 1974 and by the time The Gunslinger was published the first time, he had finished Cujo. I have to wonder if the publishers were leery of putting a fantasy book out there even though King was already pretty popular with the horror books. In my opinion, someone from the Donald M Grant team knew a great book when he read it and was willing to take the chance. Along with millions of others in the world, I'm so glad they did!
That first edition is no longer in print, although I'm sure that if someone really wanted a copy they could find a seller of old books to try to obtain a copy.

My review of the series:

The books that I read over the course of almost 5 months are the revised ones along with the newer ones that were written after the revisions of the first 3 books. Technically, there are 7 books in the Dark Tower series, however, King wrote an 8th book that he recommends reading between book 4 and book 5. One does not have to read that 8th book but I can tell you that you will enjoy it and be a little more enlightened to the overall story.

the gunslinger the dark tower book cover
So, I naturally started with The Gunslinger: (The Dark Tower #1). I do recommend that you start with book one because the story builds from the previous books.

The series follows the main protagonist, Roland Deschain and his long journey to the Dark Tower. Roland hails from the Barony of Gilead that is no longer. In his where and when he was a gunslinger and when our story begins, he is the last of his kind. Before the world had moved on, Roland was taught the ways of the gunslingers as many boys were. These men might have been called knights in the lore and stories of others but in Roland's world they didn't wear armor or fight with swords. They seemed to look more like the men of the American old west and did their good deeds with guns. Roland of Gilead came from a long line of gunslingers and can trace his lineage all the way back to the first gunslinger Arthur of Eld (King Arthur?).

Just as knights were known to protect people from the evils of the world, the gunslingers of Roland's time did the same. They were revered by the common folk. As we journey through the books we come to realize that no matter what time or world Roland enters into, that reverence remains. All recognize him as a gunslinger and ask for his assistance. You see, as he follows his quest to the Dark Tower there are doors that enter different times and different worlds.

Roland encounters both good and evil in his journey with strange creatures, machines of the ancient ones and humans from different eras of history. He does form a group to join him in his journey: Jake, Eddie, and Susannah all of which come from different modern times and have their own special insights and talents. There is also a mutant type animal that becomes a member of the group (ka-tet) after a while and you can't help but love that little creature!

I don't want to give out any spoilers to the books. I hate when people do that! I just want to share with you that this series is one of, if not the best, series of books that I have ever read. Stephen King has a way with words that make you feel like you are right there in the story as it unfolds. I've read some pretty good authors over the decades that I have been reading and then I have read some remarkable ones. The remarkable number but just a few, Stephen King is one of those for me.

I can tell you that if you enjoy fantasy fiction, time travel, imaginary worlds and adventure; this series of books will delight you! There are some parts of the books that get a little gorey from the battles and the habits of some of the creatures but nothing that will give you nightmares. You just kind of think..."Ewwww!" and then move on in the story.

Books In The Series:

  • The Dark Tower 1: The Gunslinger
  • The Dark Tower 2: The Drawing of the Three
  • The Dark Tower 3: The Waste Lands
  • The Dark Tower 4: Wizard and Glass
  • The Dark Tower 4.5: The Wind Through The Keyhole (can be omitted but I recommend that you don't)
  • The Dark Tower 5: Wolves of the Calla
  • The Dark Tower 6: Song of Susannah
  • The Dark Tower 7: The Dark Tower
Each book in the series can be downloaded to your digital reader or purchased in paperback versions. 

If you enjoy reading a series of books, like I do then I am confident that you will love this series. The only drawback is that I became so enamored with the characters and their journey that I hated for the books to end. There are surprises in the last few books that make it even more enjoyable and the ending was not what I expected but actually better than I could have imagined. I'm going to let a year or two pass and then I will probably go back and re-read this series again. Yep, it was that good! I can't say that over the 5 1/2 decades that I have been reading there have been many books that I wanted to read again...the Dark Tower series is a set that I could read a second time.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Every Bush is Burning by Brandon Clements, A Review

Christians Aren't Perfect

Of course, you already knew that. Every Bush Is Burning shines a harsh light on today's Christian churches in AmericaI don’t know what I was expecting when I started reading this Christian novel, but not what it turned out to be.  The book is hard to define. It’s fiction, but it’s also somewhat of a sermon and an indictment of American Christianity. It brings to mind the bumper sticker “Christians aren’t perfect, just forgiven.”

