Showing posts with label Olivia Morris. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Olivia Morris. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Dieting is Hard Work, But Health and Wellness is So Important! A Product Review

Dieting is never easy.  Putting on the pounds happens when we aren't looking and unless you are blessed with an amazing  metabolism that burns everything (all the calories) you will probably gain some weight over the years.

Man with a measuring tape around his waist

                                                             Image by Michal Jarmoluk from Pixabay

It seems that women in particular have a much harder time to loose the extra pounds than our counterparts.  Why?  Well let's just say that hormones have a lot to do with that excess and why we can't seem to drop those pounds as easily.

Now I know that if you have been reading Review This Reviews, you will have come across some really good articles about a diet that seems to work for just about everyone.  Margaret Schindel and Barbara Cipak Tremblay have written about their journey with weight loss using the Keto Diet!  These two ladies are good friends of mine and while I was sceptical, I did trust that their journeys using this new way of eating were in fact the truth!

Well two years ago, I made the decision that it was high time that I took on a weight loss program again.  I had done many stints with Weight Watchers and Crash Dieting (of all kinds) and had limited success!  The problem was that none of that weight loss was sustainable for me.

I was at a point in my life where my knees hurt so badly and the excess weight that I had on my frame was not at all helping me feel better.  So after looking at this "new" weight loss system, I decided to jump on board and give it my best effort.

I am happy to say that in the last 2 years I have lost over 80 pounds and the amazing part of this is that I have kept that weight off and not regressed!  Has it been easy?  NO!  Dieting is never easy but I must say that this has been the best way for me to lose these pounds and not feel like I was missing out on life.  In my opinion, this is where many diets fail.  You feel so deprived that you break down and over indulge.  The slope is slippery once you start down that road, as I'm sure many of you are already aware.

Barbara and Margaret have done a great job in making me aware of ways to cook, bake, and all the great ways to enjoy food even in company.  No feeling like you have to watch others enjoy their meals while you nibble on a plate of greens that even Mr. Bunny might turn his nose up at.

My own personal downfall is the need for sweets.  Any diet will definitely cut most of the sweets right out of the picture.  Sugar is after all one of the biggest reasons we have a weight problem to begin with.  Enter what I have found to be a life saver in my diet lifestyle!  They are called "Love Good Fats".  
love good fats packaging

love good fats package

These bars are full of nuts and good things that are on the Keto Diet.  They are Keto Certified, Gluten Free, Kosher, and non-GMO!  Made in Canada, these bars are delicious to say the least!  When I am feeling like I'm deprived of those sweet wonders that my friends are all indulging in, I make sure I have one of my Love Good Fats Bars with me!  (I actually take two or three because my friends all want to try them too).  Now I have a special treat just for me and my feelings of deprivation are not weighing me down (pardon the pun).

I would highly recommend these bars if you are on a Keto type diet, they are tasty, full of good fats, low in sugars and other hidden calorie boosters too.  

Right now in the US, you can get some of these Love Good Fats bars on Amazon, but in Canada, you can order them directly from the company! 


 I am checking into the ability for our American friends to order directly from the company as well and will update this when I have an answer for you.  I have looked into the bars available in the States and it seems that you only have the Mint Chocolate bars available.  In Canada, we have many more options.  I will update and hopefully you too can enjoy the nutty ones we are able to purchase.   

UPDATE!!!!! You can go to the Store Locator page and see where Love Good Fats are available closer to your own State!  Just follow this link:Store Locator

Just one caveat, with Keto dieting and these Love Good Fats bars, it's very hard to stop at one!  But, if you are having success with the Keto Lifestyle, then you know how to tell yourself that one is enough or to plan your meals so that your Carb counts can be within the range you need for your own personal dieting style.

I hope this Review helps you on your journey to a healthier and more sustainable way of life and that you do take the time to read some of Barbara's or Margaret\s Keto Reviews.  They are both full of excellent information that will help you on this journey through life. 

These are just a few of the many articles that I'm sure you will find interesting and very easy to follow and make yourself. and look for articles by Barbara (Brite-Ideas) or Margaret Schindel  you will come up with more information to help you become a successful Weight Loss Warrior!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Summertime is On the Way! Cool Off Easily ~ A Product Review

Summertime is almost here and with it comes the heat and humidity that most people love and hate at the same time!  We've all been waiting patiently (most of the time) for winter to end!  Well I think it's safe to say that it is now over!  At least here in the Southern parts of Ontario, winter has definitely left us and we have already moved through our short spring!  Most of the Magnolia trees have already blossomed and the Crab Apple trees are now in full bloom.  


Image by Ralphs_Fotos from Pixabay

Spring doesn't last too long here and summer is following quickly in the next few weeks.

At this time of year, being of a certain age, I find that my own body thermometer seems to get out of whack.  Call it hormones, if you like, but I know that the uncomfortable days are coming quickly and I want to be prepared. 

