Monday, February 17, 2014

The Story of How I Rubbed Elbows with King Henry VIII

Hear ye, Hear ye, I have met a King.

Yes, I am name-dropping and I am pretty proud of it. I met King Henry VIII. How, you ask?  Well, I was strolling along a path through the merry village of Revel Grove and suddenly, there he was. The King in all his glory.

Then he was gone.

We literally just rubbed elbows. But that’s fine with me. As a female, I’m not sure I would want to have a meaningful moment with the King Henry VIII.  I’m more than a little attached to my head. But enough chat about the King.  Let me tell you about the glorious village I visited.

In case you weren't aware, Revel Grove is a village that is populated for 9 weeks out of every year here in Maryland. It is the setting for a wildly successful Renaissance Festival.  If you like festivals, you must find a way to attend this one. The song, dance, food, jousting, crafts, and people worth watching make the entrance fee a bargain.  Plan to stay the entire day as there is so much to experience.

My writing renaissance.

I have found renewed motivation and energy with my craft due to certain recent events. There had been a period of time that I had all but given up any form of writing with the exception of a grocery list. But I have found a home on the Review This! blog and I am beyond delighted to be able to write about Maryland's Renaissance Festival.  I am eager to share the highlights of this region, as I see them.  Maryland alone has many must-see festivals and fairs.  The Renaissance Festival is one of the best.  

Successful businesses are similar to successful writing.

As I write this I am realizing the themes that make a successful business also make successful writing.  For example, the things that make the Renaissance Festival so successful are much like the very first lessons in learning how to write successfully. 

How so, you ask?  Here are five things that create successful businesses and are helping me to become a successful writer:

  • Love what you do --  Loving what you do will help you focus on your creations rather than on creating the fortune you imagine you will make.   The first person who held a “Renaissance Fair” was reportedly a teacher who was doing something for her class; not attempting to make a profit.
  • Keep the attention of the customer -- Bored festival attendees will not return. Bored readers close the book.  Your writing must be mesmerizing. Or at least interesting.
  • Practice, practice, and practice -– Practice makes closer to perfect.  Don’t expect perfection in the beginning.  But continue to work toward that goal.
  • Don’t hide; advertise –- As frightening as it is in the beginning, you must show your writing to others.  Blogs, social media, and word of mouth of your friends, if you don’t advertise your writing, no one will be able to read it.
  • Know your customer -- Renaissance festival fans expect horses, knights, Kings and Queens.  If your readers want fairy tales and unicorns, you can’t give them Norman Bates and Jason.
I have found my place on Review This! If you are a writer (or an "aspiring" writer, as I called myself for many years) I hope that you are already following the five tips listed above and are on your journey to successful writing.

Image Credit: These photographs are my personal photographs from my travels. Images are ©Dawn Rae - All Rights Reserved.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Niche & Focus in Party Planning Articles

various colors of ribbon to use as streamers for a party
What is a niche? No, not the recess in a wall for displaying items but rather the definition as it pertains to writing for the internet.

Merriam-Webster defines a niche as:

: a job, activity, etc., that is very suitable for someone

: the situation in which a business's products or services can succeed by being sold to a particular kind or group of people

I think the contributors here on Review This Reviews! fit both bills. Our chosen niches are very suitable for us because we live them or are very active within the subject.

As the Squidoo Contributor in the Party Planning niche, I am always looking to hook up with others -- whether as readers or writers or both -- that are active within this niche topic.

If you are a young mom, you have lots and lots of birthday and other occasion party planning in your future and might could use some inspiration from others that have been there and done that.

Others of you might have already hosted a lot of different parties with great success. You have a sure-fire party food recipe or are super organized when it comes to planning and can share your tips or maybe you are a DIY Queen and want to share your party decorating ideas. All are welcome and encouraged!

There will always be people planning parties in need of inspiration and ideas. By sharing our personal experiences and knowledge, you help our fellow man/woman. What could be better?

Focusing When Writing in the Party Planning Niche

When we write, sometimes we have a tendency to include every little thing in our lens or article. What happens then is the helpful information a reader was searching for is lost in a sea of other information they don't really need. Result? Hitting the back button and no interaction or conversion from the article.

The best way to really reach our target audience is to focus on one or two elements instead of the whole. Squidoo used the example of a camera.

baby shower buffet table
My Sister's Baby Shower Buffet Table
Let's say you are taking a picture of a park playground. The whole picture involves lots of elements. This one might have a slide, a merry-go-round, monkey bars and swings. There's lots going on in the whole area. But, you can narrow the wide angle camera lens down to a telephoto shot of just the slide or the swings and have a much better chance of your target audience finding your article.

