A Halloween Tradition
One of the best traditions on Halloween is to watch, "It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown." Everybody loves the Peanuts gang, and when you couple them with Halloween, it is bound to be a smash hit!
We usually gather around the tv as a family to support Linus as he waits for the visit from the Great Pumpkin and to cheer Snoopy as he battles the Red Baron. Yes, by now, we can recite sections of the show ourselves, but that is part of the fun of our Halloween tradition.
It makes for a fun and very entertaining evening, especially when we break out the popcorn, hot dogs and cokes!
The Great Fall
Fathead Wall Decal, Real Big,One very memorable moment in "It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown
Lucy agrees to hold the football for Charlie Brown to kick. She even gives him a signed document that states that she will not pull the football away. Trusting and believing Lucy will honor her signed agreement, Charlie Brown falls for her trick which subsequently ends in him falling on his back when she pulls the football away.
While I know some people would view this as being rather mean, I always laugh. It actually reminds me of growing up with 5 siblings. Granted, Lucy is not related to Charlie Brown, but they still act like brother and sister. To be completely honest here, I could easily see myself holding the football while one of my own brothers advanced for the kick. Of course, you all know I would only pull away for fear of being accidentally kicked myself, right?
A Great Charlie Brown T-Shirt
Isn't it funny how Charlie Brown has a simple t-shirt that that we ALL recognize as belonging to Charlie Brown?
Peanuts Charlie Brown Costume T-Shirt-X-LargeCheck Price
I think that is one of the things that makes us all love the Peanuts Gang. The are just regular kids, living regular lives, with everyday activities. In some base way, we identify with them and it is awesome to realize that things will be okay and most of the time, they will turn out alright. We just pick ourselves up from our "great falls" to try again another day. Children need that reassurance. Actually, we all need that reassurance.
Of course, it is pretty cool to be able to read a dog's mind like we are allowed to do with Snoopy.
The Great Wait for the Great Pumpkin
Every year as I watch Linus' anticipation of seeing the Great Pumpkin, I wish the show would change and the Great Pumpkin would appear for Linus. He is so believing and devoted. Year after year when he is disappointed, I am disappointed.
Not only is Linus ridiculed by his "friends" for believing in the Great Pumpkin, but he is maligned by Sally when she realizes that she missed trick or treating to wait with him for the Great Pumpkin who never materializes. Again, my heart goes out to Linus as he patiently endures her tirade.
But you know what is pretty cool! Linus goes right on caring about Sally and being her friend.
The Great Sister
Peanuts by Jim Shore Lucy in Witch Costume Collectible FigurineThe biggest surprise on that Halloween evening, is Lucy's uncharacteristic kindness toward Linus. Even though she grumbles and complains about it, she does ask for extra candy for her little brother while she is trick or treating.
Another kindhearted scene that is actually part of the video clip above, is when Lucy wakes in the middle of the night and discovers that Linus is not in his bed, she ventures out to the pumpkin patch to find him.
Lucy walks him home, takes his shoes off, covers him with his blanket and allows Linus to promptly falls back to sleep.
No unkind words or criticism. Simply an act of love and care. Something we could all learn from for sure.
The Great Battle
After over 40 years of seeing Snoopy dressed as a World War I Flying Ace and fighting the Red Baron while "flying" his Sopwith Camel dog house, most of us don't even remember that this is the episode where that little "sorte" took place.
Yes, it was Halloween that inspired Snoopy to don his now legendary red scarf and take to the air in search of the infamous Red Baron.
It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown DVD
Every family should have a copy, or two, of this brilliant classic. Not only is it entertaining, but it reinforces the importance of love, caring for one another, sticking together, getting mad and getting over it and not forgetting what is most important in this life. The value of a friend and family.
Buy it today because you will want to have it on hand for Halloween viewing!
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