laptop on a desk

Meet Jack

The book begins and ends with Jack Bennett, a newspaper columnist, writing a letter on his laptop in a coffee shop, supposedly to another regular, whom he’s seen there often and never spoken to. He admits to being very self-centered as he is always wondering how people perceive him. We learn the following about him: He is married with twin three-year-old boys. He lives in South Carolina. He is also having  an affair with a coworker named Jordan. His dad deserted the family when he was very young.  His Uncle Richard often watched Jack and his sister Sara as their mother worked. He molested Sara, and maybe Jack, as well.

He assumes most people are not honest with themselves and live in “zombieland,” as he himself used to and still does part of the time. He decries the fact that most relationships he sees are just surface. People numb themselves with substance abuse, and television when they feel hopeless and don’t want to think about their lives.

He hates advertising for its lies and false promises.  First it works on making people feel depressed because of what they don’t have. Then it promises that whatever product it is selling will make people feel better and help fill their emptiness. He points out that although we live in one of the world’s richest countries and we have luxuries, comfort, and every possible kind of entertainment people are still “exceedingly bored.”

Jack Bennett writes “We’ve all become experts at diverting our dissatisfaction into entertainment and a thousand other places, but it’s inescapable. We’re like kids at Christmas, unwrapping gift after gift only to find coal inside the box.... then we look around with darting eyes for the next present…” hoping it will be different than those we’ve already opened. One present Jack opened was Jordan, with whom he had the affair.

Do Church Billboards Tell the Truth?

One morning Jack is driving to work and sees a billboard for a well-known church with an ad in big letters ‘CHRISTIANTITY IS THE BEST THING FOR OUR BROKEN WORLD.’ He was frustrated by this because he felt this church was more a political social club for upper middle class white people.  He then wrote a column blasting the Christian religion as practiced in America. He mentioned the hypocrisy, scandals, lack of compassion for the poor and homeless, a judgmental attitude, and more. He concluded that although he had nothing against Christ, he sure didn’t like Christians, who were nothing like the Christ they supposedly followed. In the next chapter he tells some stories from his childhood that help the reader see why he is so sure his assessment of the church is correct. I won’t go into detail on those here.

On the next Sunday he passes another church, a smaller one, where he normally sees signs he thinks are hilarious. He was hoping to see another funny one and he wasn’t disappointed. He saw ‘What if Jack is Right About us?’ He couldn’t help pulling in to the parking lot. That’s when he first saw Yeshua, a homeless man knocking on the church door. Yeshua tells Jack an usher had escorted him back outside after he had been inside. The congregation was singing “I have decided to follow Jesus.”

Jack and Yeshua

At first I thought this would be like those stories you hear about people picking up hitchhikers who turn out to be a unique blessing, say something that makes you realize they know more than they could know naturally, and then just disappear. Jack offers to take the man out for a meal, they talk, and he introduces himself as Yeshua.

At breakfast, they discuss Jack’s column, which Yeshua has read. It’s evident that although Yeshua admits Jack was right about the particular church he wrote about, he still had a lot to learn. They agree to meet for breakfast every Sunday. At the end of their meal, as Yeshua is leaving, he tells Jack there is just one more thing he’d like Jack to do for him during the coming week: repent of cheating on his wife and beg her for forgiveness. Yeshua says if Jack doesn’t do that, he will expose the affair.

Jack is stunned. How does Yeshua know about his wife Chloe and the fact that he’s cheating on her? He had considered himself so careful and discreet.  He tries to figure out who could have revealed his secret. He later finds that Yeshua knows a lot more than that about him and his family secrets.

Who is Yeshua Really?

The rest of the book deals with Jack’s attempt to make things right with Chloe, who is  badly hurt and has no desire to forgive him or save the marriage. He also wants to help his sister Sara through her depression and substance abuse, and to find himself and meaning for his own life. Yeshua is able to nudge him in a number of right directions, including having him  take Sara to a Christian recovery group that is like a family. Yeshua becomes a big part of his and even Sara’s life.