In party planning, there are tons of areas: Food, Games, Decorations, Invitations, take home treats, themes and more.

By narrowing the focus to one area, people that are looking for help in that particular area will find what they need quickly. They will also be more apt to interact or convert than they will if they have to sift through information they don't want or need.

I just published an article/lens in my niche this week. It had to do with a baby shower my sister and I threw for our other sister. But, instead of filling it chock full of ideas and possibly overwhelming a reader with unwanted information, I chose to focus or narrow it down to the baby shower food and buffet table we made for the party.

Remember, always tell people exactly what your article is about in the title and then deliver in the body of the article. Good luck and remember to contact me when you write in the party planning niche so I can help you promote and build a following!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Valentine Upcycle Events and Celebrations

red card with a gold heart

Recycle the Valentine Happiness All Year Long

Valentine's Day is a day to share love, happiness and appreciation. It's a day for which many crafters spend weeks in preparation. Homemade cards, hand crafted gifts and upcycled decorations are all created for this one special moment. Share your love and happiness all year long by recycling the sentiment of Valentine's Day.

Hello Recycling Sweethearts!

I hope you all had a wonderful Valentine's Day and that you were able to spend the day with those people that are special to you. 

Last week, Valentine crafters around the Web were busy preparing for this romantic and caring event. To celebrate their handmade creations, the Recycler hosted an impromptu Hashtag Event. Crafters were invited to share their Valentine creations by Tweeting their stories and pictures using the hashtag #ValentineCrafters.

Almost 200 crafters were seen at the Valentine Crafters 2014 #ValentineCrafts Hashtag Event. Some showed up with just a photo of their hand crafted Valentine present. Others came dressed to the nines with detailed step-by-step instructions to duplicate their sentimental creations.

Vallain was seen Making Homemade Valentines. She saves scraps of paper and greeting cards so that she has a supply of recycled materials from which to choose according to her muse. Her Valentine card ideas can easily be reused to make greeting cards for any holiday.

MSchindel made a splash wearing the jewels she designed during her Romantic "Queen of Hearts" Earrings Project. I love these earrings, I love this earring style and I'd love to make several pairs, all with different beads to complement the different seasons.

It was a ton of fun to host the Valentine Crafters 2014 #ValentineCrafts Hashtag Event. It was so much fun that plans are being made for the Easter Crafters 2014 Hashtag Event. So, get your upcycled, recycled and reused Easter crafts ready. Write a how-to or recipe to show us your creative magic. We'll be announcing the date and sending out invitations in a few weeks.

Until next week, be clean and be green.


Posted by Coletta Teske
Coletta Teske

About This Contributor

Coletta Teske writes reviews on books, business management, writing, crafting, cooking, and gardening. She is also an avid recycler and shares her tips on recycling. She delights in upcycling an old object, recycling or transforming discarded items into a new treasure.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentines Day Special Edition ~ Romantic Movies & Music

Happy Valentines Day and welcome to this special edition of Romantic Movies & Music!

As many of you already know, I am a hopeless romantic!  Love and Romance are the essence of the beautiful rose called life.  Without it, most of us would wither and die.  

Because "forever hopeless romantics" are in love with love, we naturally gravitate to romantic movies and music.  In celebration of Valentines Day, the day set aside every year for love and lovers to celebrate, I am featuring a large selection of romantic movie and music reviews written by other forever hopeless romantics.  

These are all exceptional reviews and I warn you now, it is truly impossible to pick a favorite.  So get out those tissues because, without further ado, I give you:

Most Excellent Forever Hopeless Romantic Movie and Music Reviews

*All Photos are Linked to Actual Review Articles Written by Noted Authors

 Is Your Love Somewhere in Time? ~ A Fabulous Movie Reviewed by notsuperstitious13 The Notebook-True love at its best! An Outstanding Review by FreshStart7 Review of "The Cutting Edge" Movie ~ Precious Memories by DecoratingforEvents A Personal Reaction & Review of You've Got Mail by nicolepyles86 A Good Romantic Comedy Movie for the Whole Family ~ While You Were Sleeping Movie Review by Brite-Ideas Love Doesn't Just Happen, Sometimes You Have to Work For It! ~ Love Comes Softly Review by Grammieo Only You Movie with Robert Downey Jr ~ Reviewed by Kinworm "Grease": A Wholesome Youth Musical Review by Charito1962 Before Sunrise: a Different Romance Movie ~ Review by Aibrean82 40 Year Ago ~ Memories of Romeo & Juliet by Grammieo Who Could Ever Forget Wuthering Heights Reviewed by Kiwinana71


More Romantic Movies & Music

Because love and romance are a part of every day, I will continue to search for more romantic movies and music reviews to share with you right here on Review This!  

