Showing posts with label gift reviews. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gift reviews. Show all posts

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Playing Games with the Amazon Echo

The Amazon Echo looks like a black Pringles can and fits in with any decor.
The Amazon Echo looks like a black
 Pringles can and fits in with any decor.
Have you heard of the new electronic gadget called the Amazon Echo? I wrote a review about it that you can read here, but let me quickly tell you a little bit about the device, then I'll let you know how you can have fun playing games with your Amazon Echo.

This awesome gadget looks a lot like a Pringles can, but it's actually a speaker that responds to its name, plays music, wakes you up in the morning, tells you the weather forecast and sports scores, reads the news to you, turns your lights on and off, and even orders stuff for you from, all with just a voice command from you.

You can have fun with the Echo (most people call her "Alexa;" her alternate wake name is "Amazon"), too. She has quite a sense of humor (well, as much as an electronic assistant can have) and is very cooperative if you just want to have some fun with her. Here are a few games you can play with your Echo.

"Alexa, who is singing that song?"

Play a game of "name that artist" or "name that tune" whenever you listen to music on your Echo. If you're not sure who's singing the song, just ask Alexa! Not sure of the song title? She'll answer that question, too.

"Alexa, how far is it from here to the North Pole?"

How about a game of trivia. Gather your friends and try to stump each other on facts, with your Echo as the final authority. Have your friends guess the answer to questions such as "How tall is Mount Everest?" or even "How many tablespoons in a cup?"  Closest to the correct answer wins!

Use the Echo's magnetic remote control from another room when you're too far away for the device to hear your voice.

"Alexa, Simon Says..."

Use the Echo's remote control from another room to play a game of Simon Says. Put Alexa in a room with your friends then, from another room where they can't hear you, speak into the remote control's microphone. Say, "Alexa, Simon says..." followed by whatever message you would like Alexa to repeat.

For instance, if your Echo is in a room with the kids, have Alexa say, "Kids, dinner's ready. Report to the kitchen!" They'll come running to find out how you did that!

"Alexa, I love you!"

Okay, we know she's not human, but everyone likes to feel appreciated. Let Alexa know that you love her. She'll let you know that she thinks you're pretty special, too.

"Alexa, tell me a joke." 

In the mood to laugh? Seriously, Alexa has quite the joke repertoire and most of them are pretty funny. If you need cheering up, just say, "Alexa, tell me a joke," and she will. Here's an actual joke that Alexa just now told me:
Knock knock.
Who's there?
Kanye who?
Kanye believe it? I tell jokes, too!

These are just a few ideas for games to play and fun things to do with your Amazon Echo. Get creative and come up with your own ideas, or use the "Things to Try" section of the Echo app to find more ideas. Don't have an Echo yet? Here's that Amazon Echo review link again where you can learn more about this fascinating and useful gadget and find out how to order one for yourself.

-- Susan Deppner
Read more of my reviews.

Posted by Susan Deppner

Susan Deppner

About the Author

Susan Deppner is a baby boomer, a cancer survivor, and a Southerner who believes in the Golden Rule. She enjoys writing about food, faith, and fitness; health, home, and holidays; people, places, pets, and patriotism, and more. Follow Susan on Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Reviewing Jenaluca Kitchen Scoop Set

Set Of Kitchen Scoops: The perfect gift for a bride

using a kitchen scoop

Recently, I was invited to a bridal shower for one of the neighbor girls down the street. There wasn't even a hesitation as to what I would get for the shower. I have a favorite gift to give when it comes to brides, a set of kitchen scoops.

Why scoops you ask? Well, for one thing I feel that every cook needs a good set of scoops whether she or he realizes it. Once they have them in their kitchen, they find that there are so many ways to use them.

Wouldn't one scoop be enough? Actually, I like having the different sizes in my kitchen, let me explain.

