Showing posts with label Tennessee travel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tennessee travel. Show all posts

Friday, April 30, 2021

Tennessee Travel: Natchez Trace State Park Review

Natchez Trace State Park
There is much to explore in the Natchez Trace State Park, which is located off Interstate 40 (I-40) between Memphis and Nashville, TN. 

It is a wonderful place for a day trip for hiking or exploring jeep trails, but it would also be an awesome vacation destination.  With several lodging options, you get to choose what best suits your personal needs. Frankly, our most recent visit left me longing for a camper so we could easily spend the night.  

Not only does the park offer RV camping facilities, they have cabin rental, a lodge with hotel rooms & dining, or you can pitch a tent.  Each style has designated areas for a more enjoyable stay for all.  Plus, there are playground areas, swimming, paddle boat, boat and canoe rental, picnicking areas, an equestrian facility, a firing range, and an archery range.  

Since the park is spread out over 10,000 areas within a 48,000 acre forest, none of it seems to be sitting "on top of the other".  I do recommend stopping at the visitor's center when you enter the park to get a map.  Wandering aimlessly is fun, but if you have limited time, you might prefer to know where each facility, trail, picnic area, etc. is located.  It is also where you can view the wildlife in rehab.

Natchez Trace State Park

Day Trip in Natchez Trace State Park

Natchez Trace State Park
We set out for the jeep trails, which we did explore, but ended up having to get out and walk some too.  It was such a beautiful spring day!  It would have been a shame to spend the entire time riding instead of walking.  Needless to say, the sunlight and fresh air "pulled" me from the jeep seat to walk around the lake and across the bridge.

That is what I love most about Natchez Trace State Park.  It is so much natural beauty in one place. Even the man-built cabins are nestled so beautifully within the trees that they don't distract from the peace and tranquility that permeates the park.

As we strolled through the beach area created for swimming, we encountered a search team with dogs in training. Of course, they all loved Merlin, but he questioned why those dogs needed training for what comes naturally to him. 

From there, we ventured to the bridge that crosses the lake and provides a spectacular view of the surroundings.

Natchez Trace Park

Back to the jeep for another fun ride through the woods. While my husband enjoyed navigating the dirt trails designed for jeeps, I thrilled at being able to take photos of lots of spring blooming trees and wildflowers.  The last time we were at Natchez Trace State Park, I concentrated on photographing birds, but this time, it was the flowers that fascinated me.

Natchez Trace State Park Flower Photos

As the sun started to set, we unwillingly sought out the highway home. Oh, how I wish we had that camper! I could only imagine the sunrise in this beautiful place.


Natchez Trace
A Few of the Bird Photos I Took On Our Last Visit to Natchez Trace State Park

 Points of Interest in Natchez Trace State Park

Natchez Trace State Park
No Matter the Length of Stay or Accommodations,
We All Need the Convenience Store!


Natchez Trace State Park
Group Lodge has 4 or 5 cottages, a bunkhouse, and
a Group Meeting Building with Kitchen

Natchez Trace State Park

Natchez Trace State Park

Natchez Trace State Park
Pin Oak Lodge Offers Motel Style Rooms, a Restaurant
& Family Recreation Activities


Accommodations for a Special Event

If you are planning a special event, you might want to consider the  Cub Lake Recreation Lodge, a very reasonably priced venue, which will accommodate up to 200 people.  The lodge is a large, beautiful room for just the actual event. Those who wish to stay overnight could make arrangements for one of the other facilities mentioned above.

Natchez State State Park

Travel Tennessee with Me

Previously Reviewed Tennessee Travel Destinations

 Fall Hollow Waterfall on the Natchez Trace Parkway The Memphis Zoo Review Pictorial Tour of the Memphis Botanic Gardens Teton Trek at the Memphis Zoo Review

 See More Travel Reviews & Recommendations On
Review This Travel!


House of Sylvestermouse

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, October 18, 2019

The Memphis Zoo Review

A Zoo You Must See!

The Memphis Zoo Review - Red Panda Photo by Cynthia Sylvestermouse
The Memphis Zoo is definitely worth the drive! No matter where we go on vacation, we always take a day to visit that city's zoo.

From Florida to Hawaii we have visited zoos across the U.S.  By far, my favorite zoo is in Memphis, TN.  