I would also welcome your romantic music & movie reviews!  Please, share the links to your reviews with me.  I would hate to miss something awesome!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Photography-Up Close and Personal

Close up photography gives you a different perspective on the world around you.  When I first started to photograph nature close up, I found myself noticing details that I didn't even know existed.  One of my first adventures into up close photography was at The Butterfly House in St. Louis where I worked as a volunteer.   Before my shift each week, I would bring my camera and photograph all of these beautiful insects.  I was fascinated with the details that I saw on each different butterfly.

Monarch butterfly photo by mbgphoto

The photo to the right is one that I took of a Monarch butterfly in the outside garden at The Butterfly House.  The details in the wings really come to life when you see a photo shot up close.  I love the way the white dots outline the wings of this wonderful creature.

In the past week, I have been paying particular attention to writers who publish articles on close up photography.  There are some very talented photographers who write online.  Here are several of the lenses that I thought you would enjoy.
  • On this page amateur photographer takkhis shares with us some of his tips for insect photography Insect Photography.  He has some good basic tips that he has learned through experimenting with insect photography.
  • I have learned a lot from the pages of photographer Steve Kaye.  In this lens he gives us hints on photographing birds up close. Pay particular attention to the eyes of the birds in these photos.  They are truly fascinating.  Birds Up Close  Steve was previously the Nature Photography Contributor on Squidoo.
  • In this lens Rob3 shares with you the joy of close up flower photography. Macro Photography Flowers
Cone Flower photo by mbgphoto

Flowers are always a great subject for a photo.  I don't think I ever really looked at a flower up close till I started to take close up photos of flowers.  They are really amazing.  Here is a close up I took of a Cone Flower in my back yard.  I love the way when you get up close you notice each petal of the flower.

Have you noticed how photos in articles really help to  make your lens more interesting.  Remember the phrase "a picture is worth a 1000 words", I think that  phrase is particularly true in articles on the internet.  Everyone wants to get the message quickly and a good photo can convey that message.  On this page Photos Tell Stories I give you some hints on adding photos to lenses.  You will note in the article I have a photo of a fruit bowl that was taken up close.  When you need to convey details clear, up close photos can really enhance your articles.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

10,000 Shades of Green

renaissance woman As the new “Green Living” Contributor, I have a dream of pioneering an entirely new kind of online ecovillage.  Together, you and I, along with other kindred spirits, can build something uniquely vibrant that has the capacity to make a real difference.

We hear a great deal these days about living green, but what does that really mean?  It means something different to each one of us.  I like to say there are 10,000 shades of green.  Though my shade of green is off grid green, not everyone has the desire or immediate capacity to take that leap.  And that is okay.  Be your own shade of green.

When I first made the decision to live more sustainably, I had a lot to learn.  Come to think of it, I still have a lot to learn.  That is the best part of finding my inner green… growing every day.  The thing is, it is much more rewarding to grow together.

What if we thought of our online interactions as a form of human photosynthesis?  Being bathed in the light and energy of those who care about leaving the world a better place is one way we increase our own green.  One hour of sunlight makes a huge difference to a plant.  Just imagine the power of one when it comes to shining your light in a way that greens up the planet.

I invite you to bring your green.  Be the photosynthesis you wish to see in the world.  Tell us your story.  Review the green products you use and love.  Share a tutorial that shows us how you do green.  You can start by taking a moment to visit our new village green.  While there, if you haven’t yet become a Hubpages member, please take a few seconds to join.  It’s one more way of increasing your green.

As Tom Bodett always says, “We’ll keep the light on for you.”  In this case, it will be the light of your new Squidoo/Hubpages friends.  Welcome home.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, February 10, 2014

Gunpowder In The Winter

“I prefer winter and fall, when you can feel the bone structure in the landscape---the loneliness of it---the dead feeling of winter. Something waits beneath it---the whole story doesn't show.” 
Andrew Wyeth

There is a special beauty during wintertime in the mid-Atlantic region. The four seasons here provide that change, the death of winter followed by the birth of spring. Because much of the mid-Atlantic coastal region experiences relatively mild winters, the whole story is only barely hidden from our view.  We wait, knowing that it will be only a very short time until the spring story is revealed.