One of the things I love to do during the summer months is to enjoy the outdoors and still be comfortable.  Whether it's playing in my little garden area with my containers of veggies that are growing on my balcony or picking up my favorite book to read for a while, comfort to me is of utmost importance. 

There is nothing worse than trying to enjoy the great outdoors while dripping with perspiration due to the humidity.  Oh I could go indoors and sit in the comfort of the air conditioning, but what is the point in that? 

I waited for summer to come and now I want to be out there enjoying it. Now I can share with you my little lifesaver.  I was introduced to this gadget through a friend who is having hot flashes like crazy!  While visiting her for instructions on her dog's needs (I was going to doggie sit) she pulls out these neat little fans and puts them around her neck.   Not only does she cool right off, but, she can and does continue to take me through all the instructions with these little fans running.  They are quiet and cool her right off in a matter of minutes.  Now,  I'm older than she is and I thought I was all through those nasty hot flashes, then they came back with a vengeance.   That was a surprise to me and I needed help. 

 Thank God for girlfriends who share their great finds with each other. 


These small and inexpensive fans will cool you off and let you enjoy the outdoors while having a nice breeze blowing on you.  These are quiet enough that you can keep a conversation going without having to raise your voice.  These are a win-win for me and because they sit around your neck, without cords attached, you can move around with them on.  You can continue with your hobbies and crafts, reading or just sitting around with a certain level of comfort even on the hottest days.  If the outdoors becomes too overbearing I can always go indoors for a few minutes just to really cool down, but then I'm right back out again.  I love summer and these will make my summer even better!  

two women sitting on the beach

Image by Siggy Nowak from Pixabay

If this is something you think would work for you, just click on the  link and get a pair for yourself.  Happy Summer!  Be Cool and enjoy everyday!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Our Pets are Wonderful and We Can Help Them Stay Healthy! ~ A Product Review

When we think of our pets, they are more than just a pet, they are part of the family.  Every dog and cat owner knows that they are not pet owners, rather they are owned by their pets.  There is a big difference!  We love them so much that we treat them like we treat those we love, by getting them "special treats".  Unfortunately, like human "treats", animal treats are similar in that they taste good and are usually full of calories that they don't need.  Just think of that big piece of Chocolate cake (that most of us don't really need)!  Because we love our pets so much,  many cats and dogs are now having the same problems that a lot of humans have and that is that they have become overweight!

wheaton terrier
These are my two Grand Dogs, Mabel in the upper picture and Dougal in the bottom one.  Mabel is a soft haired Wheaton Terrier and Dougal is a French Bulldog.  These are their puppy pictures and we love them both.

french bulldog

Now I must say that most of these overweight pets are more likely to be in the big cities where their exercise routines are not as robust as a dog in the country.  Country dogs can run around without too much of a hassle from cars and other dangers.  City dogs have to be kept on a leash for their own protection and the protection of others (both human and animal).  City folks can find parks that have designated areas for their dogs to run freely, but that usually means a trip, and it might not be close to home either.  If you can for your own health and the health of your dog, make that trip to the Dog Park often.  

The best time to start training your cats and dogs about their eating habits and exercise programs is when they are young.  Puppies and kittens need more good quality food because they are growing!  But just because they are growing doesn't mean they don't need their exercise either.  Strong bones and bodies are the result of both good food and plenty of exercise.  In that sense they are very much like humans!

Scheduled eating times helps keep both dogs and cats happy.  But what happens when your dog is just like a vacuum cleaner and he sticks his/her face into the bowl of food and literally just sucks it all in?  It's not a great way for them to eat and they will quickly be begging for more.  Mom and Dad or the kids will be tempted to give into their pets wants!  Here is where the problem begins.  Over feeding is easy to do, the results are not so easy to take care of.  No one likes to be on a diet!

But what if there is a way to keep your cats and dogs from being able to just gulp down their food?  Wouldn't that be a great way to slow them down, make their digestion easier and cause them to feel full once they are done?  It works for humans and it works for our pets too!

There are many different kinds of dog/cat dishes that can help your animal to slow down and still get their daily allotment of food.  Just have a look at these wonderful pet dishes that really do help make dinner time not only enjoyable for your pets, but it also makes it more interesting for them as well.

Overeating is thought to be partly due to boredom too!  So if there is a way to keep the dogs and cats interested and still slow them down, you have a win-win situation.

These bowls make eating out of them a little more challenging for your pets. They can't just stick their snouts into the bowl and inhale their food. They need to work around the ribs and get their kibbles out of the grooves. It just slows them down that much and makes it a little more interesting for them as well.  Pet owners are all over these dishes as a way to make their pet's dinner time a little more interesting.  Many different varieties of these dishes are available and have literally thousands of reviews from people who have purchased these dishes.  That in itself says a lot.