Because of certain inconsistencies I saw in Yeshua’s character, I was pretty sure he wasn't a Jesus figure, even though he didn’t say he wasn’t Jesus. It wasn’t evident who he really was, though,  until it was revealed at the end.  I have to admit I didn’t see it coming. The book kept me interested because I wanted to see what happened to all the characters and find out the real story of who Yeshua was. One thing he did was preach a lot to Jack. Some people might find that off-putting.

What Was the Author's Purpose?

I would say one purpose of this book is to be a wake-up call to those who are leading empty and unsatisfying lives because they have not yet found their significance and worth in the knowledge of how much God loves them.  Since I am already a believer, I’m not sure how this would have hit me had I not been. The author is hoping to show his readers that what they see in certain versions of the Gospel being preached in many churches and in the media is a false  Gospel, not based on the Bible at all, and designed to appease the flesh rather than feed the spirit.

Another purpose of the book is probably to show those who frequent churches that their worship may not really be worship that God is pleased with at all. Clements definitely attacks self-righteousness and spiritual pride, as well as the attitude that we can be good enough to win God’s favor, that we can “buy” the water of eternal life with our good works, instead of coming to God with empty hands and a repentant spirit, knowing our true condition.

This book is available in paperback or as a digital book for your Kindle.

A More Positive View of Christians

To see a contrasting and more positive view of Christians in a series for young adults, read my review of  In Between, the first book, in the series. It's the story of a sixteen-year-old foster child whose mother had just gone to prison. She had been in a group home for six months and raised herself before that, and you can taste her fear as she drives with her social worker to meet her foster parents. I couldn't put the book own and had to buy all the books in the series within a week after I read the first one.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, May 11, 2015

Cheap and Easy Ink Stain Removal

Rubbing Alcohol
Warmer weather has arrived and as I resume wearing khaki colored slacks to work, I am reminded of the best ink stain remover. Before you spend a fistful of dollars on special stain removal formulas and chemicals, I hope you'll take a peek at my ink stain removal review.

The Skepticism

Time and time again I tell people about the easy way I remove ink stains and time and time again, they go out and purchase the pre-treats-this and the oxy-cleaner-thats.  And report back that they still have a ruined piece of clothing from an ink stain.

I am sure that the items found in the cleaning section of the grocery store are good for removing a variety of stains. But, I have had amazingly good results with a simple bottle of rubbing alcohol.

Rubbing Alcohol Removes Ink Stains

I rely on rubbing alcohol to remove ink stains. Because I wear khaki colored slacks to work during warm weather, and because I am clearly an extremely clumsy person, I have to remove self-inflicted ink stains on a regular basis.  It is cheap, easy, and best of all - reliable.

While I've used this technique on a large variety of clothing items and materials, I am going to discuss my slacks - since my slacks are most often the ink victim.

These are the steps I take:

  • lay the slacks flat, with the ink stain up.
  • place a dry, white wash cloth under the stain (and over the next layer of slacks in order to protect the unstained section)
  • pour a bit of rubbing alcohol on the stain
  • press (or blot) with another dry white, washcloth
  • add more rubbing alcohol and continue pressing until the stain is gone
  • launder slacks as usual
For visual proof, here is a video of a woman treating an ink stain on her sofa cushion

The only differences are
  • obviously, it didn't matter that she could not place a washcloth underneath. If the stain ran, it would only stain the cushion stuffing which is unseen
  • she rubs, I blot.  I blot because on finer materials, you can damage the material from the rubbing motion
One additional note.  The experts advise that stains should be treated prior to washing and drying the item, as the drying process sets the stain.  I agree.  However, I have had success at removing ink stains from my khaki pants after they've been washed and dried.  I try to always remember to remove stains before laundering, but even if you don't catch an ink stain prior to going through the laundry, you might want to still give the rubbing alcohol a try. 

I have saved much money by rescuing clothing from ink stains. A bottle of rubbing alcohol is far less expensive than replacing an article of clothing. I hope this tip is helpful to you too.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Meanwhile Back at Mama's - Perfect Mother's Day Music

Meanwhile Back at Mama's - Perfect Mother's Day Music

Mother's Day is the perfect day to spend back Mama's. If you're one of the fortunate who still gets to spend this special day with Mom, then you know only too well what it means to walk through Mom's front door, hug her, and share the simple joys that matter.