The Large Scoop: Not just for ice cream

Included in the set above is the large size that immediately brings to mind scooping ice cream. Yes, I use it for ice cream and sherbets all the time. I also use it for scooping portions of mashed potatoes onto our dinner plates along with any other mashed veggie that we may be having. When making cupcakes, I use the large scoop to put my batter into the baking cups so that my cupcakes are a uniform size when baked. It also works nicely for serving portions of pudding into a pretty dish for dinner guests. The large scoop holds 3 tablespoons of whatever you are scooping so it is easy to find all kinds of uses for it. 

The Medium Scoop: Cookies anyone?

The medium sized kitchen scoop holds 1 1/2 tablespoons of ingredients so I use it the most for my cookie dough. It is a perfect size and I love that my cookies are a uniform size when baked. It is also the kitchen scoop that I grab when I make meatballs. Once the grandchildren came along, I also use the medium scoop for serving the little ones their portion of mashed potatoes. I like to use this size for smaller cupcakes and muffins, too.

The Small Scoop: A fruitful tool

The third and smallest tool in this kitchen scoop set holds 2 teaspoons of ingredients. I love to use it for melon balls and any other fruit that can be scooped. It is also handy when I want to make smaller meatballs. Since I know that it holds the two teaspoons, I will often grab it to measure out ingredients for recipes, too.

Choose Scoops That Last: 

There is hardly a day in my kitchen that I'm not grabbing at least one of my kitchen scoops for something. When I first started out, I had a fairly cheap ice cream scoop and it wore out pretty quickly. I replaced it with a relatively inexpensive one and that one wore out, too. Finally, the light bulb came on in my head! These are tools in your kitchen that are used often so buy a good one that will last. In the long run, I've saved myself money by purchasing the better quality scoops that last for what seems forever. 

That is why when I have a gift to purchase for a bride, I choose a good set of kitchen scoops like the Jenaluca set. I know she will use them for a very long time in her own kitchen. I know they are good because I use them myself.  

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Review of The Vegimals, Members of the Fisher-Price Octonauts

Fisher-Price Octonauts - The Vegimals Set
Fisher-Price Octonauts - The Vegimals Set

My grandson, David, was approaching his sixth birthday.  While checking with his parents as to what toys might be on his birthday wish list, I was told about a recent favorite of the kindergarten set – the Octonauts!

The Octonauts

Being a grandmother with my children all grown and my five grandsons living far away, I'm out of the habit of knowing what toys are popular with today's children. Therefore, I needed to do some research into this latest craze... and thus this review for other grandparents and parents who might not be aware of these adorable toys.

It seems the Octonauts are an underwater exploring crew of eight little anthropomorphic animals who live under the sea in their Octopod and have undersea adventures using a fleet of aquatic vehicles.

Animated Series

Octonauts Wall Decal
Octonauts Wall Hanging available on Amazon

The Octonauts began in 2010 as a British TV series on BBC based on American-Canadian children's books written by Vicki Wong and Michael C. Murphy.  It's an animated series which appeals to children ages 4-12. 

The Octonauts encounter real marine animals in their natural habitats while having adventures. It's rather a bit like a combination of 'Star Trek and the Thunderbirds meet Jacques Cousteau!'

Octonauts Characters

Image of the 8 Octo-Crew Octonauts
Octo-Crew of 8 Octonauts

The eight main Octonaut characters include the Captain, Barnacles the Polar Bear, along with Kwazii the Cat, Peso the Penguin, Inkling the Octopus, Shellington the Sea Otter, Tweak the Rabbit, Dashi the Dog, and Tunip the Vegimal.

The Vegimals


Personal photo of the Vegimals set I got David for his birthday
The Vegimals Set I Got David for his Birthday

Which brings us to the set I purchased and mailed to David for his birthday – The Vegimals!  David has already begun collecting all the main Octonauts characters, so I have added to his collection with this set of five characters which are really cute.  They are soft and squishy and measure about 1.5 inches tall.

Vegimals are part animal and part vegetable and are a special breed of underwater critters who love making tasty kelp cakes and helping out around the Octopod! They include Barrot the carrot, Grouber the ginger, Tominnow the tomato, Codish the radish, and Tunip the Turnip. Tunip is also the Ship's Cook and Gardener and a regular member of the regular 8-character team.