Now I'm going to add another part to the puzzle of overweight dogs and cats.  You should always consult with your own veterinarian regarding your pet's overall health.  If weight is something that your vet has commented on, then the next thing to do is get a good quality dog/cat food that has high nutritional value, but not a whole lot of fat.  I'm sure your Vet will make some recommendations.  I also know that you can get good quality dog foods that are not quite as expensive as the ones your Vet might recommend.  This is not to be confused with foods that pets need for health reasons other than weight!  Some pets have serious medical conditions and you should always follow what your Vet recommends in these cases.  

These dog and cat foods have high recommendations from pet owners. The Blue Buffalo for dogs is especially rated by over 30,000 pet owners. So you know that it has been tested and found to be a good value and liked by many pets too!  Cat owners don't seem to give as many reviews on the foods, but suffice to say that there are over 1,000 pet owners who have rated these foods for their cats.

If you are a pet owner, I hope this review helps you keep your pets healthy and also interested in their feeding routines.  Happy, healthy pets, make the whole family feel good and we want our pets to have the best life possible.  

Whenever I want to buy something new, I do look at the reviews that have been posted and it usually is a good indicator of how much people actually liked the particular product.  

people on a bench surrounded by dogs

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Special Days in May ~ A Gift Review

 While all of us are desperately waiting for Spring to bring forth it's flowers and warmer weather, May is coming along fast and furious with many "special days" to look forward to.  

Of course everyone knows it's Mother's Day on the 8th of May, but did you also know that we celebrate Nurses Day and Teachers Appreciation Week in the same month?

color street banner

Mother's Day can be a time to give her something that she can really use to pamper herself just a little bit!  Instead of the usual chocolates, flowers or cards, give her the gift of Color Street and let mom indulge herself with a little self-care.

Teachers can be undone with all the coffee mugs and chocolates as well.  Why not think outside the box and give them some fun for their fingertips.  I can just see the little eyes wanting to check out the fancy nails on their favorite teacher.  

Nurses who are run off their feet with caring for others, could also use a nice little pick me up.  Color Street Nail Strips are perfect!  While your favorite nurse is on a coffee break, she can do up her nails in less than ten minutes.  A little self care help for the ones who care for everyone else before themselves.  

Your hands are always visible to everyone and when your nails are nice and polished they make a statement without having to say anything out loud.  It says, " I care about myself too!"

If you are anything like me, I don't like to sit waiting for things to be ready.  Color Strips Nail Strips are ready and done in less than 10 minutes.  Once applied, you can continue on your day and accomplish all the things that need doing.  No waiting for nail polish to dry and once applied, they last for at least 2 weeks.  No cracking, peeling, smudging is going to happen, unlike liquid nail polish!

Until I found these Color Strips, I hated doing my nails.  I just could not seem to get a good application happening.  One coat would go on great and the second coat would get all smudged.  Frustration was the name of the game in my case.  NOT anymore! 

What I really like is that with these Nail Strips you can mix and match or mix and contrast as you like.  One set of strips are enough to do a full manicure if you have long nails, or two if your nails are kept on the shorter side.  Just make sure that you seal the package after you are finished with the Strips.  A curling iron will seal the package nicely until you need them again.  

decorated finger nails

Color Street Nail Strips are only available through a Stylist and they are not hard to find. So if your Teacher, Nurse or Mom really likes this gift, she can order for herself after having used your gift!  They are affordable and a really nice gift that says so much.

If you are a little bit artistic, you can do so much with these Nail Strips by thinking outside the box (so to speak).  

When you have a great product, people begin to notice and the awards for excellence start to roll in.  So it is with Color Street!  They have been awarded the Best in Nail Care!  Check this out:

color street banner

Needless to say, I'm pleased to have joined this company as a Stylist and also appreciate that this company gives back to their communities.  You will find that they support causes like Epilepsy, Birth Defects, March of Dimes, Breast Cancer Awareness and so much more.  

If you want to see for yourself just how easy Color Street Nail Strips are to apply you can watch this You Tube video!

I hope you get a chance to try these out for yourself and I would love to know what you think!  Don't hesitate to leave a message!   For those of you who look after "Elders" these Color Strips also make a wonderful way to spend some time spoiling them with a little bit of fun!  

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

2022 In the Garden ~ A Review

2022 In the Garden will be a time of renewal, rebirth and refreshment of the earth and you! If you ask any gardener they will certainly tell you that time spent in the garden is Time Well Spent.

garden with pink flowers

Whether you choose to garden for beauty or for bounty, one thing is sure, you should start with the best seeds that are available.  I like ordering my seeds from West Coast Seeds.  They supply seeds that are NOT TREATED!  This means that there are no chemicals added to your seed supply,  making it a much healthier choice. They have a wonderful website (https://www.westcoastseeds.comthat is full of fantastic articles to help you become a great ambassador of your part of the earth.  

