Cherry Blossom Postcard by Sylvestermouse |
I woke up this morning myself to a gloriously beautiful day. Spring has truly arrived in my backyard and our region. After days of heavy rain and flooding, I am grateful to see a lovely blue sky and blooming trees. As I stood in my window looking out at the beauty of the day, I couldn't help but think it doesn't quite seem right that it would be so magnificent on the day Christians commemorate the crucifixion of Christ. Frankly, those harsh stormy days we have so recently endured would seem more appropriate.
Many refer to Good Friday as Black Friday. In my humble opinion, either is apt.
Good Friday or Black Friday
I have always found it interesting to hear what others think, how they view the religious holiday referred to as Good Friday on calendars.
Easter Sunday
Good Friday is always followed by Easter Sunday, the day we celebrate the resurrection of Christ from the grave and His ascension into heaven.
Regardless of the title you apply to today, I sincerely hope you will all have a wonderful Great Friday and a glorious Easter Sunday! We can't have one without the other.
Romans 1:16
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