The story is set on a fictional Earth where dinosaurs never became extinct.
We are familiar with many movies made from books, but this book was created FROM the movie.
I read the Junior Novelization version of "The Good Dinosaur", written for 9-12 year olds, which retells the whole exciting story and features eight pages of full-color scenes from the movie. The book can also be found in other forms such as the Big Golden Book for 3-7 year olds and in Little Golden Book form and board book form for preschoolers 2-5 years old.
My sister-in-law saw this book at my house and became fascinated with it. She had to borrow it to read, and loved it. Her thoughts on the book were: “It was a great story for kids and adults showing the importance of family, loyalty and bravery. The characters were sweet and funny.”
Arlo the Apatosaurus Dinosaur
The movie, and the book from the movie, are about a good-natured little Apatosaurus dinosaur named 'Arlo' who tries to overcome being afraid of almost everything while he works to find his place in the world his parents and bigger brother and sister have no problem with. Arlo's father tells him that “sometimes you gotta get through your fear to see the beauty on the other side.”
After the rest of the family have 'made their mark' (a dinosaur mudprint on rocks used to protect the opening to the family corn silo on their farm), Arlo attempts to earn his right to his own mark. His Poppa tries to teach him the importance of bravery, as well as proper goal setting and follow-through: “You gotta earn your mark by doing something big.”
Spot the Human Caveboy
When tragedy strikes, Arlo ventures out into the wilderness where he makes an unusual friendship with a human caveboy who answers to the name 'Spot'. After being swept away by a raging river during a storm, Arlo and Spot have a variety of adventures while trying to find Arlo's home again. Their journey is complete with pterodactyl chases, T. rex run-ins and terrible storms. Spot saves Arlo from the river by teaching him how to swim and Arlo later saves Spot from the mean pterodactyls. A special friendship develops through these shared adventures.
As their journey nears an end and they approach Arlo's home, the two come across a caveman family. Reluctantly and sadly, Arlo pushes Spot to join his own kind, and the two of them share a tearful goodbye. Arlo finally arrives back home to his mother and siblings, and makes his own mark he has bravely earned on the silo between those of his mother and father.
The Good Dinosaur is a Disney Pixar Movie
Official Movie Trailer
Quick Links:
- The Good Dinosaur as a junior novelization
- The Good Dinosaur as a Big Golden Book
- The Good Dinosaur as a Little Golden Book
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