Just CrossStitch includes beautiful pictures of each finished project, plus easy to read full patterns.
I have saved years of back subscriptions of Just CrossStitch! I never know when I will feel the itch to stitch and I do love having a variety of patterns available.
Long before I started my subscription, I would buy the issues every time I visited Barnes & Noble, which used to be quite often before I was gifted with a Kindle. It was our favorite date night to dine out and then head over to B&N.
Just CrossStitch Magazines
Just CrossStitch Magazine -Single Issue
December 2017Check PriceUnlike books, a magazine is very lightweight, which makes it easy to carry when we travel. I always carry either a cross stitch project or a crochet project with me in the car or on a plane.
I well remember cross stitching a bookmark from a Just CrossStitch magazine pattern for my son in the airport on a layover with a flight delay. It was such a restful way for me to wait. I didn't stress at all over the delay. As a matter of fact, I remember thinking how I wished I had time to make a bookmark for our daughter too.
Every time I see my son using that bookmark, I think how glad I am that I used that layover time to make something special for him. I am also glad the magazine had just the right pattern within its pages. Of course, that was probably why I selected that particular issue to carry with me.
Tip: Patterns for bookmarks only require being small single images pulled from any cross stitch design. They don't have to be titled "bookmark" for the pattern to work well on a bookmark.
You can purchase the individual issue that you want like I did in years past, or you can subscribe to receive your issue in the mail. An annual subscription includes 6 issues, plus the Christmas Ornament special edition.
Surprisingly, the Just CrossStitch magazine is now available on Kindle! I haven't personally tried viewing the magazine on my Kindle since I have the print issue subscription, but I can see how it would be awesome to get them on my Kindle Fire. (The Kindle Fire will provide color pictures.)
Just CrossStitch DVD's
Just CrossStitch Collection 1983-1990Check PriceDon't stress if you wish you had discovered this wonderful magazine years ago! You can purchase DVD's that have the back issue patterns for multiple past years.
The DVD's contain every issue of the years noted of the Just CrossStitch magazine. They consist of PDFs that are searchable, plus provide printer-friendly charts. Therefore, you can print out a pattern and carry it with you wherever you go. Even though I have the magazines, I like having the convenience of the DVD for searching out a pattern of choice.
When you insert the DVD into your computer's DVD-ROM drive, it will open a list of file names. Simply select the year, then the month you wish to view and open using the free version of Adobe Reader. You can print the patterns by clicking on the print icon of the Adobe Reader.
There are also Halloween or Christmas patterns from the Just CrossStitch magazine available on DVD.
The Just CrossStitch Collection 1991–2000Check PriceThe Just CrossStitch Collection 2001–2010Check PriceJust CrossStitch 2011-2015 Collection DVDCheck PriceJust CrossStitch Christmas Ornament Collection 19972013Check Price