There are two reasons why I have opted to review Iron Man. One, because we have a generation of kids who are now old enough to be interested in the Marvel Avengers, but were not old enough in the beginning to watch the movies in order as they were released.
Second, Iron Man sets the foundation for all of the following Avengers movies. Every Marvel fan, old or young, needs to see the movie Iron Man. I believe we all have a much greater appreciation for Tony Stark and his leadership role in all of the Marvel Avengers movies when we know the background.
Iron Man Movie Review
Iron Man (Single-Disc Edition)Check PriceIron Man was the first Marvel Avengers movie. It was released in 2008 and starred Robert Downey, Jr. in the leading role. Downey, Jr. is still playing Iron Man aka Tony Stark today in the Avengers movies. That alone, makes this movie remarkable.
Tony Stark is a genius. In the movie, he graduated summa cum laude* from MIT at the age of 17. When he was 21, he assumed ownership of Stark Industries, a weapons developing company founded by his deceased father.
Tony is kidnapped by terrorists in enemy occupied territory after demonstrating a new weapon to US military troops. They insist he build the new weapon for them, promising he will be released upon its completion. Tony doesn't believe they will ever release him and neither does his assistant and fellow prisoner, Yinsen.
Tony designs the first Iron Man suit out of necessity and together, he and Yinsen build it. After 3 months of being held prisoner and forced to work, Tony and Yinsen put their plan into action, but it is only with great sacrifice that Stark survives to return to the US. Upon his return, he is determined that Stark Industries will never again build weapons of destruction. However, the company CEO, Obadiah Stane, does not agree with Tony. Stane is equally determined to make sure they continue building the weapons, even more powerful than before.
The battle between Stark and Stane is tremendous, but there are a lot of surprising reasons why it became so hostile. You will want to watch this movie!
Even if you have already seen the more current Avenger movies, take a few hours to step back into the past and grab an Iron Man dvd. You won't be sorry!
Avengers Movies
On interesting note: Even though Captain America was the first avenger, the Marvel Avengers movies started with Iron Man.
By the way, The Incredible Hulk was the second Avenger movie. It was released a month later in 2008. However, it was 2 years later before Iron Man 2 was released in 2010. And, 3 years before Thor was released in 2011. Captain America was also released in 2011.
All of these movies are fabulous on their own, but together, they are magnificent!
In Release Order: Start with Iron Man (featured above) --- If You Don't Want to Buy All of the DVDs, it is often less expensive to rent them on Amazon Prime
The Incredible HulkCheck PriceIron Man 2 (Single-Disc Edition)Check PriceThorCheck PriceCaptain America: The First AvengerCheck Price
Avengers Movies Order to Watch
1) Iron Man (2008)2) The Incredible Hulk (2008)
3) Iron Man 2 (2010)
4) Thor (2011)
5) Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)
6) Marvel The Avenger's (2012)
7) Iron Man 3 (2013)
8) Thor: The Dark World (2013)
9) Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)
10) Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
11) Avenger's: Age of Ultron (2014)
12) Ant-Man (2015)
13) Dr. Strange (2016)
14) Captain America: Civil War (2016)
15) Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 (2017)
16) Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
17) Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
18) Black Panther (2018)
19) Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
20) Ant-Man and The Wasp (2018)
21) Captain Marvel
21) Avengers: Endgame

*In reality, there are no honors at MIT for graduating with a high GPA