We were so excited when our daughter Jamie gave Fran this Seasonlife turntable for our vinyl records. We have quite a collection of vinyl records from the 1970s and 1980s and couldn't wait to dig them out of storage.
We knew before we could play them on the new turntable these old records would need to be cleaned. So, I began searching for an affordable cleaning kit and found the Big Fudge Record Friend.
What's Inside the Big Fudge Record Friend Kit?
- Vinyl cleaning solution that's gentle on records.
- Microfiber cloths to avoid leaving fibers behind.
- Cleaning basin and rollers to make it easy to wash to records.
- Drying rack to keep records upright and air-dry safely.
- Label protectors to prevent water or cleaners from touching the labels.
I had no idea how often you should clean your vinyl records. So, I looked it up and found a good rule of thumb is every 90 days. I always use one of the microfiber cloths to wipe the record before every use.
If you have a vinyl collection that you want to keep in great shape this kit does a nice job.
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