Showing posts with label Kids Crafts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kids Crafts. Show all posts

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Learning through Crafts

paper egg and chick craft
Crafting with little ones is perfect for bringing out their creative side, nurturing their inner artist and exercising their imagination. But crafts can also be a wonderful learning tool in other ways as well.

As an unschooling home educator, I use play and art as part of the learning process. We learn and craft with the seasons, the things we see and do daily, and whatever interests my children currently have. 

Of course, right now it is coming up to Easter, so there are lots of beautiful spring, egg and other Easter themes in abundance! We have been making these chick in egg cards (left) to send to my daughter's friends and pen pals, a prime example of learning as we craft. The activity led to a discussion about the life cycle of the chicken, farms, and whether there are chicks in the eggs that we have in the fridge! 

We also belong to a home educators book club on Facebook, which has a different book to read every week or fortnight, and we incorporate lots of crafts and similar activities alongside the reading of the books. We've made stick people in the forest for Stickman (below left), play dough aliens (below centre) and a washing line full of colourful cut-out pants for Aliens Love Underpants (below right, which prompted a mini science lesson on the weather, how clothes get dry, and what we could use to "dry" our craft by representing the wind and sun). Not to mention Jack and the Beanstalk stick puppets, Room on the Broom peg dolls, Three Little Pig houses made of smoothie boxes - well, you get the idea! 

child making crafts

So, when you craft together, think about what other elements you can bring in to teach your child, to make learning fun! Even simple concepts like cutting paper or lacing beads (motor skills), counting out or measuring materials (maths), or trying out a new way of painting (art) are teaching key lessons.

Here are some ideas for the season for you! hlkljgk shows you how to dye eggs naturally for Easter in her Natural Egg Colouring lens. This activity combines craft with science, as you can explain the dyeing process and so on.

You can also get inspired by general craft ideas and apply an Easter theme. Here I show you How to Make a Shadow Puppet. You can teach children a basic history of shadow puppetry or the science of reflection and shadow, and create an Easter puppet show at the same time! 

Finally, why not inspire further crafting this Easter by popping a crafty gift egg inside your child's Easter basket? CorrinnaJohnson has some beautiful examples of these in her lenCrafty Non-Candy Easter Egg Surprises

Happy Easter, and happy crafting!  


Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Getting Green and Thrifty with your Crafting!

recycling items, household junk and natural items in your crafting
This week is all about recycling! In these harder economic times, parents are looking for thrifty but fun activities for their kids, and there are endless ways that you can use recycling, household junk and natural items in your crafting - all you have to do is share your ideas with the world! Squidoo has the perfect format to do this - the How-To Lens Format.

Since we've started crafting with household junk, our the contents of our recycling bin have reduced dramatically - so we are really doing our bit for the environment by re-using, which is even better than recycling! This lovely pile on the left is just a fraction of what we have put aside for making things.

Kids craft tutorials are huge on social media sites like Facebook and Pinterest, so if you have some ideas for tutorials, make sure you take some beautiful photos (stop by our very own mbgphoto's lenses for some photography tips if you need to brush up on your skills!) that will look enticing on sites like those - as your lens is more likely to be shared, pinned or even go viral!

These past few weeks, I've been out and about with the little ones at forest school, home ed groups and more, and in between, we've been busy making crafts for our weekly book club theme, which sees us choose a book and create activities around it. All of this has led to quite a bit of recycled crafting!

We made a bottle boat at forest school, which is a great way to use up an empty plastic bottle. Toilet rolls are a must in your junk craft box (we have a whole bin full waiting to be transformed!) - we recently turned ours into some beautiful bejeweled toilet roll owls at our home ed group (see below)! We got in the holiday spirit as well and turned another one into a cute little leprechaun for St. Patrick's Day.

toilet paper rolls crafts

You don't have to stick to How-To format lenses, although they are perfect for quick and easy craft tutorials. Squidoo's longer lens format is also perfect for more complex craft ideas, or for where you want to show off several variations on a theme, or a collection of recycled craft ideas. Don't forget you can use the how-to format as a module within the lens as well!

Be warned, however - once you start all this junk crafting, it's quite addictive, you know! I find myself looking at every day objects now and imagining what they look like or could become - believe me, you'll never look at a yoghurt pot or bottle cap the same way again!

We have several projects on our wishlist and a whole stash of recycling ready to use. We have empty cereal boxes waiting to be turned into frames for my 4 year old's artwork, and bottle tops from milk cartons ready to become wheels on a cardboard car. Speaking of card, seedplanter has some wonderful ideas for getting crafty with cardboard boxes (we have one such large monster box, waiting for warmer weather to arrive so we can take it outside, paint it and turn it into a rocket!)

rainbow made from dyed rice
You can also come up with craft projects which make things for children to play with. For example, we used up some old, out-of-date rice by dyeing it with food colouring to make some wonderful sensory tray rainbow rice (right).

Or share your recipes for homemade materials - eco mums like me LOVE recipes for play dough, paint and so on! Our very own Recycler Contributor, BearTale, shares this fabulous recipe for DIY sidewalk chalk that recycles egg shells!

