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Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Reviewing Totes For The Bride

A Bridal Tote (When you know she will need it)

We were thrilled last month when our daughter's special guy popped the question and she said, "Yes!". So, now there is a wedding to be planned and I am already thinking ahead. Obviously, my daughter and her fiance will do most of the planning so that their day will be perfect for the two of them, but there are things that I can prepare for that they may not think of. For instance, I know that a tote for the bride will be something that she will need but won't think of.

I love my daughter dearly but she did not inherit my organizational gene. Then again, she might have but has suppressed it because I drove her crazy as a child with my lists for everything! Let's be honest, on her best day she forgets stuff like what she needs from the grocery or a shopping trip. She makes more trips than necessary because she didn't write down what she really needed to get which results in not having the very thing she needed to cook or perform a task with. I can't tell you how many times I have seen "that look" come over her face and I will say, "What did you forget, Sweet Pea?"

Knowing this about my lovely daughter, I think that a special Bride's Tote will be one of the gifts that I can give her for the wedding. The morning of the wedding, I can help her pack it with all of the things she will need to take to the church. You know like make-up, slippers to wear while getting dressed, hair supplies, tissues and all sorts of bridal necessities. (I'll make a list!) This will not be a day for her to realize that she forgot something that she will really need!

I like the sample shown above because it is a nice size and has some inside pockets for placing small items in. I also like the simplicity of it. The tote looks pretty sturdy and should hold everything she will need to take in order to get ready to walk down the aisle.

There are many options when it comes to a bridal tote and you can even get ones that are for the wedding party. I might suggest that to my daughter as a gift for her attendants but that will be up to her. She can get one that matches the one I give her or she can pick one that is totally different. There are so many sizes and styles to choose from. I do plan to look on Zazzle also because I know there will be some unique and different styles to choose from there.

I plan to give this tote for the bride to my daughter at one of the showers that will be held for her. I'll pack it with some fun things and use it as the "gift bag" so to speak. There might be a few things that I think she will need for the day of the wedding but I'll also put things like her favorite lotion, bath salts and spa type items that she can pamper herself with before the wedding.

As I have begun my search for the perfect Bride's Tote, I have noticed that it is important to read the descriptions and the reviews. Sometimes, pictures are deceiving as to size so make sure the tote will be a good size for your bride. Construction (sturdiness) is important. I noticed on a few that I thought were pretty nice that the people who purchased them were disappointed because the tote was not of good quality so pay attention to all of those things.

I already know that she will be a stunning bride on her special day and if I can help her not be stressed about little things, well, that is my job as the Mother of the Bride. Along with her super organized Matron of Honor, we will help her get through the preparations and be able to walk down the aisle knowing that she didn't forget one thing.


  1. Congratulations and best wishes to your daughter! I love the way you wrote this. So sweet! A bridal tote bag really is a good idea no matter whether the lucky lady inherited the organization gene or not. The one you show here is very pretty. Great suggestions, as always!

  2. Congratulations and best wishes to your daughter! I love the way you wrote this. So sweet! A bridal tote bag really is a good idea no matter whether the lucky lady inherited the organization gene or not. The one you show here is very pretty. Great suggestions, as always!

  3. How wonderful for you and her to be planning a wedding. Both my Mom and myself are very organized so it was a very fun time for us. A tote is a great idea!!!

  4. First, I want to say congratulations to the happy couple! Now, I love, love, love the idea of a tote for the actual wedding day and I think you idea for a tote for the bridesmaids gifts would be awesome. Much nicer than carrying a few plastic bags full of stuff! Like you, I tend to plan ahead. I drove my children nuts too when they were little. I think they see the value of my lists and itineraries now though. If it were me, I would start my list for what to put in that bag today! lol It will make a wonderful shower gift too.

  5. What a sweet idea for a bride. Tote bags are SO handy and one especially for the bride is perfect. Congratulations to your daughter on her engagement and have fun with the wedding plans.

  6. Only a mom would think of this. But it's a great idea. I hope your daughter's wedding day will be all she hopes for and her marriage long and happy.


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