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Friday, March 6, 2015

Planting in Spring for Summer Beauty Review

garden journal
Gardeners are planners!  In order to have beautiful gardens year round, they must plan ahead, often planting months before they can expect to see the rewards for their labor.

In fall, we plant blubs for spring flowering, but in spring we plant for summer and fall flowers.

Many of us keep a journal of what we planted where.  That way we don't accidentally dig up bulbs or perennial plants.  Some blubs and plants are pretty forgiving and will simply bloom together or around each other.  Others would be ruined by accidental invasion, so we plot and plan well in advance and then wait for the glorious presentation of beautiful blooms.

Flowers to Plant in Spring for Summer Blooming  

When we plant our bulbs in the fall, it can seem like an eternity before the flowers bloom, but that is not the case with spring planting and summer flowers.  Here are some examples of flowers we plant now that will reward us before we know it.
  • Cornflower ~ Friend and gardener Beverly Owens recommends Coneflowers which not only have the benefit of beautiful blooms, but also attract butterflies and bees to our gardens.
  • Calla Lily ~ One of my personal favorites is the Calla Lily.   I have always planted a variety of colors, but Paula Atwell introduced me to the Black Star Calla Lily.  I am very excited about adding the Black Star to my blooming collection. 
  • Nasturtiums ~ This is another flower that is available in a variety of colors including a black Nasturtium.  These plants are fabulous for ground cover or as climbing flowers.
  • Alliums ~ Gorgeous spiral blooms that are a unique treat in any garden.  These flowers certainly don't look like your average garden bloom.  On Diary of a Wild Country Garden, Jasmine features Alliums, Freesias and Oriental Lilies.
  • Aster ~ Big and beautiful blooms for in summer and fall.  
  • Butterfly Bush ~ Attract additional beauty to your garden with a butterfly bush.
  • Astilbe ~ A delicate looking perennial that is actually very strong and resilient with gorgeous flowers and fern like foliage.
  • Delphiniums ~ The delphinium is lovely, but there is one concern, it can not tolerate extreme heat and hot temperature regions.  
  • Daylilies ~ If you live in the south, you can plant Daylilies in the spring for summer blooming, but northern region gardeners should wait until fall to plant Daylilies.

Late Summer / Early Fall Flowers


What to Do With Mums in Sprint
Depending on your region, some Mums will start to bloom in late summer.   Many regions do not see Mum blooms until fall, but I wanted to include them here simply because they can and should be planted in the spring and you will want to select a place for them while planning your garden.

Planting mums in the spring also gives the plant time to acclimate to your soil and to deep root.   Susan Deppner not only asks the question  What to do With Mums in Spring, but provides answers from experts and fellow gardeners.

Summer Flowers with Side Benefits


Sunflowers are not only gorgeous summer blooms that are planted in the spring, but their seeds and tubers are edible.

Likewise,  the beauty of the Nasturtium flowers is noted above, but did you know that Nasturtiums are edible and can be used for flavoring in food?  

Here are a few more summer flowers that are also sources food and nutrition.
  • Bee Balm
  • Johnny Jump-ups 
  • Lavender 
  • Marigolds
  • Roses
  • Squash Blossoms


I enjoy working and writing online.  There are so many wonderful articles shared by fellow online writers that encourage, inspire and teach freely.

Do you have an article about Summer Flowers that are planted in the spring that you would like to share?  Please leave the link in our guestbook below so we can visit your Summer Flowers article today.


  1. I'm not a gardener, but I truly admire the gardens of others and enjoy learning about various flowers. One of my favorite flowers is the Sunflower, perhaps due to the fact that I lived in Kansas for several years where the Sunflower is the State Flower. I do know about 'planning' for one's gardens because my grandmother was an avid gardener with a large border surrounding her entire back yard filled with more flowers than I can name. I can still remember her sitting in her rocking chair in the living room while snow was still on the ground spending hours reading seed catalogs and making a list of which seeds she would order that year. :-)

    1. You and my husband share a love for Sunflowers! They are his favorite flower. The prettiest Sunflowers we ever had in our yard were not planned or planted by us. The grew up under our birdfeeders, which were filled with sunflower seeds for the little birds feast. That only happened one year. I have often wondered why we were not the recipient of such wonderful gifts again, but I bet my little chipmunks could tell me :)

      Thank you for sharing the memories of your grandmother with us. I can easily see my grandmothers and my mother's influence in my own life when I look at my flowers.

    2. We try to plant sunflowers each year, but last summer it was a wash. Hopefully this year I'll have them again. I actually do have an article for spring & summer flowers, but the videos aren't working right now. You can check it out if you like. Maybe the videos will be working by then.

    3. Your videos are working great now Favored One. Thank you for sharing your article Spring Bulbs and Perennials with us. All the bulbs I planted in the fall seem to be anxious for spring too. The first stalks are breaking through the snow this week.

  2. I hope to get back to planting in Spring and Summer gardens one of these days!

    1. I have no doubt you will Heather. Those of us who love flowers and working in flower beds don't venture far away for long. Of course, you do have to settle down again to be able to do that. I know you are having a wonderful time on your world tour and I bet you are seeing some really gorgeous flowers and gardens everywhere you go.

  3. I find gardening and especially planting out in the Spring so good for me, my heart, my soul especially after a long winter. I love it !! Thank you so much for including my blog post from Diary of A Wild Country Garden on planning and planting summer bulbs. I do appreciate that. I am just waiting for the cold and frosts to pass to get out there !! Love your blog post :)

    1. Thank you Jasmine, and thank you for allowing me to feature your fabulous article. I am really looking forward to warmer weather. I am still looking out at snow right now and freezing temperatures, but I am ready!

  4. I've been lucky enough to purchase some bulbs this week for summer flowering - lilies and gladioli - along with a new yellow rose; they were from a spring gardening special offer which was nice. I have the fun of deciding where to put them all now! It was lovely to read your page and be reminded that the spring and then the summer is just around the corner along with the sunshine and flowering colour...

    1. Oh, Dreya! I can hardly wait to start planting a few new flowers myself. A new yellow rose bush would be a perfect addition to my garden too.

  5. I want to add more bird and bee-friendly flowers this year and see some wonderful ideas here. After this very cold winter, I'm really looking forward to some big, bright, blooms! Thanks so much for featuring my mums article, too!

  6. I want to add more bird and bee-friendly flowers this year and see some wonderful ideas here. After this very cold winter, I'm really looking forward to some big, bright, blooms! Thanks so much for featuring my mums article, too!

    1. You and me both Susan! It has been a very long, cold winter. I love your mums article, especially the poll. I think you posed a question many people ask about mums. Thank you!

  7. I wish I had more time to spend n my garden. I need to be planting more now if I want colors besides yellow and purple. But I will need to do something to feed the soil first. Just throwing seeds around won't do it.

    1. Barbara, I do know what you mean! I need to add a fresh layer of top soil in my beds myself this year. For years, I simply used Scotts top soil from Home Depot or Lowes, but I have found that I actually prefer Miracle Gro Soil.
      Miracle-Gro Garden Soil

  8. I am Terrible at being organized and writing what I plant and when I plant. Every year I vow to do a better job at being organized and every year I just wing it. Last year I bought sunflower seeds and planned on having sunflowers on the balcony, but I never figured out a big enough planter for them. Hopefully, this year. Lovely post.

  9. I'm not the worlds best gardener, so any articles with gardening tips that I get to read are a bonus. I like evergreens or perennials whenever possible - I've read a few of Coletta's articles and especially enjoyed the one on edible flowers!


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