I have been gardening with my family since the early 1960's and that is a long time ago now.  What I learned from my parents was that the earth needs us to be responsible for what happens in the ground around us.  We were composting and tilling the earth with organic matter long before it became chic to do so.  

In the years since then, much has changed in the gardening industry.  Many companies are selling you products that have been Genetically Modified (GMO). These plants are just now coming under scrutiny and producers are being forced to let you know if what you are purchasing is chemically modifiedWith West Cost Seeds you don't have this problem at all.  Everything they sell is grown right and seeds are organic and Non-GMO!  This makes me very happy!  I don't want to grow anything that isn't natural or has been modified genetically.

West Coast Seeds is not only dedicated to helping people become better gardeners, they also want to educate them on what are best practices for sustainability and renewal of the ground.  Their website offers so many learning opportunities.  Articles on sunflowers, growing a garden that is bee and butterfly friendly, to squash pollination and more is all available to you.  You will even find recipes to use for all the produce you get from your gardening efforts.  This website and the company are tops in my books! 

Learn to Grow

I do hope that if you have some questions about gardening that you will take the time to check out West Coast Seeds website.  You will be amazed at the amount of information available to you!  West Coast Seeds will ship all across Canada and the USA!  

The season for gardening and growing has just begun, now is the time to order your seeds and get them started so that your bounty will be overflowing when it comes to harvest time.  

Happy Gardening to all of you!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Lessons in Chemistry Written by Bonnie Garmus ~ A Book Review

Warning Warning Warning:

Lessons in Chemistry is a book that will make you smile, get hot under the collar, shed a tear or two and make you turn the pages and not put it down.

Bonnie Garmus has written this book and it's a winner in my opinion. Today is the day that you can get this book in hardcopy or  you can read it from Kindle Unlimited!

lessons in chemistry book cover

Lessons in Chemistry takes place in the late 1950's early 1960's.  For anyone who grew up during that time period, you know as many women today still know, there is a disconnect in society when it comes to intelligent, talented, women in sciences.  It is getting better these days,  but for Elizabeth Zott life was not easy at all.

Elizabeth was a scientist, a chemist to be exact.  Her intelligence and understanding of complicated chemical processes is far superior to many of her male counterparts.  She, herself,  is never taken seriously though!  

She does manage to get a job at a Research Facility and there meets Calvin Evans another scientist who has the same intense understanding of Chemistry as Elizabeth.  He takes her seriously and they work side by side making good progress on their existing projects.  

Falling in love wasn't quite in the books for either Calvin or Elizabeth, science was their first love.  But another type of chemistry starts to blossom.  

Calvin, because of his "elevated" position at Hasting Research, is able to pave the way for Elizabeth to continue working in the research labs.  She has him to thank for the position she currently has.

But, like all things, nothing is static and things are always changing.  When Elizabeth is no longer welcome in the labs(due to changes in her personal life), her natural good looks and a sense of desperation,  take her to afternoon TV and a cooking show.  

There are so many twists and turns coming that I would be giving away too much of the plot to tell you more here.  

Let me just say that I could not put this book down.  

Smart women, glass ceilings, misogenistic groups all play a part in Elizabeth Zott's life.  What she does about it, is what makes this book such a good read.  

Put this book on your "TO READ" list, you won't be disappointed!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Bluebird by Genevieve Graham ~ A Book Review

Bluebird is a story that just fills a whole bunch of "MUST HAVES" for a book that I would recommend.  I was given an "Advanced Readers Copy" through Netgalley (

Reading is one pleasure that I enjoy immensely and now that I am retired it is what I consider my "job".  So I'm happy to be a member of Netgalley and help authors by reading their books and commenting on them!  It helps the authors to know that they are on the right track and gives them feedback before that book is actually published.

Genevieve Graham is not new to writing and has many other books under her belt.  Bluebird is the latest and will be available  April 5th of this year 2022!  


Bluebird book cover

Synopsis:  What happens when a home renovator finds a stash of ancient looking bottles that have been hidden in a wall!  The wall is coming down as part of the renos and the stash is uncovered in the process.  It looks like these bottles are full of something, but what?  Bailey Brother's Best is on the label and whiskey is the scent that follows.  Who has ever heard of Bailey Brother's Best?  

Guessing that the local museum might have some answers, Cassie, the Curator of the museum, is astounded  and eager to solve the mystery of the hidden bottles.  She is actually quite stunned by what Matthew Flaherty (the renovator) has brought to her attention.  She knows some of the history, but not all of it.  Given her own history, she is very eager indeed to find out more.  

As you read this book you will relive some of the horrors of World War 1, and the hardships that the men endured.  You will also learn about the "Bluebirds", the nursing staff that saw as much of the horrors of war as the men who fought.  The Bluebirds was a nickname given to them because of the uniforms they wore.  Many a man was thankful for the services that these strong women performed during their confinement. I'm sure that more than one of them fell in love with the caring nursing staff too! 

