How many times have you stood in front of the mirror first thing in the morning and thought, "What words of wisdom do you have for me today?"
There are many times in my life where I have been overwhelmed, upset, depressed, down in the dumps or excited about something that will be happening. All of these feelings sometimes just grab hold of me and I stare at my reflection hoping that some wisdom will come me and help me over whatever hurdle seems to be in my path.
Now I've been thinking a lot about my grandchildren who have just gone through two years of hardship and stress. I know that they have missed out on so much with all the restrictions put in their path. I also know that kids are resilient little beings and that they will bounce back. In the meantime, I have been thinking about ways to help them cross those barriers and climb over their disappointments so that they can look at themselves through my eyes and smile.

Little words of encouragement are always needed by everyone and our children and grandchildren are no exception to the rule. So because we aren't physically close to them, we can still be an encouragement for them from afar.
How? Well, this year, I'm making sure that my Grandchildren know what they mean to me daily! And this is how I'm going to do it.
We are buying each one of the Grandchildren a mirror to be hung on their wall in their rooms. Hung at a height that will make it possible for them to check out how they look and at the same time have a message that will either make them smile, or pause and think, or just laugh!
So how are we going to get a message on their mirror? Easy peasey when you have a set of Liquid Chalk Markers!
These markers write on glass easily and are erasable too. So when you need a new message on your mirror just clean off the old with a damp cloth and add the new.
Everyday you can change up the message, or leave one there as a reminder of your Grandparent's thoughts for you!
Everyone loves a little encouragement and there are lots of ways to add that spark to your mirror with Words to Live By ! Checking out Pinterest is another great source for Quotes for all kinds.
My Grandson's are going to love that their mirror will say "You make me smile!" and "You are the kindest boy I know!"
My Granddaughters are going to love theirs too! One will say, "You are poetry in motion!" While the other one will say, "Your imagination just makes me happy!"
Can you just imagine what seeing these words on their mirrors everyday will do to their spirits? I imagine and hope that it will give them a positive outlook that will carry them over any hurdles they happen to be facing.
When they need a little pick me up, grab the Liquid Chalk and write a note to them or let them write a note to themselves.
I'm looking forward to seeing their reactions and when they are finished with needing some positive reinforcement, they will always have a nice mirror to see themselves in!
I know they will see a wonderful person who has empathy and joy in their lives, that is for sure!
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