I received this cute rubber duck tea infuser for Christmas from my daughter a couple of years ago. I'd said I wanted a fun tea infuser and she wanted to know what I meant by that so I mentioned a rubber ducky one as an example. My mum was Christmas shopping with her and told me (after the event) that she was searching high and low for it ignoring other fun tea infusers like the sloth tea infuser or the geeky space capsule tea infuser for examples.
Aside from looking cute floating in a mug of tea instead of someone's bath this rubber ducky hides a mesh tea infuser underneath which you simply add the loose tea to, attach the rubber duck and let it float around dispensing flavor to your hot water.
Personally I only use my rubber ducky tea infuser for making my own peppermint tea. I simply pick fresh mint leaves, pop them in the mesh and leave it to brew for about 5 minutes before enjoying a lovely tasting aid to digestion. The peppermint tea really sets me up for the afternoon as it not only tastes nice, but stops indigestion and also helps to keep me refreshed and invigorated, but back to the tea infuser.
This fun tea infuser comes with a blue stand which looks rather like an egg cup, with a wavy 'top' and lets you simply lift rubber ducky out of your cup and into the stand when you want to drink. Once washed and in the cupboard it lets you sit the tea infuser neatly until use.
If you're a loose tea drinker, or you just want to try some of your own herbal infusions then I recommend this rubber ducky tea infuser as I dare you not to smile when you see it's cute face!
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