Sunday, December 20, 2015

How to Make Changes in Life - A Famous Quote that Gives Us the Answer

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A Famous and Wise Quote about How to Create Change in Life
“You never change things by fighting the existing reality; to change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete” by R. Buckminster Fuller
Despite the fact that Richard Buckminster Fuller isn't from our time, his wise words still resonate deeply. Also known as 'Bucky' he was born in 1895 and passed away in 1983 at the age of 87. His extensive resume includes American Architect, Systems Theorist, Author, Designer and Inventor.

In Today's World of Challenges, Buckminster's Quote Applies More Than Ever Doesn't It?

In situations that seem hopeless or all consuming, there’s really only one way out:
'to create a new situation that makes the existing situation obsolete'
This logical approach applies to every area of life:
  • Relationships - We aren't getting along? Stop fighting the situation and person, and build a new road
  • Work - We have problems, have gotten laid off, or the Boss is on our case; instead of going into fight mode, we build a new road
  • World Conflicts - Solve the problems by developing new ideas that make the existing problems obsolete
Best of all, while we're creating that new model, we're also creating a new focus and purpose.

Instead of thinking of a way to change the current situation, Fuller's suggestion is to take the focus off the problem. If it's possible to forget it, forget it, and begin anew by building that new plan, that new approach.

Imagine what we could accomplish if we put down those spinning wheels and simply decide to build a new path.

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  1. Interesting way to look at problems. A very wise quote and way of looking at things indeed. I once read a line used in a series of books by Dick Francis that is similar in nature where the main character - working on a problem - says "look at things the other way round". Sometimes we need more than the basic way of looking for solutions. Nicely put, Barbara.

    1. Thanks Pat, this quote has been in my head for years, and at critical junctures I remember it and try to implement it best I can

  2. Wise words to remember as we head into the new year.

    1. They surely are, hopefully the creative energy of the human mind helps to build new approaches and ideas to life in 2016

  3. An excellent reminder that all things cannot always be "fixed". Sometimes we really do need to step away from a problem and consider alternatives, which includes starting over.

    1. absolutely agree Cynthia, sometimes letting go of an old way of approaching, doing, or thinking about something can be the freest feeling in the world

  4. Very interesting perspective...think of all the time that could be saved if we didn't waste time trying to fix what cannot be fixed.

    1. Mary Beth, you said it! Time is precious and as we get older we sure begin to see it's value and those moments of wasted effort. Oh yah, letting go makes more sense, and building a new path approach sounds right to me :)


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