Showing posts with label Favorite Child's Toys. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Favorite Child's Toys. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Why are Teddy Bears the Best Gift Ever?

According to the Days of the, September 9th is Teddy Bear Day!  It's coming up soon, so you have time to get ready!

Now I just have to ask, "Who doesn't Love Teddy Bears?"

teddy bear

Image by Alexas_Fotos from Pixabay

In our family Teddy Bears have always played an important role.  Starting with my Uncle, who has in excess of 80+ bears in his collection, and my Mother-In-Law who collected bears for many years right down to our grandchildren who have their favorite bears, we are a teddy bear loving family.

When you hear that someone is expecting a baby, one of the first things that baby will receive as a gift is a Teddy Bear.  Everyone always loves to give that Teddy a squeeze or two before it goes home with the new baby, you just can't help yourself.

What makes these bears so lovable?

Let's start with a bit of history!  Teddy Bears got their first real stroke of fame after 1902!
Then, President Theodore Roosevelt, refused to kill a bear while on a visit to a Natural Area in Mississippi!  They had chained a bear so that it would be an easy kill for him.  The President refused to shoot him.  A toy maker in New York, loved the story so much, he made a toy bear and asked the President's permission to name him "Teddy".    Hence the first Teddy Bears bore the name "Teddy" in his honor.

Fast forward to today, we are still in love with this icon of a toy!  In fact I don't know a single child who hasn't had a teddy bear somewhere in his life.  

It's a great toy for either boys or girls and sometimes even for the young and the young at heart.  When we were in Jasper (Alberta, Canada) last year, the only thing my uncle wanted was a Teddy Bear!
We didn't fail in our attempt to bring him one either.  The Jasper National Park had a Gift Center and Teddy Bears (Black Bears) were there!   The purchase helped raise money for on going Naturalist Programs in the National Park.  So we purchased a bear and felt good that we were fulfilling two wishes with the one purchase.    

There isn't a celebration anywhere that can't be enhanced by the addition of Teddy Bears!

Baby Showers, Gradations, Weddings have all been settings where Teddy Bears have had a place.  

Even in hard times, Teddy Bears can make life easier, especially for children.  I know my own granddaughter took her Teddy "Alfie" with her when she needed her appendix removed.  Having his comfy, stuffed body close to hers made going to the hospital a little more "bearable".   The nurses at the hospital even had a tiny hospital gown for the bear!

girl on a gurney holding a teddy bear

There is something about their plump, plush bodies that seem to give comfort to an ailing child.  Many a child has used their bears as a "confidante" or a reading mate.  Children are even encouraged to bring their favorite Bears to school.  Show and Tell time would be pretty dull without at least a bear or two. Even riding in the car is more fun when you share your Car Seat with your favorite friend.

sleeping child in a car seat holding teddy bear

The Police and Ambulance workers in our city carry Teddy bears with them on patrols!  If a child is in need of comfort, there is a Teddy Bear ready and willing to be with the child in need.  Traumas can come in many different places and the Teddy Bears are there just waiting to help.  One size Bear fits all!  

Social workers use Teddy Bears with children in some very hard and dark places in their little lives.  The children seem to relate to the bears and will tell them all kinds of things that they may not tell an adult.  To many children, their teddy bears are their best friends!

September 9th this year is Teddy Bear Day.  Why not have a great Teddy Bear Picnic at your house for all your furry, fluffy and stuffy bears (and whatever other animals you have)!  Invite the Grandchildren to bring theirs along too!  

You can then tell them the story of the Teddy Bears Picnic and if you still have time for some fun, put on the music too!  

If you are really interested in Teddy Bears as a collectible (and some are) then you could invest in a book. 

teddybear encyclopedia
Available on Amazon - Click Here

 The Teddy Bear Encyclopedia is one book that we had purchased for my Mother In Law when she was setting out to collect her bears.  She knew everything there was to know about what made them collectible or not.  This book is a great resource for everything you could want to know about Teddy Bears!  I bet you didn't know there was such a book!

My own collection of Teddy Bears is pretty neat I think.  Inherited from my mother-in-law is the one Steiff Bear, he's little, but oh so lovely!  Steiff Bears are definitely collectibles and are easily known by the "button" you find in his left ear!  If you buy one of these for your children, do not remove that stud!  You can find  out more about Steiff Bears right here!  Some of the bears pictured below are from my own childhood and they still live with me. 

collection of teddy bears

Teddy Bears have all kinds of facial expressions and sometimes it\s hard to find that one that just speaks to your heart.  This bear is an Amazon Favorite.  He just has so much character in his face and the size of the bear is just perfect for little kids and bigger ones too!

 GUND Philbin Classic Teddy Bear, Premium Stuffed Animal for Ages 1 and Up, Chocolate Brown, 12”Check Price


Philbin as this bear is known, is the same one my granddaughter has, she renamed him CoCo!  I love the character that comes through his facial features.  He just is so much cuter in person (so to speak)!  He's soft and squishy, molds easily to a little ones face or body and is just cuddly.  He's one popular bear for those reasons and more.

Of course there are also many hand made Teddy Bears that are also special in their own way.  Someone took the time to craft a bear just for you!  It is a "one of a kind" and will always be that.  How special could your next Teddy Bear gift be?

One of our contributors here at REVIEW THIS REVIEWS, makes hand made bears and other animals all available at her Etsy Shop, just click the link  CoastalCrochet Crafts !  I'm sure Miss Elf (as she's known here) would only be too happy to send you one of her "special bears".  

There are many days in the year dedicated to celebrating Teddy Bears and I love to celebrate often.  It certainly has made 2020 more enjoyable.  Teddies don't worry about spreading anything but love!

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