All of these ideas make for perfect crafts to do on Earth Day, which is coming up on April 22nd.

 Finally, for an extra burst of recycling inspiration, why not have a peek at our under-fives craft boards on Pinterest? Tons of wonderful and inventive ideas to be found!

So go on, get out there, get green, and get crafty!

(c) All photos are copyright of the author (2014)

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Friday, February 21, 2014

Imagine, Create, Inspire!

child making crafts with playdoh
Today I'm going to talk about why it's so great to share your crafts for kids online, and the best ways to do it!

First off, crafting for little ones is so very important, because it encourages them to be creative and imaginative from an early age, makes for great messy play (also very important!) and can benefit them in a number of other ways, ranging from fine motor skills to learning counting, colours and shapes.

It can be hard to know where to start for new parents, so anything online that can help inspire moms and dads is a wonderful thing - it's where I started when I was a new mama! Reviews of books and kits, ideas for resource materials and basics, and step-by-step tutorials for different age groups are all so very helpful to your readers! And even when you're a crafting pro, fresh inspiration for your kids is always welcome, so any more complicated crafts and fabulous ideas you may have are perfect for young crafters as well!

Remember, everything that you do with your kids that makes them happy, could make other children happy too! Sharing resources with other parents means you are inspiring others to imagine and create their own crafts and fun ideas.

As the Little Crafty Kids Contributor, writing about kids crafts comes easy for me because, chances are, we'll be doing crafts weekly anyway, I'll be taking photos anyway, and I'll be wanting to share them online anyway! So it's really easy to find things to write about each week. Plus I love doing it, so hopefully that shows in the writing! Be inspired by the seasons, festivals and events, what you can find in your recycling bin, or the story you've been reading together at bedtime. What can you make today?

child finger painting

To write a great article or tutorial about what you're doing with your kids, make sure you take nice, clear photos of each step, as well as the finished result! It can help to have a not-too-cluttered background, but hey, this is parenting, so that's not essential! Take some colourful pictures of the materials you're using, too. Pictures of your children actually doing the crafts are fab, but if you prefer not to put pictures of them on the internet, then take back-of-head shots of them crafting, or shots of each stage on the tabletop. If you're a wiz in a photo editing program, then you could make a montage of some of the photos with a tagline like "How to make a Toy Oven out of an Old Box" or "10 Great Crafts to Make with Pine Cones"! You could use this as an intro photo and also to promote the article on social media, especially great for visual ones like Facebook and Pinterest.

Think about niches and keywords, and how to get traffic for different kinds of craft articles. Individual how-to's might not get many searches, especially if your tutorial is something unusual, but if you can slot it into a niche phrase that is searched for, then write a piece that incorporates it - for example, you might have a review of an Easter Make and Do book, a tutorial on how to make an Easter bonnet, and a how-to on different ways to dye and decorate eggs, and so on. Write a lens or blog post on "Fun Easter Activities for Preschoolers" or "Easy Easter Crafts for Toddlers" and link to each of your related articles!

How else can you help other moms and dads? Last time I talked about reviewing craft kits. Craft books are also great to review - most parents will want to buy at least one or two of these, but there are so many out there, a really good selection of reviews can help them choose. If you put effort into your reviews and really show your enthusiasm or passion for the book (along with things you've actually made) then your readers will turn into shoppers!

Share your thoughts on:
  • The ease of instructions for each craft
  • Age suitability
  • How clear/inspiring/beautiful the photos are
  • How many projects and ideas there are
  • Levels of difficulty
  • Do they work? Are they easy to make? Are there good challenges? 
  • And most importantly - do your children enjoy making the projects? 
 I created a list of craft books suitable for under-fives here, which you can use as a starting point for writing a book review. There have been some fantastic reviews written by Squidoo'ers in the last few weeks, such as this review of Show Me a Story by MeltedRachel, which shows the passion she has for the book as well as lovely photos of how she used inspiration from it to make story mats and maps from her leftover textiles. Meanwhile, tonyleather shared this bumper binder of books for making things from household items, which gets his granddaughter in the creative mood! Finally, CorrinnaJohnson gives a great example of how to review a seasonal crafts book with her take on Valentine Things to Make and Do.

bumper binder of books

Of course, when it comes to crafts for little ones, you don't have to just stick to basic crafts - you could also come up with recipes and ideas for materials (home-made paint, play-dough and so on), crafts to create toys and other items (we've been making rainbow rice for sensory play, and we've saved an enormous cardboard box to make a rocket out of!), and crafts for grown-ups to make things for preschoolers. The sky is the limit when it comes to creativity!

Next time I'll be looking at making recycled crafts from household items. Happy crafting!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Monday, February 3, 2014

Get Kitted Out for Crafting

jumbo craft jar

As any fan of crafting with kids will know, having a supply of craft essentials on hand is a must for when your little ones cry, "I want to craft!" or "I'm bored!"