Tim McGraw's beautiful song brings the listener back to the sounds and smells of being home with Mama:
(Lyrics) Meanwhile back at Mama's
The porch light's on, come on in if you wanna
Supper's on the stove and beer's in the fridge
Red sun sinkin' out low on the ridge
Games on the tube and Daddy smokes cigarettes
Whiskey keeps his whistle wet
Funny the things you thought you'd never miss
In a world gone crazy as this

'Funny the things you thought you'd never miss' 

Isn't that the truth? Change takes a toll on us, but we know it's a guaranteed part of life. Except for those who possess a time machine, there's no return trip to our youth ... you know, those simpler days 'back at Mama's.

Reflecting on our yesterday is a precious gift, but so is living in the moment and appreciating the now. Whether Dad has passed or Mama is frail, if we're still lucky enough to get to go home, we're fortunate.

It's what I'm doing this Mother's Day weekend

Dad passed away a few years ago, and it's forever strange to be living while he isn't, but because we have no choice, we're learning to accept life's new face with grace and gratitude.

In a recent interview Melissa Rivers gave to Dr. Oz about the passing of her famous Mom, Joan Rivers, Melissa explained her terrible loss this way; 'when you lose one parent, it's a comma, but when you lose both, it's a period.

This Mother's Day, I pray that you are neither dealing with a comma nor a period, but if your life sentence includes one or both, then perhaps the hidden gift is knowing that your mom gets to watch over you from the best seat in the house.

Happy Mother's Day - find the time to smile.

Available on Amazon

Here's a small gift of music for your day - Tim McGraw, featuring Faith Hill

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, May 8, 2015

I Love My Garden Kneeler

Don't Wait Like I Did to Get Yourself a Garden Kneeler

My Garden Kneeler, photo © B. Radisavljevic
I love gardening. I like taking a neglected flower bed and bringing it to life with color. That's why I decided to redo the flower beds at the house I inherited from my mother. This Garden Kneeler has made it possible for me to work on this transformation more safely and with less pain than I was able to before I bought it.
Let's face it. If you are going to pull weeds and plant flowers, you will be either bending over or kneeling. Kneeling is more efficient. It never used to be a problem for me, but I'm seventy now. When I kneel, it hurts my knees. 
At Work on My Garden Kneeler, photo © B. Radisavljevic
I'm resting my arm on the kneeler as I work on this bull thistle plant that had babies in my herb garden.

The Step 2 Garden Kneeler, however, has a foam pad that keeps my knees from hard surfaces like the ground and the concrete sidewalk.
Notice the Foam Pad and Handles on My Garden Kneeler, photo © B. Radisavljevic
I was planting and weeding in this bed and wanted you to see the kneeler without me inside it. I need to get that bucket with the caddy.

Another problem one has at my age is getting back up from that kneeling position. The body just doesn't want to move up. It needs some help. The handles on this kneeler are sturdy enough to support me when I start to rise. This makes a lot of difference in how much I enjoy my gardening.
Before I bought the Step 2 Garden Kneeler, I tried two other brands available in a local store. One was a folding kneeler, but it wasn't very sturdy. I have a neck problem that makes falls especially dangerous for me, so I didn't want to take chances on something flimsy just to save a few dollars. Another brand I tried just wasn't roomy enough to get in and out of comfortably.
The Step 2 Garden Kneeler has made me look forward to my work in the garden again. It's light enough to easily move where I need it. Although it had a handy hole in the top that acts as a handle when it's standing up, I normally transport it upside down as the kneeler. It makes cleanup easier, since I can fit a wastebasket for weeds and a small box with gardening utensils on the pad, pick up the kneeler by the handles, and carry it all to the garage. That saves me some extra trips.
Sitting on My Garden Kneeler, photo © B. Radisavljevic
Taking a rest on my overturned kneeler in bench mode in front of the rosemary, black sage, and butterfly bush

One great feature I didn't mention yet is that if you are tired and need to get off your knees and rest for a bit, you can turn the kneeler over and use it as a bench. It was sturdy enough to hold my husband, who weighs close to 260 pounds.
I really love this kneeler. I don't know how I managed without it all these years. It would have made my life more comfortable even when I was younger. After all, no one enjoys having one's knees on a hard surface.
I tried to get along with just a cheap green pad before, but it was of poor quality in comparison to this one, and it wasn't as thick. The pad on this kneeler rests on a thick hard surface that won't let you feel the rocks and thorns you can feel through the stand-alone foam pads. And I still had to get up and down to and from ground level with no help. This product solves all the mobility problems and saves my knees. I highly recommend this Garden Kneeler to anyone who spends much time working on the ground.