Toys by Fisher-Price 

The Octonauts and Vegimals figures, along with their Octopod and vehicle playsets, are products of Fisher-Price, which is a name I've trusted in toys for children for nearly 50 years.

Gup Speeder Gup-O with Kwazii the Cat toy
Gup Speeder Gup-O with Kwazii the Cat

By the way, along with the Vegimals set, my birthday package included a Mini Gup (vehicle) with Kwazii the Cat, which I learned is David's favorite Octonaut. There are a whole line of these vehicles and playsets, which make nice additions to your child's collection as time goes on.

This birthday request became my first-ever introduction to the Octonauts and their friendly Vegimals and I find them adorable.  I have to say I am delighted to make their acquaintance and I see a whole bunch of birthday and Christmas Octonauts in my grandsons' future! 

Grandson David with his new Octonauts toy
David, Age 6

Happy Octonauts Birthday, David!

*Review written by Wednesday Elf on 5/2/15

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, March 29, 2015

A Ring with a Heart and Hands - What is it Called?

A Ring with a Heart and Hands - What is it Called?

In today's world a visually meaningful expression of love doesn't have to be the simple gift of a ring, it can also be a profound denotation. This ring style has a significant, heartfelt meaning; it's known as a Claddagh Ring, a traditional Irish ring.

So What Does a Ring with 

Two Hands, A Heart, and a Crown Mean:

Each part of this ring represents a different dedication; the hands represent friendship, the heart is for love, and the crown expresses loyalty. Giving this ring signifies a deep commitment to love. In fact, this ring is part of a group called 'Fede' Rings. Fede comes from an Italian expression meaning hands joined together in faith. A Fede Ring is the promise of love and loyalty. In fact, they were often used as a traditional Engagement and Wedding Ring in medieval times.
Around 18th century England, the Claddagh Ring, a ring with a heart and hands, became a variation of the Fede ring. From that time forward, and especially in the 20th century, there was a burst of popularity for this unique symbol. It's not only a message expressing love and promise; it's also a part of Irish identity.
You'll see the symbol used everywhere, from gravestones to engagement rings. The eternal depth of love, friendship, and loyalty makes this artistic emblem very real and deep.
The Ring with Heart and Hands Comes in Designs for Both Men and Women
Whether it's an Anniversary gift, an Engagement Ring, or a gift of deep loyalty to a friend, this ring comes in many design styles that work for both men and women. 
HOW YOU WEAR THIS RING also MATTERS - Different Meanings for Different Hands and Different Directions.
  1. When a person wears it on their right hand with the heart on the ring pointing toward their wrist, it means they're in a relationship and unavailable. It's an excellent idea for a promise ring.
  2. If it's on the left hand with the heart pointing towards the ends of the fingers, the person wearing the ring is married or similarly committed. Of course, if it's given as a wedding ring, it will go on the wedding finger.
  3. Generally, you're engaged on the left hand, pointing towards the fingertips and ring finger.
  4. If the wearer puts this ring on their right hand with the heart pointing towards the ends of the fingers, it can symbolize that the person is looking for love.
  5. If you were going to wear this as a friendship ring, you would typically wear it on the right hand with the heart either pointing toward your fingertips if you're unmarried or toward your wrist if you're married.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Making a Mattress More Comfortable with a Microplush Mattress Pad

Making a Mattress More Comfortable with a Microplush Mattress Pad

Suppose it's currently not an option to replace a not-so-comfortable mattress. In that case, there is an affordable solution: With a soft
microplush mattress pad, you can bring an otherwise useless mattress back to life - A Review.

Although a mattress pad is primarily for added comfort, there are two other benefits to having them:

They form a cleanliness barrier for the mattress itself and make it a little easier to clean the bed. Some padding covers are machine washable, while others are dry clean only. Usually, the over-filled padded covers are dry clean only.
Even if a mattress has a pillow top, you can still use this Microplush-filled padding. You really do get a lot of extra softness by doing this. The deep pockets on the sides of the cover make it easy to go on, even with the added thickness of a pillow top.