The city of Memphis may be home of the Blues, Beale Street, Elvis, Graceland, Sun Studios and the Mississippi River Bluffs, but I would add the Memphis Zoo to their list of places you must see when you visit. As a matter of fact, if you ask me, it should be at the top of the list!

If you find yourself traveling through Mississippi, Arkansas or Tennessee, I would highly recommend a side trip to Memphis for a day at the zoo. 

Entrance of the Memphis Zoo at Christmas - Photo by Sylvestermouse
Entrance of the Memphis Zoo at Christmas

Entrance to the Memphis Zoo

Before you even buy your ticket and enter the zoo, you are greeted by Egyptian style architecture which is in and of itself a vision.  There are large concrete animals in rows out front where we saw parents taking pictures of their children proudly "riding" the animals.

This is your first indication of the adventure that awaits you inside the gates of the Memphis Zoo.

Tigers in Cat Country at the Memphis Zoo

The Memphis Zoo Review - Tigers in Cat Country Photo by Cynthia Sylvestermouse

Cat Country at the Memphis Zoo

The Memphis Zoo Review - White Tiger Photo by Sylvestermouse
White Bengal Tiger Photo by Sylvestermouse
You Can Learn More about Bengal Tigers at Amazing Wild Animals
This is one of the areas that make the Memphis Zoo spectacular. These gorgeous cats are not behind bars! They are in open fields created to mimic their natural habitat. Believe me, these "cats" can definitely make you feel like you are the prey in an African savanna with just a look.

Cat Country is the home of some of the most beautiful specimen of big cats. In addition to tigers, lions, leopards, cheetahs, and jaguar, this is also the area for a red panda, a gorgeous lynx and a family of meerkats, which are my daughter's personal favorite.

If you want to go on an African Safari for a reasonable price, this is the place for you! 

The Memphis Zoo Review - Meerkat Photo by Sylvestermouse
Meerkat Photo by Cynthia Sylvestermouse
Click Here for Meerkat Facts & Photos

Animals of the Night at the Memphis Zoo

The Memphis Zoo Review - Cacomistle photo by Sylvestermouse
Cacomistle Photo by Sylvestermouse
This is where I first fell in love with a vampire. Step aside "Twilight", the bat was here first!

There are so many wonderful creatures in this house. This exhibit is full of nocturnal animals. I doubt we even saw them all. In addition to the bats, they have an Aardvark, a Mole Rat, a few Porcupine, several different species of Loris, a Sloth, a Wombat, a Cuscus and a lot of other night time beauties. I have never seen a better nocturnal exhibit anywhere.

The Komodo Dragon at the Memphis Zoo

The Memphis Zoo Review - Komodo Dragon Photo by Cynthia Sylvestermouse
Komodo Dragon Photo by Cynthia Sylvestermouse

This dude is huge!  He made me feel like I was on exhibit for him instead of the reverse.

While the Komodo Dragon is not normally dangerous to humans, it was obvious to me that he eats mammals. Ironically, I was not the least bit intimidated by any of the big cats or the bears, but this guy scared the dickens out of me.

But don't worry, he has a gigantic fan club. I'm just not a member. 

Tropical Bird House at the Memphis Zoo

Memphis Zoo Review - Bird House Photos by Cynthia Sylvestermouse
This is another house where we could spend hours. So many beautiful birds and so little time. 

The colors on these birds are so bright & vivid.

Seeing them up close truly is better than seeing them through binoculars. In spite of the fact that I thoroughly enjoyed seeing them up close, I honestly had the desire to set them all free, but logically I know that they are healthy and well cared for by their keepers at the Memphis Zoo.

While there are lots of gorgeous birds behind glass enclosures for one to view up close, the fabulous attraction in this house is the vast open room with trees and water literally filled with birds. The sounds and sights in this area are breathtaking.

This really is a birdwatchers fantasy come true! 

Nicobar Pigeon

(Do you see the little Yellow Headed Blackbird in the background left?)
nicobar pigeon photo by Sylvestermouse

Hippos at the Memphis Zoo

The Memphis Zoo Review - Hippopotamus Photo by Cynthia Sylvestermouse
Hippos can be viewed daily at the Memphis Zoo. These awesome Hippos recently moved into their new home, "Zambezi River Hippo Camp" 

This section of the zoo also features other animals found near the Zambezi River such as the Nile Crocodile and Okapi.
Memphis Zoo guests are able to enjoy seeing hippos both on land and below water.

