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Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Review of Year End

One Year Ends Another Begins

As I write this we are celebrating the Year End of 2019 and welcoming in the new year and a new decade...2020. 

year end new begin
Wishing you all a Happy New Year
image courtesy of

Here is wishing you all the best in the coming year. I would like to leave you with this toast to end the year and begin our new one. It is a quote from Edith Pierce:

"We will open the book. It's pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and it's first chapter is New Year's Day."

As you fill the pages of your book of Opportunity, I hope you have few filled with sorrow and many filled with happiness. From myself and the other contributors of Review This, we wish you the best for this coming year and decade!


  1. Thank you for this apt bit of sentiment, Beverly, on this day that marks both an ending and a new beginning. Happy New Year and best wishes to you and yours.

  2. Beautiful quote. Happy New Year to you and yours

  3. Thank you Bev! Yes, it is the end of one and the beginning of another, but we could say this for every day of our lives too. May your days be blessed and full of promise! Happy New Year to you too!

  4. Beverly, what a wonderful quote, especially on this eve of not just a new year but also a new decade! Thank you, my friend. Wishing you and all our Contributors and visitors a beautiful and blessed 2020. ❤️πŸŽ‰πŸΎπŸ₯‚❤️

  5. We write our own stories and tomorrow begins the next chapter. Beautiful. Happy New Year everyone!

  6. Wishing you a book filled with happiness my friend! Happy New Year to you and to all of the contributors of Review This Reviews!

  7. Here's to your success, happiness and peace in 2020. Thanks for the good wishes, Happy New Year <3


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