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Saturday, May 13, 2023

Visit Your Relatives Day – A Holiday Review

National Visit Your Relatives Day is celebrated yearly on May 18.

A group of people representing family

A Holiday Celebrating Family

Having recently returned from a visit to two of my grown children in two different states, along with their families, I was intrigued to discover the delightful holiday known as Visit Your Relatives Day.  And I highly recommend visiting family, both your close nuclear family  and extended family. 

So many events occur in family life – weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, new baby, graduations, etc. - each become more special when family can celebrate together.

My grandson Ryan with his grandma
Grandson and his G-Ma

On my recent visit, not only did I get to see my daughter and her husband in one city, but my daughter & I then traveled together to a nearby state to visit her brother and his family. The main feature of the trip was to celebrate my grandson's 21st birthday. 

In years past, families generally lived near each other, making spending time together fairly easy.  Today's lifestyles tend to take family members in many directions, with siblings and parents, aunts & uncles, cousins and grandparents living vast miles apart. Therefore, having a holiday to celebrate visiting family is a nice reminder to find ways to spend time together. 

Family Visits

With today's technology of cell phones, video calls, and the internet, it is easier than ever to 'keep in touch' with family on a regular basis with video calls and email.

But there really is no substitute for actual face to face interaction.  Physical contact with our relatives both near and far is important to our health and well-being.  It is also marvelous to be able to reconnect with each other and celebrate our memories and shared history.


Virtual communication is a long-distance treat between real-time visits, but there is really nothing that replaces an actual hug from a grandparent, holding your sibling's new baby in your arms, or being there in person to share your grandchild's birthday. 

So, on National Visit Your Relatives Day, reach out to a relative in any way you can, and always keep in touch. 

National Visit Your Relatives Day
May 18

For More Holiday Reviews, Check out ReviewThisReviews: Holidays

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*Holiday Review of National Visit Your Relatives Day is written by Wednesday Elf


  1. Family is extremely important and I certainly appreciate having a "visit your relatives day". While I may not need the encouragement, it does serve as a great reminder to reach out to those you may not see on a weekly basis. I know you had a wonderful time visiting your children and grandchildren recently. Totally awesome that you could do that! Happy belated birthday to your grandson too

    1. Thanks for the birthday wishes for Ryan, Mouse. He is so excited about being 21. He's looked forward to it for ages. :) It was a marvelous visit.

  2. With half (and soon most) of my family living on the opposite coast, I really do cherish our in-person visits. How wonderful to have a holiday dedicated to visiting our relatives!

    1. It's the perfect family-related holiday, Margaret. A nice reminder to keep in touch in-person and long distance.

  3. I'll have to remember this date, especially since we're empty nesting - down to one son living at home now! I can't believe it - visits are truly appreciated now - I can through this date in their faces lol

  4. So happy that you got a chance to visit with relatives that are a little farther away. Family is so important and making that effort so worthwhile. Celebrate whenever and however you can!


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