Only a few weeks ago I was discussing with a friend how our lives are now intrinsically bound up and even dominated by digital devices. We are reliant now in a way we never were ten and certainly twenty years ago.
This was brought home to me sharply a few months ago by an unusual set of circumstances where my mobile phone and my computer decided to break down at the same time! Suddenly I had no access to e mails, social media but even worse all our diary dates including medical appointments, meet ups with friends.... everything!
The only recourse while my computer was “in bits” in the shop and we were waiting on the mobile phone to arrive was our local part time library. How I wished I had a paper copy of all the appointments!
So in all this the humble paper diary planner I regularly used years ago a suddenly seemed like a great idea I had relegated unnecessarily to history and I missed it.
I can tell you that I quickly bought a paper diary and I do value it and love making my appts and notes in it in a way that tech does not fulfil somehow.
Paper Diary And Mindful Reflection
Despite the convenience of digital calendars, the tangible act of writing in a paper diary offers certain benefits I had completely forgotten as I embraced technology.
I find that writing our appts and dates by hand encourages mindfulness for me. The slower pace of writing in a diary allows for a level of reflection I never feel when using tech.
I feel more in control and it helps me organise my thoughts. All the noise of digital tech is gone leaving just the order and calmness of organising my life. I am finding that when I write a date in my diary I tend to recall and remember it far better than I do when I use the computer or phone.
Of course all diaries are a bit different in what they include and you need to decide what is best for you. I have included a range in this article to consider.
I love that my Diary has a features such as year to view, Year planner, big single day pages to write in and month to view. It makes organising and recording very easy.
I like the sections at the beginning of each month to record Notes, travel planning, financial planning and fitness planning as well. It also has space to record useful telephone numbers and details of friends and family. I love that it has inspirational quotes across the diary days which act as little reminders to live our best life.
2025 Appointment Book/Planner - Weekly & Monthly Planner, 6.3Check Price
Creativity and Expression In a Diary
My paper diary has become already a place for self expression. I can write little extra notes, hopes and plans for the future, doodles have once again become a thing and I have again become conscious of my long neglected handwriting style.
I enjoy writing in my diary planner, even when it is just appointments. Its a little bit of creative freedom I cannot replicate online.
Reduced Screen Time and Digital Fatigue
I spend a lot of time staring at a computer screen, I need to for many aspects of my life and work. In many ways I am grateful for digital technology, it has enabled me to work remotely, make friends across the world, shop for my home, find information easily and simplified many things.
However, we are also constantly bombarded with notifications, emails, and social media updates which can become tiring and distracting.
A paper diary offers a welcome break from screens, helping to reduce digital fatigue and the strain it places on our eyes and mind. A paper diary is simple, uncomplicated and can be a beautiful thing to hold in your hands.
Privacy and Security
My diary is for me and my husbands engagements. No one else sees it and I really don’t have to worry about privacy, hacking, breaches or especially after my recent experience any tech breakdowns or long wait times for new parts!
It provides a secure and private space for thoughts and plans. You don't need to worry about privacy policies or data storage issues and confidentiality is easy to ensure.
Calm And In Control With My Paper Diary
As I am now recording all important dates and appts in my paper diary I know that even if I face tech breakdowns, failures and long waits for replacement parts or new tech, I will always know I have my back up and do not have to worry. In some ways my paper diary now has my back!
I do still record in my online planners but that is practical, routine and in work mode. My paper diary feels more personal, more tangible and calm.
In a world where technology dominates our day to day life, the paper diary is a valuable tool. It might be old fashioned now but I have found a new respect for it helping me in my life organisation in a calm quite tranquil way.
I won't of course give up tech and it has many undeniable advantages that make life easier.
However, embracing the simplicity and sometimes beauty of a paper diary planner has brought a sense of peace that computer or other digital tools often lack.
In this increasingly digital world it was amazing to me how satisfying holding an actual pen and writing in a tangible, beautiful paper diary is a pleasure I didn’t know I had missed so much!
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