This is where craft kits can come in very handy. My personal favourite craft "kit" is our own haberdashery box of recycled household junk, bits of ribbon, material offcuts and so on, that we can delve into and use to create something new and wonderful. However, you do need a few things to help you turn the junk into gems - and for kids, you need to be thinking googley eyes, pom poms, pipe cleaners, sequins and sparkles (along with a set of paints and pens, of course!). We love this jumbo craft jar pictured left - Santa brought it two Christmasses ago and it's still going strong!

Recently I've been asking craft-loving folks to review the best kids craft kits for the under-fives. If you have a favourite kit, whether it's shown on this list or not, please share a review with us!

I've been enjoying the reviews of everything from basic kits to paint your own sets, and adding a few reviews of my own, including this one of our favourite kit to dip into, the Mister Maker Doodle Drawers.

Groovyfinds reviewed the fabulous "My Crafty Kit" by Alex Toys, which not only comes jam packed with lots of crafting goodies, but also comes packed in a handy case with a handle, so perfect for little crafters on the go!

Another great-sounding kit is the Faber Castell Big Fun Crafts Kit, reviewed here by tonyleather after it proved a big hit with his granddaughter. 

Once you've got your basics covered, you can delve into more specific kits, such as paint-your-own models, sequin and mosaic designs, decorate-your-own kits, first sewing kits, stamping sets, cutting sets and many, many more. One such kit which my little girl would love is the Breyer Paint your Own Horse Kit which has been reviewed by KarenTBTEN.

So, if you have a craft kit at home which your preschoolers adore, please share! Or if you make your own kits up, why not write a how-to on making your own craft kit?

Tips on Reviewing Craft Products:

  • Tell your readers an overview of what is in the kit
  • Review the quality of the items, whether there is value for money, the variety inside
  • Share photos and descriptions of some of the things your child made using the items
  • Did your child like it? 
  • Would you recommend it to others, or buy it again? 
  • What could be improved, or was it just right? How does it compare to other kits you've used? 

In the meantime, happy crafting! If you're stuck for ideas, why not stop by the Little Crafty Kids community on Pinterest?

There are several great themes to explore crafting this month - we'll be:
  • Making Brighid crosses and paper spring flowers for Imbolc (2nd February)
  • Making heart-themed crafts for Valentine's Day (14th February) 
  • Making friendship bracelets to celebrate International Friendship Day (and sending them to my daughter's penpals) 
  • Crafting little bird houses and feeders for National Wild Bird Feeding Month

How about you?

Photo Credit: Our Jumbo Craft Set before we started delving in and having fun with it!

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Let's Get Creative! I'm the "Little Crafty Kids" Contributor on Squidoo

missmerfaery contributor on Review This Reviews
Hello! I'm Louise - author, freelance writer and home educating mum from England - and I'm delighted to be writing here on Review This!

I'm the Little Crafty Kids Contributor on Squidoo, where you'll find me under the name of MissMerFaery. As a proud mama of two wonderful children, I am super excited to be sharing our crafting adventures with you, and will be asking you to share yours, too!

It's my job to showcase craft ideas, resources and reviews for crafting with the under-fives. So if you love getting creative with babies, toddlers and preschoolers, I want to hear from you! Parents, grandparents, teachers, and anyone who lives, works or spends time with children - that means you! Even if your little ones have all grown up now, perhaps you have memories and past craft ideas that you can share?

When I'm not busy crafting with my own little ones (I have a 4-year-old daughter and baby son), I'll be busy sharing our craft ideas and resources, reviewing our favourite craft kits and materials, providing craft tutorials, and much more. There will be some crafts for grown-ups too, for making toys, learning tools and other items for small children to play with!

But it's not all about us - I'll be looking for stellar craft ideas from everyone else, too! I'll be promoting top notch lenses on Squidoo, finding the best ideas from around the web, and inviting you to review your favourite products or create fun how-to's to share with other parents, caregivers and preschool teachers, so that we can spread the crafting bug everywhere!

I caught the crafting bug in my twenties, and it seems to have rubbed off on my little girl, too. She delves into her craft jar most days, eager to make something new! So if this all sounds familiar, why not share your knowledge and expertise?

Arts and crafts help little ones to develop their creativity and imagination, fine motor skills, artistic ability, and so much more. It's also great for recycling a wealth of materials, creating your own toys and games on a budget, and providing kids with fun activities that create good memories and teach them new skills!

So, I hope you will join me in creating a network of craft ideas for under-fives. To find out more, please stop by my
Little Crafty Kids Contributor page. You can also follow and enjoy all our ideas and inspirations on the Little Crafty Kids Network on Pinterest.

If you're not already on Squidoo, and would like to try your hand at sharing your passions (kids crafts and otherwise) then you can
join Squidoo for free, and enjoy a wonderful creative platform for your writing!

I'm a roving poster girl for Review This! so I'll be popping up now and again between the lovely regular writers here! I shall leave you with an invitation to
review the best kids crafts kits for under-fives, and look forward to seeing what you come up with! 

Note: The author may receive a commission from purchases made using links found in this article. “As an Amazon Associate, Ebay (EPN) and/or Esty (Awin) Affiliate, I (we) earn from qualifying purchases.”

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