OK. I'll Admit it. I'm Showing Off

garden kneeler beside a flower bed

This is my garden kneeler in bench form so you can see the details without me covering them up. But the real reason I'm displaying it is to show off. It's sitting in front of a flower bed I completely transformed, as I did the other flower beds in the front yard of this home in Paso Robles. This used to be a bunch of nothing with some scattered gazanias, mostly close to the house, between two juniper bushes.
I left the gazanias at the very back, where they continue to spread. I planted one calendula and all the others in this bed are its babies. If you have a good eye, you can see the opal basil next to the pot of catmint in bloom. Behind the catmint is some African Blue Basil in bloom with a tall borage in bloom behind it. I also added some petunias, mums, and pansies for seasonal color. There is a large hyssop behind the carnations that has finished blooming, leaving only its rust-colored spikes. What you can't see are the chocolate cosmos and the monarda which are hidden by the borage.
My garden kneeler has made it possible to do this job faster and in more comfort than I ever could have managed without it. I use it most while pulling the weeds and planting, but at least I can sit and rest when I'm tired without leaving the yard.

Get Your Garden Kneeler Now to Save Your Knees

While You're Already Shopping, Why Not Add These?

The kneeler makes gardening more comfortable, but nothing is more frustrating than having to get up and go back to the shed or garage to get a tool you forgot to bring with you. The bucket caddy, which attaches to a five-gallon bucket (not included) will help you organize all that stuff and you can sit it beside your kneeler within reach. As you can see in one of my photos above, I need one.
Since I write a lot about gardening, I also like to keep my digital camera with me to photograph interesting things I find as I work. I'm sure one of the pockets would accommodate that, and my cell phone would fit in another.
This is on my wish list, since I'm currently just throwing my tools in a small cardboard box and using a small plastic waste basket to throw the weeds in as I work. I would prefer to keep my tools in a more organized fashion. This caddy even has a special place for seed packets, which don't fare very well tossed in the box with my tools.
The garden cart I have is slightly different than the one pictured here. This is the closest I could find to it. Mine is green and does not have telescoping handles as this one does. What they have in common is their shape and their maneuverability. Mine is light and easy to move, even when full of dirt or compost. I can stick packages of fertilizers on top of the dirt I'm moving so they get to the garden with me. The bucket caddy could also ride along on top.
Together, all these items will supplement your kneeler to make your gardening life easier. If you are in need of hand tools for your gardening activities, you might want to look at the Japanese Sickle my friend reviewed elsewhere on this site.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Reviewing Spring Flowers on Zazzle

tulips and daffodils photo by mbgphoto
I love to photograph spring flowers, actually flowers anytime of the year, but for this article I will stick to spring flowers.  Spring flowers always bring a smile to my face.  The photo above shows some bright colored tulips and daffodils around my neighbors mailbox.

After I have taken all of these photographs, the big question is what to do with them.  I have found Zazzle to be a wonderful venue to use to display my flower photos on a wide array of products.  This way I can enjoy them all year long.

Zazzle Pillows

Purple Iris Reversible Pillows
Purple Iris Reversible Pillows by mbgphoto
View more Purple iris Pillows at zazzle.com
This beautiful Iris photo is one that I took at the Missouri Botanical Garden.  It is a reversible pillow with a different photo on each side.  I like to put a close up on one side and a zoomed out view on the reverse side.  This photo is a 16x16 size but it can also be made in several other sizes.  The Zazzle pillows have a zipper on the side for easy cleaning and are made in the USA and machine washable.  What a wonderful way to display your flower photos!

Greeting Cards

Zazzle greeting cards are a great way to share your photos with others.  They come in three sizes, the standard 5x7 or 7x5, a smaller notecard, or if you prefer a large 8.5 x 11 card.  The card below shows primroses from my garden.