I don't want to give too much of the story away because I know that you will be totally enthralled and captivated by what is happening in and out of the trenches during the war and then the return to civilization when the war is over.

This book is a history lesson, a mystery, and a love story all rolled up into a great book!  Not only is it a great read, but, because of the times, so much was changing  all around.  Hemlines were going up, dancing was becoming wilder, booze was illegal and women were becoming independent,  It was a brave new world that these men were coming home to.  

 I know for a fact that you will enjoy this as much as I did.  I could not put it down.  Congratulations to Ms. Graham on this book, it's another one that needs to be read by many.

Also By Genevieve Graham:

Letters Across the Sea

The Forgotten Home Child

At the Mountain's Edge

Come From Away

Promises to keep

Tides of Honour

Somewhere to Dream

Sounds of the Heart

Under the Same Sky

Bluebird Available April 5, 2022!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

The Boy Between: A Mother and Son's Journey from a World Gone Grey ~ A Book Review

The Boy Between is a title that leaves you wondering what will happen between the pages.  I think that's what got me wanting to read this book.  Being the mom of two "boys" I was curious to see  what this author had to say about all that time "Between"!

The Boy Between book cover

As it turns out this book had me right from the start.  One of my favorite "women's lit" authors co-wrote this with her son.  Amanda Prowse is better known for her lovely stories of women who find their strength through the ways they are tested.  She has written many (over 25) books and is probably one of the most prolific writers in the UK.  But I must say, she is loved around the world for her great stories.

The Boy Between, is not FICTION, it is real and downright heartbreaking and thought provoking.  Josiah (Josh) Hartley and Amanda Prowse are mom and son, co-authors of this book.  Chapter by chapter you read about what is happening in Josh's life from the perspective of  Mom (and dad) and then from Josh's perspective.  

THIS IS NOT AN EASY STORY TO READ!  But it is one that I wish every parent or caregiver SHOULD and Would READ!

If you have ever had someone in the family or close friend suffer from Depression, this book is an eye opener for you!  We all think we know what depression is and unless you have suffered from this debilitating mental state, you cannot begin to know! Josh writes honestly and very openly about his life and how this mental condition makes life not just difficult, but almost impossible to deal with.

Through many trials and tribulations during his life, his parents are forever hopeful that the fog of depression will lift and give Josh some peace and solace to face another day.  They are his support network even when they didn't realize that that was what Josh needed.  What Josh was living through, they were living through it as well.  This story has two very different sides to it and seeing both of them helps us to understand better!  It is the life of Josh and the life of his parents as well.  They are not two separate and distinct lives, they are forever intertwined and wrapped around each other.

distress image

If there is one thing that everyone should take away from reading this book, it's the notion that DEPRESSION is the elephant in many people's lives and that ignoring it will not make it disappear.  It needs to be talked about and understood  in each and every circumstance.  The biggest problem being that every circumstance will be different and one solution will not necessarily fit all!   

The world today is a very hard place for our young people to grow up in.  They are bombarded with ideals of perfection from social media and opinions from the world at large.  The pressure for these young minds to deal with is sometimes more than they can bear.  That is when their spirit and/or their minds can become broken.  Awareness must be the key!

As parents and caregivers, we need to understand that each child is different with many varied strengths and weaknesses.  That it is alright for them not to follow the majority and that forging their own path in life is not a sign that they are "less", rather they are different.  If there was ever a time when we should be celebrating everyone's individuality it is NOW!  Before there are more statistics of young people not being able to cope with today's world and it's expectations of our young people.

brain injury awaremess month

This book in my opinion is one that should be read by everyone and right now it is available for free with a KindleUnlimited membership or with an Audible trial.  

Put this book on your MUST READ list, you won't be sorry!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

The Orphans of Mersea House- A Book Review

I have a confession to make!  I love reading and have spent a lot of time looking for books that will thrill me, make me think, take me to places I have never seen before and more!  This confession comes with no regrets!  

For the past two years I have been totally taken up with reading novels about the Second World War.  Some were based on true stories and others are works of fiction based on historical accounts of what happened during that dark and distressing time in our history!  

War can make victims of everyone who lived during the distress of the times, but it can also make victims of those who did not make it to the front or fight in the battles personally.  It can take years to heal the scars.

The Orphans of Mersea House book cover

So, now I have to tell you about The Orphans of Mersea House! Written by Marty Wingate.  When all the battles are over and peace has found it's place again, there are still the ravages of war to deal with.   Yes even years later, people are still healing from the trauma of the past!

People who fought and those who stayed behind to do other "war" work,  have scars that need healing.

It's 1957 in England  Southwold to be precise.  The two main characters Margery and Olive had been childhood friends forever.  During the war, Margery left Southwold for London to help with the war effort there, while Olive stayed behind and did her part as well.  

