Since my retirement several years ago, my husband and I have taken to traveling around the country and timing our travels so that we can make the most of fall colors.
Fall Season One
In September we travel to the northern states in the US or to Canada where we can get a first look at fall colors. The photo here was taken on our trip to the Northeast this fall. It shows fallen leaves by an old rock wall in Concord Massachusetts.Fall Season Two
In October the colors are beautiful in Missouri where we live so we try to stick close to home and enjoy the beautiful midwest falls. Here is a photo taken at a lake near our house.
Fall Season Three
Now it is November and we are enjoying our last bit of fall as we traveled south to visit our daughter and family in Atlanta. The colors through Kentucky and Tennessee were gorgeous as we headed south. My daughter's yard is full of beautiful colors. Here are a couple of the shots I got early this morning in their back yard.
After taking the photos, I like to make them into products to offer in my Zazzle store. Here are a couple of the autumn photo items that are available at Zazzle/mbgphoto
Autumn Leaves Trinket Box by mbgphoto
Browse more Autumn leaves Gift Boxes
This card is made from a photo taken last fall in Quebec City Canada.
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