Others tend to think that lady bugs live a few months to a couple of years, I've never been able to follow just one to find out for myself which estimate is correct!
From the time I was a young girl (not so many years ago) I have always loved these little critters. I did not know then, that these were some of the best bugs to have around. That was long before I became a gardener or had any inkling of getting my hands dirty! I just know that I liked them even when I was younger. If one would happen to land on me, my day just seemed to be great!
Lady Bugs are Beneficial to Gardens
While most bugs in the garden tend to hide, these little guys just seem to scream, "Here I am!"
I can remember my sister and I going out to the garden to hunt these lady bugs and see who could get more of them........It was a game that we would play for hours.
My sister and I wouldn't mind either, because we could go out and watch them all day long.
Lady Bugs are a favorite for many people. There are many different items available with lady bugs as their motif. From jewelry to coffee mugs. games and books, all use the lovely red/black and white coloring of the lady bugs to enchant and captivate their audience. I think that's one of the reasons you will find them in so many places.
I can remember when we first had our children. My sweetling ( one of hubbie's pet names) was a budding carpenter (woodworker) and decided that he would build our baby's crib! He did a great job and while it was painted a very plain white, we wanted something to brighten up the new baby's bedroom. Well, of course I went out looking for lady bugs! Truth be known, at the time they were hard to find, and I didn't trust my artistic ability. We searched and searched and searched (this was pre-internet days) and could not find what we wanted.
The Charm of Lady Bugs
Start small and work your way up to some real Earth Friendly activities! Budding entomologists, scientists, gardeners, are being formed just by awareness, and you can't start too early for that.
Get your little ones started on the road to learning about the earth and it's bugs with - a host of stories and books about the critters around them!
A deep love for all things of the earth are possible if you take the time to encourage that activity. Children are a natural place to start, because their curiosity is boundless.
Even grown ups love lady bugs, so let your inner child out and enjoy what you did as a child. Lady bugs are not just for kids to enjoy! If you loved them as a child, there is nothing stopping you from loving them now too!
Grammie Olivia loves to write on Review This, and offer a few suggestions for you to enjoy with your youngsters. She is an Amazon Affiliate and if you click on her links, she will be paid a small commission. And because she loves LadyBugs so much you just know she will have them on her website`s banner!http://grammieknowshow.com/
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