Did you know that Hippos are considered the deadliest animals in Africa?  You can find out why by visiting Amazing Wild Animals!

Aquarium at the Memphis Zoo

This is another building one could explore for hours. The Aquarium is home to 156 species of marine and freshwater organisms from around the world.  The Memphis Zoo currently breeds and exhibits two species of cichlid that are extinct in the wild.

If fish, turtles, or aquatic wildlife are your passion, this is the place to be!

The Memphis Zoo Review - Aquarium Photos by Cynthia Sylvestermouse

Herpetarium at the Memphis Zoo

The Memphis Zoo Review - Poison Dart Frog Photo by Sylvestermouse
If I ever lost my son at the zoo, the Herpetarium is where I could find him. This building is literally packed with frogs, spiders, snakes, lizards and small alligators.

While there are plenty of faces crowding around the snakes, I am glad to say that we crowd around the frogs. The colors on frogs are so bright and vivid. It is hard to choose, but I think our favorite would be the Poison Dart Frog.

However, the Memphis Zoo is reknowned for being the first zoo to successfully breed the endangerd Mississippi Gopher Frog.   The Memphis Zoo has produced 93 Mississippi gopher tadpoles, a number nearly matching the 100 frogs still living in the wild.


Penguin Rock, Round Barn & Once Upon a Farm

The Memphis Zoo Review - Penguin Photo by Cynthia Sylvestermouse
These are a few areas that little children especially enjoy. My daughter would never allow us to visit a zoo without locating the penquin. She adores the little "tuxedo" babies and believe me, there are plenty of penguin on Penguin Rock.

Close by is the Round Barn, an exhibit of smaller exotic hoofstock and birds. It is the home of the gazelles and warthog.

"Once Upon a Farm" is an exhibit where visitors can learn about the basics of farm life. This area is built to resemble a farm in the 1900's. They even have a working well that pumps up fresh water and everyone can enjoy a ride an old-fashioned train around the exhibit. 

China Exhibit at the Memphis Zoo

The Memphis Zoo - Panda Photo by Cynnthia Sylvestermouse
The Memphis Zoo has built a big, beautiful home for the Giant Panda Bears. 

As you enter through the gates of the China exhibit, you follow a path that leads to Ya Ya and Le Le, but long before you get to them, there are huge ponds of fish, a variety of birds, ducks and several other species native to China. There is even a little Otter. 

No question the Panda's are fantastic, but the other animals in this "house" are fascinating as well. 

The Memphis Zoo Review - Asian Small-Clawed Otter
Learn All About the Asian Small-Clawed Otter on

Primate Canyon at the Memphis Zoo

Primate Canyon is another area that features naturalistic, outdoor exhibits. This large open area is home for a variety of monkeys and apes. Monkeys, Orangutans and Gorillas abound in this exhibit.
Primate Canyon is in the center of the zoo. As a result of its location, you call hear the monkeys howling throughout the park. It opened in 1995 and has been a top favorite of Zoo visitors ever since.

Butterfly Garden

The Memphis Zoo - Luna Moth photo by Sylvestermouse
This extraordinary Butterfly Garden is one of the most beautiful places I have ever visited. It is absolutely filled with gorgeous flowers graced by lovely butterflies. Some were so exquisite that they didn't even look real, but they were definitely alive.

Not only did we see hundreds of butterflies, but my son found a Luna Moth. Because a Luna Moth has such a short life, it is rare to sight one. Clearly, seeing the Luna Moth was the highlight of our visit to the Memphis Zoo.

African Veldt at the Memphis Zoo

The Memphis Zoo Review - Giraffes Photo By Cynthia Sylvestermouse
The African Veldt is an area dedicated to Giraffes, Rhinos, Zebras, & Elephants.

We were there at just the right time to see the whole Giraffe family. Mother, father & baby giraffe all came out to eat while we were standing in front of their enclosure. While the baby may not be little next to one of us, she was absolutely dwarfed by her parents.

