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Monday, June 10, 2024

Review: Jean Haines Atmospheric Watercolor Books

I was introduced to watercolorist Jean Haines in a watercolor class at the local art institute. I immediately felt a kindred spirit with her style, but with the difference of a beginning student hoping to one day be able to create original works inspired by her style - certainly not as a peer.

The entire beginner class loved her style and it was very helpful to have an established artist/teacher dissect how Jean Haines' paints in the realm of our learning different styles and techniques.

atmospheric watercolor books

I was inspired enough to purchase a few of her books with the acknowledgement this was a style I would hope to be able to incorporate, but still much learning and experience was needed.


I would classify her style as loose and expressive. The paintings in the Atmospheric Animals and Flowers books are definitley expressionist type paintings as well as beautiful. Her style is not painting or example a cardinal as one sees a cardinal in real time; she adds her own expressive twist.

Daniel Smith Watercolor paint and Haines have partnered with a master paint set with colors she prefers. The paint set is not required as paint manufacturers and brushes are so individual to each person. 

Step by step Instructions

The books contain step by step instructions which is so incredibly helpful for the beginner and advanced beginner painter. Beginner students will immediately notice she does not draw images on the paper as a guide first. Second beginner students will notice (and may not be familiar with the technique of wet on wet) which is wet paper first then paint directly on the paper with paint. No mixing the paint in a palette and then applying to paper.

Haines on Youtube

Jean Haines has quite a few videos on youtube, but (and smartly so!) provides snippets of upcoming lessons or ideas as she has a monthly subscription service to access the entire content. The snippets are a good whet you appetitite of what can be accessed for a price.

Jean Haines' website does provide the details of her work, workshops and online learning opportunity. The Haines books and online learning could be a great gift for the watercolorist in your circle!

A few Of Jean Haines' Books

Atmospheric Watercolours

Atmospheric Flowers

Atmospheric Animals

Colour & Light In Watercolour

World of Watercolour

Paint Yourself Calm


  1. I will definitely share this article with my daughter, whose favorite medium as an artist is in watercolors. Thanks for this interesing review, Tracey.

  2. I love artistic people and envy them because I don't have an artistic bone in my body. Watercolors are so pretty and soft feeling to me. I love them! I think I will have to figure out if one of my grands shows an interest, wouldn't that be nice? thanks Tracey for this review.

  3. I simply had to take a look at the books and I love the animals! I am intrigued by the idea of painting on a wet canvas. I can imagine how it would make the perfect canvas for watercolor painting. Very cool idea and review.

  4. Both my late father and my late father-in-law were talented amateur watercolor artists. I bet they would have loved Jean Haines’ work and lessons.

  5. This would make a sensational gift for someone in my family - what a terrific find to add to my list - I took a look at some of the art on the links (gorgeous)


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