Yep, I've personally tagged wall quotes in our home with the title and purpose...' Mom's Visual Tweets.'
My first child was born in 1986, and my last child came into our life in 2000. Watching the world change quickly has been an incredible, almost shocking ride. I've been holding onto the railings for a long time, so quotes prevent me from going postal. Fact.
Understatement coming....parenting today is challenging. There are too many outside forces coming at our children; products, technology...more stuff...more things...more useless crap, even more crap that's eventually going to become useless and rinse and repeat! Too much 'stuff' and too many 'things' make Mom a big grump and maybe a tad nuts.
Most of my boys are young men now, but I'm sure other parents can attest that parenting never ends, and I do mean NEVER. As the mom of 4 boys, it's hard to deliver life tips and messages without getting that 'hurry up, yah yah, glazed over look' from your kids-slash-young men.
So, to solve this dilemma, I used wall quotes and handwritten quotes to feature in our home.
Instead of Deciding to beat the 140 Character-Attention-Span-Syndrome, I Decided to Join It
By sporadically using wall words throughout the house, I can send a positive life message to the
boys (and myself). Oh yeah, the quotes get eye-rolled. But tough bananas, like Martina McBride said in her song, I Do It Anyway.
boys (and myself). Oh yeah, the quotes get eye-rolled. But tough bananas, like Martina McBride said in her song, I Do It Anyway.
I haven't just purchased wall quotes; I've also handwritten them and put them on the fridge.
Unfortunately, the fridge started to look like a hippie wall from the '60s, so I've since transferred most of them to a binder.
The binder sits ready for the kids to read..I've yet to see them open it. I should stuff some cash in it - in 10 years, check it, bet the money will still be there.
Unfortunately, the fridge started to look like a hippie wall from the '60s, so I've since transferred most of them to a binder.
The binder sits ready for the kids to read..I've yet to see them open it. I should stuff some cash in it - in 10 years, check it, bet the money will still be there.
But I don't get discouraged. Not me. Nope. I'm going subliminal.
I just keep rotating them from the binder to the fridge, where one always sits in full view: I have to keep that puppy up for a long time cause it's usually a month before they notice 'a quote change'.
For the family, I particularly love quotes about the mind, our thoughts, and how "we become what we think about" - 'control your thinking, control your life.' <---I'm hoping to control that thought so it sinks in.
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