The African Veldt is where the ostrich and the antelope play. Okay, I admit it, this is usually the point where I start singing "home, home on the range."  Seriously, you know those little antelope look like deer.

Oh, well, at least Memphians are accustomed to various styles of musical talent and my family learned decades ago to either laugh with me or to ignore me.

The Memphis Zoo Review
Grant's Gazelles & Bongo Antelopes (laying down)

White-Naped Crane Photo by Sylvestermouse
White-Naped Crane

World of Waterfowl

This area is a more peaceful area than the rest of the zoo. It is aptly named because there are indeed a world of waterfowl!

There are two bridges to walk across and watch beautiful Swans,
Pink Flamingos or a variety of geese and ducks swimming or view a Crane just standing around.

The area around the waterfowl lake is lovely too. It would make a great background spot for photos. I have often imagined a wedding party enjoying this wonderful opportunity for outstanding and original pictures. Or, perhaps, an anniversary party.

Like all of the photos in this article, the picture of the White-Naped Crane is from my own personal photo album. I was thrilled to be able to snap this shot! 

Northwest Passage at the Memphis Zoo

Memphis Zoo Review - Polar Bear Swimming Photo by Sylvestermouse
He is Almost Close Enough to Touch!
Another one of my favorite exhibits at the Memphis Zoo is the Northwest Passage. In this exhibit there is an air conditioned, indoor viewing area where you can watch the Polar Bears swim. There are even a few stadium benches for you to sit and rest a while.

The Polar Bears are beautiful. Who would ever imagine such a large bear could be so graceful when it swims? These giant animals seem so playful and cuddly when you have a thick piece of Plexiglas between you and them. What a magnificent way to enjoy the company of bears.

Northwest Passage is also the home for the sea lion observation bubble and a 500-seat amphitheater for daily sea lion shows.
Outside the viewing area, are the Bald Eagles and the Ravens. Both of my children "talked" to the Ravens and they answered. They are beautiful, majestic birds with attitude.

This is also the area of the Black Bear. I loved this beautiful, big pawed, pacing baby! I would swear he was waving to me every time he lifted his big paw to turn around. 

I've been back to the Memphis Zoo several times since this photo was taken.  I always go by to visit this guy.  I think he is probably my favorite animal in the zoo.

The Memphis Zoo Review - Black Bear Photo by Cynthia Sylvestermouse

Teton Trek at the Memphis Zoo

The Memphis Zoo - Teton Trek Building Photo by Sylvestermouse
Home of the real Memphis Grizzly! 

In February, 2008, the Memphis Zoo began construction of the zoo's gorgeous Teton Trek exhibit. The four-acre Teton Trek exhibit is now home for animals native to the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem such as Grizzly Bears, Elk, Gray Wolves, Trumpeter Swans and Sandhill Crane.

I was among the guests at the Teton Trek in the Memphis Zoo the very first week it opened. Let me tell you, it is the most beautiful zoo exhibit I have ever seen, arguably the most beautiful in the world!

The entrance to the Teton Trek lodge is not only inviting, it is charming with a rustic appeal befitting it's occupants. A lovely 25 foot geyser greets visitors and even allows children, or adults, to cool off in it's spray and surrounding pool.

The Great Lodge, itself, is a two-story, 5000 sq. foot multi-purpose building suited for a gathering or dinner party and features a fabulous large fireplace. A spacious upper mezzanine provides a photo and artifact area that leads to a outside deck for animal viewing at a safe distance.

The Memphis Zoo Review - Teton Trek Lodge Photo by Sylvestermouse

For the truly adventurous, you are free to walk around the actual grounds via the boardwalk. It is extremely safe, so fear not! Don't miss the opportunity to walk through the entire park.

The Memphis Zoo Review - Grizzly Bear Photo by Cynthia Sylvestermouse

Read More about the Teton Trek at the Memphis Zoo

  • Teton Trek at the Memphis Zoo
    I absolutely love zoos! My all time favorite zoo is in Memphis, TN. They have been improving and adding new addtiions to the Memphis Zoo for years. Every time I go, it is like a new adventure. Their most recent addition, called Teton Trek,...

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© 2009 Cynthia Sylvestermouse - This Article was originally published on a website that has closed.

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