To save even more, you can also get a comfortably filled pad that has the bed skirt already built into it. 
That way, you don't have to run out and buy a separate skirt. I've featured one here so you can see what it looks like. It's the same as the one above, except it has the skirt built in.
So before you go to the expense of adding a soft topper to your bed, examine whether a mattress pad is a wiser, more affordable option.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Customized Clocks Make Great Gifts

Design a Personalized Clock for a Special Person  

Loving Parrots Clock

Most of us find ourselves occasionally needing a gift for someone who seems to have everything. Why not design a wall clock as that gift? Whether a person needs to read the time on the wall or not, everyone loves something personal decorating the wall in the room where they spend the most time. Everyone has an interest and appreciates wall decor that recognizes that special interest.

The clock above would be appropriate for that friend who collects anything related to parrots, who has a parrot, or who has a special interest in tropical birds. But using the method below, you could substitute a photo of your friend's own parrot or other bird for the one in this design. You could do the same for a friend with a cat, dog, horse, donkey, or any other animal. And there are always children and grandchildren that are wonderful to see every time you look at the clock. 

Here's How Design Your Own Custom Wall Clock from Scratch On Zazzle

Prepare an image of about 3225 pixels square and 300 dpi resolution and save it where you can find it easily.  . Square Clock Template
Square Clock Template Check out more Wall Clocks

To design your own clock, follow these easy steps. Be sure to have the artwork or photo you want to use as your clock face image handy. Here's how I created the clock below.

  1.  Pick a shape and size 
  2.  Click the customize button under the image.
  3.  Click "add image." 
  4.  Upload the image from your computer or file on Zazzle. 
  5. Add your numbers. In the clock below I did each number as a separate text element so I could make them irregular. If you prefer not to have numbers, don't add them. 
  6.  For each text element you can use the edit dropdown menus to change text size, style, and color. I used the "arrange" dropdown to rotate some of the numbers. I also dragged some numbers around to mix them up by clicking the text box of the number to make the box for it appear on the screen, and then I dragged the box to where I wanted it to go. Be sure to use a very large image at 300 dpi resolution. My editor lets me edit by inches, and the large square and round clocks need to have an image 10.75 inches square or in diameter. Small round clocks have an eight inch diameter. When you finish your creation, double check your spelling and make sure everything is as you intended. 
  7.  Put the item in your cart.  If you want a similar "Who cares" clock with an image of your favorite place or activity, follow the link to this clock, click "customize," and click the box containing the name of the image already on the product. Then click "change image." You will be able to select the image you want to use and upload it, and it will replace the image that's there. Repeat with any of the text boxes listed under the edit menus. Maybe you don't want to change the numbers, because that's a lot of work, but you might want to change the "Who Cares?" text to something else.
    Square "Who Cares?" Wall Clock

Square "Who Cares?" Wall Clock

 Below is another variation on the square clock. (The images I had available seemed to look better on a square clock than a round one.) For this clock I chose an interest -- baking. I just happened to have a picture for it. You could customize by clicking the link to this clock and using your own picture of a lovely cake or pie of loaf of bread to replace my date bars. Or maybe you prefer making soup and you have a steaming pot of soup image. You can replace my date bars with your soup, and then change my text to "It's always time to make soup." Since that's longer, you might need to make the type size smaller to fit it in. If sports or games interest you more than kitchen activities, use an appropriate picture and then change the text to one of these or your own idea.

  • It's always time for Wi 
  • Chess stops the clock 
  • Never enough time to play golf 
You will have some great ideas. My example below is just that an example. In this product, I included a template for adding your image and text.
Wall Clock Date Bars "ALWAYS TIME TO BAKE"
Wall Clock Date Bars "ALWAYS TIME TO BAKE"

To test my instructions, I just made this new design in a few minutes. I as amazed at how quick and easy it was to do.