After her uncle's death, Margery comes back to Southwold to claim her inheritance and reclaim her life.  Olive who has looked after relatives is destitute when the last of her relations dies.  But as luck would have it, Margery comes to her aid by asking her to act as manager of the home she has inherited after alterations are made to turn it into a boarding house.

Everything is working out well until the first two boarders arrive.  Then a few more arrive and life takes a few twists and turns.  

I don't want to spoil this book for anyone, so I'm going to leave the story here and tell you that you really should get the book to find out what happens.  Trust me, there is LOTS that will happen and the characters in the book are so well described that I know everyone will be able to pick out friends and relatives of their own that will fit into this story.  

What you will learn is that family and secrets go hand in hand everywhere, but that a loving heart can bring all the good things and the bad things together to make a beautiful patchwork that is family!  

I finished this book and wished that there were more pages to read so I know you will enjoy it as well.

I was given this book by #NetGalley to read for an honest review when I was done.  This book will only be published on August 9th, 2022, so I do suggest that you mark your calendars for the release date.  This is one book that I'm sure you will enjoy.

If you are looking for books in this genre, I can personally recommend several that had me turning pages as quickly as I could:

The Forest of Vanishing Stars by Kristin Harmel  (5 stars)
The Rose Code by Kate Quinn (4.5 stars)
Love at War by Viola Russell (5 stars)
The Three Sisters by Heather Morris (4.5 stars)

There are many more on my Goodreads pages if you are interested let me know and I'll send you a link to my page.


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Wednesday, January 19, 2022

January, the Longest Month in the Year for Gardeners!

January is a month that has many of us dreaming and planning for better things to come!

As a  avid gardener, I know that this month in particular is probably the one I wish would pass by quickly.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not wishing my time away, rather, I want to see something other than snow and cold temperatures.  

In past years I get through this month with a trip to the south where I can soothe my soul on a beach or sitting poolside and dreaming about how to bring this beautiful weather back home with me.

Palm trees silhouette with setting sun background

Alas, as we all know this has not been possible for the past couple of years due to pandemic travel restrictions.  
So what can I do to combat this seasonal depression that seems to envelope me and many of my friends?

Well let me tell you what works for me and maybe, just maybe you could try it and see if it works for you too!

The internet is wonderful for daydreaming and even most browsers will send you lovely pictures from all over the world,  When I find one I particularly like, I will google that location and see what I can learn about that particular spot.

This past week I had pictures of Machu Picchu, Portugal and  Columbia!  That's just to name a few places I have had come up on my screen just this past week.   

If that doesn't get you dreaming, I don't know what will.

But let's get back to some reality.  I don't think travel will be in my near future (at least until our COVID situation changes) so I'm back to dreaming closer to home.

As an avid gardener, my other daydreaming is all about growing things when the season moves from winter to spring.   

Seed catalogues are a staple in our home.  If you are looking for a magazine to read, it will usually be a Gardening magazine!  In between those magazine, you will find seed catalogues from several different suppliers and growers.  

Now you have to be careful with seed catalogues and where they originate.   Many countries will not allow over the border sharing of plants and seeds (rightly so).  My feelings on this are that this is a prudent way to do business, especially when it comes to live plants.  We have seen invasions of many detrimental and invasive species take over when they find a new hone that they happen to like.  Just one small example is the KUDZO vine which seems to grow unhindered in the south.  

Please don't try bringing plants across borders without the proper growth certificates and permissions.  

But we are supposed to be dreaming, not having nightmares, so let's get back on track.

I love my Gardening Magazines and keep them for reference and the pretty pictures.

In Canada we have many to choose from including The Gardener Magazine.  I love it because it does focus on Canadian sources, growing zones and is full of really good information!

what inspires you banner with purple flowers

In the USA, you have several different choices as there are so many more growing zones in your country.  You can focus on magazines that will show you beautiful shrubs, vines, plants and vegetables that will grow well in your particular "zone" or you can get magazines that encourage you to become a better gardener.  The Spruce has a list of 9 of the best magazines for gardeners in the States (you can also use some of these here in Canada as references) !  

There will be pictures of birds, flowers, garden plans and anything else that will make a true gardener's heart go pitter pat for a long time.  

You can treat yourself to a magazine subscription to some of the best magazines available right here at Magazine!  You just need to put "Gardening" in the search box. 

I know that you will find something that just tickles your gardener's fingers. I know that are itching to get back in the ground. This will keep you dreaming and planning until you can actually get your hands dirty!  It works for me and I always learn something new too!  

Don't let yourself get caught up in what you can't do right now, rather spend that time dreaming up ways that you can do something new in the coming months.  

Plant a garden, learn a new technique for growing your favorite vegetables or learn about keeping the bees and birds happy!  All of these topics and more are right at your fingertips when you immerse yourself in a great gardening magazine.  

