Thursday, September 26, 2024

Stare Down - Book Review


Photograph by mbgphoto
St. Louis Gateway Arch
Photographed by Mary Beth Granger
While walking around at a craft and vendor fair at our church, I came across a booth with a local author.  The first thing that caught my eye was a book with a photo of the Arch in St. Louis.  I always enjoy reading books that have locations I am familiar with and having grown up in the area, I have always been fascinated with the Arch.  As I stopped and talked to the author, Ellen Parker, I found that she wrote romance books that are mixed with mysteries or historical fiction.  All of these are topics I enjoy reading.  When I got home, I downloaded one of her books that depicted the Arch on the cover and started reading.  

The book I read was Stare Down and I enjoyed it so much that I emailed the author and asked if she would do an author interview with me.  She graciously accepted and you will find her interview in this post.

If you would like to read Stare Down or any of her books, they are available on Amazon.  Here is a link to Stare Down

Book Summary

If you enjoy an intriguing romance with a murder mystery thrown in, then this is a book you will enjoy.  Author Ellen Parker does a great job of combining a budding romance and a murder all in one book with a setting in St. Louis.

Detective Maylee Morgan and surgeon Dave Holmes first meet on the running trails in a park in St. Louis and are instantly attracted to each other.  They know little about each other after their first meeting but are interesting in finding out more.  They soon find out that they are neighbors in an apartment where Dave has recently moved.  All is progressing along when Dave's boss is found dead and Dave does not have an alibi.  When Maylee shows up to question suspects Dave finds out that she is a detective and memories of the past haunt him as he now sees her as a lady with a gun.

Will Maylee and Dave get together, will the murder be solved?  This is one you must read to find the answers.

Author Interview

1) Tell us a little about yourself and your background.
I was raised on a small Wisconsin dairy farm in a household filled with books and magazines.
My parents and older brothers all enjoyed reading and it was natural that I developed the habit early. My education and first career placed me in hospital laboratories.

2) What made you choose writing as a second career?
I’ve enjoyed reading a variety of materials and when my children were little, I made up stories for them. When computers, with spellcheck, came along, I decided to try my hand at writing
romance and discovered I liked creating the stories.

3) How did you choose which genre to write about?
I like the happy, positive ending to a romance story. My mother and I traded books back and
forth in later years, and I like the idea of being able to share between the generations. But I also like a little mystery or suspense, so my first books fall under the large grouping of romantic suspense. Or, as I sometimes tell people – romance with a touch of suspense.

4) I am intrigued by the title of this book. What made you decide on Stare Down?
Growing up, did you get into staring contests with siblings or friends? I decided the quirk would be a good device for a detective – useful with a sibling, a date, or a criminal suspect.

5) When you write, do you have the storyline and outcome decided before you start writing, or does it come to you as you are writing?
I need to know the ending of story before I begin writing. Usually, I know several incidents which are going to happen. But characters often show a mind of their own and surprise me along
the way.

6) You really make your characters come alive in your books. What is your secret?
Thank you for the compliment. I try to put a little bit of a problem in every character’s background. And even the villain needs to have one good facet to his life.

7) What do you want the reader to take away from this book?
I would like the reader to feel hopeful and satisfied that this couple, Dave and Maylee, are going
to be sharing a good life together. I think the ‘lesson’ would be that with time and effort a person can overcome large obstacles – Dave’s great trauma early in his life will make adjustments by both Dave and Maylee necessary.

I hope you have enjoyed this review and interview and will add Ellen Parker to your list of authors to read.  I know I am looking forward to reading more of her books.

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”


  1. This sounds like an excellent book to dive into!

  2. The plot to "Stare Down" sounds really interesting and I appreciate the recommendation. I also like reading books placed in settings I am familiar with and having lived for a short time in St. Louis, I look forward to reading Stare Down. I also really enjoyed your interview with author Ellen Parker. A really fun review, Mary Beth. Thank you.

  3. roflol! With 5 siblings, I am quite familiar with the stare down. As children, we even had contests to see who would blink first. As a matter of fact, we have not outgrown that little game. Now, we think if we stare hard enough, a sibling will be able to read our mind. This sounds like a book and author I would really enjoy reading. Great review and thanks for the recommendation! I will be sharing the book(s) with my mother too!

  4. This sounds like a book I would enjoy, romance with some suspense and mystery. It sounds like the characters are well developed which I like. Love your interview with the author, it was very interesting. Great review and thank you for your recommendation.

  5. This definitely sounds like a novel I would enjoy. Thank you for taking the initiative to ask the author for an interview. Looking forward to reading her fiction.

  6. That is so cool that you got to interview the author. I appreciated reading her answers to your interview.

  7. Another book to add to my growing list again, thank you for providing one that I know I will enjoy!


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