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Wednesday, November 27, 2024

November, A Great Time to Pursue a New Hobby!

 For most of us who live in the Northern Hemisphere, the days are definitely getting shorter and the nights a lot longer.  Well that's what everyone says, but it's not really true.  The days are all still 24 hours long, it's just that when it gets dark at 5 p.m. the day seems that much shorter.

So what are you going to do now that you have more time indoors rather than out of doors?

Might I suggest it's a great time to take up a new hobby, or revive a hobby that you haven't done in a long time?

I'm personally taking up my knitting needles.  Why?  Well, let me tell you!  My mother who you have heard about in other reviews, was a knitter extraordinaire!  She could whip up a sweater in less than a week!  I'm talking about sweaters that had intricate patterns or several yarn/color changes and with long sleeves.  

The only problem was that her knitting was so fast, that neither my sister or I could keep up with her and she would get frustrated by our lack of dexterity!  Whenever we started a project, she would end up finishing it for us.  While we loved that (because we got a sweater faster), it did nothing to help us with our learning skills.  So it was a mixed blessing.


Actually, I feel kind of bad because I could have seen that she was slipping into dementia had I paid more attention to what was happening between her needles!  But that is another whole story!

Now I know that I will never have another sweater made by my mother, so I have to take up the hobby if I ever want another beautiful cardigan or pullover in my wardrobe. Oh I know the basics and remember them well, but I also want something that has a little pizzazz added! So now I am trolling You Tube channels to find the help and knitting circles at Senior's Centers for some added comaraderie.


For absolute beginners there are several channels to help you begin.  This is one that I watched and liked and you might like it as well from Frock and Fern!

If you can't stand listening to someone giving instructions, you can also buy books to show you with bright well done pictures so that you can move faster or slower depending on how you are enjoying this new experience.  Here are some great books and leaflets to help you along.

Knitting for Beginners Amazon Page!

You will find everything you need to know to start this new hobby and if you are a Prime Subscriber, you get next day delivery too!  

For myself, I know I will take up the knitting and keep at it, but if you are not sure that this is a hobby for you, you can go to your local Salvation Army/Good Will store and I'm sure you will find yarn and needles there for next to nothing.  If you don't enjoy this hobby you can donate it back to the same place you purchased it.  Nothing lost, just a little of your time.

I know I get lots of inspiration here on RTR ( especially from some of our contributors who make the most fantastic hand knitted and crocheted items. You can find all kinds of beautiful hand made goodies just check out

While I will take up the knitting, there is lots on these pages to help you decide what you are going to do with your extra indoor time now that it is here!  Happy Indoor Crafting Time for everyone!


  1. Olivia, I think it is very cool that you are going to take up your knitting hobby again. Relearning or rebeginning a past hobby, especially one taught to you by your mom, is very rewarding. As you know, I love to crochet. But before crochet, I tried knitting. I haven't gotten out my knitting needles in probably 40 years, but that is my winter redo as well. We'll have to keep each other posted on how we do with our new/old hobby. LOL.

    1. It is happening, slowly but surely. I have big dreams so need to get myself going.

  2. I learned to knit when I was in my pre-teens, but sadly did not keep practicing, therefore my knitting skills remained very basic. I picked it back up again when our daughter was born (my 20's) . It was a great, quiet hobby with a newborn in our home. I made a few very plain sweaters, easy patterns, 1 color, but once she was up and running (literally) I set it aside again. That was almost 40 years ago. Perhaps, it is time for me to pick up my knitting needles again and knit with you. And, yes, the cold winter months with dark settling on us early, is definitely the perfect time to knit or reacquaint oneself with a indoor hobby.

    1. Glad I'm not alone in this new/renewed interest. It seems that it is an art form that is having quite a revival, so there are lots of groups out there willing to help us when we need it.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. My mother, like yours, was expert at needlework. Although embroidery was her first love, she also knit gorgeous and intricate sweaters. My sister inherited her skill with needles, but my artistic and crafting skills went in different directions. I’m so glad that your interest in knitting has been revived and that you are enjoying learning new needlework skills!

    1. Thanks Margaret, I have an old sweater that she knit over 60 years ago and it still looks great. I'm enjoying the journey so far.

  5. Funny you should post about a new hobby - I've been thinking lately that the clock is ticking and I need to get to those things I wanted to accomplish!!! - I love to crochet, but I dare not start it up again, because I'd never go online again - (hmmm maybe that's a good thing)

    1. There is a time for everything. Knitting, while a great hobby makes you sit far too long as does being online. I guess I need a timer to keep the hours in balance.

  6. We've been getting some home remodeling done, so haven't had the time to think about a new hobby; just been trying to keep up with what I've already got started. Anyway, knitting is a lovely hobby and I wish you the best with it.


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