Here is hoping that you don't find the winter too long and that your itchy fingers will find some relief when your eyes behold some of the beauty that can be yours with just a little dreaming and planning.

poetry on a floral card


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Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Winter Dressing Requirements Include Layering Up! A Product Review

Winter in many parts of the world means cold, wet, and less than "perfect" weather.

woman blowing snow

I have spent many a winter in some places you would consider to be warm all year long  and even there the winter months can be less than perfect. I lived in Israel for three months and let me tell you it was cool at night and damp, so layering was the only way to stay comfortable.   Even Florida in December to February can be cool sometimes.    Layering your clothing is one way to beat that cold and chill you feel in those dark and wintery months.  Layering has become a way of life for me, especially at my age (peri-menopausal and menopausal).  If you haven't reached that age yet, get ready, it will happen to you too!

You start off the morning feeling just right, get dressed and then feel too cold, so you add a layer!  An hour or two later you are so hot that you need to remove a layer.  And so your day goes, one moment cool, the next moment hot!  You just can't seem to win at any stage of the day.  

Well my answer to all of this is to layer and layer well.  It's easy to remove  a layer without having to start dressing all over again.  

I love a Company called Cents of Style!  Why?  Well let's just say that they are:
  1. Stylish
  2. Comfortable
  3. Cost Effective
  4. Available in Many Sizes and Colors
These Oversized Sweaters are just the thing you need when you are thinking about layering!  Not only are they pretty, but they are comfortable!  With an oversized sweater, you can easily have another T-shirt or light blouse underneath.

So when your internal thermometer starts acting up, you can do your thing (removing or adding) as you need to!  

Not only are they comfortable and trendy, they come in over 10 different colors so you can choose the one that suits you best.  Available in sizes Small right up to 3 XL!  There is no reason not to have a couple of these in your wardrobe.  

I'm sure that this layering will help you get through any cold and dreary weather that the winter of 2022 can bring us!  

Keep warm and beautiful!  
Favorite Tops

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

10 Wonderful Ways to Relieve Holiday Stress! From the Heart

The Big Holiday many people have been waiting for is just around the corner. 

It's literally just days away and many people are feeling the stress building! Oh don't get me wrong, I'm sure everyone loves this holiday, but when the stress becomes so all encompassing, it's hard to enjoy it!

stress clock

What can you do to make this time of year the joyful and wonderful time it's supposed to be?  Well in my experience, I know I had put a lot of the pressure on myself and got caught up in all the things that could go wrong.  I needed help to see that my focus was in the wrong place!  Instead of focusing on the negative, I needed to focus on something positive and different.

So here are some of the things I do to help relieve that pressure:

  1. Wrapping things up can make me crazy.  I have two left hands but  I still want my packages to look nice!  Now I still do that, but I use gift bags to make the packing that much easier.  Dollar Stores are great help for this!  Inside each package goes a personalized note to the recipient, letting them know how much they mean to me! (It doesn't have to be long, just meaningful)
  2. Take lots of breaks,  drop everything and go for a 10 minute walk around the neighborhood.  When you get back you'll get twice as much done because you are  more relaxed.
  3. Take your phone with you and grab some festive pictures while out in the "hood".  Focus on Christmas decor, Dogs in their Christmas sweaters, People willing to smile at you, etc.
  4. Get physical and do someone a favor while you are out!  Do you have a neighbor that could use a little help?   Offer to do something for them (go to the store, shovel their walk, walk their dog, or ask them to join you for a cup of tea or coffee)  The gift of your time is priceless!
  5. Head out to a local church and just take a few steps inside the doors.  Go to a church/temple that you may never have been to before. (Check the internet for times, most places of worship will have some kind of schedule and extended hours)
  6. Take an hour or two and head to your local library.  Browse the shelves for something you might enjoy reading over the holidays.
  7. Turn up the music (not necessarily Christmas music, but something that you enjoy!  ABBA, the Beatles, Rolling Stones (am I dating myself?))
  8. Browse You Tube to learn a new dance.  Moving and getting your blood flowing are great ways to relief some stress.  Plus you could learn a few new moves along the way and share those with your family and friends (Even if it's just to laugh at yourself).  
  9. Sit back and watch a movie!  Again it doesn't need to be a Christmas movie, but one that you enjoy!
  10. If all this fails, then you can always take a nap!  Sometimes just resting your eyes can do wonders for your nerves and your anxiety. Close those eyes and say a little prayer so your focus is on something supernatural and divine.
When your stress  drops to a manageable level, you can restart what you were doing and probably accomplish more than if you had stayed with it.  Taking a break is a game changer for many people. Believe me, the holidays will come one way or the other, but if you are relaxed, they will be more enjoyable!

