Showing posts with label Hallmark series. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hallmark series. Show all posts

Friday, May 7, 2021

Witness to Murder: A Darrow Mystery from Hallmark Movie Review

Witness To Murder
I think just about everyone enjoys a mystery, but we don't always desire to see the explicit crime scenes. The Darrow Mystery series from Hallmark provides mysteries without including sights that haunt us in our nightmares.

In 2019, I reviewed the Darrow & Darrow Hallmark series.  At that time, the episode, Witness to Murder, had not yet been released. Therefore, I am reviewing it separately today.

Darrow & Darrow is a law firm originally started by Claire Darrow's parents.  When Claire's father died, her mother took a position with a different law firm in New York.  However, Joanna Darrow has now returned to Darrow & Darrow to work alongside her daughter. 

In Witness to Murder, Miles Strasberg is the appointed prosecutor and Claire is the defense attorney in the case. Even though they have toyed with the idea of dating, they agree to set aside any romantic interest until the trial is over.  With Mile's ex-girlfriend investigating the case and working closely with Miles, Claire finds herself questioning if Miles had ulterior motives for suggesting they place their personal relationship on hold.

Synopsis of Witness to Murder: A Darrow Mystery 

When Cassie Piper shows up at Darrow & Darrow begging for help, Claire and Joanna are not certain they want to take Cassie's case.  After all, Cassie was responsible for Joanna being fired from the New York law firm and Joanna has no desire to run to her rescue now that she needs legal representation.  

Cassie maintains that Joanna's law firm would be the best defense law firm for her since Joanna worked with Brian Herriman, the man accusing Cassie of insider trading.  

Joanna is still debating whether to take Cassie's case when Brian Herriman contacts her and requests a meeting. She can't resist the opportunity to see her former employer pleading for her assistance. What she doesn't expect is to be a witness to murder herself and the number one suspect is Cassie Piper.  


If you are a Hallmark fan, or enjoy a cozy mystery with a touch of romance, then I am sure you will also love this movie! 

 Witness to Murder: A Darrow MysteryCheck Price Hallmark Movies & Mysteries Collection: Darrow & Darrow - 3 Film DVD BundleCheck Price


Currently, "Darrow & Darrow" is available on Amazon with a subscription to the Hallmark Channel.  

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Witness to Murder: A Darrow Mystery Reviewed by:
House of Sylvestermouse


Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, July 31, 2020

When Calls the Heart - Hallmark TV Series Reviewed

When Calls the Heart
Many years ago, I read the "Canadian West" book series by Janette Oke.  A few years ago, I started watching the Hallmark channel series "When Calls the Heart" which is based on that book series and is titled after the first book in the series.  

A few weeks ago, I decided to start watching the TV series again from the beginning.  I do love the show!  With the promised release of season eight in 2021, I wanted to go back to the beginning before the new series actually airs.  Yes, I realize I have plenty of time before 2021, but I rarely spend a lot of time watching TV during the holidays and I expect it to take me a few months to watch all of the episodes again.

I would also like to read the book series again.  Janette Oke is one of my favorite authors.  Decades ago, her books were responsible for my discovery of romantic books with a religious theme, which is my preferred book genre.  Any time I see her name on a book, I know I am safe to read that book.  That is extremely important to me.  I don't like grotesque or explicit content in a book or in movies.  Having authors I know will protect my eyes and mind from uncomfortable subject matter makes my book and movie selections a whole lot easier.

This sweet series, that deals with real life issues, is an inspiration.  I really like all of the characters and actors past and present.  

There are extremely sad times in the show, but overall I am left with a feeling of happiness after watching an episode.  And, I am always eager to watch the next one. It is so nice to be able to watch them back to back, without delays or months between the seasons. I have been surprised to realize there were a few things I had forgotten and have enjoyed rediscovering them.

The Synopsis of the Hallmark Series, When Calls the Heart

 When Calls the Heart - Seasons 1-5
Ultimate Collector's Edition
Check Price
In search of a purposeful life, Elizabeth Thatcher (Erin Krakow) accepts a teaching position in Coal Valley in western Canada.  She immediately discovers that her wealthy family background has not prepared her for the frontier.  That is pretty obvious to everyone, but she is determined to survive, thrive, and succeed.  Fortunately for Elizabeth, she is befriended by a very respected and loved resident, Abigail Stanton (Lori Loughlin) who supports and encourages her in her new life.

Coal Valley has recently endured a horrific coal mine explosion that has made dozens of the women in town (including Abigail Stanton), widows and many of the school children fatherless.  Their church, which housed their school, was burned down.  The classroom has been moved into the saloon, the only local business with a large enough room.  The saloon also doubles as a hotel, which means the students are occasionally interrupted by guests coming in or out, even though the bar is closed during school hours.