On a Saturday afternoon in early February, we walked the Gunpowder South Trail.  That the name that trail signs still proclaim and how it is referred to in older travel books. However, it is also a very well known section of trail in the fishing community and has since been dedicated as the Lefty Kreh Fishing Trail.

This area includes a handful of miles just under the Prettyboy Dam.  It doesn’t matter which name you use for the trail.  The important thing is that you should experience it if you have the opportunity.

We parked in the far lot, up the hill from Falls Road bridge.  We walked from the lot down the steep Highland Trail.  Despite having been whirled around in the Polar Vortex for much of the season, it was a glorious day. Warm and quiet. Just cool enough for the snow to remain solid and our feet dry.  No threat of bad weather approaching. The snow on the ground still lay undisturbed, marred only by infrequent footprints of man or wild beast.

We followed a feeder creek to the South/Lefty Kreh trail, along Gunpowder River.  We passed a pair of hikers as soon as we turned onto the main trail.  We didn't see humans again until we were exiting the trail at Falls Road bridge.

It was a glorious day, spent on a Maryland trail.  To keep updated about my adventures, please join me on my  mid-Atlantic travel page on Facebook.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Writing for the Party Planning Niche

witches hat party decoration or centerpiece
This week, I was asked the following question and I wanted to address it here on the Review This! blog. A visitor (lurker, really -- she reads a lot but is afraid to dive into the writing) asked me:

"How can you tell a story about party planning? You have a very hard task!"

Glad you asked! I'm gonna tell you.

The Basics of Storytelling

You can tell a story about almost anything. Stories are told day in and day out in print, online, videos, television and radio. Commercials are mini-stories -- or at least the good ones are. I apply the storytelling philosophy to everything write -- whether it's on Squidoo or on one of my websites.

People react well to stories. They look for parallels in our lives -- things they can relate to and then act or react accordingly.

So how does all this tie in with writing for a party planning niche? Easy. Tell the story.

Parties in Our Lives

Every single one of us has planned and/or hosted some sort of party(ies) in our lives. 1st birthday, a sweet 16, a weddding, a St. Patrick's Day party, an anniversary, a Super Bowl party...

Write about that particular party and your specific experiences.

For instance, last year, my niece turned 16. My sister asked me to help her plan the Sweet 16 party. I did, it was a blast and I wrote a lens about it -- Sweet 16 -- Let the Planning Begin.

It tells the story and gives examples (pictures) of ideas others can build on for their party planning needs. It also showcases some products I used during the planning. That's the key. Display products that you actually use(d) and tell people "How" you use them. Otherwise, your lens or article will sound like an ad copywriter spewing features of something they need to sell.

Yes, we sell. There is no shame in that. But, we sell what we use, have experience with and tell a story of what, where, why and how we used it. That's valuable to internet searchers. How do I know?

Because the Sweet 16 lens I just mentioned above --  on average, it stays in the high 2nd teir, makes sales and has been pinned 364 times from the Squidoo page (others repin the pin). I have had more than one person contact me (I do suggest you make sure your Squidoo contact button is turned on) asking specific questions and even sending me photos of their party my article inspired them to plan. That's a great feeling.

Start Writing About Your Parties

Think of the parties you have helped with or hosted. Did your neice just turn one? Did your sister have a baby shower? Are your parents celebrating a big anniversary? Did your brother have an engagement party? Did your son just graduate from high school? Are you hosting your annual St. Patrick's Day party?

All these life occasions usually involve celebrations of some sort. Let's hear about them, brag about what you did! It can help others that are looking for ideas and inspiration!

I came across a lens recently that does a great job of telling the story of planning her daughter's birthday party. It's titled Monster High Birthday Party Ideas written by BellaMommyDesigns. She wrote from her experience and shared photos, products and ideas to inspire others in their party planning.

So, as long as you attack the writing from the perspective of relaying personal experience or storytelling, anyone can write about planning parties! Come join me and let me help you promote your writing! Visit me at Party Planning Contributor at Hubpages. Can't wait to read what you write!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Recycle in the Garden and Grow Gorgeous Plants

Keep Your Garden Growing with Homemade Compost

composer in back yard

If you have a yard, it's free and easy to make compost from the yard waste left behind after you've mowed the grass, pruned the shrubs and raked the leaves.