Learn to laugh and smile, what you share out in the world will come right back to you!

feet up on an ottoman next to a steaming cup of coffee

My hope for you is that you truly enjoy this Holiday Season to it's fullest!  May you have a lovely Christmas with your family and friends and may your New Year be Blessed with lots of Joy!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Hooray, Today is National Brownie Day and Time to Celebrate!- A Recipe Review

Come celebrate with me!  

Today is National Brownie Day and I can't think of a better way to celebrate than to get out the mixer and fix my family up with some ooey, gooey, good BROWNIES!
National Brownie Day - Brownie recipe in cookbook

I think the thing I like the most about BROWNIES, is that they can be a very plain (but still delicious) dessert, or you can dress them up in so many different ways to make them look picture perfect for any company you may have.

Did you know that the first brownies recipes were published around the turn of the century about 1904.  They were part of regional cookbooks and often found in newspapers.  That is a pretty long history if you ask me.  And they are still favorites all around the country.  Chocolate brownies are number one with "Blondie" Brownies coming a close second.  

What's a Blondie?   Let's set the record straight, it has nothing to do with Hair!  Blondies are cousins to Brownies, just made without the chocolate, hence the lighter color and name!  

Did you know that there are several myths about where Brownies first came into being?  One myth has a baker accidentally mixing liquid chocolate in a biscuit recipe.  Oh happy accident if that is the way it happened.  Another myth is that someone making a chocolate cake forgot to add the flour to the recipe and then there's the one of the housewife who ran out of baking powder and decided to serve her guests "flattened cake".   This last one is my personal favorite because I have been known to do without certain ingredients and adding others in their stead, when making a recipe.  Sometimes it works and sometimes it is a disaster.

But let's get back to the good stuff.  Brownies are a favorite in most families and I know from past experience that they are wonderful sellers at any "Bake Sale." Simple brownies are just made in the pan and cut up.  Dressing your brownies up with frosting and sprinkles or nuts can give the lowly brownie a very dressed up, decadent appearance suitable for any company!

You can also find many recipes for Brownies and some of the best are the ones that have been shared in regional cookbooks and simple cookbooks put together for School or Church fundraisers.  You know you are getting tried and true recipes from these sources.  It's a matter of pride for the bakers who attach their name to the recipe!

So no further stalling, here is a great recipe that I have used and loved!  
Originally found on Ricardocuisine,com:


  • 6 oz dark chocolate, chopped 
  • 3/4 cup unsalted butter
  • 2 eggs
  • 3/4 cup brown sugar
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
  • optional ingredients can include chopped walnuts, chopped hazelnuts, broken pieces of candy canes, mini marshmallows (either the plain or fruit flavoured)  
  1. Oven rack should be in the middle part of the oven pre-heated to 350 F.
  2. Butter or spray with non-stick spray the bottom of an 8 inch square baking dish.  Use parchment paper and let the excess hang over the sides of your baking dish. 
  3. Using a bowl, over a pan of boiling water, or alternately in the microwave oven, melt chocolate and butter. Let cool. 
  4. In a separate bowl, combine eggs, brown sugar and salt with a whisk until the mixture is smooth. Add chocolate/butter mixture and flour and stir until smooth. Pour this all into the prepared pan. 
  5. Baking time about 23 to 25 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out just a little bit moist (If it is dry you will have very dry brownies and should use icing to get some moisture back into the mix)
  6. Let cool in the pan and place the pan on a rack.  It will take about 1.5 hours. Remove from pan and cut into squares.  Or if you want to get really artistic, you can cut them into any desired shape and eat the extra pieces from between!   Serve warm or cold. Baked Brownies
These are plain brownies with great taste and nice presentation. But, and this is a big BUT, you can add other ingredients to this basic brownie recipe to make something even more special! Add chopped nuts, or marshmallows (the little mini ones), crushed peppermints are a great add too,  or leave the recipe as is and make an icing for them.  The combinations are endless and each will have a slightly different flavor when you are done.  
All I know is that your family will enjoy this treat and you just might find yourself making them more than once in a while.

These days I make these brownies for the family, but, I myself will not indulge.  I will make the recipe that our own Margaret Schindel has finessed to fit with my Keto Lifestyle!  So I still get to have some Brownie fun without all the carbs!  You can find her recipe right here: and a whole lot more.

Now I'm going to make another suggestion for all of you!  If you have children, grandchildren, nieces and/or nephews, invite them over to share all these wonderful Brownies you've made and then spend the afternoon writing letters to SANTA!  

Did you know that you could write to SANTA, send your letter in the mail and get a response from him and all it will cost you is the time to write the letters?

Canada Post and all their "ELVES" make sure that letters addressed to Santa, get to him!  His address is very simple:

and don't forget the postal code:

No Postage necessary, the elves will get the letters to Santa, but be sure to send a return address!

Now everyone's tummy is full of goodness and the letters have been written, so it's time to settle in and wait for that wonderful holiday that is just on the horizon!

National Brownie Day

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