Shortly after Elizabeth arrives in Coal Valley, a newly assigned Mountie arrives.  Constable Jack Thornton is not happy with his new assignment.  He was headed to the desired and prestigious assignment of Cape Fullerton when he was redirected and sent to Coal Valley instead.  As soon as Jack hears Elizabeth's last name, he realizes she is the reason he was reassigned and is immediately resentful.  She is clueless about why the new Mountie seems to be mad at her until he explains that clearly her father had him reassigned so he could watch over his "princess" daughter.  Elizabeth isn't happy about it either.  She wants to prove herself capable and independent. She doesn't want or need a Mountie "taking care" of her and she is quick to point that out to Constable Jack.  This is just the first of many conflicts and misunderstandings between Elizabeth and Jack.

Each episode is filled with frontier adventure, drama, life, love, & loss.  Elizabeth is the main character, but there are several other individuals whose stories and lives become very important to the viewer.  Be prepared, you may find yourself talking to the TV, laughing, crying, hissing or even booing some of the people and scenes in this fabulous Hallmark series which will leave you wanting more.  

One Extra Note: Be sure you have access to Season 6 before you watch Season 5. You won't wish the finale of Season 5 to be the last thing you see.

 When Calls the Heart Year 10 Collector's EditionCheck Price

More Great News for "When Call the Heart" - Hallmark has announced there will be a Season 8!

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Or TV Series or Mini Series Reviewed Here

When Calls the Heart - Hallmark TV Series Reviewed Written by:
House of Sylvestermouse


Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, January 10, 2020

Signed, Sealed, Delivered Hallmark Series Reviewed

Signed, Sealed, Delivered Hallmark Series Reviewed
Signed, Sealed, Delivered started as a tv series in 2013, but after the first complete season, Hallmark rebranded the series as television films.  Sadly, that meant there would no longer be a weekly show.  But, for those of us who love the series, we are always excited when a new film is released.

There are 11 episodes, including the pilot, in the one season tv series.  At the time of publishing this review, there are more than 10 films that have been released since the series ended. 

Alongside the wonderful main characters, the shows have featured some really fabulous special guests that include Carol Burnett, Della Reese, Valerie Bertinelli, and Valerie Harper.  These special guests have added lighthearted humor and fun that makes the shows even more entertaining.

Signed, Sealed, Delivered Plot

As you might expect from the name, the main characters are employees of the US post office.  They are the only 4 employees of the Denver dead letter office, where they strive to find the right recipients in order to deliver long lost letters.  They often end up on great adventures while solving intriguing mysteries.

Signed, Sealed, Delivered Series
Signed, Sealed, Delivered - Series 1
The dead letter department is headed by Oliver O'Toole who is described by his team as an old-fashioned gentleman, a man of faith, a rule-keeper, and a meticulous manager.  Oliver is married, but his wife left him so she could live in Paris.  He is always on the lookout for any correspondence from her, but she has clearly abandoned him and their marriage.

Shane McInerney is accidentally placed in the dead letter office.  Because of her computer expertise and hacking ability she ends up being an excellent addition to the team.  Plus, she likes the other employees there.  Shane decides to stay with them even when her transfer to her intended position is finally approved.

Signed, Sealed, Delivered Hallmark Series Reviewed Rita Haywith is a really sweet lady who happens to have a photographic memory.  She has an uncanny ability to "look up" facts, names, and information via her own mind.  There are times when she seems too naive to believe, but she is so adorable you can't help but love her.  Her crush on Norman is obvious to everyone but him.

Last but by no means least, Norman Dorman is the consummate librarian and scientist.  He seems to be able to find the right book for any needed reference or information.  Norman possesses the "absent minded professor" personally that doesn't understand the normal, everyday conversations, social cues or nuances. Personally, I find his straight forward purity of words and actions refreshing. 

This team of determined post office workers are later dubbed the Postables because of their commitment to maintain the confidentiality of the contents and sender, while playing detective in order to locate the proper recipient of a dead letter or package.

The Postables always go the extra mile to make sure a missive finally reaches it's destination, even when it is years after it was initially mailed.

The letters always provide something the recipient needs, like an explanation for past actions, a long awaited apology or resolution, a gift like a wedding gown, or they reunite friends and family who have lost touch.  Some of the stories are pretty sad because either the sender or the recipient have died.  But, they still serve a purpose for the remaining loved ones.

One particularly touching episode, "To Whom It May Concern", was about a young woman who wanted to find the soldier who not only taught her to read, but also saved her life by giving up his seat on the rescue helicopter.  The team had to go to great lengths to find the missing soldier.

Watch Signed, Sealed, Delivered in Chronological Order 

It isn't absolutely necessary to watch the episodes or films in the order of their release date, but it will make the basic storyline more cohesive.  Because the plot and couple relationships develop over time, just like real life relationships, some things will make more sense if you know what happened in the past.

This is one series that I would recommend watching in chronological order.

