Showing posts with label January dreaming. Show all posts
Showing posts with label January dreaming. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

January, the Longest Month in the Year for Gardeners!

January is a month that has many of us dreaming and planning for better things to come!

As a  avid gardener, I know that this month in particular is probably the one I wish would pass by quickly.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not wishing my time away, rather, I want to see something other than snow and cold temperatures.  

In past years I get through this month with a trip to the south where I can soothe my soul on a beach or sitting poolside and dreaming about how to bring this beautiful weather back home with me.

Palm trees silhouette with setting sun background

Alas, as we all know this has not been possible for the past couple of years due to pandemic travel restrictions.  
So what can I do to combat this seasonal depression that seems to envelope me and many of my friends?

Well let me tell you what works for me and maybe, just maybe you could try it and see if it works for you too!

The internet is wonderful for daydreaming and even most browsers will send you lovely pictures from all over the world,  When I find one I particularly like, I will google that location and see what I can learn about that particular spot.

This past week I had pictures of Machu Picchu, Portugal and  Columbia!  That's just to name a few places I have had come up on my screen just this past week.   

If that doesn't get you dreaming, I don't know what will.

But let's get back to some reality.  I don't think travel will be in my near future (at least until our COVID situation changes) so I'm back to dreaming closer to home.

As an avid gardener, my other daydreaming is all about growing things when the season moves from winter to spring.   

Seed catalogues are a staple in our home.  If you are looking for a magazine to read, it will usually be a Gardening magazine!  In between those magazine, you will find seed catalogues from several different suppliers and growers.  

Now you have to be careful with seed catalogues and where they originate.   Many countries will not allow over the border sharing of plants and seeds (rightly so).  My feelings on this are that this is a prudent way to do business, especially when it comes to live plants.  We have seen invasions of many detrimental and invasive species take over when they find a new hone that they happen to like.  Just one small example is the KUDZO vine which seems to grow unhindered in the south.  

Please don't try bringing plants across borders without the proper growth certificates and permissions.  

But we are supposed to be dreaming, not having nightmares, so let's get back on track.

I love my Gardening Magazines and keep them for reference and the pretty pictures.

In Canada we have many to choose from including The Gardener Magazine.  I love it because it does focus on Canadian sources, growing zones and is full of really good information!

what inspires you banner with purple flowers

In the USA, you have several different choices as there are so many more growing zones in your country.  You can focus on magazines that will show you beautiful shrubs, vines, plants and vegetables that will grow well in your particular "zone" or you can get magazines that encourage you to become a better gardener.  The Spruce has a list of 9 of the best magazines for gardeners in the States (you can also use some of these here in Canada as references) !  

There will be pictures of birds, flowers, garden plans and anything else that will make a true gardener's heart go pitter pat for a long time.  

You can treat yourself to a magazine subscription to some of the best magazines available right here at Magazine!  You just need to put "Gardening" in the search box. 

I know that you will find something that just tickles your gardener's fingers. I know that are itching to get back in the ground. This will keep you dreaming and planning until you can actually get your hands dirty!  It works for me and I always learn something new too!  

Don't let yourself get caught up in what you can't do right now, rather spend that time dreaming up ways that you can do something new in the coming months.  

Plant a garden, learn a new technique for growing your favorite vegetables or learn about keeping the bees and birds happy!  All of these topics and more are right at your fingertips when you immerse yourself in a great gardening magazine.  

Here is hoping that you don't find the winter too long and that your itchy fingers will find some relief when your eyes behold some of the beauty that can be yours with just a little dreaming and planning.

poetry on a floral card


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