The Quality of Zazzle Clocks

The clocks you can order from Zazzle are made by the Acrylic Idea Factory in Tuscon, Arizona. Out of the 314 customers who reviewed the clocks they received, the average rating they gave their clocks was 4.7 out of a possible 5. (293 people gave 4-5 star ratings and only 21 gave lower ones.) Many satisified customers don't bother to write reviews, but the unsatisfied customers are very likely to sound off. Most reviewers liked the quality of the clock bodies and were surprised at how sturdy they were.  They expected them to hold up for years of use. Most people were also very happy with the print quality. Many commented on how easy the clocks were to set up and use and on how simple it was to insert and change the AA battery (not included).

In most cases, those who were not happy were disappointed because they had not read the descriptions properly. One person thought she would be getting a clock with real forks and spoons on it instead of an image. Another person complained because the images were very small in the picture on the website and she didn't realize the clock she ordered for children with little fairy figures on the edge was intended for adults. If a figure is too small for you to see the details clearly, most browsers have a zoom feature that allows you magnify the entire page. I know Chrome has this. So if you are in doubt, zoom in and get a good look at the design before you order.

When customizing your clocks with your own images, remember that the quality of the image you upload will determine the how your finished clock will look. Some of the complaints were really due to customers uploading images that did not contrast enough with the clock hands. The clock hands are black, and will look best when they will not be on a very dark background.

A couple of people expected the clock hands to be heavier than they were and were upset because they can bend. But heavier hands would not move as easily and there is a reason to keep them light. It's best to put the clocks high enough on the wall to be out of reach of small children who might try to play with the hands.

To make sure you are one of the happy customers, read all descriptions carefully, zoom in to see image details, and make sure your image is large enough, has high resolution, and will contrast well and not be covered by the clock hands on important image parts.

Keep Calm And Carry On Round Wall Clocks
Keep Calm And Carry On Round Wall Clocks Find other Keep calm Wall Clocks at

Sometimes Seeing Clocks Others Have Designed Will Give You Ideas for Your Own
You can personalize any of these with text or use as is.

I'm hoping some of these will give you ideas for creating your own clocks by customizing or personalizing one of these designs. There is everything here from abstract art to animal, sports, occupational, literary, travel, and children's literature designs. If you can think of it, someone has designed a clock for it. One of the clocks you discover is sure to inspire your own ideas, since when we see what someone else has done, we can think of ways to rework it for someone we know. 

I got a lot of fresh designing prompts from browsing these designs of others. When you click the links here, they will lead you on a merry journey of browsing even more interesting clocks. The imaginations of these artists are limitless.

The clock below is perfect for a cyclist. The bottom link will lead you to other appropriate designs with wheels. You will know which will resonate with your friend or loved one. So often I wondered what a teen-aged boy might want, and a sports related clock might be just the thing he would love and not outgrow.
Bicycle Wheel clock with numbers
Bicycle Wheel clock with numbers
View other Wheel Wall Clocks at

What child would not love a special clock in their room with their own name on it? Zazzle has an amazing variety of designs pertaining to almost any child's interest. Find the clock and change the name. Shopping done! Unless you find yourself wanting to buy for more than one child when you see all those fabulous choices. Just be sure you choose a clock with numbers for children who may not be used to knowing where the numbers should be. 

Personalized pink rainbow clock for girls.
Personalized pink rainbow clock for girls
Look at other Kids Wall Clocks at

Is there a musician on your list? The clock below will fit either a vocalist or someone who plays an instrument. Clocks are also available featuring almost any instrument you can think of, and you can find colors to fit any decor. Great for dorm rooms or music studios. 

Black and white music notes clock with numbers
Black and white music notes clock with numbers

Is there an animal lover on your list? How better to customize than with a picture of their pet or pets on a clock they will see every day. Many people add "Remember to feed the cat (or dog) " on the clock showing their pet. If a pet has crossed the rainbow bridge, one could add text similar this: "Remember the good times." Just be sure to find a photo that won't have an important part of the face covered with the hands mechanism. 

Beagle Baby Dog Square Wall Clock
Beagle Baby Dog Square Wall Clock
Browse Animal Wall Clocks online at

Penguin lovers will be happy to have so many choices in colors and designs on clocks featuring penguins. There are artsy designs, superb photos, and even cartoon characters. 
Penguin Clock

What I have showed you above only scratches the surface of the thousands of wall clock designs you can find on Zazzle. To find just the perfect gift, use search terms that focus on occupations, interests, age-related humor, and anything else that comes to mind with regard to that person. In closing, here are more of my own personal favorites. 