Birthday Greetings Floral Card

Check out other Birthday Cards at zazzle.com
purple flowers photo by mbgphoto

Flower Photography Tips

  • Photograph from Various Angles
  • Get Down at the Same Level as the Flower
  • Try a Closeup Shot and then a zoomed out shot of the same flower
  • Flowers photograph best in the early morning hours or just before or after sunset
  • Cloudy days are also great times to photograph flowers
In addition to the pillows and greeting cards, Zazzle has hundreds of ways to display your flower photos.  Here are a few more that I used on my photographs.

  • Magnets 
  • Prints for your Walls
Lilacs on the Fence Canvas Prints
Lilacs on the Fence Canvas Prints by mbgphoto
View other Lilacs by the fence Canvas Prints at Zazzle.com

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Reviewing Argan Oil for Healthy and Tangle-Free Hair

woman with frizzy hair
Looking for a solution to end dry and frizzy hair? Need to get the tangles out quickly? Let's review tips for using Argan oil to grow healthy hair.

As we get older, our once long locks of lusciously thick hair may start to dry out and get frizzy. Sometimes it seems that the only way to keep our hair healthy-looking is to keep it cut short. If you're like me, you may want to keep your waist-length braids to the end of your days. And, yes, I'm talking to the guys, too!

When my hair started showing signs of middle-age frizz, I went to a high-priced hair stylist for some help. She explained that the aging process causes our skin to sag and wrinkle. It also causes our hair to become dry and brittle.

Argan Oil Rejuvenates Hair to a Healthy Shine

The high-priced hair stylist suggested an expensive conditioning treatment and a high-priced bottle of Argan oil. I paid the price and left the salon a poorer, but happier girl. I never went back for another the expensive conditioning treatment, but I kept massaging the Argan oil on my scalp and long locks.

I have since changed brands of Argan oil. I admit, it was the price that hit my pocketbook a bit too hard. I now apply a small bubble of Renpure Argan Oil on my hair two or three times a week. A little goes a long way.

Aragn oil has been a part of my hair care routine for 6 years and I love the result.

Argan Oil Takes Out Tangles Without the Tears

Monday's post by Dawn Rae about how she uses her BUFF hair stocking to prevent Jeep Hair reminded me of our Harley riding adventures through the back roads and over the city streets of our hometown. By the end of a ride, my hair is always a mess.

It doesn't matter if I braid my waist-length locks or twist them under a skull cap, the result is always the same. Twisted knots of tangled hairs that are impossible to comb.

My solution is to pour a little dab of Argon oil in one palm, rub my palms together and gently massage through the tangles. With some gentle coaxing, a rat's nest of knotted hair turns into long and silky locks once again. No tears and no clumps of pulled out hair.

Reviewing Tips for Long and Healthy Hair

My hair has grown half-way down my back for as long as I can remember and I have always looked for easy ways to keep my hair looking clean and silky. In the 1970s, I watched an interview with a hair stylist that specialized in long hair, extremely long hair. Long hair was the Big Thing back then. All the girls and guys were growing their hair down below their knees and this stylist explained that long hair has special needs.

Here are a few things I learned from that TV interview:
  • Long hair should not be washed every day. Wash long hair every 3 to 4 days to prevent dryness and split ends.
  • Wash long hair with a mild shampoo. Concentrate the shampoo on the scalp and give the ends a quick wash.
  • Put conditioner on the hair when it is wet. Concentrate the conditioner on the ends, leave in for a couple of minutes and rinse out.
  • Trim the ends regularly. Hair grows faster and thicker when the split ends are cut.
  • Avoid hair dryers, hot curlers and curling irons. These hot items dry out the hair and cause it to break off or fall out. Instead, wrap or twist hair up into a turban while it is wet and let it dry that way.

Help Your Hair With Argan Oil

I love the way Renpure Argan oil makes my hair feel and makes it easy to run my fingers all the way through my mop of hair. I gave my mom some Argan oil and she loved the way it made her gray hair shine. She also loved the way it turned her dingy gray hair to a bright shade of gray and took out that yellow tint that gray hair sometimes gets.

If you have suffer with dry hair, I think you'll really like Argan oil.

Posted by Coletta Teske
Coletta Teske

About This Contributor

Coletta Teske writes reviews on books, business management, writing, crafting, cooking, and gardening. She is also an avid recycler and shares her tips on recycling. She delights in upcycling an old object, recycling or transforming discarded items into a new treasure.

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