Hello Recycling Fans!

It may still be winter, but it's time to start planning a spring garden. While you're busy thumbing through seed catalogs and polishing the rust off your garden hoe, remember to make space for a compost pile.

There are many ways to approach composting. A couple of weeks ago, I challenged my friends to Review Your Favorite Composting System. There were a variety of tips, tricks and product reviews that came from this challenge.

Here is some of the composting fun that these friends shared. They all approach composting from a different perspective but all of them love having a never-ending supply of home-brewed fertilizer for their garden plants.

Paperfacets is thrilled with her witch's brew pot in the corner of her backyard. She tells us that there are 10 Exciting Reasons Why I Love to Compost. I really enjoyed her excitement over the little critters that grow in her compost pile.

LadyMermaid asks us to reduce our impact on the environment. Her motto is Compost - Go Green. She has some great tips on the kinds of trash to compost and some ideas to help you get started if you've never composted before.

The fun part of composting is that there's no real right way to compost and no real wrong way to compost. As long as you add the right materials and give the pile some air, you can create compost almost anywhere.

If you live in a suburban neighborhood, you may not be able to have an open compost pile. I lived in one of these Deed Restricted communities for a few years. The fashion police were constantly on the lookout for any yard that looked a mess. I hid my unsightly compost pile by Making Beautiful Compost with the Envirocycle Original Composter. If you look in the background of the garden picture above, you'll see just how attractive this closed, barrel-system composter looks.

I hope you've been inspired to recycle in your garden to grow gorgeous plants and that you've learned something new about composting. Don't throw your yard waste away. Use it to fertilize your garden the natural way.

Until next week, may your days be blessed and may your compost pile grow beautiful blooms.


Posted by Coletta Teske
Coletta Teske

About This Contributor

Coletta Teske writes reviews on books, business management, writing, crafting, cooking, and gardening. She is also an avid recycler and shares her tips on recycling. She delights in upcycling an old object, recycling or transforming discarded items into a new treasure.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, February 7, 2014

A Little Romance with Elvis

A Little Romance with Elvis
Most of us have great memories associated with Elvis and his music. We can remember the first time we heard Elvis sing. We remember his movies, his good looks and his charming smirks. To this day, I am tickled when I view videos and I see him do that little half smile while he is singing.

Many of his songs are important to us and are associated with someone we knew, dated, fell in love with or even married. Elvis touched our hearts in his own special way and we all know where we were and what we were doing when his death was announced. 

Elvis changed music, he influenced lives and he left us wanting more.

The writers featured here today share their memories, those magic moments that included Elvis and his songs.

Can't Help Falling in Love

These are both most excellent reviews of the same song, but from a totally different perspective.  I can easily identify with each one.  I have absolutely no problem believing Elvis sang this song to both a woman and to God.  The expression of not being able to help "falling in love" would easily be true for either and I do agree with TheCureforYouthMinistry, Elvis did love gospel music and I do truly believe he loved God.  I don't doubt for one second that he did smile over the use of this song in church.

Elvis Can't Help Falling in Love
Cherylfay shares her own personal memories of falling in love and her association with this song in Can't Help Falling in Love.  She recalls in vivid detail exactly how she felt when her own blue eyed babe winked at her.

This is truly a fun article to read.  Who knows.  She just might make you start remembering too!

TheCureforYouthMinistry shares a completely different perspective in this article, The First Time I Heard Elvis in Church.  I have personally never heard anyone sing "Can't Help Falling in Love" in church, but I think it is totally applicable and appropriate with just the portion of the lyrics that say "take my whole life too".  I also love the idea of using popular music to make a spiritual point.  I would have thought that was awesome as a youth or young adult.  Even now, I can truthfully say  I will never again hear the song exactly the same way now that TheCureforYouthMinistry has caused me to listen to the song in a totally different way.   

Love Songs with Elvis

elvis greatest hits

Grammieo  delights us all with Can Anyone Say SwoonJust the title of the article says it all and made me smile.  

I can understand why Grammieo decided to review the full album instead of just one song.  It really is difficult to choose just one favorite.

Join Us and Share Your Elvis Memories

It is not too late for you to join us! We would love for you to share your memories and tell us all about your favorite Elvis song.

Would you believe there are over 100 romantic songs by Elvis?  Feel free to review more than one song if you so desire. 


Don't Put Off Until Tomorrow, What You Can Review Today!

Forever Hopeless Romantics on Facebook

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

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