Colorful Abstraction Wall Clock
Colorful Abstraction Wall Clock
Shop for more Wall Clocks at
Nurses Call The Shots Clocks
Nurses Call The Shots Clocks
View other Nurse Wall Clocks at
Pink Floral Teacup Personalize Wallclocks
Pink Floral Teacup Personalize Wallclocks
Browse another Wall Clock at Zazzle

I hope you will now be inspired to go right to Zazzle and make a clock. Or if you don't feel quite up to that, I hope you'll want to do a little window shopping in the Zazzle clock department. Enjoy.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Review of an Easy to Use One Cup Coffee Maker

The Benefits of a One Cup Coffee Maker

My Mom finally took the plunge and treated herself to a Keurig Coffee Maker. As most of us know by now, the convenience rests in making one cup of coffee quick and straightforward.
Since Dad passed, and Mom doesn't need (or want) a regular-sized coffee maker, she's been talking about getting a Keurig. Well, she finally took the plunge, and sitting on her counter is this pretty coffee brewing system.
Quite frankly, I wasn't sure if I would like it; the main reason is that I had tried another brand
of one-cup coffee makers several years ago and didn't like it. I found it complicated. However, in regards to this particular make and model, I do like it...and yes, it's easy to use.
It's different than the type of coffee maker that would work for my family, though - I have too many family members, and a one-cup brewing system just wouldn't cut it.

Who Would Benefit From a Keurig:

  • Empty Nesters - absolutely ideal for just a couple!
  • Widowers - my Mom is in this category, and this set-up couldn't be any better
  • Kids in Residence - University students in Dorms! A convenient item to have in their rooms
  • The Cottage - Since the number of people varies at the cottage when it's quiet, and you don't have many visitors, this is a terrific alternative coffee maker.
  • RV's - If you're on the road, the ease and speed of getting a cup of coffee is ideal.
  • Nanny's Room/Grandma's In-House Suite - For those fortunate enough to have either a Nanny or a parent living with them, this machine could easily be placed on a shelf in their bedroom.

So here's the ultimate question: would I invest in a one-cup coffee maker, a Keurig...YES, I sure would! My favorite coffee brand is Maxwell House, and you can get Maxwell House packets for this machine - I had two cups this morning! Most of all, it's the speed and convenience that make it a worthwhile investment.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Five Toe Shoes for that Barefoot Feeling!

Five Toe Shoes

Review of Vibram Five-Toe Shoes

There are two popular makes of Toe Shoes: Vibram Toe Shoes and File Skele. My son requested these for his birthday, and of course, that request resulted in this research!
The most preferred brand is Vibram Five Toe Shoes; however, if you're looking for a slightly less expensive Toe Shoe, then Fila's is also a good choice.
The notable difference between the two shoes is that while Vibram Toe Shoes have 5 toe slots, Fila Skele comes with 4. The last two toes on Fila Skele-Toes are a shared slot.
You'll also notice that Vibram Toe Shoes are designed to shape the foot, whereas Fila Skele has less of a contoured fit and more of a ridged bottom. Vibrams were designed to emulate a barefoot feeling and thus shaped like a foot.

Why Wear Five Toe Shoes?

There's much evidence that running barefoot allows a person to run faster and farther with less injury.
Vibram Toe Shoes are designed so that you land directly below your center of gravity...which would be on your forefoot. This type of shoe gives you less of an impact and provides better balance while giving you more propulsion.
Since you're in a simulated barefoot shoe, you'll be able to sense more of the impact on your feet and thus make adjustments to improve agility and balance. This is one of the reasons Runners love these types of shoes. These toe shoes are also structured to help strengthen the lower legs and foot muscles.
In my son's case, he's not a runner; he just decided these would be comfy and wanted a pair!
So Here's what I found out about the different brands:

For Women, Men, Boys, and Girls

Vibram Toe Shoes have various designs. Below is a breakdown of which designs are available
For Men and Women:
Women's Vibram Toe Shoes: Komodosport, Classic, Sprint, Jaya, Jaya LR, Flow, KSO, Treksport, Kso Trek, Performa Jane, Bikila, Bikila LS
Men's Vibram Toe Shoes: Komodosport, Classic, Sprint, Flow, KSO, Treksport, KSO Trek, Bikila, Bikila LS
Kids Vibram Toe Shoes: Boys KSO, Girls KSO

For Running, Fitness, Water Sports, Yoga, Trekking, Traveling, & After Sports

Running: Bikila, Sprint, Flow, KSO, Trek Sport, KSO Trek, Bikila LS, Komodo Sport
Fitness: Bikila, Classic, Sprint, KSO, Trebk Sport, Performa Jane, Jaya LR, Komodo Sport, Bikila LS, Jaya
Water Sports: Sprint, Flow, KSO
Yoga: Classic, Sprint, KSO, Performa Jane
Trekking/Hiking: Flow, KSO, Trek Sport,
For Travelling: Classic, Sprint, KSO, Trek Sport, KSO Trek, Performa Jane, Jaya LR, Bikila LS, Jaya
Unwinding/Relaxation: Classic, Sprint, KSO, Trek Sport, Performa Jane, Jaya LR, Jaya
The most popular all around Toe Shoes are the Vibram KSO Toe Shoes, which are the ones I've decided to go with.


Here's a helpful video review:

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Reviewing the Best Birthday Cards for Online Friends

birthday card and flowers

Selecting birthday cards for friends you've never met in person is a challenge. Find the perfect greeting in this review of birthday cards for online friends.

We all have them. Virtual friends that we hang out with online. We've never met them in person, but we feel we've known them all our lives. And, when our online friends celebrate a special birthday, we want to share it with them.

What do you send the friend you've never met for their birthday? Let's review birthday cards for online friends.

Create a Customized Birthday Card

Yes, it may sound old-fashioned, but many people still enjoy getting cards and letters delivered to their front door.

When an online friend has shared their mailing address, take a suggestion from Review This! contributor, Mary Beth. Mary Beth loves to create special greeting cards for her special friends. And she loves to share her pictures of butterflies in her Zazzle print-on-demand gift shop.

The cool thing about shopping at Zazzle is that you can customize the gifts you buy. Mary Beth's Paper Kite Butterfly greeting card, and all greeting cards on Zazzle's site, can be personalized. You can add a birthday greeting to the front of the card and add a personal wish to the inside.

Send an Electronic Greeting Card

Do a web search and you'll find a long list of websites where you can create an electronic birthday card. These sites usually have a selection of free and fee cards. After you select and customize a card, the site sends an email to the card recipient with a link to the card. The only information you need to provide about your birthday pal is an email address.


My favorite web-based greeting card service is I found E-Cards about 15 years ago and have always had a good experience with their service. E-Cards has a nice selection of free cards or you can join the site for access to members-only cards.

If you care about wildlife and the environment, E-Cards donates a portion of their earnings to organizations such as World Wildlife Fund, Natural Resources Defense Council, Environmental Defense, Grist Magazine, The New American Dream, and The Green Schools Initiative.

Send a Gift Card

Gift cards are the universal gift. Gift cards are easy to purchase and easy to spend. The great thing about gift cards is that you don't have to second guess about what your online friend would enjoy. has made gift card giving a group activity. With the Amazon Birthday Gift, you and your online friends can contribute any amount to a birthday gift card for another online friend. All you have to do is tell your friends where they can make their contribution.

It's easy to remember your online friends on their birthdays. Especially when sending a birthday card is just a few mouse clicks away.

Posted by Coletta Teske
Coletta Teske

About This Contributor

Coletta Teske writes reviews on books, business management, writing, crafting, cooking, and gardening. She is also an avid recycler and shares her tips on recycling. She delights in upcycling an old object, recycling or transforming discarded items into a new treasure.

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