    Signed, Sealed, Delivered Hallmark Series Reviewed
  1. Signed, Sealed, Delivered - Pilot Movie  (2013)
  2. Signed, Sealed, Delivered - The Complete Season 1  (2013-2014) 
    Note: Series 1 DVD does not include the pilot. Must purchase it separately.
  3. Signed, Sealed, Delivered for Christmas  (2014)
  4. Signed, Sealed, Delivered: From Paris With Love (2015) 
  5. Signed, Sealed, Delivered: Truth Be Told  (2015)
  6. Signed, Sealed, Delivered: The Impossible Dream  (2015) 
  7. Signed, Sealed, Delivered: From the Heart  (2016)
  8. Signed, Sealed, Delivered: One in a Million  (2016)
  9. Signed, Sealed, Delivered: Lost Without You  (2016) 
  10. Signed, Sealed, Delivered: Higher Ground  (2017)
  11. Signed, Sealed, Delivered: Home Again  (2017)
  12. Signed, Sealed, Delivered: The Road Less Traveled  (2018)
  13. Signed, Sealed, Delivered: To the Altar  (2018)
  14. Next Film Originally Planned to Be Released in mid to late 2020! Due to Pandemic, it is delayed, but still coming!          


 Signed, Sealed, DeliveredCheck Price Signed, Sealed, Delivered: The Complete Series (Hallmark)Check Price Signed, Sealed, Delivered for ChristmasCheck Price Signed, Sealed, Delivered: From Paris With LoveCheck Price


As you can see above, the DVD's are available to purchase on Amazon.  Or, you can subscribe to the Hallmark Channel via Amazon to watch them all.

Subscribe to Hallmark Channel on Amazon

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Signed, Sealed, Delivered Hallmark Series Reviewed Written by:
House of Sylvestermouse


Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, September 27, 2019

Darrow & Darrow Hallmark Movie Series Reviewed

Darrow & Darrow Hallmark Movie Series Reviewed
I recently discovered the awesome Hallmark movie series, Darrow & Darrow!  

It is a fabulous Hallmark series based on the legal cases handled by the law firm of Darrow & Darrow.  The investigations and clues in each of the cases are fun to watch while trying to guess the outcomes.  Add to that, the personal lives of each character, and you have a wonderfully captivating series. 

Adorable actors, a bit of romance, a touch of mystery surrounding the cases, a spattering of family conflicts, all combine to make a thoroughly enjoyable series of movies.

My tolerance for television is normally limited to a few hours a week. I don't like constant noise, although I do know a lot of people who enjoy the "company".  I'm not bashing watching TV.  Just explaining that it has to be something really good for me to leave it on long enough to see an entire movie.

When I find a series that is binge worthy, then it is definitely something to talk about, and review.

Darrow & Darrow Hallmark Movie Series Synopsis

When you see the couple on the first DVD cover, you assume the title "Darrow & Darrow", is referring to a husband and wife team.  Or, perhaps, a brother and sister.  However, only one member of the couple shown on the first DVD cover, is a Darrow.  The man is Miles Strasberg, and the woman is Claire Darrow.  They are actually opposing attorneys.

 Darrow & DarrowCheck PriceDarrow  & Darrow is a law firm that was originally started by Claire's parents.  After her father died, Claire's mother, Joanna, took off to New York to make a name for herself with an influential and powerful law firm. Even though her mother was successful, Claire resents that decision. When her mother returns, requesting she be taken back into the family law firm, Claire is more than reluctant to embrace her again as a partner. They don't see eye to eye on most things, including the types of cases the law firm should be representing.

During the pilot movie, we get to know the main characters fairly well. Miles Strasberg is a mild-mannered widower and district attorney, who happens to be opposing council in the first case of the series.  Claire is an adorable widow that is raising her daughter alone.  As an attorney, she spends her days defending falsely accused individuals in court.  Well, at least people she believes are falsely accused. Claire's clear calling is to be a defense attorney for those who are less fortunate and can not afford a good lawyer, but deserve one.

In the first movie, Claire defends a doughnut maker who has been accused of robbing a jewelry store.  The masked intruder uses David Kellerin's bakery truck to smash the front window. Then jumps out to grab the jewelry in the display case.  When David is arrested, one of the stolen watches is found in his possession.  It seems like an open and shut case.  In spite of the evidence, David pleads innocent and Claire believes him. It requires a great deal of trust and detective work to defend Mr. Kellerin.

Her opposing counsel, Miles Strasberg, is attracted to Claire.  He respects her idealism and her ethics, as well as her desire to find the truth, not just represent someone wealthy who may be guilty.  Every month he asks her out to dinner.  Every month, he gets the same answer, until one day, to his great surprise, she says yes.  They do make a really cute couple!

Darrow & Darrow Hallmark Movie

My Conclusion

It is always exciting to find a new, enjoyable series to watch. When it is Hallmark movies, I know I am in for hours of excellent TV time. 

I really like Claire Darrow.  I enjoy watching her interactions with Miles, her co-workers, her daughter, and even her mother. The court cases, plots, and investigations are quite interesting too. It is fun to try to figure them out before they are revealed in the movies.  Therefore, I highly recommend this movie series to anyone who loves good, clean entertainment with a touch of mystery and romance!

 Darrow & DarrowCheck Price Darrow & Darrow - 3 Film Collection One (Darrow & Darrow/In The Key of Murder/Body of Evidence)Check Price Witness to Murder: A Darrow MysteryCheck Price



Currently, "Darrow & Darrow" is available on Amazon with a subscription to the Hallmark Channel.  

Subscribe to the Hallmark Channel on

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Darrow & Darrow Hallmark Movie Series Reviewed by:
House of Sylvestermouse


Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

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